Tag: meta-post

  • legovasavouchi:

  • FYI – I’m in the middle of a move and my stress levels are up to 9000. Super hopeful that everything will calm down by February, and I can finally focus on this blog again. Cause I owe it to you guys.

  • I accidentally stumbled upon a caption earlier today that used the term “incestuous butthole”, and it’s terrible and burned into my mind. So now it’s burned into yours too. Ugh.

  • 2mkw2: Very grateful!!!!!!♥️♥️♥️ I do like you guys.

  • Considering how many of you kinky fuckers show up on my dashboard fantasizing about being sold and degraded, I hope you guys are getting super hard over Tumblr being sold for 3 mil when it last went to Verizon for over 1 billion.

  • Are you still active? I wrote something but I can’t tag you in it..

    Yes I am? It’s cause I’m marked as a NSFW blog. We’re essentially quarantined now.

  • Well, that’s a thing.

  • Lol there’s now a thing in my dashboard settings called “Review Flagged Posts.” Tumblr there isn’t enough time in the day for that! I’ve been serving dick up for like …four years or some shit.


    In 24 hours, I will be copying All Because of the Boys to WordPress. In order to do this, I have to disable my custom domain handle. So if you try to go to my domain ALLBECAUSEOFTHEBOYS.COM and it doesn’t work, grab your towel and don’t panic. You can still find me at ALLBECAUSEOFTHEBOYS.TUMBLR.COM. The…

  • torontopup: taco-bell-rey: Porn blogs still posting porn until December 17th is the equivalent of the band playing while the Titanic was sinking. yeah, but its what we do. Also, think its more the Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald, than the Titanic. I’m thinking it’s more like the wreck of the Bismark or like the Lusitania.…