
I slipped my belt into my jeans and fixed it in place. “Are you alright?”
Ryan lifted his head up. “What?”
“You don’t look very happy.”
Ryan pressed his knees together and shifted on the bed. “I apologize, it’s been a long evening. What’s matters is that you enjoyed yourself.”
I raised an eyebrow. He was clearly parroting that from somewhere, because it didn’t match the tone of his voice. I had been with young men that loved this lifestyle, and that joy is absent.
“That’s not what I asked, boy.” I strode up to the bed so he was forced to look up at me. “I asked you if you’re alright. Is someone making you do this?”
Ryan met my gaze for a moment, and then looked at the bed. “No one is making me do anything.”
“You aren’t enjoying it though.”
Ryan chewed on his lip. “It doesn’t matter if I am, I am here to serve…”
I scoffed. “Cut the shit. Speak plainly. Why are you doing this if you don’t want to be?”
There’s a moment of silence. “I just needed the money. It’s just a temporary thing.”
“You owe someone money?” I asked.
“No, just a lot of debt,” Ryan grumbled. “I took out loans and a credit card in college, but I couldn’t afford my junior year. So I was working in a bar, and it wasn’t really paying the bills…“ He shrugged. “I needed money.”

I fished my comb out of my back pocket and ran it through my hair. “How many days have you been doing this?”
“Three,” Ryan answered softly.
Three? I could tell you were green, but not that green, Jesus. I would have been a been a little more gentle. A tight ass gets me excited.”
“Well I’m glad you enjoyed yourself,” Ryan shot back. He sounded a tad wounded.

I put the comb back in my pocket. I stared down at him, and he cowered on the bed. “Can you cook?”
He blinked at me. “Wh-what?”
“Can you cook? Like an actual meal.”
“Uh. I like to cook… I don’t really have the money for good ingredients, or equipment. Or time. I have a bunch of recipes bookmarked. Why?”
“Just an idea.” I enjoyed the look of confusion on his face. “I have your number. Go home before someone hurts you. Or sells you. One of the other.”
“Sells me?” he squeaked.
“You gotta be strong in this industry, boy. Or people will prey on you. Go home where it’s safe.”
He doesn’t have a response for that.

I nod in his direction and put an extra bill on the night stand on the way out. I stop in the lobby to pay for his hotel room too. On the sidewalk, I shot off a couple text messages and I hoped I was right.

Next day I called Ryan.
“Hello, this is Con-…I mean, shit what number it this? This is Ryan.”
I can’t help but laugh. He’s so bad at this. “Conner huh.”
“Ryan. What may I do for you Sir? I wasn’t expecting to hear from you again.”
“I have a proposal for you.”
That made me laugh harder. “Christ, no. I ain’t settling. An offer. Of employment.”
“For you?” Ryan asked.
“No. My friend Mitch. He works at Mercy Hospital as a coordinator. Works insane hours, especially cause of Covid. He’s gained like fifty pounds from eating garbage food over the last few months. He complains a lot cause he’s lonely and has to spend his only time off doing laundry and paying bills. He wants you to start ASAP, cooking, cleaning, sex if you’re fine with it. He likes blonds.” I give him the offer rate and Conner chokes.
“Is that per month?”
“No, per week.”
Conner got quiet. “Are you selling me to him?”
I laughed so hard my eyes watered. It’s rude, but I can’t help it. “Conner, Jesus Christ. No, I’m not getting paid for this. There will be an offer of employment, you keep track of your hours. He wants to meet you tonight. You free? Unless you’re taking more clients.”
“No… I haven’t been.”
“Good boy.”
“I can meet him tonight too. Absolutely. That’s – that’s a very generous offer you gave me, I’m really grateful Sir. I’m kind of in shock.”
“Well process it. You should be grateful, it was a real decision cause I’d love to fuck you again and I’m probably giving that up.”
“Mnn. Maybe not.”
“Maybe?” I respond.
“I’m fine with a maybe. I’m sending you Mitch’s number. Don’t fuck this up.”
“No Sir. I mean Yes Sir. I mean, whatever the right answer is.”
I chuckle. “I can’t wait to see Mitch straighten you out.”
”Straighten me out? What does that mean.”
“Ohh nothing.” He’ll discover Mitch’s talent for discipline in due time. “Sending you his number. Don’t be late.”
“I won’t!”

