Tag: happily ever after

  • “You put him away baby,” I say, pulling Jesse into a hug. Everyone is in the backyard celebrating but I want a moment with him myself.“I did,” he whispers, voice cracking.“He can’t haunt you anymore. He’s gone for good.”Jesse beams. “Good. I still can’t believe I just …let him control me. Hurt me. What kind…

  • “Boy? Boy are you awake?”“Mmmnnn. Yez-Zir.”“Poor thing, you are so tuckered out from the demonstrations we did today. You were such a good boy today. Made me very proud.”“I love you Sir. Anything for you Sir,” the slave murmured, leaning against his Master’s touch.“I love you too boy. You are going to fall asleep in…

  • sadisticazazel: “You’re safe now, boy. I’ve got you.” “You’re safe now, boy. I’ve got you.”Seamus hiccuped and let his forehead rest on his big, strong boyfriend’s shoulder. “Why is my mother so mean to me, Jo?” he whispered.“Because she can’t ruin you too.”“…What? What do you mean?”“Your mother has always been a petty, jealous, narcissitic woman,…

  • Birdie glanced outside the slat window. “Oh look, the chickadees are back at the bird feeder. That must mean…yep, the doves are under it, picking up the mess. It looks like the squirrels are keeping their distance. The proofing thing we rigged worked. Aw, they’re so cute and fat. Probably starving in all this cold. Hm,…

  • brief12h: Relationship goals. “Breakfast is served Sir!”“Holy crap, look at that.”“Waffles, poached eggs, blueberries and cream.”“That looks delicious as it is unhealthy.”Roland laughed. “That it is.” He sat the plates down, then put the cream down, and went to refill his boyfriend’s glass.Tyge smiled  “I never used to look forward to breakfast until I started dating…

  • fuckyeahdudeskissing: Fuck Yeah Dudes Kissing. A place to see men kiss on Tumblr. Submit a kiss. “We’re going to have a problem,” Evan murmured.“I’m not seeing a problem. Clarify for me?” Joseph replied, his focus distant.“Well, I’m not sure… mmn. How were gonna be able to make it through the wedding ceremony if I can’t…

  • “How are you doing?” Daniel asks gently. “Great! I’m almost done peeling these carrots. Everything else is measured out and ready.” I nearly take my finger off when I feel a slight touch on my ass. “Looks great. Can’t wait to taste this cake you’re making. Going to be delicious.”“If I don’t forget an ingredient. Or mix…

  • I know you’ve fallen asleep over there, which I’m kind of glad about, because I kind of feel like I’m going to cry. I mean – how dumb would it look to start crying in the middle of a park? Someone would probably go – what an asshole, dude thinks the sky is so pretty…

  • “What?” James asks, letting his hand hover over his rolls. I’m sure he’s thinking I’m mentally critiquing something about the way he’s holding chopsticks or eating his maki. When we go out for Japanese food, he always tries to impress me with his ease in adapting my culture and asks a lot of questions to…

  • I hear the door close, then silence. “Honey is that you?” I ask, sticking my head out from the kitchen.“Yeah,” he grunts. “I’m home. Jesus, what a day. This just won’t end. It just won’t end.”I furrow my brow and come out to greet him. The kiss is cold from the spring chill and his…