


I stand there in the entry way to our living room, hand paused while scratching the back of my neck. My mouth is frozen in mid-yawn. My house boy is perched on the mantel of our fireplace with feline grace, all curves and sunkissed bare limbs, gazing out onto the skyline. I work my dry mouth and swallow. He looks like he is part of the room, like I had a naked male version of the Little Mermaid statue from Copenhagen installed in my condo.

I pat my pocket, seeking my phone. I frame the shot and snap it. Perfect.

At the sound, my houseboy looks over his shoulder. “Oh, you’re up. Good afternoon, Sir. How was your nap?”
“Wonderful,” I reply. “I can’t wait until this client partnership is over and I can sleep like a normal person again.”
My houseboy gives me a wistful look. “It will be soon. Shall I get you some refreshments?”
“Mmnn. No, don’t get down. You can get it in a minute.” I walk over to him. “What are you looking at?”

My boy shrugs. “I just realized I never took the time to really look at the view you know? Been working so hard to keep your life and home in order since we moved here, but I spend most of it looking down. It’s beautiful.”
I run my palm over his thigh. I suddenly want him naked and spead open under me in an embarrassingly vulgar way.  
“What do you see?” I manage to say.
“Mmmn. There’s a bird of prey circling to the right there.”
“Oh? So there is.”
“There’s a red flag on that building over there. Someone is having a smoke break on that roof there. There’s a balloon caught on that line there…”
“You see a lot.”
My houseboy looks pleased that I’m interested. “I wonder what I could see if I had that bird’s vision.”
“Probably ants on the sidewalk,” I guess.
“Mmmn. Possibly.” My houseboy looks at me. I position his chin with my pointer finger and kiss him. He leans in, and I give him my tongue. A soft groan escapes from lips. “God, I love it when you kiss me for no reason.”
“Oh there is always a reason,” I insist. “And I could use that refreshment now. Get two.”

My houseboy blinks, trying to snap back into focus. “Ye – yes Sir.” He slides off the mantel with noted grace. I watch that fine body as he sashays into the kitchen.

I sit on the sofa when he returns with two glasses. We sit and discuss dinner as we drink our iced tea. When I finish mine, I set it down on the tray.
“Another Sir?” My boy prompts.
“No,” I say, leaning in and caressing his jaw. “I want you.”
I take the glass out of his hand and put it on the table. I lean forward and guide him backwards until his back is on the sofa, over the afghan. I crawl up onto the cushions and settle between his legs.

He is always naked. I chose not to lock him and instead make him come to me to ask for relief, which is just the right amount of control and humiliation to set me off. He has been so good so far in learning that his cock is mine to touch and handle first. I enjoy a palm full of the hardening thing as I push down my boxers and extract mine out.

We always hide lube and condoms under the sofa seat cushions, and I’m pleased my houseboy remembered to put them there after we moved.

He takes me like a pro – hot and tight, without needing to be stretched. Every inch pushed in makes him mewl and wiggle like a kitten. “Good boy,” I grunt, beginning my thrusts almost immediately. He responds by wrapping his legs around my back.

I reposition and push inside him deep, and I know I hit his spot because pre-cum spurts all over my hand. I rub his cockhead with my thumb and he shivers tremendously.
“Yes. Yes, like that boy,” I murmur. He whimpers my name.

I finish taking him with a breathless pace. I’m feeling particularly amorous and grant him an orgasm with mine – but after mine, of course. I mark him with hickeys and licks, and enjoy feeling him soften and relax under me. I nuzzle his swan like neck. “I could use another refreshment now.”
“Wh – when my legs work again, Sir, I will obey that order.”
I smirk at him and chuff under my breath. “So it shall be.” I caress his sensitive little cock until he’s sweating under me and protesting dearly, but I relent once he’s shot again – a little clear fluid under his belly button. I lick him until he’s giggling cause he’s ticklish, and then my lust is sated.

The next day, I go out and buy him a pair of binoculars and leave them on the mantel. I also give him a journal to write down his finds.

He clearly loved his presents, because my boy drew hearts on my pancakes with chocolate syrup for a week after. When he stopped, I told him not to cause I loved it so much. I love him so much.

Captions are fictional. I didn’t realize this was a selfie by OP. Beautiful work.
The skyline is of Brooklyn apparently.

