


…two biker boys in luv.

They could both fuckin do me!

“Hey Jinx, you made good time.”
“Hello Master Schwinn. Yeah I was worried the roads would be too wet, but they dried pretty well.”
“That’s good to hear. Like your outfit by the way, the red laces are a nice touch.”
He straightens up. “Thank you Sir! Leather is so great for riding – keeps me safe, warm, and looking cool as fuck.”
I chuckle. I turn to call over my shoulder. “Boy, Jinx is here!”
“Coming! Just finishing up packing.”
I turn back to Jinx. “You want something to drink?”
“No thank you, I got some water on the bike.” He sets his helmet on my wicker chair, then takes out a cigarette and lights it out of habit. Jinx glances up at at me but soon sheepishly averts his eyes. “I’m down to two a day, Sir, I swear.”
“From a pack?” I nod.
“Yes Sir.”
I nod again. “Well that’s good progress. Good job, boy.”
“I’m really trying. I know Fitz just got over the bronchitis, so I don’t want to irritate his lungs. Just, ya know, under a lot of stress.” He sighs.
I nod as a habit. “Yes. I am stressed out too. But I think everything is going to be ok. Once we get Fitz out of this city, I’ll feel a lot better.”
Jinx turns his head to blow the smoke away. "I’ll feel better too. I promise you Sir, I’ll look out for him. I’ll take care of him. Not a lot of money being in uni at all, but with the donations, we’ll be ok.”
I can’t help but smile. “You’re going to grow into such a great Dom, Jinx. Your compassion is going to be your secret to connecting with your boys. They will be butter in your hands. I can’t wait to see it.”
That makes Jinx turn pink. “Oh Sir, I can’t call myself a Dom. I know hardly anything.”
“You’ll grow into it,” I assure him. “It’s part of you.”
Before Jinx can stammer a reply, Fitz shows up and sets his bag down. “Thank you for waiting. My stupid dildo turned on at the bottom of my bag, and I had to empty everything to turn it off.”
That makes Jinx giggle and he puts out the cigarette. “You poor thing, as if you aren’t having a hard enough time.” They hug and share a kiss. 
“Well, yeah, but I’m hoping it’s gonna get easier now.” Fitz smiles at Jinx.
“Aw, you two are such a cute pair. I’m taking a photo.” I snap a quick shot with my phone. “I’m going to miss you both.”
“I’m sad to leave you Sir, but I’m excited for the future,” Fitz says. 
“I think that’s fair. I’m sad to not have you bouncing around my house anymore, singing pop songs in your underwear.”
That makes him groan and I chuckle as I pick up Fitz’s bag. “Let’s get this on your bike, Jinx. You two have a long trip ahead of you.”
“That we do.” Jinx glances up. “Hope the rain keeps away.”
“If it’s raining, I don’t want you riding at night ok? Call me, I’ll get you a hotel room.”
“Yes Sir,” Jinx says.

We walk down to the driveway. Jinx ties the bag on. We stand there looking at each-other. Now I want a cigarette. Crap. Fitz’s lower lip trembles. He throws himself at me for a hug. I crush him in my arms , and I can hear the leather creak underneath. “Be safe, boy. Take care of yourself, and don’t drive Jinx crazy too much. If you feel your safety has been compromised, you can call me any time.”
“Yes sir. I’ll be a good boy.” He sniffles.
Jinx passes him the other helmet and rubs his back. “If all goes well, you can come back here with me next summer when I visit my folks ok?”
“A whole year,” Fitz whispers.
“I can find a reason to come up before then. By Christmas for sure. It won’t be a year.”
Fitz looks relieved. He puts the helmet on. Jinx checks the fit. “God you look good in full kit. I’m going to be riding half hard the whole time.”
“Only half?” Fitz teases.
Jinx slaps his own thigh. “You see how tight these are? No room for an erection to go!”
That breaks the somber mode into a lighter one, and Fitz goes onto the bike without complaint. “Maybe when we stop for dinner, I can slide my hand in there and make you more comfortable, Sir?”
“Oh I would like that.”
I bite my lip, smothering a smile. I don’t think Jinx realized Fitz had called him Sir. They were so cute. I seriously loved them. “Alright you two, off you go.”

