
You’re both a decade too old to be fooling around in the woods, discovering each-other. But on this trip to the National Park you’ve made an unexpected friend – a friend like you. A friend who looks at you the same way a woman does.

He’s now bare in front of you with the most beautiful penis you’ve ever seen, curved like an archer’s bow. You’re desperate to touch it, but also scared. Your hands are trembling. The kisses are distracting you enough to prevent you from panicking and running away. His lips are so soft. You put your hands on his shorts. So close. Close enough to feel the heat coming off of him. You want to touch, but you’re just so scared.
He reaches down and brings your hands to his cock. You gasp. He breaks the kiss and looks at you. “Was that wrong?”
“No no it’s…it’s …” You glance down in disbelief that you are actually touching him. You run his shaft along the palm of your hand in an exploratory way. “It’s good. Very good. This is nice.”
He smiles and moves to kiss you again. “Good. Please don’t stop.”
You curl your fingers around his cock. He arches into your hand. The feeling of that makes your head spin. A surge of want courses through you and the chatter and noise of the forest melts away. You push him down to the grass and stroke him with purpose. He moans out in pleasure and wraps his arms around you. Blood pounds in your ears. Yes, yes! This is right.
Captions are fictional.


Zane was taking thirst traps in front of the mirror, because frankly the vapid validation on Grindr and Tiktok made him feel better about the bad day he had. Suddenly, he heard a noise.

Zane paused the music on his phone playing from the bluetooth speaker and tilted his head like a confused puppy. Someone was knocking at his door. It was nearly 9 pm. Zane pulled on a pair of athletic shorts, grabbed his phone, and wandered into the living room. He set his phone on the arm of the couch, and checked to make sure the baseball bat was leaning against the wall next to the front door of his apartment. He cracked door cautiously, sticking out only his head.

Zane was expecting to see one of the random drug addicts that roamed around this neighborhood at night, or his nutty cat lady neighbor who kept asking if he’d seen cats that had escaped. She had like ten and most of the time, they hadn’t escaped, she just couldn’t find them in her apartment amongst all the clutter. But this was a new face (Hispanic? Filipino?) of a young man in a puffy jacket he filled out well. Beanie. Tight fitting black jeans. Late 20s Bit of an emo vibe.. He was fiddling with something in his hands, which were clad in fingerless gloves. Zane assumed it was probably his phone.
“Hello? Can I help you?” Zane opened the door a bit more. The cold breeze gave him goosebumps and made his nipples harden.
The young man’s eyes widened; he almost looked panicked. “Uhhhh. Yeah um. Are you Zane Truman? I found a wallet today, the ID said you lived at this address.”

Zane’s jaw dropped. “Holy shit. I did, yeah. I’m not sure when I lost it, but considering I took public transit today I assumed I lost it there- thought it was a goner.” He held out his hand and the young man passed the wallet over.
Zane turned his wallet in his hands in disbelief. He opened it. His credit cards, ID, and cash were all in there. “Wow,” he murmured. The wallet seemed like an illusion; things like this never happened to him. “Thank you so much.”
“I’m happy I could get it back to you.”
“I can’t believe you actually brought it all the way out here to this sketchy party of town.” Zane took some bills out of the wallet. “Here please take this.”
The young man held up his hands. “No no, not needed at all. I don’t want anything in return.”
Zane furrowed his brow. “Nothing?”
“Nope. Nothing at all.”
“Damn. Guess there are nice people left in the world,” Zane said half to himself. He put the bills away.

The young man didn’t reply. He was looking at Zane’s tattooed body and legs, eyes half focused. Zane raised an eyebrow and cleared his throat. The young man snapped to attention. His face turned red. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to stare.”
“No, it’s ok, I don’t mind when people stare at my tattoos.”
“No, I mean, it’s just-,” The young man shifted his weight between his feet. “I think I recognize you.”
“Oh from where?” Zane asked, perplexed. He’d never seen this guy in his life. “From um, Grindr?” the young man squeaked.