Also I didn’t know the OP had put a Little Mermaid reference into his tags until after I wrote this, lol.



Preparations for a Dapper day 👍🏻 @sinabrochar

#MensFashion #MensWear #MensStyle #MensLook #MensClothing #MensSuitStyle #SuitAndTie #Dapper #Outfit #Fashion #Style #Hot #Look #Cool #Inspiration #Life #Repost #Photo #DapperGentsClub

“What are you staring at?” Robin asks, folding his flannel scarf.
“I’m watching you dress,” I reply, leaning against the wall with my foot pressed against it for support. “I just realized that I’d never seen you dress before.” Robin gives me a look and an eyebrow raise to convey that he’s never heard such an odious lie and is offended he thinks I’d swallow it. “You have seen me dress before. Plenty. All those times after we had sex, or after the shower – you know, before we moved in?”
I fuss with the band of my underwear, the only thing I’m wearing. “Well yeah, but you were always wearing jeans or something. I’ve never seen you dress for work.” 
“Not true. I’ve slept over at your place and gone to work the next morning, and more than once I might add.”
I can’t tamp down a small smile. “Nope. All those times you came out of the bathroom fully dressed in your work clothes, or I came out of the bathroom and you were already dressed.” 
“What’s so captivating about watching me dress for work?” Robin asks. 
I blush a little and switch feet. “I’ve never gotten to bathe you, and help moisturize you, and then taken the trimmer and touched up your beard. Then, I’ve never gotten to watch you put on your slacks, slide the delicate shirt fabric over your beautiful torso and watch it take shape over your muscles, then watch work those tiny buttons with the same fingers that stroke my cock so strong and tenderly…”  
Robin is fixated on me, and now he is blushing too.
“And you look so serious when picking your tie and suspenders, you’d think you were the President going on television or something. And then damn – there you are. Fashionable, stylish Robin. Looking utterly gorgeous and ready to take on the world.” 
 Robin just stares at me. He fumbles with the scarf in his hands. “I – I’m uh, wow,” he chuckles. “No one has ever said something like that to me before. It’s really flattering.” 
My smile widens. “It’s true. Just another perk of loving you and sharing a home with you.”  
Robin’s expression softens. “You are so beautiful with your words, you know that? Especially when they come out of those soft lips of yours….” 
It’s my turn to feel my ears burning. “Well, a poet has to have his muse.”

Robin glances aside and adjusts himself. “Turn around and put your hands against the wall.”

I raise both eyebrows. “Are you arresting me?”

“You wish. Which reminds me, I need to buy some handcuffs now that we have a headboard.” 
“Do as I say.”
I turn around and position myself like he asks, trying not to move too much. I love it when Robin gets bossy but it does not happen very often. I hear a drawer open and close. A moment later, I hear him get off the bed, which is followed by socked feet padding on the wood floor. Hands find my waist, which makes me jump. Robin kisses my shoulder and without asking permission, pushes down my underwear.

I gasp. This was a new type of play. I was eager to see where it went. When I turn my head towards him, I am given strict instructions to keep my gaze forward, to get real acquainted with that shade of Duck Eggshell White paint we used. A pair of smooth hands caress my hips and then my ass. I arch my spine and the hands squeezed me. I keen out into my arm, quickly becoming excited.

I hear the tear of paper, and the flick of a lid. I’m incredulous. He’s going to fuck me, just like this! Without even asking! I think it’s kind of thrilling to be wanted and lusted over and used like property. 
God, if he treats me like how he treats his clothing then I hope I’m his property.  I wait for Robin to stretch me but he does not. He just suites up and pushes in. The pain feels like a spark of electricity, but luckily I’m still a bit loose from all that dildo play last night. I feel virginal and Robin feels huge. I’m sure I’m drooling on the wall.
He rocks against me, sliding in and out. I try to meet his pace but it causes conflict with his pattern. Robin presses his fingers into my iliac grooves and pulls my hips up and back. Instantly, and impossibly, he slides in even deeper. I cry out, a ragged noise and strangled gasp. 
Robin groans. “I knew you could fit another inch.”  

