
Adrian enjoys the paper as he waits the last few minutes for the washer to finish. Sir paid to get his favorite newspaper delivered all the way from France and Adrian reads every copy. It was a kind gesture. Adrian was hesitant to go with Sir abroad, away from everything and everyone familiar, but the idea of being apart from Sir was too painful to process. Although he was homesick at first, Adrian is glad he went. Keeping a house in a foreign country was a refreshing challenge. Any new way to impress Sir is an opportunity he will take.

The washer dings. Chores don’t change though no matter where you live though! Adrian isn’t a huge fan of chores, and yet, he is part of the reason the sheets kept getting dirty. It’s a vicious cycle.

Captions are fictional.


“Why are you so happy?” I ask. I was not a morning person and thus there was no reason to be happy unless it was after noon.
“It’s finally fall. Finally chilly enough to wear this sweater. I got some nice coffee, my wool socks on, and I’m so comfy. The apples are coming into season at the Farmer’s Market, the leaves are turning red…I just really like fall.”
“If you’re so cozy where are your pants?”
“It’s not cool enough for pants and a sweater yet,” he sighs. “Something had to give.”
I chuckle and pull the eggs out of the fridge. “You poor baby. I’m gonna ignore fall is coming and pretend it’s summer for as long as I can. I hate being cold.”
“Yeah but, think of how much better the sex will be. No over heating. Less sweat. We can get all snuggly under the sheets and enjoy the afterglow without dying of dehydration.”
I set a pan on the stove. “I didn’t think about that.”
“Yeah. Fall is the best. You’ll see.” He sipped his coffee.
“So are you going to let me know when it’s cold enough to sex?”
I’m cracking eggs into a bowl, but I can feel his eyes on me across the room.
“You want to get a wall thermometer or something?” I add.
“According to the calendar, fall is here.” He says. “We could have sex right now.”
“Are you sure?” I ask. “I mean are you sure it’s cold enough? You said it’s not even cold enough for pants. I think we need to wait.”
He sets his coffee on the counter and slides off. “If we take our clothes off we’ll be cold. That’s good enough.”
“Nope, I think we gotta wait!”
He groans. “Goddammit don’t make me beg!”
That makes me laugh. I wash my hands. “Ok, fine. We got some time to kill this morning. But we can’t dally – days are shorter now. And we gotta go to the Farmer’s Market to buy apples and pumpkins apparently.”
“Goddammit Tanner. Bedroom. Right now. Come on.”
I can’t help but laugh at how annoyed he is. “Alright I’m coming. But if the lube smells like a cinnamon broom, I’m breaking up with you.”

Captions are fictional.


“What are you up to today?”
“Cleanin out my closet,” Achmed texts back.
“Getting rid of a lot?”
“Yeah. I cut the legs off a pair of old jeans to make cute shorts.”
“Short shorts?”
“Nah, like thigh length. Looks great with those yellow socks you got me.” Achmed writes back.
“Show me baby?”
Achmed sends a photo.
“That’s… a hell of a pose baby.”
“Gotta show off the length!”
“Mmn. I think that’s my new wallpaper.”
“Ahahah you ain’t serious!”
“How about I come over and you can see for sure?”
“Only if you bring food. I’m starvin! Can’t fuck on an empty stomach you know.”
“Done deal. Leave the socks on btw.”

Captions are fictional.