Tag: wedding proposals

  • “Alright, cat. Talk.”“Mraow.”“Don’t be coy with me. Where is it.”“Mraaaoow.”“I know you know where it is. It was sitting right here. My ring, I wear it all the time. You know, on the hand I pet you with? Where is it.”“Mraow.”“What did you do with it? What do you want? Money? Catnip? Power? Well, you…

  • noodlesandbeef: While exploring Toronto I took big pup to catch a very special movie at a local theater. I took him to see our movie. I had rented out the entire theater, made movie posters, had tickets printed up, and created a feature length about our life together. From when we first met to our…

  • We were on our third vacation as a couple, and our first overseas vacation at that. We were celebrating our fifth anniversary. It had stopped raining so my boyfriend had suggested we go for a walk. We picked up a trail that followed the curve of a cliff. The railing curved away from the path…