
He can’t meet your gaze for longer than a few seconds and lowers his face, cheeks showing a pink hue. You lift his chin with a crooked finger. 
“It helps with posture. Turn to face me. Feet shoulder width apart. Honey your shoulders are wider than that. You got meaty shoulders. Lift your chest up. Straight back, remember.” You walk behind him and run a finger down his spine. “Nice. Don’t hold your fingers, put your palm against the back of your other hand and curl your thumb around the meat of your other thumb. Good boy.”

You walk back around and face him. “Excellent. Memorize this position exactly. Remember, this isn’t a position of submission. This is a position of service. You look strong and ready. And you’re on display. Imagine how you’ll look naked.”
The color on his face brightens. You chuckle. “We’ll work on that.”

You consider him. “Yes. This is good. Already boy, you are ready to begin your training.” I watch for a flicker of hesitant on his face. There isn’t one. He hasn’t averted his gaze. I smile. He’ll be a gem once I’m through with him.

Captions are fictional.



Unknown man, 1941, Sweden.

I stand on the dock and watch him bring the boat up to the tie-off point. Other fishermen in the harbor are watching him navigate the old wooden boat, snickering in amusement.
“Boy why are you naked?” I ask.
“Decided to go for a swim out there, Sir. If I get dressed afterwards, my clothes always get damp after a swim and I hate damp clothes.
Fine warm day today, so there was really no need to put on clothes in my opinion.”
“You have quite an audience. It does not bother you?”
He squints at me in the sun, a smile on his tanned face. “It doesn’t bother the ocean, so it doesn’t bother me. I only care what you think of me naked Sir.”
I sigh softly. He knows I live for every moment he takes his clothes off and how my eyes linger when he changes. The only thing that gets me to bed on time at night is knowing he’s warm and bare under the covers.
“I think highly of your body, boy… you must know that.”
He ties the boat off. “Still pleases me to hear it.”

Another fisherman nearby speaks up. “James, tell your boy to put some clothes on. If you got yourself a misses, well we’d be havin’ another conversation,
No one else out here wants to look at another man’s bait n tackle! though” That makes the other people near the dock howl.
I shrug. “Well, I tried boys, but I think he’s staying naked.” That makes them laugh harder. I glance at the bucket in the boy’s boat. “Dinner?”
“Yes sir.”
“Good work. Let’s head in. I peeled the potatoes already.”
He groans. “Thank you Sir. Hate potatoes.”
I knew.

He throws his bundle of clothes to me and I help him out of the boat. We walk down the dock and then down the road that follows the coast. Our home is at the end of the road, up a gravel path on top of a bluff that overlooks the beach. We have a chat about the weather, the waves, how the fish were biting, if we should make a cake tonight. People gawk and gasp at him, and women giggle. It’s hard for my boy to keep a straight face, but I can tell he’s enjoying causing a stir. He doesn’t care, and I love him for it.

Finally when we get home, he sets the bucket of fish down on the deck and stretches. “I’ll get to guttin’ em.”
I have other ideas. I take him to the bedroom instead. The ocean has dried on his skin instead of his clothing, and every inch of skin tastes salty and fresh. He’s a furnace, all tanned skin under tight muscles. I felt embarrassed later at the vigor I had taking him. I wouldn’t have been able to eat dinner without getting that release though. He has a way of getting to me, this son of a poor dockworker that had charmed his way into my life.

He glances at me afterwards, all flushed, hair mussed. “Didn’t know gutting fish turned you on so much.”
I snort “It’s not gutting fish. It’s the bait n tackle.”
He grins at me. “Well, that bait worked. I did pull in a very big fish today.”
“Did you just call me a fish?”
“Well you should see your ‘o’ face… ack!” I hit him with a pillow and we dissolve into laughter as he reaches for his to hit me back.

Captions are fictional.



