Posts I guess

“Ok you two, throw a couple poses then we’ll move on to the next set of this swimwear shoot….Rodriguez? …Rod?”
Wow, it really is a chastity cage! I’ve never seen one up close before. Gosh, it’s cute. Sooo jealous – he was able to save up enough money to get one of the nice ones and he has a keyholder! Two things I don’t. I bet he doesn’t have student loan payments either…Jeez, I really want one of these.
“Huh? What?? Oh.” He blushes. “Sorry.”
Mike ruffles his hair and chuckles, “You can ask me questions about it later ok?”
“Ok, sorry Mike.”
“No problem, cutie. Now smile or the photographer is going to murder us.”

Text is fictional. The men in the photos are Aden and Jordan Jaric of Falcon Studios. What’s really neat is that they’re a married gay couple. You read that right – a gay married couple who are also professional porn stars. More photos here. Here is Aden’s profile on Falcon’s website.


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