I can feel the course fabric of his pants push up against me with every thrust. We don’t make it to ten. Robin stands up on his toes and pins me to the wall, wanting to be as close to me as possible when releasing his load. I hear him take in a huge lungful of air, hold it, and then release it after the orgasm peaks. His heat flows inside of me, and I wish he isn’t wearing a condom. I feel oddly happy and dizzy, and I realize I came when he did – all over the wall. “Shit,” I mutter. 
“Mmmn,” Robin replies, reaching around to play with my balls. We enjoy a moment together. A bird chirps outside.

“Now,” Robin purrs in my ear, pausing to teeth my ear lobe. “I have to go to work and earn bread for our household. You be good for me, do your chores, attend your grad classes, and when I get home, I want you to greet me wearing hardly anything ok?”
I press my forehead against the wall. Everything was still spinning. How could I feel so empty and yet still totally slutty after what Robin just said?
I nod.
“Fuck yeah. How about instead, totally naked?”
“…You’d do that for me?” Robin asks. 
“Anything for the man of my dreams. And don’t forget to take your lunch with you ok? I made it with love.”
“You made me lunch?” Robin replies, genuinely surprised. 
 “Just some left overs I packed last night,” I admit.
Robin slaps me on the butt once, making me yelp.
“Fuck, I wish I could stay home and just make love to you in every room of our new condo.”
I chuckle. “One day you should.” 
Robin nuzzles my shoulder and his beard scratches me. “One day I will. But today I must go in to work because someone made me a nice lunch and I do not want to waste it.”

Robin kisses the back of my neck, swats me on the butt again, and then drifts away. He throws the condom in the trash, cleans himself up. I watch him over my shoulder with doe eyes as he maneuvers his half tamed cock back into his jockstrap. Yeah, the man doesn’t even own normal underwear.  
We kiss good-bye, and he leaves, reluctantly. I pass out on the bed and listen for him closing the door. I cover my face with my hands and sigh in bliss. I never knew how wonderful mornings could be. An early jog, breakfast together, showers, sex…. I notice something and lift my head. Oh my god, I could see my drool spot and cum on the wall from the bed. I laugh. How embarrassing! I get up and go find the cleaner. We’re running low. I make a note to buy it in bulk next time. If this is how life is going to be living together, we’re going to need it.

Text is fictional. Picture is from and of Instagram user and fashion blogger. @sinabrochar.


“Welcome home Da–mmmmhhh,” Lars melts into a kiss. “Hi Bretty. You taste like chocolate. I missed you so much today.”
“Me too. Been thinking of you all day Lars.”
“Have you?” he asks, batting his lashes. “You missed me too?”
Brett answered by pressing more fierce kisses to Lars’ mouth, plundering him, and leaving him breathless. Brett’s hands soon moved from Lars’ waist to his front and begin to unbutton his pants.
“Oh Daddy’s in a mood isn’t h-mmmphh – oh I love it when you use your tongue~ ah!”
Brett spun Lars around and bent him over the counter top. No time was wasted pulling down his pants until his cock spilled out and his pussy was bare. “Brett!” he cried. 
Brett fumbled in a drawer for lube, but couldn’t find a condom. Fuck it. No time. He slapped a little on, and grabbed tight onto Lars’ hips. “You’re going to let me in right?”
Lars didn’t even get the ‘s’ out in ‘yes’. Brett pushed into his lover in one swift move, making the boy cry out and clamp down tight around him. It gave Brett veritgo – god he loved it when Lars pulled him in! 

“Yeah that’s it, oh god yeah that’s it. Fuck I’ve been wanting your pussy all day, just wanted to see you take me, boy,” Bretty growled. “No – down. Stay down. No touching. Arms on the counter. That’s it.“
Lars obeyed. His body moved independently from his brain. When the angle changed, Brett slid in even deeper. Brett moaned as his pulasting cock was fully enveloped and Lars whimpered as Daddy relentlessly took his ass.. Strong hands cupped Lars’ pecs and squeezed. Lars began to moan as loud as Brett when the fabric of his shirt rubbed against his sensitive nipples. 

