Tag: thong

  • rumpusboom: #Daniel Montoya Cam exhaled. “Wait wait, do it again.”“Again?”“Yeah, pull it down and up again.”Jake pulled the thong down and brought it up. “Like that?”“Yeaaah… do it again.”Jake grinned at Cam over his shoulder. He made a show about pulling the thong down while bending all the way over, making sure Cam could get…

  • nips-and-butts: Jeff wiped his hands on a rag. “Well, I can get it running, but if you want to give it to your dad for his 50th birthday, you’re gonna need to replace a few of the lines for longevity, plus mitigate the rust on the undercarriage, and do the interior work on it as…

  • empusa6: “Are you taking photo of my pussy?”“Hell yes I am. It’s one of the most beautiful things I’ve seen in my life.”“Aaahhh Papi, you’re so sweet. Making me even more horned up talking like that.”“You have such a gift, Carlos. Much like a gorgeous cake, it almost seems sacrilegious to wreck it.”“But Papi, if…

  • thethongkingdom: “Let me ask you a question, boy.”Matty turns to look at the muscular man leaning against the counter. “Yes?”“If you turned that bottle upside, you think you could fit it inside of you?”Matty straightens up. “Well, that’s a hell of a question.”He sneers. “I’m just asking, cause if you can, then I know you’ll…