Tag: blowjob

  • mofug2: Reggie was responding to a work e-mail and letting his body dry off after a shower when a young man sat next to him. He was a little startled when the man put a hand on his knee, reached over, and leaned in his ear. “Can I sit on the floor in front of…

  • nankmood: “You have such pretty eyes. Man, it turns me on even more to see you blush while sucking my cock! Thought I couldn’t be harder than I am. Damn, you’re really good at this, by the way. Glad I trusted my instincts. Never had my boss at a job get so flustered around me…

  • “Christ in heaven, is it morning already?”“Yes it is.” Frank said. He was standing at the foot of the bed. “It can’t be morning already,” Donovan protested. “We weren’t up that late were we?”“We went to bed at like 2 am,” Frank answered. He stretched and let out a groan as his neck cracked. “Ah,…

  • “Look at your bulge. Such a nice bulge…damn, your cock is so perfect for your body size.”“Thank you, Ryan, I appreciate that.”“Mmn. Can I touch it?” Ryan pulled at the waistband of his shorts.“Yeah you can.”Ryan slid his hands down Mark’s underwear. He moaned as skin and skin made contact. “This always gives me goosebumps.…

  • Todd could barely look him in the eye. Joe was so intimidating. Todd had been attractive to him the day he starting hanging out at his friend’s frat house. All the guys there were jock-types, even the big bear-ish ones were strong and reeking of testosterone. There was something different about Joe. He carried himself…

  • thingsdaddynynjlikes: Fuuuuuuuuuuuck, I don’t wanna get up….. Dude, you’re working from home, the only thing I need for you to get up is between your legs while you do that conference call…… “ Fuuuuuuuuuuuck, I don’t wanna get up…..”“Dude, you’re working from home, the only thing I need for you to get up is between…

  • Brian could not believe no one was making a move on that hot daddy. He was silver as they come, but still a stud. And at his age that dick was still rock hard! Brian was getting up there and was getting fed up with both the ageist 20 year old twinks, although he knew…

  • coolroseus: He’s still learning how to tend to cock with his mouth, so you help him along with setting a rhythm. Nothing quite inspires a boy like two blunt fingers against the prostate. He hasn’t moved to touch his dark erection once in the last ten minutes. He’s focusing on his ass without even meaning…

  • thenerdysubmissive: “Y’know what’s better than a sunset?” “What, Sir?” “Watching it while getting a blowjob” “… Woooooooooooow” “What? You said to be more romantic!” “Well I won’t say no to one Sir. Nice of you to offer.” “….but that’s…not what.. that’s, I mean…” “Oh? What do you mean Sir?” Sigh. “….Nevermind. Fine. Undo your pants,…

  • felixdeon: This Revolutionary Romance is available as an original drawing in my Etsy Store. Click HERE.  Thomas closed the door behind him and hung up his hat. “Mother, I’m home.”She bustled out into the parlor. “Hello darling. Wonderful timing. I was just about to put on tea. How was your lesson?”“Wonderful, mother. I seem to…