

Unknown man, 1941, Sweden.

I stand on the dock and watch him bring the boat up to the tie-off point. Other fishermen in the harbor are watching him navigate the old wooden boat, snickering in amusement.
“Boy why are you naked?” I ask.
“Decided to go for a swim out there, Sir. If I get dressed afterwards, my clothes always get damp after a swim and I hate damp clothes.
Fine warm day today, so there was really no need to put on clothes in my opinion.”
“You have quite an audience. It does not bother you?”
He squints at me in the sun, a smile on his tanned face. “It doesn’t bother the ocean, so it doesn’t bother me. I only care what you think of me naked Sir.”
I sigh softly. He knows I live for every moment he takes his clothes off and how my eyes linger when he changes. The only thing that gets me to bed on time at night is knowing he’s warm and bare under the covers.
“I think highly of your body, boy… you must know that.”
He ties the boat off. “Still pleases me to hear it.”

Another fisherman nearby speaks up. “James, tell your boy to put some clothes on. If you got yourself a misses, well we’d be havin’ another conversation,
No one else out here wants to look at another man’s bait n tackle! though” That makes the other people near the dock howl.
I shrug. “Well, I tried boys, but I think he’s staying naked.” That makes them laugh harder. I glance at the bucket in the boy’s boat. “Dinner?”
“Yes sir.”
“Good work. Let’s head in. I peeled the potatoes already.”
He groans. “Thank you Sir. Hate potatoes.”
I knew.

He throws his bundle of clothes to me and I help him out of the boat. We walk down the dock and then down the road that follows the coast. Our home is at the end of the road, up a gravel path on top of a bluff that overlooks the beach. We have a chat about the weather, the waves, how the fish were biting, if we should make a cake tonight. People gawk and gasp at him, and women giggle. It’s hard for my boy to keep a straight face, but I can tell he’s enjoying causing a stir. He doesn’t care, and I love him for it.

Finally when we get home, he sets the bucket of fish down on the deck and stretches. “I’ll get to guttin’ em.”
I have other ideas. I take him to the bedroom instead. The ocean has dried on his skin instead of his clothing, and every inch of skin tastes salty and fresh. He’s a furnace, all tanned skin under tight muscles. I felt embarrassed later at the vigor I had taking him. I wouldn’t have been able to eat dinner without getting that release though. He has a way of getting to me, this son of a poor dockworker that had charmed his way into my life.

He glances at me afterwards, all flushed, hair mussed. “Didn’t know gutting fish turned you on so much.”
I snort “It’s not gutting fish. It’s the bait n tackle.”
He grins at me. “Well, that bait worked. I did pull in a very big fish today.”
“Did you just call me a fish?”
“Well you should see your ‘o’ face… ack!” I hit him with a pillow and we dissolve into laughter as he reaches for his to hit me back.

Captions are fictional.


Rashid considers the framed print over the fireplace. “That’s a nice Foo Fighters poster.”
“Thanks.” I stretch. “God, my leg’s still asleep.”
“Did you go to that show?”
“Yeah I did. The posters were almost sold out just thirty minutes in. Was lucky to grab one.”
“That is lucky. It’s really niece artwork. I didn’t think much of it last night-”
“We were a little distracted last night,” I interrupt.
Rashid chuffs through his nose. “Yes. But having slept on the floor after having some pretty damn good sex down here, I have a new angle to view it from, and I like it after all.”
“Who knew pretty damn good sex could turn you into a connoisseur of art.”
“Who knew. And who knows what would happen if we had sex in a museum.” Rashid stands up with a groan and looks around. “Actually, now that I can see your house in the daylight, I like it even more too. You have great style. Everything ties together so well.”
“Thank you, but are you just saying that cause you’re happy got laid last night and are trying to stay for breakfast, or do you like actually mean that?”
“Both?” Rashid grins. “Cause I’m starving but I want to spend the morning with you.” He wraps the blanket around his shoulders with no attempt to cover himself in the front.