Then, when it couldn’t get any better, Brett’s paw-sized hands sought Lars’ cock and began to stroke. All of Lars’ bones just turned to wax. His head drooped. “Oh Daddy! Oh god..Daddy – just- ah fuck feels so good!”
“Not as good as you feel to me,” Brett cooed. “That’s it. Push back on me. Damn you are such a good slut for me. Daddy likes his good slut.”
:I’m your slut Daddy, forever Daddy – my pussy loves you.”
“The feeling is mutual,” Brett snickered. He wrapped his arms around his boy’s thin waist. “It’s coming…it’s coming!-…aaaahh, there – there it is! Fuck!” Brett slammed into Lars like a freight train chugging with a hot engine. He bit his lip so hard it drew blood, and exploded into his boy’s body. Lars knew to let Daddy come first, and he was not far behind. When fingers teased his cockhead his knees trembled and cum gushed from his cock. 
“Daddy!” he squeaked. “Fuuuuuuuuuuck!” Lars’ feet cramped from how tight he was curling his toes. “Ohhh Daddy~”

And then it was over. They stilled, panting, connected. The scent of pheromones and sex and cum floated around them. Brett took a moment to enjoy feeling human again and ran his hands over Lars’ body, appreciating him. 
“Now that’s how Daddy likes to be welcomed home.”
“Mmnn,” Lars responded, pressing his forehead to the countertop, feeling like he was only standing because Brett was holding him up. “The feeling is mutual.”

Text is fictional. Full video here! I love it when Tumblr users source their shit.


“That was some good sex,” Amal says, exhaling.
“I’m surprised you can move,” I say, my voice tinged with admiration.
“I’m not moving for a while. Just going to enjoy this afterglow.”
“And you thought sex with a man wasn’t going to be as good as with a woman.”
Amal turns his head at me. “It wasn’t that. I was scared it was going to be better.”
I blinked. “Really?”
“And was it?”
“Yep,” he sighs, “Way better. The way I felt pounding your ass, man…being able to just let go. Just…fuck.” Amal takes another drag.
“Sorry,” I reply, smiling.
“No you’re not.”
“Absolutely not. When can we do it again?”
Amal chuckles. “When we can both move again.”
“Mmn. Give me twenty minutes. I’ll ride you,” I offer.
“Jesus christ, you’re going to make me into a chain smoker.”
That makes me laugh. I never thought corrupting a man could be so fun. Life could be so unexpectedly wonderful sometimes.

Text is fictional. This is Ranveer Singh.


I never show this photo to anyone. I quietly transfer it from computer to computer, phone to phone, but never show it to a soul. I think my face looks ridiculous but that is exactly how I felt that morning. I woke up and there was a cute, naked boy spread over my legs. It was that moment I remembered I was not a virgin anymore. I had slept with my boyfriend on prom night. I remember it being strange, and not what we expected it to be like, because we were so horny we couldn’t think straight. James seemed to know his way around his hole better than me, and he gave me great tips on how to stretch him. I think he was really really eager to be fucked by a real cock for the first time. I later found out James had quite a collection of dildos. 

But wow. Sex! I couldn’t believe I had done it. It was an amazing, visceral thing. And to top it off, I woke up with this adorable creature snuggling me like a koala. Even though I was 18 and my world was very small, I still think that was one of the best things to ever happen to me though. So hot, so torrid. Just how it’s supposed to be – a fumbling, sweaty fuck between lovey-dovey teenagers. 

I was awake before James was though and found myself pretty stuck. I didn’t want to get up. So, I did what I could do – take a photo. That was the first photo of me as a man. I was a boy no more. 

I wonder what James would think of this photo. Maybe I can find him on Facebook. He has a pretty distinct last name. Aaand there it is. Damn, he got even hotter in college. Oh hey, it says he’s single. Well that doesn’t have mean anything. I’ll just…send him a message here. He probably won’t – oh wow he responded right away. Hey James, how have you been?

Text is fictional.



These were taken before I had the base ring enlarged a bit, but the cage fits great. This is flaccid and erect in the cage.