@petardarkholme & @bobbygotback
Fotografia: Tom Kneller

“All good on the homefront?”
“Well, the baby went down for a nap, the dishwasher is loaded, laundry is folded and put away, dinner is marinating in the fridge.” Ty furrowed his brow.
“That all sounds like good things, but you don’t look too happy. What’s wrong?” Billy pushed back his chair from his computer and followed Ty out of the office.  “Something is wrong,” Tyler said. He stopped in the hallway and lowered his voice as to not wake up the infant. “We have a newborn, there isn’t any reason we should be caught up on the housework. I must need to do something, I just can’t think of what it is though.”
“It’s probably sleep.”
“Oh. I don’t feel tired.”
“I do. You’ve probably hit a wall where you’re so tired so often you stop realizing it,” Billy said.
“Well if I don’t feel tired, surely I should use this energy to get something else done…”
Billy pointed down the hall. “To bed.”
“This feels silly.”
Ty sighed. “Fine.” He peeked into the nursery before walking into their bedroom. He stripped off his shirt and climbed into bed. “I’m not tired.” He yawned.
“Uh huh. Ah curse you.” Billy yawned in response.
Ty grinned. “Contagious.” He stretched out. “Man it is nice to just not do anything. Maybe a nap is a good idea.”
“Well, hold on, there’s something I forgot to do.”
Ty glanced at Billy. “What?”
Billy moved to get up onto the bed.
“Are you gonna take a nap with me?”
“Absolutely. But first…need to do the thing I forgot to do.” Billy practically climbed on top of Ty, held himself up with one strong arm, and bent to kiss his husband deep. Ty made a low purring noise of appreciation and snaked his arm around Billy’s back. “Oh yeah sex…forgot about the whole sex thing…”
Billy kissed his jawline and down his neck. ‘Yeah the kissing is pretty nice… “ He slid his hand down Ty’s stomach.”
“Oh lord,” Ty gasped as the hand slid down past his waistband. He hurried to unbutton it. It was a confusing mood to be in – suddenly very horny and hardening quickly, but at the same time, the limbs were getting heavy and it  was feeling more and more attractive to fall asleep.

Lucky for Ty, he was too pent up to last long. Ty laid there on the pillows helplessly, hips arched, moaning Billy’s name as Billy stroke him to completion. He clutched Billy’s arm with one hand, sheets in another.
“Billy, god, don’t stop!” Ty hissed as loud as he dared, praying he didn’t make some loud comical orgasm noise that would wake the baby. He kept his teeth clenched and the groans in his throat as he spilled all over Billy’s hand.
“That’s it, come Ty, come all over me. That’s it, that’s a good boy. You’re working so hard to keep the house clean and the baby happy so I can work. It’s important you’re taken care of. You’re so very very backed up…”
Ty kissed Billy and ran his fingers through his hair as the bliss faded away into a soft dreamy bubble. “I feel very taken care of. And very, very tired.” Ty yawned as to make a point. “And also sticky.”
Billy yawned back. “Ah damn your contagious yawns again. I’ll go get a towel.”
Ty made a lazy nod as Billy got off of him. When Billy got back, Ty was asleep. Billy removed his jeans, cleaned up the spilled seed, and tucked his cock back into his shorts. Billy liked to handle it soft or hard. Cock was awesome, and Try liked to share his, so Billy was always grateful.
He left the towel in the sink, washed his hands, and then shucked off his clothes to join Ty for a nap. His own cock would wait until later, as could any work he left undone. Sleep, precious sleep, was calling him, and thankfully his cock understood that this time it had to bow out. At any second that baby could cry. Why would you squander that time not sleeping, when Ty was always curled up in bed, warm and soft and waiting?
Billy spooned up to him and nuzzled his neck. He began to fantasize how he’d spill his seed later, but within moments, he too was out.

Captions are fictional.


