Tag: flirting

  • “Mmmn.”“Is that bad or not?” Atei asked. “Hush,” Ro said. Atei held his tongue, but he was nervous. He heard of carpal tunnel impairing musicians and writers, and he knew the rest of his life would never reach its potential if he had to deal with this hand pain… Atei slowly became aware of a…

  • Marcus laughed at the text message. He briefly messaged this guy Corey on Grindr a few days back, but never got a reply – that is, until 2 am. At that moment, Marcus was tired and annoyed, and ignored it for sleep, but now at 2 pm this showed up. Marcus had questions. Was Corey…

  • “Hey Jake, if you’re not too busy later, perhaps you could join us on the beach. We’re having a barbeque, and watching the fireworks they’re setting off on the other side of the bay.”I tried to focus on the words he was saying and not just the perfect mouth attached to the beautiful face they…

  • Todd told himself he would stop flirting with boys on the N train. He really meant it this time. But that boy across from him is damn adorable, and definitely flirting. Todd convinces himself that it’s OK to break his rule this one time because the other guy started it first. Clearly. Todd licks his…

  • He hired me to shoot commemorative photos of his graduation from the The New England Conservatory in Boston. He said he wanted at least one picture of him with his violin where he didn’t look exhausted. I asked why he selected me because although I’m a portrait photographer, I normally do artistic nudes, bathing suits, homo-erotic,…

  • He jogs past my house six days a week, always at 8:38 sharp.. He must be a long distance runner because I’ve never see him any of the local shops. I always am on my porch with my tea, waiting for him. He’s totally gorgeous, lean and muscular, always sweaty. Ok, I have a little…