

Pool boi🏝

Brazos leaned back in his chair and peered through the blinds. From his office, he had a nice view of the pool in general. It also meant that right now he could see his heart-breakingly beautiful houseboy skimming the pool. Brazos could see from here that Jack’s face was furrowed and his lips pouting. Jack skimmed and sighed and paced around the pool. A flood of guilt coursed through Brazos.

He shouldn’t have yelled at Jack. He was ashamed because it was one of the worst things the Master of the house can do – lose control. Jack looked up to him. Loved him. Pretty much worshipped him. Brazos had no business yelling at Jack. Not only was it a highly inappropriate thing for a Master to do, but it just showed you couldn’t interact with your houseboy like a rational person and had to use anger to convey your thoughts. Brazos winced at the hurt and shock on Jack’s face when he’d snapped at him. Poor Jack hadn’t even done anything wrong.

Brazos had been working at the bar in the kitchen, desperately trying to solve the problem of a chapter in his novel that was falling apart. The characters had no depth or any real personality, the plot was getting drawn out without anything really interesting happening. Brazos had sold his publisher a great idea that ended up not holding water during the outline stage, and now he was behind schedule. Brazos been wrestling with the problematic chapter when the noise from Jack emptying the dishwasher made him bark out, “Can you just be quiet please? I’m trying to work here!”

Jack threw down his towel and stormed outside. Brazos retreated to his office and watched him skim sullenly. He loved Jack with intensity – his bubbly personality, his dedication to keeping house, his natural ability to sense what a man needed to be please, his absolutely unflagging sex drive… all perfection. No, this couldn’t last.

Brazos went to the kitchen. He found some frozen peaches in the freezer – from the Farmer’s Market, of course, that Jack had frozen himself. Brazos made a peach bellini and took it outside with a beer for himself.

Jack looked up then harumphed.
“Jack, love,” Brazos said softly.
“I’ll try not to make noise,” Jack shot back.
Brazos sighed. “Honey please. I was a brute. I was mean and short tempered and I took my anger from my novel out on you. I am so sorry. It’s killing me to know I hurt your feelings.”
Jack studied him warily. “You’ve never snapped at me before.”
Brazos cast his gaze to the ground. “I feel horrible about it. The pressure with every release is getting to me. I know I’m “hot” right now or whatever, but I need a break. I rushed into this novel because my publisher wanted to keep the hype going and it’s a mess.“
Jack raised an eyebrow. “I’m …rather impressed to hear you admit you messed up and take ownership of your actions.”
“You are?”
“Yes. You didn’t make excuses. And you looked like a kicked puppy.”
Brazos scuffed his foot. “I am so sorry. I made you a peach bellini. I was hoping we could sit and talk for a bit?”
Jack smiled. “You know I love those.”
“I do. Not as much as I love you though.”
Brazos could see him blushing even at night. God he was so pretty. Brazos sighed. “I don’t deserve you.”
“Now now, don’t go from apologizing to wallowing in self pity. Doesn’t fit you.”
“What does fit me?” Brazos asked.
“That sexy confidence you wear like a badge of honor.”

The author scoffed. “Haven’t seen it lately.”
Jack considered his partner. He put the pool skimmer away on the hook and came over to take the bellini. He tried it. “Oh mmm this came out really well.”
“I’m pleased.” Brazos sat down in a lawn chair under the glow of the patio light with his beer. Jack sat across in another chair. Jack didn’t like to wear clothes in the summer, and Brazos felt so lucky to have the view he did.
“I need to take a break from writing for us.”
Jack sipped his drink. “I …I would like that. I want to take a vacation.”
“Oh that sounds nice,” Brazos said. “No rushing. Just us.”
“Yes. And somewhere we can have loud sex without anyone caring…”
“My beloved Jack, you really get me.”
Jack giggled.