Craig watched Harrison’s houseboy rinse off after grilling dinner on a humid summer night. “Damn, Harrison, I can’t get over the ass on your boy. Just what a fine specimen.”
“Why thank you Craig. I do enjoy having him around, I’ve enjoyed every second of him being in my service.”
Jack spoke up. “I admire the restraint you have Harrison, cause I’d spend all day playing with that body of his…or having him sit on my lap while I’m working.”
“He can’t get his chores done sitting on my lap, and I would never get any work done with him there anyway.”
The other two men chuckled.
“Something so satisfying about a good houseboy. Like, society didn’t carve out a place for them, but we knew they are god-given so we carved a place out for them – and they came to us.” Jack leaned back in his chair and sighed.
“Are you getting spiritual there Jack?” Craig asked.
“Hey if the higher power created houseboys in his own image, I’m going to church more.”
Harrison snickered. “Amen to that.” They clinked beer bottles and drank to that.
“Mn,” Craig said as an after thought. “Still a fine ass though.”
“And the calves.” Jack added.
“I like the way his legs are proportioned in kind of an hourglass way.”
“Yeah, the taper around the ankles is nice,” Jack agreed.
Harrison spoke up. “I like the way his thigh muscles cut in around the top of his knees, creates nice shadows.”
“I like the ripples in his back.”
“Shoulders, can’t forget shoulders.”
“And a nice personality too. Just always happy to serve.” Jack this time.
“And he does seem to enjoy it. Has a natural knack for it,” Craig piped up.
“Makes good coffee. And doesn’t put too much pepper on the eggs.”
“Makes real good brownies too.”

“You know what I like right now,” Craig gestured. “Is just how red he is turning. Look at his ears.”
Harrison laughed. “What’s that you say? He can hear us?” Well, aren’t we fools gentlemen. Don’t you all know not to flatter your houseboys? Goes to their heads is does. Turns em into divas.”
Craig put his empty bottle down. “We have made a grievous sin. Still. I stand by my first argument: that ass is fine.”
There was a chorus of “mmhmms” and head nods.
“You should be done rinsing off, boy. Turn off the water, and grab Craig another beer,” Harrison instructed.
“Y-yes Sir.” The young man turned off the water and grabbed a towel. He did have quite a red face.

“Oh, that reminds me,” Craig said.
“What?” asked Jack.
“We never talked about the front.”

The houseboy shot Craig a look of exasperation, which made them all laugh. After he got the men a refill of beer, Harrison crooked his finger and the young man curled up on his lap, safe his Master’s arms. When Jack and Craig got into a side conversation about something, Harrison took that moment to whisper in his boy’s ear. “You know, all those things we said were true.” It was delightful to see the houseboy start blushing all over again.

Captions are fictional.


I drink in the stunning sight of Nero reading on the sofa in the buff, utterly comfortably in himself. I love discovering all sides to this complex, quiet man. Seeing him at leisure is just as pleasurable as seeing him thrashing in ecstasy.  When he moved in, it was like getting a new pet. I was, and am, just so interested in what he was doing all the time. I try to give him his space during the day, because at night I just want him in my arms until dawn. I also use that time at night to think of more ways to fulfill Nero’s one requirement for moving in – that I bring more casual kink into his daily life.

Nero raises his gaze from his book to me, questioning.
“Show me your device,” I say.
Nero smirks and lifts up his book so I can see the pretty silver device around his cock. The sun glimmers off it.
I nod. “As you were.” And I move on to continue what I was doing. I couldn’t remember what that was though…

Captions are fictional.



Ph. Ore Adesina

You really didn’t think there was any difference between having sex, fucking, and making love. You assumed ‘making love’ was something heroines did in romance novels. Even if it were possible, in your mind, men were breeders. ‘Making love’ was definitely not something men were even capable of doing with each-other. Until, ya know, it happened to you on a warm August night.

Captions are fictional.


I was relieved the rooms were joined, but I didn’t imagine having to use it for this purpose. I stepped into their room, my presence muffled by the sound of the commotion. I was shocked at the state of things. Anger bubbled up in me until heat was radiating out of my skin. I bunched my hand into a fist. Daniel shouted something at Bryan. Bryan shouted something back and tackled Daniel. Daniel slid off the bed and they crash landed on to the floor in a tangle of limbs and linen.
“Enough!” I bellowed, slamming my fist into the wall.
Both startled; Daniel gasped. Their heads snapped towards me with wide-eyed shock on their faces.

