Tag: falling in love

  • Birdie glanced outside the slat window. “Oh look, the chickadees are back at the bird feeder. That must mean…yep, the doves are under it, picking up the mess. It looks like the squirrels are keeping their distance. The proofing thing we rigged worked. Aw, they’re so cute and fat. Probably starving in all this cold. Hm,…

  • He came by to help you close up the store. Your sister runs the place, selling very nice bath products and tattoo care, soap and candles. She wanted a night off, so you worked her shift. By closing time, the place was dead, so you invited your boyfriend to keep you company. Recently, you can’t…

  • I see Howard across the shopping center and totally just freeze. It’s him. It’s absolutely him. I forget that he can see me staring and that I’m not gazing at him through a screen or one way glass. He doesn’t look like his online profile at all – he looks twice as tall and three…

  • “Do you mind if I smoke?”“No, go ahead, just don’t blow it in my face.”“Yeah right on, right on. Sorry, I’m buying a vape thing with my next paycheck.”“Good luck to ya mate.”He smiles and nods, lighting up. “So …tell me again what is it exactly do you do for this guy you’re seeing?”I nibble…