A couple days later, Mitch sent me a message. “I can’t thank you enough for sending Conner my way. He’s been so helpful. He is pretty raw though like you said, he needs so much sculpting. It’s exciting. And you are right, his ass is damn tight! Can’t believe you gave that up for me.”
I smiled and wrote back. “Conner needed you more than I needed him. Keep me updated. I want to see him blossom.”
“Oh he will be… you won’t recognize him by Christmas.”
I wrote back. “In that case, I want his ass with a bow on it so I know which one is him!”

Captions are fictional.


You watch from between the blinds of your trailer window. Look at that, full moons. Not thieves prowling the construction site at all, just some horny rascals looking for a thrill and a fuck. You chuckle. Reminds you of yourself back at that age. Those boys assumed no one would be here on a Sunday. You just happened to pick this day to catch up on some work orders and paperwork as your office manager had been out with the flu. Wasn’t too much to catch up on. Definitely a little time to unzip your jeans and enjoy the show. Gotta make sure no equipment gets damaged after all. God help them if they jizz on the controls though, they’ll be cleaning it off with their tongues!

Captions are fictional.



Best way to wake up

Your parents were gonna go stay at their friends house on the lake for the weekend, and you had the place to yourself. Your mom even winked at you on the way out when she said: if you want to have some of your college buddies over, just clean up after yourselves.

Ugh, was she suggesting a literal pity party cause you didn’t have a huge group of friends? Your goal at college wasn’t to party, it was to study and graduate early. Yet your mom seemed to be under the impression you struggled at your social life, probably because all your friends just so happened to be guys. Oh, you realize, she probably thinks you’ll throw a party to hook up with some chick. Ugh. That was worse. Supervising a party of fratbros and sorority sisters and trying to prevent them from destroying your parents’ house was not your idea of a fun weekend.

But you did have an inkling of what could be a fun weekend. You just had to call Joseph. “Hey, my parents are out of town for the weekend. Wanna come fuck over here for once? We can be as loud as we want… and there’s a pool.”
Joseph didn’t need to think twice. “I’ll pack an overnight bag. I was hoping you’d call man. Been needing a fuck, man.”
“Glad to hear that. Missin’ your tight body something fierce. We’ve been studying so hard, this weekend we reward ourselves.”

Captions are fictional. Let’s see how fast Tumblr nukes this post.



Speedobuttandtaint Hot Men, hot speedos and hot butts as well as over 100k hot followers thanks

Rafael set his cup on his thigh and exhaled as the warm tea went into his stomach. “Man, this is so nice,” he said.
Jude smiled at him. He was sitting with his back against the pillows, cup held with both hands. He was also wearing underwear, but also a tee shirt. “It is nice. I can’t remember the last time I got to actual enjoy my darjeeling while it was hot.”
Rafael chuckled. “That’s the truth.” He sipped. “Man, it’s so weird to hear the house so quiet.”
“Yeah I noticed that too. Some part of me instinctively feels that something is wrong.”
“Because you know, when the kids are quiet, something is being destroyed.”
Rafael laughs again. “That’s a true statement if I ever heard one. But we can’t be on edge if we’re going to enjoy our long weekend together. Or get anything done.”
Jude sipped. “I suppose. We’re not getting much done though. We’re just lounging in bed this morning.”
“Disagree. That was the whole point of sending the kids to your parents for our anniversary weekend, was so we could enjoy some time off together – not just so we could tidy up the house. We’re accomplishing that. Hell, I’d say we even got a head start last night catching up on that sex we missed.”
“Well when you put it that way, I’m going to merge with the pillows and not reappear until my teacup is empty. And damn, you were so hot last night. I can’t believe how tight I am now. I’m gonna have to work on that.”
Rafael smirked at Jude. “You gonna wear a plug around the house for me this weekend like we did when we were dating?”
Jude blushed. “Maybe.”
“I think it’s fucking hot. You smell really nice when you’re aroused.”
“I do?”
Jude sniffed his wrist. “I don’t smell any different.”
Rafael raised an eyebrow. “Are you aroused right now?”
“… A little. I may have been covertly staring at your bulge.”
“You are welcome to it. But we need to be ready and downstairs by noon.”

