Posts I guess




This was a photo taken of me at Manchester Pride 2016.

I saw a young girl as I was walking in the parade. She didn’t look very happy, and I wanted to brighten her day.

I went over to her and dropped down on one knee and asked her if she would like a flower. She smiled at me and took the flower. I told her she was beautiful, and continued marching in the parade.

I later found out the moment had been captured on camera, and was told that the little girl had been there for the duration of the Parade, having spasms and being generally uncomfortable. I was told that after this, she smiled for a good half an hour.

This alone is my proudest moment of my life as a human pup.

I remember seeing this, it was utterly lovely! ❤❤

That is the most amazing thing ever. Remember folks puppy play is not always bones in holes. Sometimes it is sweet gestures like this. Moments captured of pure innocence.

You are such a good puppy <33


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