I accepted a glass of cranberry juice with a dash of vodka and settled into the sofa. My beloved, sweet-faced houseboy was already massaging his bare feet. After a long day running around the stock exchange floor, I loved every second of it. After the formatlies of ‘hi-how-was-your-day’ and ‘what-did-you-do’, I moved into the conversation that really interested him.
“So Peche, I saw your Tumblr update on my lunch break.”
Peche momentarily paused, then continued the rub. “I’m really flattered you enjoy reading it so much Sir.”
“well, I think it’s good for a boy to reflect on his life a little. Encourage others to follow the same path.”
“Yes sir.”
“And I know you didn’t mean for it to be funny, but the twin photos of your cock had me laughing for like twenty minutes.”
Peche titled his blond head. “Pardon sir?”
I was trying to supress a chuckle even now. “Here…” I pulled out his phone, opened the Tumblr app, and scrolled. “Here. This. See? Your cock is shown flaccid and hard but -” I let a laugh slip – “It looks the same!”
Peche turned a deep red. “Well it – it doesn’t really-”
“It absolutely does. I have your little cocked locked up so tight it can’t harden at all. It’s all an illusion that it can harden, my pretty boy.”
Peche shifted on the floor, turning his Master’s socks rightside out. “Well – I am happy to please you Sir.”

“Mmm it pleases me very much. When I saw you naked the first time, I thought two things. One was that you took my breath away and that had never happened with a lover before; and the second thing was that you were absolutely born to wear a chastity device. The way your small member was straining so hard to impress – I felt so bad for it! You were so distracted with it, so obsessed with trying to make it bigger, trying to stroke it with your silppery fingers…” I sipped my drink. “It was a situation that begged to be rectified.” I watched Peche’s face. I could tell I was making him horny because the blush was high on his cheek bones. He wasn’t doing anything now but staring at me. I hoped he was imagining either the first time I fucked him, or the first time I fucked him in chastity. Both were equally memorable. The second night lasted much longer though. I sipped again.

“It’s just so much better now. Can you look at me and tell me you don’t like being horny for me all the time?”

Peche kneeled behind the coffee table and thought it over. He looked a bit surprised to be asked that. “well Sir…it’s…new,” he said carefully. “Being horny nearly all the time is strange. It takes discipline to set it aside and focus on other things, but when you take time to express my needs…it all seems to come back at once. It’s incredible the volume of lust I seem to feel, and at times, it feels like it will never end and I’m going insane. Then when it’s over, there’s the relief and the bliss, and I never want it to end. when it fades away, I want it again immediately. It’s almost like a drug. I hate it, but I want it, and …” Peche tilts his head again, in thought. “I realized I could either have a short, pleasurable sex experience and orgasm, or I could delay it and have more time coupling with you.” Peche suddenly looked down, shy. “I like the latter option.”

My jaw fell to my knees. Why had I never asked Peche these questions before? I wanted more personal, sensual responses like this. There was so much that went on in my houseboy’s head that I never knew about. Such a passionate boy. My heart throbbed for him. I swallowed hard. My pants were painfully tight. I set the glass on the coffee table with care because I was afraid I might drop it. “Peche,” I said softly. “Come here.” I patted my lap.
“…Am I going to be spanked?” he asked, timidly.
I choked on my spit and coughed. “Don’t be absurd. Now come here.”
Peched looked confused, but he obeyed, standing up and coming over to me on the sofa. He climbed on and I pulled him into my lap. I lifted his chin and kissed him fully, enjoying the way he tensed and then melted under me. I pressed my lips to his again and again, then I nibbled on his bottom lip and pounced once more. Peche was quickly breathless in my lap. My other hand wrapped around his package. He made ragged, frustrated noises in my ear. My pulse thudded wildly in response.

I dug around in the sofa cushions with my free hand, desperately searching for the bottle of lube I stashed there. I exhaled with relief when I found it.  
“Lift your ass, Peche,” I instructed, touching his hip. He rose over my lap, so I could reach down and free the length of my shaft from its confines. When the tip touched air, I moaned and began to rub lubricant into it. Peche was nuzzling me, kissing me, waiting for the moment when I would enter him.

He made quite a noise of surprise when I threw him down on the afghan spread over the cushions, onto his back. “God Peche you are so beautiful,” I murmured, caressing him from pec to pubic bone, enjoying the way his stomach muscles fluttered under me. Peche was red all over, blushed and a bit fuzzy, just like his namesake. His juices were dripping too. “Perfect.”