Jude blinked. “What? What for? Do we have plans?”
Rafael tried to hide the smug look on his face. “Yep. Adrian’s coming by with the sledgehammers, and his dad’s coming with to help with the electrical.”
“Sledgehammers? For what?” Jude looked so utterly confused.
“We’re demolishing that island in the kitchen you hate. And we’re also getting a new dishwasher by the way. Happy Anniversary.”
Jude stared. “No way.”
“Yes way.”
“Are you serious?”
“Yep. We’re getting the island out of the way. You complain about it every day. So I couldn’t think of a better gift to you.”
Jude set his tea cup down. “Holy shit, Rafael, you’re amazing.” He cupped his husband’s scruffy face with both hands and kissed him over and over. “Thank you thank you thank you!”

Rafael put his own cup on the nightstand, snaked an arm around Jude’s waist, and pulled him on top of his stretched out form. “I’m so happy you’re happy.”
“Ah, you’re so warm. And furry.” Jude nuzzled his partner’s chest. “I’m not happy, I’m absolutely ecstatic. No more hitting the island with the dishwasher door. No more walking all the way around the island to get to the other side of dishwasher. No more loud wash cycle…. I’m in heaven. Or getting old getting excited over appliances. One or the other.”
“We’re a long way since I gave you LSD for your birthday huh?“
Jude chuckled. “Wee bit. But I’d still do LSD with you.”
“I think I know what we’re doing over Christmas.”
Jude giggled. “Have a Christmas light rave.”
“That sounds excellent. Mnnf, you’re distracting me with the way you’re moving your hips…”
“Have your balls reloaded from last night?” Jude slipped his hands between them.
“Very much.”
“I think we need to continue from last night…” He caressed Rafael through the white cotton.
“Oh hell that feels good! Yea-yeah we can definitely continue. Just remember, we have to be presentable by noon.”
“It’s 9:30. Dick first.”
“Our tea is going to go cold.”
“We can reheat it.” He circled his thumb over the tip of Rafael’s cockhead trapped under the cotton.
He hissed. “Jesus christ, I need to get these off!”
“I was hoping you were going to say that, or I’m gonna have a real hard time sucking you off.”

Captions are fictional.


Bill glanced at himself in the mirror as he left the bathroom. The scratch marks he spotted before his shower were still noticeable. What a randy little thing he’d picked up last night! Bill paused in the doorway to consider the twink in his bed. Jax was naked except for his socks, twisted in Bill’s stained sheets. He was exceptionally pretty in the daylight. Slim and lightly muscled, faintly furred, proper pouty lips, manicured nails. Bill glanced at his name-brand clothes draped over a chair.
In another era, Jax would have absolutely been a dandy in high society. A daring rapscallion perhaps, a lusty bachelor who never marries. There’s rumors of the social clubs he goes to, and despite have many lady friends he has tea with, none of the rumors are about them…

Bill chuffs breath out of his nose at the image in his head. That should be Jax’s Halloween costume. He’d never fucked a boy in a waistcoat before.

