Posts I guess

“What are you boys doing in here? Why are you standing around like that? There’s a lot of cooking to be done! We got a lot of people coming over later for our holiday party.”
“We’re warming our buns, Sir.”
“Yes,” the second houseboy says, “Our buns are cold. It’s freezing in here!”
“We can’t cook if we’re too cold, so we’re warming the kitchen a little.”
“You’re still wasting time! Isn’t there something you should be doing?”
“Sir, forgive me for saying so, but it’s 8 in the morning. The party isn’t until 5. Plus, we did a lot of prep-work last night. We’re going to have plenty of time.”

The man out of the house puffs out his cheeks as he gets momentarily distracted by bare legs and cute butts. “Well..fine. Could one of you at least make me a cup of coffee then?”
“Right away, Sir,” they both echo. One houseboy on the outside of the oven turns to the other closer to the counter and mouths. “Decaf. Use the decaf.”

Text is fictional.


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