I pushed up his leg and positioned my cock. Peche’s toes curled before I even breached him, and if I hadn’t been so focused on this need to be in him, I likely would have laughed at that. His body was tight and put up good resistance, but it was not a match for me. I entered him with one thrust. Peche tensed so hard around me, it was if I was being pulled in with a tractor beam. He whimpered and fisted a pillow. “Sir!” he yelped. “Oh Sir!”
I released a big breath of air I was holding and swallowed hard. “Relax…relax,” I cooed. I didn’t move at first. I just enjoyed the view of this vulnerable houseboy, open and thrumming with sexual energy underneath me. And I had to admit, I was wrong. I could tell he was hard. His cock was dark and leaky. I cupped his balls, which made Peche arch his back and plead for me to move. Not yet. I kissed him on the lips, wishing I was flexible to bend in half and suck on his nipples. I had to settle with tweaking them with my fingers.

Peche suddenly gasped and pre-cum gushed from his chastity cage. His eyes were wet. He looked a bit overwhelmed. It was time. “It’s ok…I’m going to make you feel human again. When we are done here, I will have to tie a string to you or else you’ll float away.” I pulled out, and pushed in – slowly.
Peche’s gaze was glazed, faraway. He wrapped his thin fingers around my wrist. “Julian!” he cried.
“Shh shh…”

I bent over to kiss him again. The sun dipped low in the horizon, filling the room with an autumnal golden glow. I made love to Peche as thoroughly as I could, pushing past my two orgasms into a third, until Peche’s body gave up. Exhausted, I watched rapt, as an orgasm quaked through him from the inside out. He cried. I loved him. By that point, it was dark, and it felt like just the two of us were left in the world.

Peche woke up in the bath. I made him dinner later, and it confused him – even more so when I insisted I feed him. When he protested, I told him to shush. Part of being his Master meant more than just protecting and caring for him, as my houseboy. It meant doting on him and spoiling him once in a while to show him just how special he was to me.

Text is fictional.


“Alright, Tom. You know the drill. Won’t be much different than your usual exam. We’re just making your prostate is healthy before you get locked into chastity. You will be stimulating it a lot in order to release your build-up, so it’s important it’s 100% healthy. Hold your posture. That’s it.”
Tom sighed. He didn’t like other people touching his ass other than James. “Yes Doctor.” Tom adjusted his hands and tried to get comfortable. He’d been coming to this office since he was a kid, but everything else had changed – the doctor, the purpose of the visit, and well…the wall was a lot closer. If Tom recalled correctly, he’d smacked his head into it last time two times he had his anal health checked. No Sir, not this time. Tom was prepared. Tom was a bottom’s bottom. Sticking things up his ass was his idea of a fun evening. Nothing was going to –

Something cold suddenly pushed inside his tight sphincter and – bang! “Ow!” Tom exclaimed before he could stop himself.
Dr. Choudry chuckled. “Did you hit your head on the wall?”
“Sorry, I should have given you a little warning. People tend to tense up if I do, so I’ve learned not to.”
“I can handle it. I can take dildos bigger than your finger,” Tom sniffed, his pride wounded.
“Ok ok,” Dr. Choudry said with a smile. “I’ll put a note in your chart to give you a little warning next time. Alright, let’s see…everything feels normal. Cough please.”
Tom did so and try to resist the urge to pee, cum, and get hard all at once. God that prostate was a magical button. He could not wait to see how sensitive it got once he was not allowed an erection anymore. Not like he had much of a choice….James made that decision weeks ago. Tom didn’t mind as much though. James always seemed to have his best interests in mind. He liked that James pushed him a little. It really opened up his world to the potential of his own sex drive. Tom’s thoughts drifted to that time they borrowed the e-stim machine from Rick…

Tom was just getting used to that nice sensation of something up his passage when it slid out. He instintinctively looked over his shoulder to see where it went and if it would continue. After a moment, Dr. Choudry cleared his throat. “We’re uh, done. You can get dressed now.”
Tom tried to hide his slight disappointment. “Oh ok. Shit. That gave me a bit of a boner.”
“That’s normal, Tom. If you want, I can give you a moment to self-pleasure?”
Tom thought about it. “Let me text James.”
Dr. Choundry threw away his gloves and washed his hands. “You have such good discipline for such a sexually active boy as yourself.”
Tom smiled. “Thank you, Doctor.”

He texted with James, who was ready to respond, eager how his boyfriend’s appointment was going. After a moment, Tom lifted his head. “I’m not allowed to. He wants me pent up for tonight.”
“Tonight? What’s tonight?”
Tom bit his lip as he smiled. “Not sure. Maybe he’s going to finally lock me.”
Dr. Choudry was making notes. “Well use a lot of lube and play safe. I’ll bring you a cold washcloth to get your erection down.”