And actually, he’d never fucked such a hot twink before either. Damn Bill, he asked himself, What did you drink last night? Liquid courage? There was also the fact that the twink was locked in a chastity cage. He’d never in his life picked up a boy with one on before, and it’d been a thrilling discovery to find out about it. It was like getting a rare Pokemon card or something – you need knew until you unwrapped it. Bill wondered who locked him, mostly to thank him for Jax writhing under him last night.

Bill walked around to the other side of the bed and pulled the sheet aside. To his surprise, there was a dark stain under Jax’s chastity cage. He’d been leaking all night! Despite what shot out last night, it seems there was still more to go. Jax’s cock twitched in its restraint. Bill licked his lips. He was now seeing the untapped potential of a locked boy.

Well, it was bad manners to leave your one-night-stands unsatisfied. Bill dropped the towel and crawled into bed to rouse Jax and greet him good morning.

Captions are fictional.



When your instinct is to spread your legs for daddy

“Oof, lad, I’ve seen your dick a dozen times, but it always blows me away what a big gun you’re packing boy. Just a sausage…”
“You like my dick, Daddy?”
Adam reaches out to caress the shaft through the cotton. “Yeah, I like it a lot. I love that you’re hung for fucking, but you just want my cock more don’t you boy?”
Julian whimpers and nods.
“You spread your legs when I got on the bed. You want me on top of you and in you don’t you?”
Julian nodded quicker.
Adam increased his grip on Julian’s package. “You know that a man’s job in the bedroom isn’t determined by his dick size. You’re a smart boy.”
A wet spot grew in Julian’s underwear. “I’m not smart Daddy, my body just reacts to you. I just listen to it…thought it’s hard to think when you’re standing there in your jock…”
“Fuck that’s hot. Daddy’s dick is throbbing. Let’s get you lubed up, I want to be deep inside you.”

Captions are fictional.


“I have to say, I normally feel kind of ambivalent when company’s want to send me products, but I was already wearing House Arrest’s brand when they e-mailed me. And these boxer briefs are so goddamn comfy, and no wedg – oh hey everyone, it’s my boyfriend. Hi Jax.”
“Hey gorgeous. You streaming for Platform?”
“Yep. I’m doing a promo for underwear.”
“God your ass looks good in those, but it would look amazing in a paper bag.”
Tom giggles. “It would not. And it would crinkle if I even breathed. You’d get papercuts walking to the fridge. Fabric like this is much more comfortable. And soft.”
Jax climbs up on the bed.
“Oh hello there. Are you joining me on the stream?”
“I need to feel this for myself.” Jax cups Tom’s ass and squeezes. “Yeah that’s nice. Soft but I can still get a good grip…”
“Jax – woah, hey, just a reminder I’m still streaming,” Tom stammers.
“Let em watch,” Jax suggests. He kisses Tom’s neck and brings their bodies together.
Tom gasps. “Christ you are a madman!”
Jax slips his arm around Tom’s torso, and slides his hand down his thigh.
“Aah!” Tom arches against Jax. He puts an arm around his neck and gives in to the desire to kiss that man and let him ravish his mouth in return.

In a moment, streaming seems marginally less important than it was a moment ago. Tom lowers his hand with the phone as he gets distracted by the way Jax is making him feel. Jax cups Tom between the legs and squeezes. Tom makes a guttural cry. The phone falls to the bed. Jax guides Tom backwards to the bed and pulls the underwear off so he can stroke him properly. Tom twists his fingers into Jax’s hair and keens.

When they finish and the Earth stops spinning, Tom gets his wits back about him. “…Is my phone still streaming?” He wipes his hand on the sheets and picks it up; his face goes pale. “Oh shit it is. Uhhh hi everyone. Oh my god there’s so many people watching this. Um. Fuck uhh. Well that was a little unexpected. I- uh-”
Jax takes the phone. “Your boy’s a little busy now. Leave a message.” He shuts off the recording.
Tom covers his face with his hands and groans. “Thanks for doing that. Fuck, I may get decommissioned for that.”
“But people will be talking about it for a while.”
“Yeah I guess it’s true. Any press is good press right? Mmn I love it when you kiss me. Wanna take a shower together?” Tom asks.
“Oh hell yeah, we haven’t done that in a while.”