We sipped our drinks.
“How would you fix my novel?”
Jack blinked. Brazos hadn’t ever asked him his opinion before, even though he read all of the rough drafts. “Well…” Jack began.
“Be honest.”
Jack cleared his throat. “Honestly, your main character kind of sucks.”
Eyebrows went up.
“He’s a stereotypical military GI Joe type only with zero personality besides being married to the army. He’s always escaping, always solving impossible problems, always saving the day. Women love him for no reason. It’s annoying.”
“Damn. Harsh,” Brazos joked. He took a deep swig of beer
Jack looked down.
“No no, I mean, that’s good. That’s what I need to hear. I need to hear what you really think, cause the readers will say the same things.”
“…Is it ok to go on?”
“Yes,” Brazos insisted. “Absolutely.”

Jack tapped his nails on the glass. “Well, honestly, I think it would surprise the readers if something happened to Haygen. A severe injury. A coma. He gets cocky and gets killed. Something. And Martha, who has been trying so hard to get noticed, steps up to the plate and seizes the mission. She takes over, kicks ass, etc. She’s the type of woman to get herself kidnapped to speak to the bad guy’s leader. I want to see her seduce him, fall in love by accident, broker peace, and strengthen unity.”
“…You’ve been thinking about that a while haven’t you?”
Jack nodded sheepishly. “Your main characters are never female. And they’re always needing rescue.”
Brazos chuckled at the expression he made.
“Jack… you are a wonder. It would absolutely work. It gives a reason for Martha’s frustration and makes her useful. It gives Haygen a reality check. It humanizes the other side… shit. Jack you’re brilliant.”
Jack smiled.

Brazos’s brain was already racing. “I need to go write this.”
Jack tipped the bellini toward his partner. “Go write. I’m gonna sit out here and enjoy this for a bit.”
Brazos raised his beer in salute. “To you.” He jogged back inside and began. He saved a copy of the old rough draft for prosperity, then attacked the open version. Entire chapters, gone. Characters rewritten. New scenes! New personalities! Brazos hadn’t realized he’d fallen asleep at his computer until he woke up on the sofa with a blanket over him. He sat up, bleary eyed, nose tempted with the scent of waffles.

“Morning,” Brazos slurred, yawning and cracking his jaw.
“Good afternoon,” Jack corrected. “Sleep well?”
“Yeah…surprisingly. What time is it?”
“Almost one.”
“You’re making waffles that late?” Brazos asked.
“Brunch,” Jack insisted. “You hungry?”

Brazos couldn’t say no to blueberry waffles. He jogged upstairs to wash his face and scrub the stale beer taste from his mouth. When he walked into the kitchen, he was greeted with a fresh cup of coffee and the sight of Jake turning waffles wearing only an apron. Brazos’s mouth watered for special reasons. “Fuck just… come here…” He walked up behind his houseboy and pulled their bodies flush together. Brazos’s clothed cock nestled at home between the clefts of Jack’s bare ass. Jack sucked air in sharply and dripped waffle batter he was putting on the maker, but he still instinctively pushed back against Brazos. “Oh you woke up hungry and horny hm?”
Brazos stuck his hand under his apron and caressed his abs. “Where’s the lube?”
“No time,” Jack insisted. “Use the coconut oil I’m using for cooking!”

“Fine by me.” Brazos slicked up and pinned Jake against that counter with a firm push. He mewled, entire body shivering from pleasure. Brazos pulled boy’s hips back and took him in an unrelenting pace.
“Oh sweet Jesus, sweet mother of mercy,” Brazos groaned. Jack’s body was a balm to all his stress and worry. Just this perfect velvet heat…
Brazos reached for Jack’s stiff cock and pumped it as they fucked. They lasted long enough to cook the waffle on the maker. Brazos spurted first, then brought Jack to climax while still inside him. They fell across the counter, chests heaving, cum dripping on the floor.
“Oh honey, that was so hot! You haven’t come after me like that in a while.”
“I just…had to have you. Had to thank you too really. I wrote a ton of pages last night. I’m going to knock it out today.”.
“That’s my talented novelist whom I love so much.”
Brazos let his hands roam over Jack’s body again although he had already slid out of his ass. “I’m only talented because of you. You are the best thing to ever happen to me. My precious houseboy.”
Jack’s throat caught and he hiccuped. “Brazos you are so wonderful to me.”
“Well it’s only fair – …what’s burning?”
“Oh shit not the waffle!”