We exchange our good-byes, and I wave them off until they were finally gone and the sound of the bike fades. I exhale a loud sigh. I so wish I could have kept Fitz and trained him as my own sub, but it is not meant to be. Jinx will continue his training out there, with the local chapter of our club out there supporting them. Fitz has a whole family waiting for him. It’s enough to make a bear cry. 

I wipe my eyes and walk back up to the front of my house. The half smoked cigarette is still there on the porch floor. I re-light it with a match, sit in the chair, and smoke the rest of it as the sun comes out through the clouds. 

Captions are fictional.


Kane was distracted by his friend’s antics in the water, until he realized his boy wasn’t swimming around him. He spun around and was alarmed to spot Nate scaling the cliffs – in sandals!  “BOY! Down! Now.”
Nate’s shoulders tensed as he heard Kane’s voice barking at him. He was busted. “Sorry Sir, coming down right now.”
Kane waded over to the waterfall as close as he could to the rocks. It would be hard to catch Nate if he slipped, but at least he had a chance. “Be careful, pup.”
Nate tried to go down but when his foot didn’t find traction on moss, he hesitated. He took off his sandals. “Can I throw them down to you Sir?”
“Yes lad.” Kane held out his hands and caught each of the sandals . He watched Nate pick his way down the rocks until he was standing in a shallow, ankle deep spot between the waterfall and the pool. Kane looked up at him. “Why did you do that pup?” He handed Nate his sandals back.
“I saw a bird go over there.”
Kane gestured. “Do you think that was safe?”
Nate looked over his shoulder. “No Sir,” he muttered. He slipped into the waist-deep pool and put his sandals on a branch.
Kane put an arm around Nate and kissed his temple. “Thank you for coming down, I don’t want you to get hurt.”
Nate giggled. “Your beard tickles It’s so long now.”

Rob waded over. “Man, how do you get Nate to listen to you like that? Comes to you better than my own dog.”
“Well he is a good pup.” Kane ruffled his hair.
“But the truth, Rob, is that I’m a very lucky man. Because I have been entrusted with the love and care of a beautiful boy that loves to submit to men and be rewarded for obeying. His body responds to me before his mind even makes the decision to. Never had a boy take to training so well.”
“Siiirr,” Nate hissed, face turning red.
“It’s true,” Kane insisted. 
“I guess he comes when called, but he’s still a bit of a risk taker huh,” Rob said.

Kane chuckled. “He is. But that’s what makes playing with him fun. Except you know, when I take him on outside adventures, he gets a little excited and needs to be reigned in sometimes.” 
“You thought of putting him on a leash?” Rob teased.
“Oh when we go to Folsom and other BDSM events, he’s on a leash. Not just to keep him from getting distracted by shiny things, but also to send a clear signal he’s mine first. Don’t want burly men grabbing his pert little ass. Unless well, we want them to…”
“Oh Sir, stop please you’re turning me on!” Nate begged.
Rob and Kane shared a laugh. 
“I have to agree with you Kane,” Rob said, “He sure sounds like a good pup.”
“I think I’m gonna go climb the waterfall again,” Nate said. His ears were now red too.
Kane hooked his fingers in Nate’s shorts. “Nooope. No you don’t!”

Captions are fictional.