Tom later posts a photo on Instagram of the pair of underwear in front of the shower door. “Sorry to everyone who watched my stream on Platform last night. I didn’t intend to keep recording during an intimate moment with my boyfriend. I really apologize you had to listen to that. Some of you seemed to uhhh not mind so much, but others were upset. I apologize, but sometimes, real life interrupts the life we craft for ourselves, and those moments matter more than what you’re doing on your phone.”
To his surprise, the underwear company loves the photo and wants to use it for a campaign. Tom is less impressed when he gets offers to shoot porn, and turns them down. He has standards, really.

Captions are fictional.



Ph. Ore Adesina

You really didn’t think there was any difference between having sex, fucking, and making love. You assumed ‘making love’ was something heroines did in romance novels. Even if it were possible, in your mind, men were breeders. ‘Making love’ was definitely not something men were even capable of doing with each-other. Until, ya know, it happened to you on a warm August night.

Captions are fictional.




This is Jock Manhood

Speedobuttandtaint Hot Men, hot speedos and hot butts as well as over 100k hot followers thanks

“Who the fuck are you?” David demanded.
“Uh.” James pulled the glass away from his mouth. “Your roommate’s side piece?”
“Oh you must be James.”
“Yeaaahh. Nice to meet you.”
David pulled a box of cereal out of the cabinet. “Likewise. Where’s Matt?”
“He went to pick up some stuff from the store and breakfast from some cafe down the street.”
“Oh.” David let his eyes rove from his tossed blond hair to that bubble ass. “Wanna fuck?”
James looked taken aback. “That’s brazen. He should be back soon.”
“Eh. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”
James set the water down and watched David get a box of cereal out of the cupboard. “How fast can you cum?”
David grinned. “Thirty seconds, once hard.”
“How fast can you get hard?”
David turned. “Half way there.”
James thought. He dropped the towel. “Hurry up stud.”
“Oh fuck yeah, god you’re hung! Turn around.”
“Like a horse,” James boasted. He put his hands on the counter.
“Matt sure knows how to pick em.” David grabbed the jar of coconut oil out of the cupboard, poured some on his hand, and got to work. “You still stretched?”
“Yeah we fucked like three times last night.”
“Damn that little bastard sure has stamina…”
James laughed. “Yeah but he only came once.”
“That makes me feel better. Going in.”
“And you’re bigger!”
David groaned. “Only when hard. Fuck, your ass is a big ol peach!” He put his slick hands on his James’ hips and railed him hard against the counter. No time for finesse. He fucked him with the pace he took with his own hand, only this time that hand was wrapped around a rather perk prick that wasn’t his own. “Goddamn…”
“Keep going stud!”
David quickly began to pant as he fucked as if the world were ending. “Oh there it is…there it iiiiiis~” he exhaled in bliss as the orgasm peaked. He smacked that butt. “Nnnffff…. fuck. Yeah there it is. I can never last long with an ass gripping me like you did.”
James moaned. “Good. God, I love feeling that heat inside me.”
“I love putting it in you.” David pulled out, and tucked himself back in his shorts. “What was my time?”
“28 seconds.”
David punched the air.
“Finish me off, you jackass.”
“Oh right right.” David returned his hand to that pretty cock and gave him some twisting grips and hard pulls until his hand began to cramp. James sucked air between his teeth and shot all over the counter. “Awh yeah that’s it! I’m coming! Nnn! Aaahhh.”
“Is it all out stud?”
“Yeah there wasn’t much to start with.”
David borrowed a moment to cop a good feel of James’ cock and balls before dropping his hand. “Fuck, Matt is gonna be home any second.”
He ripped a piece of paper towel off and began to clean the cum up.
“Ah shit, the oil’s on my hips.”
“Use the dish towel. Wait, hold still, there’s some cum dripping down your crack…”
“Fuck we should have used a condom.”
“No time.”
They heard the key in the lock.
“Fuck,” David hissed. He threw the paper towel away and made sure his pants were buttoned.
James used the bath towel to wipe his hips, then tucked the towel around his waist and brushed back his hair.