Brazos ate the burnt one anyway, carbonized parts and all. He loved Jack that much. Nothing Jack put effort into would ever go to waste.

Captions are fictional. Fixed some major issues with editing.




“Oh there you are, how are the girls?”
Johnnie smiles and puts the eggs in the basket by the sink. “Martha is still jealous that Henry’s picked Samantha, but Samantha’s molting, so perhaps the tides will still turn.” He washed his hands. “Georgia, however, didn’t want to get out of her nest and slept through me disturbing her.”
“My goodness. What a soap opera in the coop.”
“Oh indeed.”
I put a piece of toast on a plate. “Ow hot. Sit, your toast and tea are ready.”
Johnnie sits and yawns. “Thank you. Gosh, there’s so much to do today,” he says.
“Mm, there is, but I find it exciting.” I set the plate in front of him and turn back to the eggs on the counter. “Raw land. So much potential.”
“We’re gonna make a home out of it,” Johnnie replies. He sounds sleepy, but pleased with himself.
“We are. A nice home in the country, what more could a man want?”
Johnnie lifts the corner of his mouth. “Well, spread for one thing.”
I set an egg back down and look over my shoulder. “Did I forget the marmalade?”
“You did.”
“Oh silly me, sorry Johnnie.” I open the fridge and bring the pot forward. Always marmalade for Johnnie. Our neighbor a mile down the road makes a variety of jams and jellies for local sale, and Johnnie is hooked on the orange stuff.

I set the pot on the table. “There you go,” I say. “You know how to use it?”
Johnnie chuffs through his nose. “I think I do.”
“Well,” I reply, “We should be certain.” I crouch down next to him.
“What are you doing, silly?”
I wrap my hand around his own. “First, you pick up the knife – like this. And be careful, it’s sharp you know.”
Johnnie scoffs and rolls his eyes. “You are so silly.”
“And then we kind of just…dip it in, like that. Hold the jar now. Good. Then we put it on the bread and kind of…move it back and forth… “
The marmalade is not quite going on the bread though, because Johnnie is looking at me. First, it’s a look of absurdity with one eyebrow cocked. But then his eyes sort of lose focus and his expression softens. My thighs are starting to burn from crouching, but his pouty lower lip is a fine distraction, and I find myself getting kisses for breakfast.
“MMnnn…mmnn….” My attention slips and my hand falls right on the toast. Our sweet kiss breaks apart when the plate clatters from the uneven distribution of weight, the knife falling to the table. “Oh! Oh, I got some on my finger.”
Johnnie giggles. “You don’t know how to spread marmalade on toast either, you imposter.”
That makes me giggle back. “
Now see here. I am quite capable, thank you. You tricked me by kissing me, and that was not very nice.”
“I kissed you? You kissed me,” Johnny insists. “I am innocent. I just want to eat my toast, drink my tea, and start my day but you had to go make a mess…” He takes hold of my hand and bring it to his slightly swollen lips. I watch, eyes wide, as he licks my finger with that little cat tongue. My cock hardens between my legs as he wraps his lips around my digit. “Oh god, Johnnie!” I gasp. I can’t bear the weight and fall down on my ass.
Johnnie gives me this sexy, coy smirk. “Well look at you, you’re just a mess. You’re on the floor now. We still haven’t finished spreading the toast.”
I swat him on the thigh, then use his muscular leg to help myself up. “Goddammit, you have approximately thirty seconds to finish your toast, because that’s how long it’s going to take me to get the lube.”
Johnnie’s eyebrows go up. “Right now?”
I point to the hallway where our bedroom is. “Right now.” I throw my shirt on the table. “Be right back.” I run to the secondary bathroom to grab the lube. Our master bath is still under renovation.

In the early morning sun, I undress my husband and spread him out on our bed. I settle between his legs and place a hand on his sternum. I pause before penetration to gift his mouth with bruising kisses, and Johnnie tangles his fists in my hair. Our coupling becomes a simple, intimate act, nothing fancy, nothing freaky. Just me arching over him, panting and sweating as I thrust in and out of the best, tight warmth. I slept with three other boys before I met Johnnie, and that night I knew that was the one I wanted for the rest of my life. The one I wanted to be inside forever.

