Tag: locker room

  • mofug2: Reggie was responding to a work e-mail and letting his body dry off after a shower when a young man sat next to him. He was a little startled when the man put a hand on his knee, reached over, and leaned in his ear. “Can I sit on the floor in front of…

  • zanephillips: Donde Hubo Fuego (High Heat) 1×23 “Si no son míos, no serán de nadie” Nico strolls into the shower room of the gym. There are eyes on him, and his eyes are on others. This is his hunting ground. There are men who look by accident, men who look on purpose, and men who don’t…

  • vallentiro14: Tyler stares at the wall in horror. There’s still a faint smudge of his cum on the wall from where some big bull named Dan fucked him  – three days ago. Good lord, how did he missed cleaning this? And didn’t this place have cleaning crews? Tyler had given the wall a cursory wipe…

  • vallentiro14: “Hey, Cas, are you alright?”“Huh? Yeah, just tired.”“I’m a little worried about you to be honest. You’ve been pushing yourself really hard lately in the pool. I get you want us to help win the competition, but it’s not worth your health being compromised.”Cas sighs and sets his bottle down. He turns off the…

  • bredbeta: It’s his pussyboy masturbatory aid. I can’t even blame him for carrying one around as you never know when you might be gripped by an acute need to be full and once you accept that penetration is your truest pleasure one quickly finds fingers … insufficient. “What the fuck is this?Cody blushed and stammered.…

  • “Hey Coach – it’s a pretty warm day for tennis. Mind if I take off my shirt?” He nearly drops the tennis ball canister he’s holding. “Mind? Why would I mind? Nah, sport, go right ahead.” “Sweet.” I peel it off and toss it aside and then stretch. “Much better. …Hey coach whatcha staring at?”…

  • “I…um, I – ” Wait. Why am I panicking? Why is everything shriveled up in fear that I’ve been caught? Isn’t this what I wanted? Isn’t this what I’ve been fantasizing about for so long? This what I imagined, on dark lonely nights, with my cock in my hand. I took so many days to…

  • New writer on the block!

    (I really should make a database of caption writers and make a tab for it. Until then…) We have a new caption writer in our midst. His name is curiousjosh6611 and his writing tag is here. Josh’s Tumblr is kind of unique. He not only posts original pictures of his sexy nude self and reblogs…

  • “Come here. Come ‘ere. Sshh, you know, boy, even if you cry in the shower I can still see your tears. Listen to me. You’ve been staring at me for a while now. I can tell you want it, and I can tell it’s been tearing you up inside. Don’t be scared, and don’t listen…

  • Damn…he barely looked at me, and I was like shirtless for five minutes. What can I do to impress him? Do I need to be muscular? More twinky? I have no idea what kind of guys he’s into….I just know he’s into cock, but I can’t ask him because I’m not supposed to know that.…