I shamelessly stare at him from where I’m still on the floor. “Hm. I think I believe you. Cause looking at you in the daylight….”
Rashid waits for me to continue. “Yes?”
I shake my head. “Sorry. I was staring at your cock and I forgot what I was going to say.”
He laughs. “At least you’re honest.”
“Yeah! You’re fucking hot. And hung.”
Rashid blushes. “Now are you just saying that, or do you want me to stay for breakfast?”
I laugh. “I think there’s an echo in here. I want you to stay for breakfast cause I like you, but I think I want you to bend me over the table after we’re eating.”
Oh. I’m definitely staying for breakfast if there’s a chance of that.”
“Mn. I could spend like another thirty minutes sitting here on the floor staring up at you too, but I really have to pee.”
“I promise you can stare at my cock after you get out of the bathroom.”
I smile. “Keep talking and you’re gonna earn yourself some lunch too.”
Rashid looks pleased at this. “Ooo I’ll try. Hey, you have an Alexa. Can we play the Foo Fighters as we make breakfast?”
I make a noise from my throat. “Are you trying to stay the whole day?”
That makes him laugh again, and I realize how easy it’d be to just fall in love with a guy like Rashid. He helps me up, and makes some of his own jokes about staring at me while I insist it’s nothing worth looking at.

Rashid disagrees, and to highlight his interest, follows me Into the bathroom. He holds my cock as I pee, and it’s hilarious and I keep nearly missing because I’m laughing so hard. We end up groping each-other and we must take a shower before it gets out of hand. After a wash up, we bounce down to breakfast barely dressed. When Rashid pulls the eggs out of the fridge, I decide he is definitely bending me over the table after breakfast. I never get to tell him my decision though, because he comes over to flirt with me while I cut veg for the omelette and we end up having a rut against the counter while standing up!

Captions are fictional.


“Are you taking my picture now? I’m not wearing much.”
“Sure am. I want a nice photo of you. You worked hard on that body during Covid. A lot of pictures I have of you are just your face.”
“We did take a lot of stupid selfies on the couch. And in the car. And in bed.”
“You can’t tell we’re naked in some of those.” I grin.
He gives me that “you’re such a rapscallion” look. “Ok, fine. Take your photo.”
I adjust the focus and zoom and snap a couple. “Turn a little sideways. There. Good.” I take another two and put my camera away. “I appreciated that.”
“No problem. But if you wanted some half naked photos me to jerk off when I’m not there, you could have just asked.”
“Pfft. If it was for wanking, I would have requested you’d be naked. Some naked photos would be nice though…”
He raises an eyebrow. “You’d like photos of me naked?”
I blink. “Duh.”
He blushes. “Hmm. We’ll see how slutty I feel tonight.”

He leaves me to think about that and wades into the river for a swim. I end up taking my camera out again to take a few shots of him, until he begs me to come in and join him. Not a difficult choice. It’s muggy and humid, and the water is blissfully frigid. Once I get in, he swims up to me, puts his swimwear in my hands with a smirk on his face, and glides off. I swallow hard as his butt crests the water. God, what a tease! He knows I can’t bring my camera in the water! I groan and swim after him, wanting him immensely.