Zane couldn’t help but laugh. It was his turn to blush. “Oh my god. Are you serious? My shirtless bathroom selfies are coming back to haunt me?”
“I mean, they were good pictures…”
“So, yes. I don’t remember getting a hit from you. Did you message me?”
“Me? Nooo I would never have a chance, you’re way too hot to respond to someone basic like me.”
Zane put his hands on his hips. “Now that is nonsense. For one, you’re cute, and two, I’m a slut and love attention from any man no matter what. I would have definitely shamelessly flirted with you.”
The young man tried to stammer out a response.
“What is your name by the way?” Zane asked.
“Alejandro,” he said.
Zane leaned back and grabbed his phone off the couch. Grindr was still open. He did a search to see who was in the area and found Alejandro with ease. With a grin, he sent a message. “If you don’t have to rush home, you’re welcome to come in for a bit.” Alejandro had an inkling of what he was doing and yet, he was still surprised when his phone dinged. He pulled it out of his pocket and giggled nervously as he read it. “I mean, I don’t need to be home right away tonight,” he wrote back.
Zane smiled as the message came through. He lowered his phone and stepped aside. “Please do come in.”
Alejandro gaze’s lingered on Zane’s chiseled tattooed torso, drifted down to his abs, and followed the dark trail of hair until it disappeared below the waistline of those shorts. Shorts that did nothing to hide the curve of what was held within.
Alejandro’s feet moved forward on their own, and he found himself in Zane’s apartment, taking off his coat. This was all completely crazy, probably the riskiest thing he’d ever done! But the more he stared at Zane, the more Alejandro wanted a reward.

Captions are fictional.


Andy snapped his gum. “Oh hi Justin!”
“Hi sweetheart. You got a new haircut.”
“I did, you like it?”
“Love it.” Justin insisted. “How’s work today?”
Andy ran his fingers under the hem of his thong and snapped it. “Doing great, feeling great. Thanks to you.”
“You did all the work,” Justin insisted.
Andy smiled. “I appreciate you so much.”
“Love you too. Now get out there, make the boys happy.”
Andy stuck out his butt. “Say that, but give me a spank.”
“Get out there and make the boys happy!” and Justin punctuated that with an open palm smack on that beautiful round ass.
“Woo!” Andy grinned and winked at him and danced down the bar.
Justin chuckled to himself and shook his head. What a character.

The man sitting next to Justin turned to look at him. “Is that your boyfriend?” He pointed in Andy’s direction.
Justin took a sip of his drink. “No, that’s my client.”
“Oh, I get it, he’s your escort?”
“No no, you have a bit wrong. I’m his therapist.”
The man blinked. He looked at Andy gyrating on the bar with confidence and glee and glanced back at Justin. “Are you taking new patients?”

Captions are fictional.


#Daniel Montoya

Cam exhaled. “Wait wait, do it again.”
“Yeah, pull it down and up again.”
Jake pulled the thong down and brought it up. “Like that?”
“Yeaaah… do it again.”
Jake grinned at Cam over his shoulder. He made a show about pulling the thong down while bending all the way over, making sure Cam could get a nice view of his hole and his balls. There was a groan behind him. Jake pulled the thong up slowly …slowly…until he was standing upright, and he made a dramatic show of lifting the thong back into place and letting the side straps sit on his hips. “How was that?”
“Well. I’m hard again.”
Jake barked out a laugh. “I’m flattered. How is that possible though you just fucked me five minutes ago. I’m pretty sure the condom in the trash is still warm.”
“I have no idea, but we still have one more condom right?”
Jake picked up the box. “Yeah we do. You serious, you want to go again?”
“Fuck yeah I do, get the lube and bend over the arm of the sofa.” Cam stood up and walked over while untying his sweatpants.
“I thought you wanted me to make dinner,” Jake teased as he rested his forearms on the arm of the sofa.
Cam grabbed a big handful of Jake’s ass. “This rump is my dinner.” He smacked it.
“God, I love it when you smack my ass like that.”
“Like this?” Cam did it again.
“Y-yeah. Fuck, now I’m hard. Bent over the arm of the sofa like this feels so slutty.”
“Wait until you’re being fucked over it.”
Jake put his head down and groaned. “Fuuuuck yeah, we’re doing it, fuck me again, Cam, fuck me!”
Captions are fictional.


