Posts I guess


A squeeze for good luck.

“See you after the game?” Rick grins, lifting and squeezing my bulge before wandering off to join his team. The question is rhetorical, but even if it wasn’t my mouth is too dry to answer. I look around. No one seems to have cared he just groped me – me! Rick Castille just groped me! A guy from my team gave me a thumbs up though.
Oh Rick is so hot, every gay boy, half the bi ones, and some of the straight ones want him. He is all lean muscle and strong legs, angular shoulders and flat stomached, which make his cock look huge pushing out of his shorts.

Underwear flag football is our boarding school’s tradition – there is always lot of cock flashed on the field, sure, which is why I made sure to jack it before hand to prevent any unwanted boners. Rick managed to undo all my hard work though and it takes considerable will to keep it soft. I can still feel his hand cupping and elevating my cock. Sigh.

Oh Rick. I try not to think about blowing him after the game when he’s all dirty and sweaty and his cock is the only clean thing about him. I try not to think about him forcing me up against the cold lockers and fucking me raw. I try not to think about him coming up behind me in the shower and jacking me off. I want him to be my first. I want Rick to pop my cherry. Every gay boy has his boarding school fantasy but… he groped me. Now my brain actually thinks I have a chance.

Oh, it appears we’re on opposite teams. I hope he tackles me… I hope he tackles me and humps in the middle of the field and clai–

FOCUS. Focus. Ok. Game is starting. I am gonna impress the hell out of him, make him horny and come hunting for my body after the game. We’ll celebrate naked, aroused and –

“VICTOR let’s GO!”

I jump six feet into the air. “SORRY! Sorry! I’m comin’! I uh, thought I saw a falcon. Just a crow. Yep. That’s all. I’m coming. Let’s win this!”


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