Ori stood at the foot of the bed with his legs shoulder width apart, hands behind his back.  “House tasks complete, Sir.”
“You’re relieved of duty, boy.” Ishaan didn’t look up from his book. “Go prep for bed.”
“Thank you Sir.” Ori relaxed. He was a tad relieved Sir hadn’t asked him to prep for servicing, because he was worn out from running five miles and doing all the food prep for the week. When Ori returned from the bathroom, Isshan was still reading. Ori crawled onto the bed and turned onto his side. He watched Isshan reading with fond eyes. He gaze rove down Isshan’s torso, delighting in the way the light created divine shadows that turned his topography into dramatic sand dunes. Isshan’s bulge was full in his black underwear. Ori’s eyes drifted from there to the black fabric stretched around the thickness of Isshan’s thighs. “Permission to touch you Sir?”
“That’s fine, boy, but not my cock.”
“Thank you Sir.” Ori wrapped himself around Isshan’s leg, pulling it close to him and entangling his arms around like a koala. Isshan peered over his book, wondering what on Earth his boy was doing. “Boy?”
“Yes sir?”
“What are you doing?”
“Just enjoying you Sir.”
Isshan didn’t know what to say to that. His boy’s love language was seemingly all of them, but he knew Ori desire for physical contact placed only second to his desire to serve. Isshan decided to finish the chapter and leave his boy to his quirks. That however proved to be a mistake, because he became aware by the change of Ori’s breathing that he’d fallen asleep attached to him. He’d fallen asleep in the middle of the bed too. Inconveniencing your master was a punishable offense, but he looked so cute….and he was warm. It was like wearing pants on one side.

Isshan put his book on the side table. “Well, I guess I’m stuck.” He scooted down as much as possible, but Ori roused. Isshan found himself not wanting to wake him up, but he also wanted to use this opportunity to slide down into the bed more. When Isshan stopped moving, Ori adjusted himself, still entangled around Isshan’s leg like a vine. He nuzzled Isshan’s hip and was still again. That’s when Isshan realized they were both on top of the comforter. He cursed under his breath. Using his toes and his other leg, he pulled the afghan draped over the foot over the bed up towards him until he could reach it. He opened it and draped it over themselves. Wasn’t too chilly tonight anyhow.
“Sleep well pet,” Isshan said before he turned off the light.

Captions are fictional.


Tanner sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “You knocked over ALL the cups? Seriously – just. Crate. Now, Corbin. Go into my dressing room and lie down on your blanket. Go.”
Ryan watched Tanner’s boy slink out of the room. “Why did you bring your pup on this shoot anyway?”
“He has separation anxiety. Master Bruce said I should bring him to more stuff with me, but I’m starting to think it’s more than separation anxiety. I’m starting to think my boy’s just a basket case with a lot of energy he’s not burning off. Master Bruce said he’s ‘unmanageable’ and I’m starting to see why.”
“Judging by the fact I heard the make up artist make comments about the bags under your eyes, it’s not for the lack of trying to wear him out in bed?”
Tanner snorted. “No. No lack of trying there. It just makes him want more of it. I think Corbin needs a treadmill. Get him running.”

Ryan nodded. “That could work.”
There’s a howl from the dressing room. Tanner exhaled again as the photography crew giggled. “Sorry guys. Let’s take ten.”
Ryan chuckled. “You want me to take him for a walk?”
Tanner pointed. “Yes. Please. I’m not going to give up on him. Just gotta find out what works with this sub….and I hope it’s running, cause Jesus.”
“Swimming maybe?”
“Why Ryan, I think you have some great ideas. His leash is in my bag in the dressing room. Go wear him out, however you see fit. And I do mean, however you can make it happen. We need to get through this shoot.”
Ryan rubbed his hands together. “That’s what I want to hear! Finally get to have some fun with that handsome lad of yours.” He sauntered toward the dressing room, calling Tanner’s pup’s name. “Cooorbin!” Corbin howled in response. “Corbiiiiin!” There was another howl.
“No don’t encourage the howling!” Tanner shouted back. Corbin answered with a howl. Tanner put his head into his hands.

Captions are fictional.