Tom sighed in relief. “Thank you Doctor. You know, since I started dating James, I’m starting to feel like the world is full of men who will gladly look out for me if they know I need a little help. I like that feeling. It feels …secure, I guess.”
The doctor clapped Tom on the shoulder. “I’m happy to hear it. As a doctor, my patient’s mental well-being is just as important as the physical. Anything to help keep you happy.”
Tom was sure if his cock wasn’t preventing him from putting on his pants that he would have hugged his physician.

When James picked Tom up from his appointment, he was amused to see that Tom got a sticker and a lollypop for good behavior.

Text is fictional.



Fuck yes, move that body, put on a show for your man, show off. You know you love the attention

If I could actually make coherent noises right now that weren’t mostly vowels or an array of moans, I would say to you that you’re either an idiot or naiive. I really think you’re just naiive. Do you not realize I’m not acting here? That it’s not a dance, or a performance. I’m not undulating around on the floor to appease you or to prop up your already puffed ego. I’m not being generous and trying to hide displeasure from an underwhelming fucking by over-compensating. 

I’m not moving like this on my own. My body is moving beyond the control of my mind, on its own, in response to the pleasure you are giving me. The way you fill me with your pillar of a cock and press your weight to my back side makes me hornier than a doe in heat. Did you notice I”m only half hard? I’m losing my mind here just by the way you’re stimulating my prostate. I can’t sit still, I can’t run away. This lust courses through my veins with no where to go, no way to disperse. Yet, I want more, oh god so much more, and I want it harder and deeper and slower and god do everything you can to me.

Do you think being on this floor on my knees is comfortable? You think I can’t smell the Pinesol under my nose? Don’t you realize none of it matters, because you’re fucking me so well that my brain has turned off that feedback so it can focus on the more interesting stuff? And it is interesting. It’s also driving me insane. Don’t say stupid shit to me while I’m in ecstasy. Mostly because I don’t want you to cheapen yourself. Why? Right now you are a God to me. Fucking act like it.

Text is fictional.


Raquel bit into the pillow, moaning loud as a steamboat horn. “Oh god, Papi, don’t stop! Don’t stop!”
“Don’t you worry baby, I won’t stop pounding your beautiful brown ass until all my cum is inside of you.”
“Harder, Papi!”
“That’s what I want to hear! Making up for all that lost time you thought you were straight huh? You like feeling me push my dick against your prostate gland huh?”
“Oh god, Papi, feels so good, feels so good…harder, harder!”
“I am, I am mijo. Woo, you are giving me a real ab work out here. My cock loves being inside of you. I’m not gonna last much longer. Milk me with your ass now, show me how grateful you are that I corrected your errant ways. Ohhh yeah, that’s a thankful boy.”

Text is fictional.


“…JJ, are you ok?”
“Uh huh.”
“You don’t look ok.”
“I’m exhausted.”
“What have you been doing today?”
“I went to Pride with Stevie.”
“Oh so you did go?”
“Yeah Thom…I heard there was gonna be a lot of dicks, so I went.”
“Did you see dicks?” I ask.
“Uh huh. I saw a lot of dicks. All these hot guys were all giving me these fruity drinks. I partied waaaayyy too hard. You should have gone.”
“JJ,” I tsk. “You know I’m a private homosexual. I don’t flaunt. I prefer a nice port and a book of Basho’s poems.”
“You are so stuffy.”
“You are such a twink” I shoot back
“You’re still my best friend.”
“I know, I know.” I fold my arms. “If it helps, your butt looks fantastic. All those squats are paying off.”
“You wanna fuck me, Thom?”

I laugh. “JJ how can you think of sex? I thought you were exhausted.”
“I am. But I’m horny….thinking of all those hot guys today,” he groans.
“You didn’t get laid?”
“No, I was too busy keeping an eye on Stevie because you know the trouble he gets into when he’s horny.”
“Uh huh.”
“You sure you don’t wanna fuck me?”
“Mm. We haven’t done that in a while.”
“Fuck mee…” he begs, his voice muffled into the mattress.
I smile. There’s a reason we’ve been best friends since I moved in with him.