“Christ in heaven, is it morning already?”
“Yes it is.” Frank said. He was standing at the foot of the bed.
“It can’t be morning already,” Donovan protested. “We weren’t up that late were we?”
“We went to bed at like 2 am,” Frank answered.
He stretched and let out a groan as his neck cracked. “Ah, theeeere it is.”
Donovan made of complaint into the pillow. “We should have just had a quickie.”
“Well, that was the plan. A little hand to hand action,
if I recall correctly. I’m not bothered being a little bit tired, we ended up having a lot of fun.”
“It was fun,” Donovan admitted. He curled up into a loose ball. “Your bed is illegally comfortable.”
Frank’s eyes roamed over Donovan’s body. “And you look illegally good in it. You have such a solid body, and such a big ass. I’m starting to see why I got so carried away, last night – you really excite me.”
Donovan lifted his arm and looked at Frank. “Well, that’s flattering. Are you trying to apologize for the insufficient sleep I got?”
“Maybe. Is it working?”
“…Yes,” Donovan grunted. He put his arm back down.
Frank snickered. “Come on big boy, get up. If not you’ll sleep till noon.”
“I think you need to come back into this bed and snuggle with me.”
“As much I want to be pressed against you, when I’m up, I’m up. And hungry,” Frank said.
Donovan rolled over on his back and let his knees fall to the side. “Does this change your mind?”
Frank stared. “I think I know how to wake you up.”
“Oh? How?”
Frank crawled back onto the bed and ran his tongue up the shaft of Donovan’s penis.
Donovan made a low purring noise in the back of his throat.
“If I give you a blowjob, will get you up after?” Frank asked.
“Fuck. Fine. But I reserve the right to take an afternoon nap later without you nagging me about being lazy.”
Frank lowered his head and got to work, but he was smiling the whole time. It felt like it was supposed to be a compromise, but Frank knew he was coming out the winner in this.
Captions are fictional.



Sometimes you don’t know whether you are going up or down.  

“Well, that was a lovely night out, but I am exhausted. I was going to take a bath, but I think I’ll fall asleep in there.” Aiden dropped his slacks and draped them over a chair.
“I’m worn out too. I can’t believe we’ve never eaten at that restaurant before.”
“Ne neither. That chocolate cake was incredible. The presentation of it alone!”
Finn hung his suit jacket in the closet and unbuttoned his shirt. It went into the laundry. “It did taste good, but I wasn’t looking at the food, as much I was looking at you. As was everyone else.”
Aiden gave Finn a demure look. “Were they?”
“They were. You looked stunning in that lace top and black slacks, and the scarf made it so classy. They all were jealous of you.” Finn put his slacks on the hanger and pulled on some sweatpants.
Aiden’s cheeks turned pink. “I was busy looking at you.”
“You. I wanted to kiss every cake crumb off your lip.” 
Finn walked up to Aiden and put his hands on his waist. “I wanted to take my foot out of my shoe and run it up your leg the whole time. It was hard to behave myself.”
“Maybe that’s why we don’t go out too much? All we end up wanting is to come back to the bedroom, it seems.”
Finn chuffs air out of his nose. “I think that’s more true than I want to think.” He dipped his hand and cupped Aiden. “Oh the lace is a little wet. Were you straining in your chastity device during dinner, princess?”
Aiden exhaled. “Very much,” he admitted. “It’s been tight all day. I almost didn’t wear the lace underwear because my balls are so full they almost spill out.”
“Is that why you didn’t wear the leather pants?”
“Yes, cause it would have been obvious.” 
“If you had done that, I would not behaved at all during dinner. I don’t think we would have made it out of the car” Finn pushed his hand between skin and lace and palmed Aiden’s testicles in his hand. “You are properly full and searing hot.”
Aiden whimpered and grasped onto Finn’s arms as Finn gently pulled and caressed.
“Look at that,” Finn murmured. “Leaking more. God you smell good.” Finn kissed Aiden and Aiden melted back. 
“I need you,” Aiden whispered.
Finn withdrew his hand to soft complaints. He licked his fingers. “Get undressed, love. I believe there’s some charge left on the vibrator still. I don’t want you to orgasm, but I can relieve a lot of that pressure.”
“I really really want to cum,” Aiden whispered.
Finn pressed a soft kiss to Aiden’s cherubic lips. “I have faith you will have your first hands-free orgasm in your device soon. Let’s save it until then.”
“I won’t last,” Aiden said.
“You have so far, and done it with grace. Once we relieve some of this pressure, it’ll be more tolerable.” Finn sat on the bed. “Finish undressing princess, I don’t want to tear your lace in bed. I know it was expensive.”
Aiden groaned. “You drive me insane.”
Finn chuckled. “You love it though don’t you? You’ve never yet asked me to unlock you once.” 
Aiden blushed. He shyly turned away from Finn instead without answering and slowly stripped off his lingerie.