 “Hm. Yeah, no. Can’t fuck here Sir. Can’t camp either. The water is brackish. Won’t do, won’t do at all. Onward!”
I wipe my forehead with a bandana. “Slow down pup, I’m carrying everything, remember. I mean, I’m not complaining, I’m enjoying the view, but I can’t go as fast as you.”
“Ah, I’m sorry Sir, you’re right. I’m just so excited and refreshed. So much energy. I’ll go a little slower.”
“Thank you. You’re a good trail pup though, I appreciate you scouting things out and finding good spots for us.”
Gordon turns and smiles at me. “Of course Sir. I like having a task to – oh, bird!” He thrusts a finger out in the direction it went, under some sort of erroneous assumption I’ll see it. “Oh it’s a fat little thing. Has some white on it this time. Come back here, where did you go…” He disappears out of sight from around the rock.
I take a drink of water “Well that settles it. English Pointer it is.”
“Pointer?” Gordon sticks his head around the natural feature so I can see his face. “I’m clearly a German Shepard.”
I snort. “Nope. No way. They’re stoic protectors and guardians who can switch from playful to defensive in a flash. You’re a high energy, short coated, explorative type who looks for small animals. You’re independent, but you still like to please your Master. That’s a Pointer to a tee.”
Gordon gives me a look. “I mean that’s only somewhat correct about me. Oh, there’s two of those birds!” He disappears around the rock again. I chuckle. It feels good to be right. I adjust my pack and carry on after him.
“What type of dog breed do you think I’d be?” I ask.
“Hmm. A Chinese crested.”
“Hey! I have so much hair I can barely see my skin on my arms, you want to get laid later or not?”
That makes Gordon laugh, a pretty sound that echos off the trees. “I can’t tell you the answer or it’d go right to your head. You’re a bear of a beast though, that’s for damn sure.”
I climb over the protruding rock. “That’s for damn sure. Once I’m done breeding the shit out of you, I am going to find us a fish for dinner and bring it back to our cave. It’ll be majestic as fuck.”
“Are you going to catch it with your mouth?”
“Depends if you want to be kissed later or not.”
That gets a genuine laugh from Gordon. He throws at pine cone at me. I throw one back at him. “Come on pup, get movin.”
“Oh now you want me to get moving, I see how it is. Big bear caught his breath huh?”
I stick my tongue out at him. Gordon sticks his out back. He turns and walks ahead again. I seize the moment to throw a small pine cone at him and it bounces off his butt. His little squeak is delightful.

Captions are fictional.


This is the sequel to this. I’m not sure if the link will work for some because of Tumblr’s restrictions on adult content. The post is the one right before this one.


Ronny got off the plane in Las Vegas Airport and made his way to the baggage terminal. It was chilly in here and he pulled the bathrobe around himself. People eyed him curiously. Sir hadn’t said if he was picking him up, but Ronny knew he’d be there. Problem was the baggage area was huge, long like a football field, with exits on both sides. Ronny wandered around, still feeling lost despite being home. He was tired of feeling lost. He wanted a hot meal and a hug.

He saw Angel before Angel saw him. Actually, many people were already looking at Angel. He had shown up to the airport in his leathers. “Holy shit,” Ronny murmured. His dick also noticed, but his heart was in control. He yearned to be in those strong arms. Ronny wove his way through the crowds and their luggage. Sir spotted him and began to move his way. Ronny wanted to run to him, but it wouldn’t be possible in this footwear. 

Angel walked up to Ronny and stood in front of him. Ronny was wearing a bathrobe from the airline’s first class lounge and an oversized pair of sandals from the lost & found. Angel raised an eyebrow and smiled. His boy looked ridiculous but he was here, and that’s what mattered. “Welcome home.”  He engulfed Ronny in a hug. Ronny melted against him. “Oh Sir I missed you! I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry about all of this.” He inhaled Angel’s scent of leather and beard oil and sandalwood as if he thought he’d never get to again.
“I am upset, but you followed all of my instructions, and you made it home. I’m proud of you for that.”
“You are?”
“Yes. But we still need to have a conversation about this. And you still need a spanking for scaring me like that and for the expense of getting you home. I had half a mind to spank you right in this airport, but I think my boy need a good meal and a shower first.”
“I’m starving, Sir. All I’ve eaten today is that gross sandwich I bought at the drug store and some crackers on the plane.” Ronny sniffled and wiped his nose on the bathrobe. “I want to go home.”
Angel kissed the top of his head and rubbed his back. He had hoped maybe Ronny would be up for a little public humiliation through discipline, maybe something sexy in the bathroom, but now clearly wasn’t the time. His boy needed aftercare.  “Alright sweetheart, let’s get you home. Oh, I wanted to give you this though.” He fished something out of his back pocket. Ronny held out his palm and a trinket was dropped into it. 
“It’s a keychain?” Ronny held it up. “Ronny. If lost, call this number, 702…. Sir is this a dog tag?” he said wryly.
Angel put a beefy arm around him and walked him out to the car. “It is, boy. It’s going on the collar I’m putting on you later. For now you put that on your wallet.”
“Or my dick piercing…”
Angel chuckled. “Maybe I should have gotten two.”