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Craig watched Harrison’s houseboy rinse off after grilling dinner on a humid summer night. “Damn, Harrison, I can’t get over the ass on your boy. Just what a fine specimen.”
“Why thank you Craig. I do enjoy having him around, I’ve enjoyed every second of him being in my service.”
Jack spoke up. “I admire the restraint you have Harrison, cause I’d spend all day playing with that body of his…or having him sit on my lap while I’m working.”
“He can’t get his chores done sitting on my lap, and I would never get any work done with him there anyway.”
The other two men chuckled.
“Something so satisfying about a good houseboy. Like, society didn’t carve out a place for them, but we knew they are god-given so we carved a place out for them – and they came to us.” Jack leaned back in his chair and sighed.
“Are you getting spiritual there Jack?” Craig asked.
“Hey if the higher power created houseboys in his own image, I’m going to church more.”
Harrison snickered. “Amen to that.” They clinked beer bottles and drank to that.
“Mn,” Craig said as an after thought. “Still a fine ass though.”
“And the calves.” Jack added.
“I like the way his legs are proportioned in kind of an hourglass way.”
“Yeah, the taper around the ankles is nice,” Jack agreed.
Harrison spoke up. “I like the way his thigh muscles cut in around the top of his knees, creates nice shadows.”
“I like the ripples in his back.”
“Shoulders, can’t forget shoulders.”
“And a nice personality too. Just always happy to serve.” Jack this time.
“And he does seem to enjoy it. Has a natural knack for it,” Craig piped up.
“Makes good coffee. And doesn’t put too much pepper on the eggs.”
“Makes real good brownies too.”

“You know what I like right now,” Craig gestured. “Is just how red he is turning. Look at his ears.”
Harrison laughed. “What’s that you say? He can hear us?” Well, aren’t we fools gentlemen. Don’t you all know not to flatter your houseboys? Goes to their heads is does. Turns em into divas.”
Craig put his empty bottle down. “We have made a grievous sin. Still. I stand by my first argument: that ass is fine.”
There was a chorus of “mmhmms” and head nods.
“You should be done rinsing off, boy. Turn off the water, and grab Craig another beer,” Harrison instructed.
“Y-yes Sir.” The young man turned off the water and grabbed a towel. He did have quite a red face.

“Oh, that reminds me,” Craig said.
“What?” asked Jack.
“We never talked about the front.”

The houseboy shot Craig a look of exasperation, which made them all laugh. After he got the men a refill of beer, Harrison crooked his finger and the young man curled up on his lap, safe his Master’s arms. When Jack and Craig got into a side conversation about something, Harrison took that moment to whisper in his boy’s ear. “You know, all those things we said were true.” It was delightful to see the houseboy start blushing all over again.

Captions are fictional.


They were both still fresh from the shower; they shrugged on shirts but found their skin too warm to button them up or finished getting dressed. Instead Val went downstairs to the kitchen and pulled the champagne out of the wine fridge.
“What’s this for?” Ricardo asked.
“Left over from a party this weekend.” Val pulled the temporary stopper out. It made a soft popping noise. Val poured two glasses and handed one to his friend.
“But what are we celebrating though?”
Val gestured upstairs and smirked. “We are toasting to a fine night of fucking those two fine boys, tormenting them to a beautiful insanity of sexual hysteria until they broke and gave themselves totally onto us to deliver them to salvation.”
Ricardo looked smug and took the glass. “I can toast to that. Man, what an ass that boy had. 21 years old. Nearly virgin…it begged for stripes. Begged. Boy had never cum properly in his life or been so decorated, I guarantee it.”
Val chuckled. “That may be so. To them!” The glasses clinked and they sipped.
Ricardo exhaled. “I could have gone longer.”
Val shook his head slightly. “They’re young, inexperienced. We must not use up our toys too quickly. They were worn out; they are going to sleep through the night, those two.”
“I hope those stripes stay till the morning.”
Val shrugged. “Well if not, just put on new ones.”
Ricardo moved to refill the glasses. “I am glad to know you my friend. You are my kind of pervert.”
Val laughed. "To friendship.” They clinked again and drank and set upon making a nice bite to eat. They had worked up a great appetite.

Captions are fictional.


“Alright, cock. I get it. You like guys. I’m sorry I tried to force you into those girls when you were clearly not happy about it. I appreciate you being a good sport and liking boobs though. Glad we agree on that. Anyway, after what happened with Paul this weekend, I think it’s pretty clear what you like. Paul just texted that he wants to see me again, so you’re gonna get what you want. So like, seriously, please stop with the weird penis demon orgy dreams where one of them looks like my old hockey coach from high school ok? I just had to change the sheets for the third time this week this morning. Ok? We good? Great.