“Listen you assholes. We are BARELY halfway through this tour, and this is the biggest tour we’ve ever done. I know we had a long night tonight, and we’re all tired from the show. But you two need to act like adults and get your shit together. I will NOT let YOU TWO ruin this tour with bad PR that you’ve destroyed a hotel room. The cost I’m tipping the maid is going to come out of your pay. You two need to calm down and go to bed. As of this moment, you’re done fighting it out. So you two can either hug it our or fuck it out, but what ever bullshit is going on between you two ends tonight. Do you understand?”
They both nodded sheepishly.
“Good. I’ve also pushed back our bus call tomorrow until noon. You guys need your rest. Remember, our LA show is in four days. If you guys ruin that show for us with your attitude, no one will ever find your bodies.”
Daniel swallowed hard. He knew my family lived in the mountains and we knew every hill and valley.
“Is that understood?” I asked sweetly.
“Ye-yes.” They stammered together.
“Good. Now I’m going to bed. Good night.”

I closed and locked the door behind me. I yawned and stretched. No one ever told me being a tour manager means herding drama queens acting like children. I climbed back into bed and checked for the hundredth time to make sure our next merch shipment is on track for Monday. It’d be fine. Everything was quiet besides the faint sound of them talking. I drifted off.

I was on the cusp of sleep when I hear a repetitive squeaky noise. I lifted my head up. From the other room drifts an “oh yeaaah~” and an “ah fuck!”. The noise is mattress springs. Well there’s that answer. They chose to fuck it out. Just what I expected – jealousy and suppressed feelings. Good thing I gave em the option of sleeping in tomorrow. They should have plenty of time to catch up on relieving their frustrations. I just hope there’s no visible hickies. The fangirls would notice immediately.

Captions are fictional.



Speedobuttandtaint Hot Men, hot speedos and hot butts as well as over 100k hot followers thanks

“You brought me something to drink? That’s so thoughtful of you. You are such a good host.”
“Thank you Sir. I love serving men.”
“I love it. Are you shareable?”
“Shareable Sir…?” the young man asks. His eyes lingered on the silhouette of Ahmed’s cock in the wet underwear.
“When I dry off, I’d love for someone to come reapply sunscreen…but I wouldn’t want to offend Damien’s hospitality.”
The boy licks his lips. “You see this?” He pointed to his chastity cage.
“That’s the only thing Damien doesn’t like to share. He gave me clear instructions to accommodate his guests. I intend to obey that order.”
“Well I’d hate for Damien to think his sub isn’t doing his job. Come back in fifteen minutes. Mm this lemonade is good.”
“Yes sir!”

The lad came back a bit later to find Damien completely naked, sunning his furry body on the lounge chair with no shame at all. Good lord. Why did God make men so beautiful? Oh yeah. To be served.

Captions are fictional.



Wincent Weiss by Ascanio Vardan

Jesse takes a break between clients. The cigarettes help suppresses his appetite. Not enough time to eat before the next guy comes over. He takes another drag and runs numbers in his head. He’s satisfied. Soon he’ll have enough to buy his brother a new laptop for when he starts high school in the fall. The old thing they have at home is on its last legs, but Jesse refused to pawn it when mom left with her drug buddies. Still, Jesse wouldn’t have gotten much for it anyhow.
Let’s see…they should have enough for groceries until the end of the month until the food stamps come in on the first. If his brother’s shoes last, then Jesse figured should be able to get he laptop in time for his brother’s birthday. Nice. Combined with the income from his brother’s summer job, they should be ok for a while when school started. Then Jesse could scale back taking clients and focus on getting his life back on track. Get his GED. Maybe actually find a boyfriend, although he couldn’t imagine anyone would want to date him after all this. Oh well, it was worth it to see his brother succeed. He tried to imagine his brother’s reaction when he’d open the laptop. It was gonna be great. 