Captions are fictional. 


Angel picked up the phone. “Hello?”
“Oh Sir! You’re there”
“Ronny! Good, Christ are you ok? I’ve been so fucking worried about you.”
“I’m sorry Sir. I partied too hard last night. I passed out and woke up in someone’s house.”
“Did you get roofied?” Angel asked.
“No I don’t think so. Just drank a lot, did some drugs. My ass isn’t sore, so I’m pretty sure I didn’t have sex. Can you come get me? I don’t have a lot of change for this call.”
“Ok, so normal night, you just went a little too hard.”
“I’m sorry Sir.”
“I’m just glad you’re ok. But we’ll talk about you passing out later. Are you calling from a payphone?”
“Yes Sir.”
“Why didn’t you use the phone where you’re at?” Angel asked.
“Didn’t want to wake everyone. Besides I wanted to buy some Gatorade at this drug store,” Ronny explained.

Angel picked up his keys. “Where are you?”
“Well uh, I don’t know. It says I’m on Sunset Boulevard, but I don’t know where that is. I know where Sunset Road is, and this isn’t it. Nothing looks right.”
There’s a long pause. “Ronny I just looked at the number you called me from again. It says 323. That’s Los Angeles. Ronny. Are you in Los Angeles?”
Ronny felt a prickle of fear go down his back from the change in tone in Angel’s voice. It was that still tone Angel used when he was trying to control his emotion.
“Um. I don’t kn– excuse me? Excuse me. Am I in Los Angeles? Ok, thank you. She said I’m in LA, I’m in Hollywood Sir,” Ronny stammered.

“Y-yes Sir?”
“Where do we live?” Angel asked.
“Las Vegas, Sir.”
“Where did you start partying last night?”
“Las Vegas, Sir.”
Angel sighed. “So HOW are you in Los Angeles?”
“I don’t know Sir! I fell asleep, I think – I think some people said they were going to take me home, and I think I passed out. I think they thought I was from LA too!” Ronny wailed.
“Shh shh. It’s ok. I’m – we are definitely having a long conversation when you get home boy, but right now I need to worry about your safety.”
Please insert more change.
“Ah fuck, Sir, the call is going to disconnect.”
“Call me back from the drug store.”
“Yes Sir.”

A few moments later, the phone rang again. “Ronny?”
“Yes Sir. I don’t have long. I’m in a Speedo…the manager is not happy.”
Angel rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Ronny. Do you have your ID with you?”
“Uh yes Sir. I have my wallet, it was in the pocket of this bathrobe I woke up wearing.”
“Do you have your credit card.”
“….No. $10 and some change. I’m almost done, I swear! Just a minute!”
“Ronny. Listen to me, and listen to me good.”
“Y-Yes Sir.”
“Get me the address of where you are.”
Ronny fumbled around for a store sales flier and read out the address. 
“Good boy. Now stay there. I’m calling you a taxi. I want you to go to Burbank airport. I’m going to buy you a ticket to Vegas. Get on the plane.”
Ronny gasped. “I’m a Speedo Sir! And uh, I think my shoes are still by the pool in Vegas…”
There was a loud sigh. “Use your cash for food and drink. Then you get in that taxi, and to the airport, do you understand me? If the airport gives you shit about shoes, have them give you a pair of flip flops from lost & found.”
Ronny knew better than to argue with Sir. “Y-yes Sir. Understand Sir.”
“Good boy. You call me when you get to the airport OK?”
“Yes Sir.”