Captions are fictional. The person I reblogged this from is the original poster and he has some really beautiful portraits on his Tumblr, I recommend following. 


Angel lifted his butt and watched it drop back into his place. It was not firm and muscular, but squishy and round. His abs were hidden under a soft paunch, and his legs would not be defined as toned. His cock was perhaps, something the ancient Greeks would find attractive, but also hidden in foreskin and a bit too much hair.

Angel remembered standing in the front of the mirror as a teenager, cringing, pointing out everything that was wrong. He made, and remade lists, of everything that needed to be fixed or improved. Starving himself hadn’t shortened the list. Exercising until he passed out hadn’t either. And putting out for any man who even looked his way hadn’t made him stop standing in front of the mirror and frowning. So he just covered up and rarely ventured out and kept to himself.

An yet.

This morning, the words of the man at the bar last night rung in his head clear as if they were recorded. The man had gently touched Angel’s arm as Angel passed him perched on a bar stool. “Sweetheart,” he said, in that classic gay lisp of an old New Yorker, “I have to say, I’ve seen you around here all night, and if I wasn’t very taken, I would put you in chastity and keep you as my pet.”

Angel turned around and beamed at his reflection in the mirror. For the first time, the list was blank.

Captions are fictional.


“Are you taking photo of my pussy?”
“Hell yes I am. It’s one of the most beautiful things I’ve seen in my life.”
“Aaahhh Papi, you’re so sweet. Making me even more horned up talking like that.”
“You have such a gift, Carlos. Much like a gorgeous cake, it almost seems sacrilegious to wreck it.”
“But Papi, if you don’t, then all the hard put into making it gorgeous goes to waste doesn’t it? It’d be such a shame if no one got to take a bite and taste it.”
John put his phone down and made circles on Carlos’s butt with his palms. “It would be a shame,” he sighed. “If I showed my friends this photo of your ass and told them I hadn’t fucked it, they would commit me to a mental asylum.”
“I promise you my ass will be so good, and your cock will love it so much, you’ll end up there anyway. Driven insane but how tight and perfect my ass is.”
“Is that why you were available? Cause you had to commit another client?”
Carlos laughed. “No, most of my clients are out of town. A lot of them are married you know, have to go home to families for Christmas.”
“Well I’m IN town because of Hannukah. So that worked out.”
“No. I thought about it, but no. Someone has to breed and seed men who need cock like plants need water, and I’m not wasting any time deny myself that fun.”
Carlos exhaled a shaky breath and broke out into goosebumps. “Madre de dios, I love a confident alpha man. Fuck, I’m even hornier now. Breed and seed me, Papi. Take me really hard.”
“You think your bed can hold us?”
“The bedframe is steel,” Carlos bragged.
“Damn straight it is.” John pulled back the thong string and let it snap back. Carlos yipped. "Alright, let’s cut the cake. What flavor is it?”
“Horchata,” Carlos purred.
John cupped his bulge and stroked it, making Carlos shiver. “That sounds about right – I do like the size of this cinnamon stick.”
Oh papi~ please fuck me I’m begging you!”
John hadn’t let go of Carlos as he leaned over to run his tongue along side the thong string. “Alright alright, but first, a taste…”

Captions are fictional.


