Posts I guess


In 24 hours, I will be copying All Because of the Boys to WordPress. In order to do this, I have to disable my custom domain handle. So if you try to go to my domain ALLBECAUSEOFTHEBOYS.COM and it doesn’t work, grab your towel and don’t panic. You can still find me at ALLBECAUSEOFTHEBOYS.TUMBLR.COM.

The wordpress back up blog will be ALLBECAUSEOFTHEBOYS.WORDPRESS.COM.

Please note that as of right now, the WordPress copy will be functioning as an ARCHIVE. I have not yet made the determination how I will be proceeding for future updates.

If for some reason Tumblr deletes my blog before I can announce where future updates will be, I have the entire thing backed up multiple ways just in case. If my Tumblr is suddenly deleted, I’ll post on WordPress or Twitter (@allbecauseboys) about where future updates will. You can also reach me at although I don’t check it very often.

Don’t worry, I’m not going to stop writing captions. Tumblr may be going down, but you can’t stop the signal, Mal.


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