The orgasm washes over us after sometime, and when we’re done hollering, we both go limp, entangled in limbs.
“Wow,” Johnnie says.
“Wow,” I agree, gasping.

Neither one of us mean to fall asleep. We wake up, overheating from being bathed in the sun. Johnnie groans and stretches, naked and sticky. “What time is it?”
I yawn and lift my head to see the nightstand clock. ”10:31.”
“Aw hell,” Johnnie sighs, rubbing his face with both hands. “We still have so much to do today.”
“Yeah, seriously. But I mean, we’re gonna get nothing done today.”
Johnnie turns to look at me. “Why not?”
“Did you see how long it took us just to put marmalade on toast?”

Johnnie throws his head back and rolls on the bed with laughter. Soon, I’m laughing too. Not just at my joke, but out of happiness, because I realize this is the first morning we made love in our new home. There will be hundreds if not thousands more like this, as we live the rest of our lives together.

Captions are fictional.




cooking up some hot sausage 😉


“Yes dear?”
“Do you want me to leave the sausage long and curved, or should I cut it up so it will fit in your mouth easier?”
There was a distinct sound of water being spit out. “Jesus boy!”
Mad giggling came from the kitchen. “I think long and curved is better. It fits in a bun sooo much better. Holds the spicy flavor in much better too. Nice and -” There was a sizzling sound as the meat hit the pan. “Hot.
“Dammit boy. I’m trying to watch the game here.”
“Watching men play with one big ball? I mean, I’m in here and I have two.”
“That’s it. You get in here so I can spank you.”
“I’m cooking! I can’t leave the food or it’ll burn. Come in here and spank me.”

The boy heard the television being muted and footsteps as his man came into the kitchen. “Now I told you about bothering…”
The boy looked over his shoulder. “Hm?”
“You’re cooking in my favorite jockstrap. And that T-shirt that fits you really well.”
“Am I? Just too hot to wear pants in here.”
“Your ass looks so hot. Mmn…I think we need to warm up the buns before dinner.”
“Oh! Honey you’re hands are cold! Oh! Oh my – Oh my god, you are not going to fuck me standing up against the counter? Oh my god you are.”
“Either that or a spanking?”
“Well duh of course I want you to fuck me.”
“Be careful not to burn the sausage though. Or I will spank you.” His man picked up the yet unused spatula sitting on the counter and smacked the boy on the ass with it, making him jump and squeak. “Like that. Now watch the food while I enjoy my appetizer.”

Captions are fictional. Cute butt on that boy :3


“Welcome home Da–mmmmhhh,” Lars melts into a kiss. “Hi Bretty. You taste like chocolate. I missed you so much today.”
“Me too. Been thinking of you all day Lars.”
“Have you?” he asks, batting his lashes. “You missed me too?”
Brett answered by pressing more fierce kisses to Lars’ mouth, plundering him, and leaving him breathless. Brett’s hands soon moved from Lars’ waist to his front and begin to unbutton his pants.
“Oh Daddy’s in a mood isn’t h-mmmphh – oh I love it when you use your tongue~ ah!”
Brett spun Lars around and bent him over the counter top. No time was wasted pulling down his pants until his cock spilled out and his pussy was bare. “Brett!” he cried. 
Brett fumbled in a drawer for lube, but couldn’t find a condom. Fuck it. No time. He slapped a little on, and grabbed tight onto Lars’ hips. “You’re going to let me in right?”
Lars didn’t even get the ‘s’ out in ‘yes’. Brett pushed into his lover in one swift move, making the boy cry out and clamp down tight around him. It gave Brett veritgo – god he loved it when Lars pulled him in! 

