

Here comes The Sun.
Photo by @fluffypoppostcards

“Hi there, welcome to Sun Coffee. The usual?” Donovan chirped.
“Er. Er. Yes. You know my usual?”
“Chai with cinnamon, coconut milk. Medium.”
Evan flushed. “Yes. That’s it.”
Donovan rang him up. “$4.06.”
Evan passed over his card. “Here you go.” There was a moment of quiet as the card processed. “That uh, shirt looks good on you.”
Donovan smiled way too wide for a response. He could feel Katie’s gaze burning into the back of his neck. Yesterday’s conversation with the barista was still fresh on his mind:
“Another chai for our regular, Katie.”
“Ha, a regular? You know he wasn’t a regular before you got here.”
“He only comes in on days you work. …What? You never noticed?”
Donovan stared at her until a customer rang the bell at the counter and made him jump.  

“Ok sign here.” Donovan turned the screen around. Evan signed. “All set. Number 18.”
“Thank you.”
“No, thank you.”
They looked at each-other. Donovan thought Evan was going to say something. Donovan raised an eyebrow. Evan turned pink again. Donovan thought it was pretty how the color showed up behind the freckles.
“Sorry. Nevermind.” Evan grabbed the metal sign with the 18 on it and went to his table. He looked defeated.

Donovan could hear Katie giggling behind him.
“He’s SO cute, but so pitiful. I can’t stand it. If you don’t take him, I will.”
Donovan made a face. “…I don’t think it works like that.”
Katie shrugged and made the chai latte. “Just saying. I mean, we like the money he spends, but he’s gonna go broke here if he hasn’t already. Have some pity on the poor heart-sick bastard. Either ask him out or put him out of his misery.”
Donovan held his hands up. “Alright alright.”
“I’m serious. Do we have more coconut milk in the walk-in?”
“There should be one behind the almond milk.”
“Aha. Found it.”
“Mm.” Donovan had a thought. He was busy writing something when Katie tapped him on the shoulder a few minutes later. She handed Donovan the finished drink and shooed him out on the floor.

Evan looked Donovan’s way, and his eyes went huge. He looked down at his phone at once. The way he was maniacally scrolling through Facebook in a panic almost made Donovan laugh. Donovan set the napkin and drink down on the table in a careful way. “There we go, enjoy your latte, Mr. Meade.”
Evan swallowed and gave Donovan a puppy gaze. “Thank you.”

Donovan walked back to the bar and wished he had eyes in the back of his head, so he could see Evan’s face when he noticed the phone number written on the napkin.

Captions are fictional.


“Hey baby, how’s Nashville?”
Humid. And I miss you.”
“I miss you too. How’s your mom?”
“She’s…stable right now. But it’s not good, the doctor’s are saying things like ‘you need to prepare yourself that she might not leave the hospital’.”
I click my tongue. “Oh bearbear, I’m so sorry you’re going through this.”
“Me too. When she’s lucid she’s so happy I’m here, so it’s worth it. Miss you so bad though.”
“How so?” I wonder if he can hear me smiling over the phone.
“I miss cuddling with you in bed. I miss chiding you for eating your toast standing up, dropping crumbs on the floor. I miss you falling asleep on me when we watch late night movies. I miss the way you get so hilariously excited when your favorite porn actor announces a new video…”
“Oh come on, you love watching my porn too.”
“Ok ok, a little, but it’s more about the sex than the actual dick owners. But seriously, baby, you know what I miss most?”
“mmm What bearbear?”