Jesse took a sip from his mug and stubbed out his cigarette. He watched his next client park down the street. Time to get busy. At least this guy was super hot.

Captions are fictional.

Another post got hidden : /

Another post got hidden : /


Jack tossed his cap on the counter. “Stop stop. I’ve had enough of
this. Aaron this, Aaron that. You can’t go one hour without saying his
name. I know I invited you over here cause you’ve been depressed, but
now I see that’s cause you’re just wallowing in it.”
Mick pouted.
“Well I mean – what do you expect me to do? It was such a stupid fight,
and it was going so well. He was so hot, and he fucked me a lot. How can I live
my life knowing if he will or won’t ask me back. I miss him.”
Jack walked up to Mick. “If he takes you back, don’t go.”
“W-what? Why not? I would in a heartbeat! It’s all I can think about.”
didn’t appreciate you. He didn’t care about your feelings. Do you
listen to yourself when you talk about the fight? From what I hear Aaron
barely acknowledged you were in a relationship. Sounds like he kept you
around as a convenient lay. You deserve better. And yeah he’s hot.
Maybe he’s a good fuck. But you’re so young, and have so many hot fucks
ahead of you. Don’t waste your best years on dumb guys who don’t treat
you well., especially in bed.”
“Easy for you to say! You have no
problem getting guys. It’s so hard…I’m not hot like you. I don’t know
when my next fuck or boyfriend comes along?”
Jack smiled a little. “You think I’m hot, Michael?”
Mick flushed. “Well – I mean, you’re attractive yeah. Hotter than me.”
lifted Mick’s chin with his thumb. “Hey. Don’t put yourself down so
much. You have a classic, American boy next door look. And those boys
becomes hot daddies. Definitely desirable.”
Mick’s gaze glanced to
the side. “Everyone wants a model’s face. A boy next door look? I don’t
know anyone who finds that attractive.”
Mick swallowed. “…You?”
“…But you’d never fuck me.”
Jack smiled. “You never asked.”
Mick blinked.
doesn’t have to mean anything, but…if you let me, I’d show you just
what it’s like when a man cherishes you during sex. I feel like you’ve
never had that. Makes me sad.”
“Cherishes …me?” Mick whispered.
“Yes. Can I kiss you?”
Mick considered his friend’s face and then nodded.

didn’t pounce, but leaned in, gentle as a kitten. Mick exhaled softly
through his nose. Jack didn’t rush to grope. He waited for Mick to
relax, kiss back. That’s when he cupped the back of Mick’s head and took
a step forward, deepening it, adding tongue. He half expected Mick to
tighten, panic, withdraw, grumble how it was all a mistake. But Mick
melted against him. His pulse quickened. He twisted his fingers in
Jack’s shirt. There. He was ready.

They never made it to the bed.
Almost. Mick had Jack standing up, hand braced on the mattress for
support. Jack didn’t want to break the touches, the kisses. The way Mick
was caressing him was divine. It made him feel so warm. All that horny
frustration was floating right to the surface. For the first time he
felt so impatient to be fucked. He arched against Jack, trying to convey
how he felt. His head was too muzzy for speech. It took Mick a moment
to realize that he was acting slutty. It excited him. He’d never been so
deep in bottom headspace before. Hell, his own cock seemed kind of
irrelevant. He was hard for sure, but Jack’s cock was much more
interesting. He wanted it. He wanted a man inside him. Jack heard a voice say. “Put it in me.” and was shocked to realize it was his own.

Jack penetrated him, his knees nearly gave in. Oh sweet merciful Jesus,
it didn’t even hurt! I just slid right in. Mick could smell the scent
of lube and sweat and cum. The scent of sex. Was it really supposed to
be like this? Could it always be like this? It was never like this was Aaron.

Mick decided Jack was right – if Aaron tried to take him back, he wouldn’t go.

Captions are fictional.