“Alright. I’ll take you up on it.”
“Yay.” He says.
I try not to giggle at the flat tone of his voice. JJ still hasn’t moved an inch.

I remove my clothing and fetch the right things – the lube, a wet cloth, a dry cloth, and condoms. JJ doesn’t say anything as I settle on the bed and sit next to his thighs.
“You awake?”
“Uh huh. Very much. Just not moving.”
“Good, good.” I clean him with a wet wipe, and then begin to massage his ass, kneading the big buns with my hands. I move up JJ’s back until he’s groaning. I work my way back down and then part his legs.
“You have such big balls, JJ, how on Earth do you carry those every day?”
JJ snorts. “Well, I wear three pairs of underwear to hold em up,” he jokes.
I chuckle and pinch his butt. “Goofball.”

I drizzle lube over his butt like syrup on pancakes.
“What are you doing with all that lube?” JJ mutters. “It’s cold.”
“I’ll heat you up soon enough.”
“Mmm.” JJ says, satisfied.

I slip on finger rubbers and begin the slow process of stretching and scissoring. Soon JJ can’t help not acting like potato and soon he begins to vocalize. The deeper I push my digits, the louder he groans and starts to wiggle his hips. “God that feels sooo good.”

When I push on his prostate, he groans and arches his back a little. “More~” he pleads.
I push my digits in and out of JJ’s hole which is loosening around me. I slide a third finger in and JJ hasn’t been quiet in several minutes. I realize the reason why he’s wiggling is that he’s trying to rub his cock against the bed. I place my other hand on the base of his spine. “Hold still, JJ,” I coo.
“But feelsgood…” he mutters.
I stroke the back of his balls with my clean hand. He moans loud and I smother a laugh. “You’re ready for me?”
“Hell yeah…fuck me. I’m ready. I’m so relaxed. You’re the best roommie ever.
“We do get along pretty well,” I agree.

I discard the finger rubbers and slide a real one over my red, straining cock. It wants JJ’s ass. I straddle his shiny backside and position my cock right at his hole. I sigh in delight when his body does not resist at all. He opens up and pulls me in to his tight body.
“Very nice,” I say. “How do you feel?”
JJ cries out in need under me. “Don’t stay still – move. Fuck me, fuck meee~”
“Ok ok,” I reply. 

I shift my weight and thrust into him hard. JJ gasps. “Yes!”

I pull his hips up and set a familiar, traditional rhythm – in and down, out slow, in and down, out slow. JJ and I are soon crying out together. I push into his prostate and move his cock against the texture of the sheets, and he is loving being full of me. I’m sweating and grunting from the effort, because I want more of him with every motion.

“I’m coming!” JJ shouts, startling me, because his tone is loud and clear. His body goes very tight around me and he pushes his butt up to swallow all of me he can. I dig my fingers into his hips and bury myself balls deep into that hungry ass. JJ really did need a fucking. I can smell his cum as it pools under him. I feel a bit of pride in knowing I made him come hands-free.

“My turn,” I announce. He’s so tight! So hot! And suddenly my cum is pouring out of me, filling the condom. My head spins as the orgasms overwhelms. My breath hitches and I keen loud. “JJ! Oh lord JJ! …oh JJ you feel so good.”

“I can feel you fill the condom,” he replies. “So hot.”
“Did that hit the spot?”
“Mmhmm…” JJ hums. “I’m …I need a nap now,” he replies, matter of factly.
“Poor baby, you’re exhausted,” I tease.
“My life is hard,” he agrees with a yawn.

I pull out and JJ whines. “No, put it back~”
“Can’t. You made me all soft.” I pat his butt and tie off the condom. “Maybe later.”
“Ok…later…” and then JJ’s gone. He begins to snore.

I snort. It’s uncharacteristic. JJ cracks me up, I’m just not very emotive. I clean JJ up with a warm cloth and then place a blanket over him so he can sleep.

I go to shower and have some more port. One day, JJ will grow up and get ready to settle, and I will be waiting. For now, I am happy to stand back and let him live his twenties to the fullest. I do enjoy listening to all of his adventures with Stevie, but mostly because he won’t end up with Stevie. I’m sure of it.

Text is fictional. It’s gay pride weekend here in Los Angeles!