“Those morning when you get up before me and go on your jogs. I’m just waking up when you get out of the shower, and if I roll onto your side of the bed I can see your bare ass in the bathroom as you preen in the mirror… I was just layin’ in bed this morning and wishin’ it were true.”
“Aww, really? I find it so sexy that you like to watch me,” I say, my throat a bit tight. “You’re breaking my heart over here. Shit, I wish I could take more time off of work and come visit you in Nashville!”
“Don’t make your boss angry. It’s not your fault you got sick in March and had to use all your days off.”
“I know, I know,” I sigh. “Hey, why don’t I make you some videos so you’re less homesick?”
“Like what?”
“It’s a secret. You’ll find out when you open them.”
“…Any that are not safe for work?”
I snicker. “There miiiight be a couple.”
He groans. “You have no idea how wonderful that would be. Please, just please, make them. …Oh what Tanesha? She is? … Hey love, mom is waking up. I gotta go. Talk to you soon.”
“Ok, I’ll call later. Love you.”
“Love you more. Bye.”
“Bye bearbear.”

The ideas for the videos burbled up instantly, one after the other. There was one I had to make first though. The next morning, I got up early and went on my jog. I took a shower, then made sure I spent plenty of time grooming in front of the mirror naked. I uploaded the video to a privately listed Youtube account and sent it to my lover. When I checked the stats later, I saw it had been viewed 41 times in 24 hours. I made sure to send him more – lots more – of my ass, of my body, of me lifting weights, of me masturbating.

Shortly after I began the project, I suddenly didn’t hear from him for two days until he called. He told me in a tired voice that his mother had passed. They were preparing for the funeral now. He begged me to not stop with the videos, as they were the only thing holding him together and keeping him distracted from deep grief and pain.

I told my boss I had a family emergency, took the Friday off, and flew to Nashville with my GoPro and a black suit packed in my luggage.

Text is fictional. Not sure of source…probably from Vine.



people who say that baseball players have nice legs obviously haven’t seen male ballet dancers’ legs….

Rugby players win in the muscular upper-torso department, but you’re right about the legs on male ballet dancers. Finer specimens of male strength, agility, and grace you won’t find elsewhere. Each leg a fluid sculpture of muscle, tendon, cartilage, bone, and beauty.


I went to stay with my Uncle Jim because my parents were fighting so much. Uncle Jim lived with this guy named Antoine. My parents used to say bad things about them, but I didn’t really understand how they could be right. Uncle Jim and Antoine were incredibly nice people, kept to themselves. I could talk to Uncle Jim about anything when my parents were being scary or mom had too much to drink, even at 3 am, curled up in the bathroom with the phone.

When I moved in, I thought I’d be sleeping on the sofa but it seemed Uncle Jim and Antoine moved into the same room together so I could have the guest room. It looks like they did it a while ago. Maybe they anticipated I’d be coming? I settled in. Got back in school.

One night, about three weeks into my staying there, I was about to go to bed when I realized I’d forgotten to do the problems for math class. Too distracted by a history paper. I’d left my math notebook in my backpack by the front door, so I left my room to go get it. From the hallway, I saw something I thought maybe I shouldn’t have seen.

Antoine was on top of Uncle Jim and kissing him. It wasn’t an accident; it was in a very specific way. They were pressed together in their underwear. Uncle was massaging Antoine’s ass with his hands; Antoine was groaning. I bit my lip, trying not to make even a sound by breathing. I slowly, slowly tip-toed back to my room and closed the door with great care. I could do the problems in the morning before class. I sat down on my bed and thought about what I’d just seen, and then it hit me.

When mom and dad used to call Uncle Jim a “fag”, they weren’t calling him a wuss, they were insulting him for being gay. And Uncle Jim and Antoine hadn’t moved into the same room together, they slept in the same bed already because… “they’re a couple.” I said it out loud. The more I thought about it, the more it made sense – the way they acted together, sat next to each other. How could I have not seen it before? It was so obvious. They were in love, so in love. And they welcomed me here, to live with them. I exhaled slowly. I heard a groan even through my door and turned red.

They thought I was asleep. I should act like I am, not say a word. I got into bed and turned out the light but I didn’t sleep for a long time. I was up thinking about how two men could love each other with the same intensity that my parents hated each other. I had never really thought about how I felt about gay men before.. but when I finally fell asleep at 2 in the morning, I still wanted to stay.

Text is fictional. The men are Nubius and Scorpio – not even kidding – from