“Good boy. I just – don’t want anything to happen to you.”
“Thank you Sir. I’m sorry for the stress.”
“I’m putting a collar and tracking tag on you when you get home. Or a micro-chip. Or something.”
“I deserve that Sir.”
“You do.” Angel agreed.
“Um, I have to go, the manager is yelling at me.”
“Taxi. Airport. Call me. Bye love.”
“Bye Sir.”

Ronny hung up the phone and scurried to buy something to eat.
Angel hung up and stared at the phone. He began to chuckle but soon it grew to a loud guffaw. He placed his hands over his barrel chest and laughed until there were tears in his eyes. “Oh my god, he’s in LA. I am never ever going to let him live this down! Man, I cannot wait to peel off that Speedo and spank that boy. I might just do it in the airport.”

Sequel here. It’s also the next post.

Captions are fictional. In a fit of boredom, I was able to locate this picture as taken in front of the Hollywood Central Motel in Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA. You can see the Motel sign behind the Hot Guy. The little white pillar with the globe on it behind him in left center is the Crossroads of the World Restaurant. The phone booth is no longer there as of 2007. I think the building he’s standing in front of is now a Rite Aid. 


When he tells you kneel in front of him, naked, and baring your chastity cage, he savors a moment in gazing down at you until you’re thoroughly in the headspace of submission. When he undoes his belt and unzips his pants, without breaking eye contact with you, an electric current of fear, intimidation, and excitement courses through you. Your cock throbs between your legs. You don’t know what’s about to happen, but you have a feeling you’re going to be desperate to serve and please him to earn his cock. You hope he’s a bit rough in the process. 

Captions are fictional.


Derrick can’t help but watch. If they didn’t want him to watch, Royce would have taken Nathaniel back inside. Derrick thought Royce had good technique. Nate was positioned squarely over his lap, on his tip toes, butt high in the air. No doubt Royce had Nathaniel’s cock trapped between his solid thighs. Each smack of Royce’s hand on that round bare ass was firm and hit the same spot, the bounciest part of those cheeks, over and over. Nathaniel began to squirm and his cries of protest grew with each smack. Derrick didn’t envy him. Nathaniel had burned the first round of meat on the grill because he was distracted on his phone, so it was an appropriate punishment.

Royce was counting to himself. Nathaniel began to tremble with each strike as the spanking continued on. “Two more now, boy. Two. One.” Nathaniel keened and twisted in Royce’s lap. “Good boy.” Royce caressed those plump cheeks.
“I’m sorry Sir!” Nathaniel said.
“I’m pleased to hear it boy. Finish yourself off now.”
Derrick wondered what Royce meant by that. Then he saw Nathaniel dig his toes into the ground and work his hips up and down. Derrick got it. Royce wanted to Nathaniel to cum between his thighs. That was spicy. Derrick licked his lips. He could see the pink glow of that freshly spanked ass and the bubblegum pink of Nathaniel’s balls between his legs. Nathaniel was awkwardly humping Royce’s lap as fast as he could. Derrick bit his lip, unable to look away. Nathaniel shuddered. There was an audible moan and the boy went limp.

Derrick was starting to get stiff and wished it had gone on longer cause he could have easily masturbated to that. Derrick watched Royce help Nathaniel to his feet. Royce stood up too and hugged him with those big bear arms, despite the mess between his thighs. They rocked as they embraced, Royce whispering things into Nathaniel’s ear. Ok, that was pretty sweet. They fit together like puzzle pieces.

They walked into the house together, Royce’s arm around Nathaniel. Royce needed to clean up. Nathaniel needed some some cooling salve. When they came out, Nathaniel had the rest of the uncooked meat on a plate in his hands, but his phone wasn’t anywhere to be seen. Derrick put his sunglasses back on and went back to sunbathing. He tucked that pretty scene into his spank bank for later. Real life was always better than porn.

