Tag: one night stand

  • “God, he does have insane abs. Come ooonnn Matt, let me steal your new friend. Pleaaaaaaaaaaase? You’re going to bed anyway.”“Does your brother always do this?” Adam asks.Matt sighs. “It’s become a habit. This is what happens when you’re the youngest child – you get lazy and spoiled.”Zach flips Matt off. “Work smarter, not harder. You’re friends…

  • vallentiro14: Huh. I think these are Mark’s, and this pair is Donovan’s that he borrowed me from and never returned last year. So Mark wears the same brand of underwear as I do? What are the odds. I tossed them to the side and leaned back in the chair. Man that was one wild party…

  • Jamie woke up smiling. How could he not, at the memory that a man had taken his ass last night? He’d seen Stephen at the bar once or twice, but neither had made a move. By some magic, Stephen caught his gaze last night and understood the desperate lustful longing in Jamie’s eyes. Stephen then…

  • vallentiro14: Your eyes lock, and you see him. He smiles. You look up at him up and down and smirk. He’s local, his Portuguese is beautiful and accented. His body invites your eyes roam over its curves and hills. You flirt, he flirts. His English is decent enough. He asks if you’re a fag, but…

  • Bill glanced at himself in the mirror as he left the bathroom. The scratch marks he spotted before his shower were still noticeable. What a randy little thing he’d picked up last night! Bill paused in the doorway to consider the twink in his bed. Jax was naked except for his socks, twisted in Bill’s…

  • vallentiro14: Paul had gone to take a late morning nap. When he came down to the pool area, the Saturday’s festivities were in full swing. And yep, the second he saw all those hot guys, he got an instant boner. Paul had been suppressing his sexuality since the awkward college years, but now that his…

  • I walk into the living room with my coffee. “Oh! There you are. Your bedroom was empty. Is that the stray lad you brought in last night?”James nods. I can tell he’s smiling behind his hands.“You’ve taken quite a fancy to him have you?”James nods.“Did you have a bit of a frolic this morning?”James nods…

  • “So after all of that, we finally get back to his place, and he had like four crystals on his nightstand, but no goddamn condoms.”“None?”“None. He said it’s fine cause I had ‘good vibes’.”“God people in Los Angeles are weird.”“Tell me about it. And he thought leather was ‘old fashioned’. Ugh. Mistakes were made, Hank,…

  • maybeinabluemoon: quizás, quizás, quizás “I don’t want to go back.”“I’m sorry?” I ask, sipping my coffee.“I want to stay here.”“Here?” I ask, hoping I was understanding his English well enough. “In this rental apartment? There’s better ones in Lisbon…”“No no, I mean. Here. In this country. In Europe. No one cares that I’m gay here. There’s…

  • Wow. This view is NICE! Super nice. That is definitely the Eiffel Tower. Wait. The ..Eiffel Tower? Those street signs are in French. I’m in FRANCE? I woke up in Cambridge yesterday! We went to London to party… I remember that. The fuck happened? How much did I DRINK? I remember my wallet and cellphone…