Captions are fictional.


My my, are my eyes deceiving me? I can’t be a 100% sure, but I am pretty sure that boy has a chastity cage on under his swimtrunks. What is a boy like that doing all the way out here in these rural parts of Georgia? I suppose he’s come for a lake holiday like most of us, but he seems to be by himself. Shouldn’t there be a keyholder around here somewhere? If he were by himself, no doubt he’d be a bit concerned about getting relief he may need out here where Grindr don’t reach. He doesn’t look concerned at all, though. Or maybe he’s just good at using his toys. Maybe he’s self locked?
What a curious situation. Will have to keep an eye on that boy. He appears to be close in age to me, and not harsh on the eyes. I wasn’t hunting for a lay on this trip, but when an opportunity presents itself so beautifully, it’d be foolish to ignore it… even if he does have a keyholder, maybe they’d want some fresh company.

Captions are fictional.


James used to show at his clients’ houses in high end fashion brands, complete with matching accessories and a touch of make up. He always felt it was a bit silly, considering he’d be naked not long after walking into the door. So with this new client from Texas, James decided to try something else. He went to the thrift store and found a pair of tight black jeans. He threw on a basic white tee shirt that hugged his shoulders. It matched well with his favorite leather boots. A couple simple rings completed the look.

The client groaned upon laying eyes on James. Quickly he was all over him. He peeled that shirt off on the spot. He pulled James onto his lap and soon couldn’t stop rubbing James’ thighs in the denim or cupping his ass.
“Jesus christ, I’m in trouble,” the client muttered.
“Trouble?” James asked.
“Yeah, you’re going to make me very broke.”
James tried not to smirk and failed.

Captions are fictional.


“I can’t get used to this,” Jack muttered.
“Used to what?”
“This Speedo is so tight. So showy.”
“You have an insanely hot body, don’t you want to show it off?”
Jack looked down at himself as if this is news. “I mean. I don’t mind showing off, but, isn’t showing off my bulge too much? Feels like everyone can see every curve.”
“The color and pattern obscures the fine lines, but I can see you’re packing. You’re too old to be wearing long shorts like you’re a teena- Stop pullin’ the side down, you’re just being a tease now!”
“Sorry sorry. I like how it’s more snug than board shorts, but…still weird.”
As we stood there on the lake shore discuss the merits of Speedos, another man strolled by. “Hey gorgeous,” he said to Jack. “Hot look.” And he winked.
Jack opened his mouth to say something, but just barely stammered out a ‘thanks’ before the man was out of earshot.
See?” I said.
Jack adjusted the band of the underwear. “Guess there is some merit to this.”
“Well,” I shrugged. “If you don’t like it, you could go naked instead.”
Jack looked horrified. “No.”
I giggled. “You’re so easy to tease. Ok, now I have to teach you how to walk.”
“I know how to walk.” Jack replied. He tilted his head at me.
“No silly. Like, strut. I am going to force some confidence in you if it kills me.”
“I wish I could take some of yours. How do you get to be so confident?” Jack asked.
“Just time. Learning fashion, nutrition, and taking care of my body until I like what I saw in the mirror. But I picked up this guy once in a bar- typical nervous closeted office worker who desperately needed some pity sex- and he said to me, ‘What’s a hot guy like you want with a guy like me?’ and it blew my mind. No one had called me hot before. I never even thought of myself as hot. I took that guy back to my apartment, wore him out, and made him late for work the next day. And fixed his haircut. The sides were soooooooo bad.”
Jack smiled. “That does sound like you. You like to help people and leave em better than you found em.”
“I’m the Gay Red Cross. Wait no.” I thought and rubbed my chin with my fingers. “The Red St. Andrews Cross for Wayward Gays. That’s my charity.”
The reference to a piece of BDSM furniture made Jack snort out a laugh. “Nothing has described you so well in your whole life. Make that new your Grindr headline.”
“Oh my fucking god Jack, you are brilliant, Jack” I whipped out of my phone to do that. By the time I was done, Jack was hit on again, this time by a studly bear.
“Huh,” Jack said after he left. “Ok, I think I’m ready to start practicing strutting now.”
I clapped my hands together. “Excellent. I just love spending my time doing charity work.”
Jack shook his head. “You are too much!”
“You love me.”
“You are my best friend.” Jack blew a kiss at me.
I “caught” it. “Love you too. Ok, go stand over there. Stand up straight. Shoulders up, head back, walk with purpose! Count those steps! One two three four, five six seven eight!”