Captions are fictional. I seriously don’t know why all these Speedo esque pictures are showing up on my dashboard suddenly, but they make for some good captions…


Angel leaned his head against the wall. He’d snuck off for a moment to catch his breath. The afternoon had peaked and sun was on its way down, which meant the heat of the day had finally broken. Angel loved when Sir threw pool parties and being a perfect host, but he was worn out! So many men to check on, cocks to stroke, so many drinks to refill, trash to empty, and snacks to refresh that he hadn’t even been in the pool. Of course, everyone had their hands all over him and his ass, which normally Angel loved. He was an attention whore, and he knew it. But this experiment with staying locked in chastity longer wasn’t working, and he just felt frustrated and sore and sweaty in the most uncomfortable way. He’d have to talk to Sir about it after everyone left.

Angel heard footsteps and raised his head. “Ah, Sir.” He stood in first position, hands behind his back.
“At ease love. What are you doing over here?”
“Taking a breather Sir.”
“Are you alright? Here drink this, I made you a drink with some of that electrolyte powder you keep for club nights.”
Angel looked relieved. “Thank you so much Sir.” He took it and sipped it. “Oh I needed this.”
Master Dameon looked pleased. A smile pushed his mustache up and crinkled the fine lines around his eyes. “Here. Let’s go inside where it’s cool and you can sit down. You’ve worked really hard today. I’m proud of you.” Master Dameon put an arm around Angel and walked him through the side door into the house.
Angel blushed. “I wanted to make you proud Sir.”
“You did great. All the guys rave about you.”
Angel turned red. “I’m flattered, Sir. It’s because you trained me well.”
“Don’t give me all the credit, I couldn’t do anything without your natural talents and extroverted personality. How is your chastity device feeling?”
“Sore. It’s not working, Sir,” Angel admitted softly. He sipped and set the glass down on the kitchen counter. “I think I’ve been in too long. I know we were a little bored with our previous schedule, but this change isn’t working. I feel so uncomfortable and full. Just achy.
Sir cupped Angel’s face in both hands, forcing Angel to look at him. “Thank you for letting me know. I’m sorry you’re uncomfortable. Do you need to be unlocked now? Or can you wait until everyone leaves and I can spoil you with some release?”
Angel perked up. “Oh, I’d like to be spoiled Sir.”
Master Dameon kissed him. “Then you’ll be spoiled. Sit here for a few minutes and finish drinking the electrolytes. I’ll finish up the party, you can either stay in here or have a dip in the pool.”
“Thank you Sir.” They exchanged another kiss.

Master Dameon walked outside to check on his guests. Two of them were making out on one of his chaise lounge chairs. The others were hanging out in chairs in the shade, some watching them, some talking amongst themselves and snacking on things. One named Adam came up to Dameon.
“Well, it looks like you’re gonna have some stains to get out of that lounge chair.”
Dameon glanced at the couple. “Well. They’ve had some tension for a while, so it’s nice they’ve cut through that. Angel or I can power wash it later.”
Adam nodded. “Where did Angel get off too? Is he ok?”
“Yeah he just needed a break. He was a bit dehydrated.”
“He was working hard today. Like a hummingbird.”
Dameon stroked his moustache. “He loves parties, but sometimes he forgets to check on himself. So I check on him.”
Adam nibbled on a chip. “You know, we were talkin’ about how your ability to know what’s going on with Angel is uncanny. It’s like you have a psychic connection with him.”
It was Dameon’s turn to blush. “He shows his feelings easily.”
“No, you two just have a bond. It’s a beautiful thing.”
“Thank you Adam. That means a lot.”
“It’s true. You can tell, because you have him strutting out wearing basically string with that gorgeous body on display, but there’s no question he’s not up for grabs.”

As if on cue, Angel walked out of the kitchen. Dameon and Adam looked up at the beautiful sight of a tanned young man wearing only a shiny metal sleeve around his shaft. His balls were full and pink. Angel threw his speedo at Dameon that was balled up in his hand. Dameon caught it. Angel smirked and dove into the pool.
“Woah,” Adam muttered. “That is a power bottom.”
Dameon took a minute to speak and watched Angel do laps. “I am going to do very dirty things to him as soon as everyone leaves,” he said in a low voice.
Adam chuckled. “Well, I guess we should leave.” They were interrupted by a keen from the other side of the pool where the couple making out had been rocking together. Adam raised a finger. “Ok now, the party is over.”

Captions are fictional.