Matt walked into David opening a box of cereal and James sipping water.
“Welcome back, babe,” James said. “Need help?”
“Nah, I got it. You’re up early David. I see you met James?”
“Yeah. Nice piece of eye candy.”
“He’s mine. Get your own.”
“Yeah yeah whatever. Come on, James, let’s go eat.”
David caught James’ gaze and they both grinned.

Matt paused. “What smells like coconut oil?”
David about died. “Uhh. I was telling James that I use it for my skin sometimes. We were talking about how his skin was dry for the shower.”
“Yeah he like slapped some on me too. Rude.”
“Pft. Sounds like David. Keep your hands to yourself.”
David stuck his tongue out at James. James smirked at him and went off to have breakfast with Matt.

Captions are fictional.



Speedobuttandtaint Hot Men, hot speedos and hot butts as well as over 100k hot followers thanks

Archy knocked.
“Enter,” Victor said.
Archy let himself in. “Hello, Sir~”
“Oh hello. Wow you are better looking in person than in the photos.”
Archy smiled. “I always like to hear that. Thank you for selecting me.”
“You were my first choice, I’m glad you were available.”
“Oh stop,” Archy giggled with a hand wave. “You’re gonna make me blush, and I get so embarrassed when I blush.”
“I bet you look even cuter.”
Archy giggled some more and set down his things. The more the guy spoke, the more he could detect an uneven tone to his voice, but it didn’t bother him. Dude was sex on a stick. “I can already tell we are going to have fun, but how can I satisfy you this evening?”
“Well,” Victor paused to stretch. “I had a stroke last year.”
Archy gasped. “You had a stroke? But you’re so young!”
“It is uncommon. I fly a lot for work. I got DVT, and a clot led to a stroke. Apparently I had a defective narrow artery. Bad combo.”
“Oh honey!” Archy covered his mouth. “You lucky thing to survive that.”
“Thank you, you’re sweet. I was. I had a great care team. Thing is, though, I haven’t had the confidence to have sex since the stroke. I’ve been working on my body, my mind, and well-” Victor gestured. “I thought I’d reward myself by summoning professional service.”
Archy put his hand over his chest. “Oh honey, I am honored. Um, may I ask a question though?”
“Sure thing, babe.”
“Have you uh – you know, jerked off since the stroke? Like, it’s not like all still in there in your balls right?”
Victor laughed. “Of all the questions I’ve been asked. Yes, I’ve had a lot of release since then. I do love masturbating. But I’m tired of my hand, sitting in the bed alone in the dark. I want to feel the heat and connection of someone else.”
Archy walked over to him and put a hand on his thigh. “I am going to do everything I know in my book to rock your world tonight. I promise.”
Victor smiled. “You have a book?”
“Oh yes, the Twink’s Guide to Dick and Taking Dick. On the Barnes n Nobles best seller list, I assure you.”
That made Victor laugh. “You’re hilarious. I would honestly read that. Do you drink? I’d love to pour you some champagne.”
“Anytime a hot man wants to pour me champagne, I ain’t gonna say no. But I will tell you, I can drink a little, but I can’t do my job intoxicated.”
Victor got up and walked over to the mini bar. “Psht. I have a feeling you could do your job even in space.”
“….I think I love you.”

Victor laughed again and grabbed the bottle opener. “Here, let’s have a toast to a night of good sex.” They popped the cork (Archy squealed), and Victor poured into two glasses.
“Cheers?” Victor asked.
“Cheers to sex,” Archy corrected.
“Cheers to sex.” Clink.

Captions are fictional.