Captions are fictional.


Valentino lifts his head up at the sound of the back doors opening. “Oh, it’s you.”
“Oh guess you’re finally awake huh?”
“Yeah, late today. That piece of ass wore me the fuck out last night. I think he may have been a succubus or something.”
“I don’t know how you can be with guys like that… doesn’t it feel so artificial to you, that he’s probably pretending to enjoy it?”
Val glares at his brother. “First of all, no. Second of all, no. ‘Guys like that’ are professionals. They don’t take clients they don’t want to and can’t please. To them, sex is an art and they enjoy using what they’ve learned to give their clients pleasure – pleasure they also enjoy. They know we can pay half of that to just come in some plump ass and walk away, but we’re not paying them to be sex dolls.”
Angelo holds up his hands. “Jeez, I hit a sensitive subject. Sorry.”
“It’s not sensitive, you’re just wrong.”
Angelo dives into the pool. He swims over to the shallow end and stands up not far from Val. “Still, the transaction…there’s no connection to it. Don’t you want to be with someone who naturally goes after you?”
Val sighs. “I should repeat what I said earlier about how boys like the one in my bed upstairs don’t service clients they don’t want, but somehow I don’t think you’d listen the second time.”
“I still don’t believe it,” Angelo corrects.
Val waves his hand. “You have it all wrong. Maybe it isn’t this way for you, but my time is valuable. I get up at 6:30, work all damn day, exercise, make dinner, and then I finally get my leisure time. I don’t want to waste it trawling every loud, overpriced club searching for some guy to be interested in me, is interested in sex, and wants to go home with me. And who knows if we’re even compatible? That’s exhausting, time consuming, and pointless. When I hire a professional, it fits in my schedule perfectly and I always know the sex will be awesome. I’m worth it.”
Angelo narrows his eyes because he knows he’s been insulted. “Whatever. You gays are so shallow. Women aren’t like that.”
“Poor Angelo, you probably don’t even know you’ve been a pityfuck for some woman before. Maybe you should hire a professional sometime. Or maybe you should let that boy in my bed upstairs blow you. I think you’d be questioning some things after. He is good.” Val grins.
Angelo makes a face. “Watching a guy suck a cock seems wrong. Cocks are ugly.”
“Maybe yours is.”
“Fuck you, Val.”
Val laughs. “I like my cock. It brings me a lot of fun, and I spoil it.”
Angelo makes a face. “Gross.” He makes a dismissive hand gesture and goes to swim laps.

Val doesn’t know that the ‘hot piece of ass last night’ he hired to rock his world last night has been eavesdropping through the window as he ate his breakfast in the kitchen. Dorian sets his empty bowl aside to furiously text his best friend with what he was hearing. “Uh how do you thank your client for flattering the shit out of you when you can’t get a hard on and your hole is sore???”
“Hahaha! Just give him a massage. That always works for me. Just pressing your body against theirs gets them excited.”
“Oh girl you’re so smart. But first I have to stop blushing first before I can go out there! I look like a schoolgirl.” He runs for the freezer, and Val walks into the kitchen to get a drink only to see Dorian pressing frozen peas to his face.

Captions are fictional.