Posts I guess


I love dick.

“Hey Tanner?”
“Yeah, sweetness?”
“Come here I got a present for you,” Corwin called out.
“ooo I like presents. Not even my birthday.” Tanner closed his laptop and got up from the table. He wandered into the bedroom and stopped in the doorway. He made an exaggerated gasp and put a hand over his chest. “You bought a jockstrap.”
“What do you think?” Corwin turned side to side.
“I LOVE this present. My goodness. God I love seeing your hairy legs. Rawr.”
“I thought you’d like that.”
Tanner ran his hands up Corwin’s thighs. “Mnn it’s wrapped so well. What could be in this present?”
“Oh? That I can’t tell you – you have to open it.”
Tanner giggled and bites his lip. “I think I know what it is.” Tanner hooked his pointer finger in and pulled back the band. “ooooooo. It’s a penis! And a lovely, thick one at that.” Tanner looked up at his partner. “But Corwin.”
“I already have one of these.”
Corwin burst out laughing. “Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t realize. Do you not want it?”
“Hmmm.” Tanner peered down again. “Well. It’s different than mine. You’re uncut..” He dipped his hands inside, curving his palm around the shaft. “Oh I do like this. Foreskin is fun to play with. I’m not sure what I like more – the present or the packaging.” 
“You can like both.”
“Well, I do. Thank you love.” They exchanged a kiss. 
Tanner had not taken his hand off of Corwin. “Can I shamelessly play with your dick for a while?”
“I should have known this was going to happen. I know how much you love jockstraps.”
Tanner chuckled and slid his hand free. “I’m transparent aren’t I?”
“You’re not afraid of what makes you horny, and I love that. Come to the sofa, you can play all you want.”
“Hell yeah, otter snuggles!”
Corwin smiled. “God you are so precious. I need to give you more presents.”

Captions are fictional.


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