The house is quiet, and you’re worried you’re not going to be able to stay awake much longer. It’s way past your bed time in your time zone. You snap to full attention at a small sound. You hadn’t heard a door open or close, but the hinges in the house didn’t squeak. That said, Earl had a good record of escaping undetected. You strain to hear. The sound of socked feet growing closer is unmistakable. Your door opens.  Your heart rate quickens. You glance over and Earl’s body fills the door frame.

“Hi,” you whisper. “Wonderin’ where you were.”
“Sshh,” Earl replies. He drops his boxers on the floor. You throw back the sheets. He chuffs air through his nose, and you imply that he’s a bit surprised to see you’re already naked. You figured it wasn’t worth putting on pajamas this time when you had to waste time takin’ em off anyway.

You fetch the lube under your pillow and pass it into his hands. The sounds of him preparing himself excites you a lot. He tells you to turn over on your stomach, and tuck your legs under, with his voice barely above a whisper. Earl doesn’t give you any prep and you hiss as he fills you with one motion. You pull away at the sting of being stretched, but Earl has his hand where your pelvis meets your thigh to keep you against him and you don’t get far. Earl understands though, and gives you a moment to adjust.

The second your muscles relax he begins to move with purpose. You bite your lip to keep from crying out in pleasure – the discomfort mixed with the force he’s handling you with has made you almost uncomfortably erect. You sense Earl’s frustration by his suppressed grunts and staccato thrusts. He is trying to pour a year’s worth of lost time into your ass.

Earl’s hips collide against your backside with bruising force as he puts his load up you. A strained noise escapes his throat. You can hear him panting through nostrils that must be flared. Heat and wetness flood you like a fire hose. You can’t help but moan. Earl clasps at hand over your mouth, and gives you a few more thrusts while he deposits the rest of his seed. You moan in full against his palm, knowing it’ll be silenced.

The hand melts away. His cock slips out, leaving a ghost behind. Earl reaches for a tissue off the night stand; he wipes himself and tosses it on the bed next to you. Without a word, he gets up, puts on his boxers, and exits like a ninja into the dark.

You can hear his more audible steps now going down to the kitchen. That’s always been his cover story – that’s he’s up getting a drink of water. It’s worked so far. Your sister bought it the last time, when she woke up to find him gone.

You prop yourself up on one hand and finish yourself off because it feels like you’re going to combust. The sex is still just as good as when you were seniors in high school. You can’t wait for tomorrow night. Really puts the “cum” in “coming home for Christmas”.

Captions are fictional.


“Two fingers! Much looser. Wearing that plug is working out well for you. Hand me the lube so I can put this back in, boy. After dinner we’ll test out how many inches of mine you can take now. You’re making great progress, I have a feeling I’ll be impressed with you later.” He lubricated the plug and slipped it back in. His boy squeaked. John pulled his boy’s sweatpants back up and swatted him on the butt with his clean hand. “There we go.”
“Fuck I’m already so horny…”
“The chastity cage is working as intended then. Don’t get distracted now, you need to make dinner still.”
“Yes sir. I won’t get distracted and burn it Sir.”
“That’s a good boy now. I’d hate to punish you when you’ve been making so much progress.”
“I like being told I’m making progress, Sir. Not good at very much…”
“Tsk. That cannot be true. You just haven’t found things you excel at. But it looks like that changing isn’t it?”
The boy smiles. “Yes, it does. I’m going to go make dinner.”
“Thatta boy. You excel at that too.”

Captions are fictional.