“Yeah that’s it, oh god yeah that’s it. Fuck I’ve been wanting your pussy all day, just wanted to see you take me, boy,” Bretty growled. “No – down. Stay down. No touching. Arms on the counter. That’s it.“
Lars obeyed. His body moved independently from his brain. When the angle changed, Brett slid in even deeper. Brett moaned as his pulasting cock was fully enveloped and Lars whimpered as Daddy relentlessly took his ass.. Strong hands cupped Lars’ pecs and squeezed. Lars began to moan as loud as Brett when the fabric of his shirt rubbed against his sensitive nipples. 

Then, when it couldn’t get any better, Brett’s paw-sized hands sought Lars’ cock and began to stroke. All of Lars’ bones just turned to wax. His head drooped. “Oh Daddy! Oh god..Daddy – just- ah fuck feels so good!”
“Not as good as you feel to me,” Brett cooed. “That’s it. Push back on me. Damn you are such a good slut for me. Daddy likes his good slut.”
:I’m your slut Daddy, forever Daddy – my pussy loves you.”
“The feeling is mutual,” Brett snickered. He wrapped his arms around his boy’s thin waist. “It’s coming…it’s coming!-…aaaahh, there – there it is! Fuck!” Brett slammed into Lars like a freight train chugging with a hot engine. He bit his lip so hard it drew blood, and exploded into his boy’s body. Lars knew to let Daddy come first, and he was not far behind. When fingers teased his cockhead his knees trembled and cum gushed from his cock. 
“Daddy!” he squeaked. “Fuuuuuuuuuuck!” Lars’ feet cramped from how tight he was curling his toes. “Ohhh Daddy~”

And then it was over. They stilled, panting, connected. The scent of pheromones and sex and cum floated around them. Brett took a moment to enjoy feeling human again and ran his hands over Lars’ body, appreciating him. 
“Now that’s how Daddy likes to be welcomed home.”
“Mmnn,” Lars responded, pressing his forehead to the countertop, feeling like he was only standing because Brett was holding him up. “The feeling is mutual.”

Text is fictional. Full video here! I love it when Tumblr users source their shit.


“Ok, the potatoes are done, the salad is done, the turkey needs a little while longer. Ugh still have to cut the pies? Why won’t they cool! Ah shit, stir the sauce stir the sauce…that was all my orange peel so I can’t fuck up the cranberry sauce…still have to set the goddamn table too uuuugh…”
I walk into the kitchen. “Babe are you alright?”
“Fine! I’m fine,” Julian said tartly. “Just…you know, running a little behind.”
“If you’re a little late it’s ok,” I told him. That was apparently the wrong thing to say.
“No. No, it’s not. It’s important to me that we look punctual and productive. It’s our first Thanksgiving in our new house together, as a couple. It’s important to me that people think we’re fucking flawless and I got this shit.” Julian mutters something to himself about people thinking he can’t be in a relationship.

I stare at his butt and give him my pity from a distance. Julian had a bit of a rough start in life, and had to sell himself for a bit to pay his rent a few times in community college. All of his loser friends told him he’d end up a nothing, and his parents told him he was a failure and no one would love him because he was gay and an artist. I had been slowly excising the toxic fat out of his life, and replacing them with a more supportive circle of friends. Julian’s hang-ups emerged at times like this. He had to prove to himself he could do certain things. There was nothing I could do, except support him. I peeled apples for pies, made the coffee and did the dishes and Julian was happy with that. It was getting close to meal time though and his stress was off the charts. I couldn’t sit back and let him be so frazzled.

Julian turned off the cranberry sauce. “Good. Now it just has to cool.”
“Julian,” I said softly.”
I walked up to him and guided him to the counter next to the stove. 
“What are you doing?” he asked.
I untied his apron and took the lube out of my pocket. “Helping.” 
“Wha – ah!” he cried out in surprise as cold lube slid down his crack. I unzipped my pants. That got his attention. “Wait – you aren’t? Right here. Honey this isn’t -”
But I was already pressed up against him, pulling his hips toward my cock. His tight hole fought me for a moment, so I rubbed my shaft between his cheeks and tried again. This time, he welcomed me. I pushed into him in three slow strokes, down to the hilt. Julian whimpered, one hand grabbing the counter, the other on my wrist.
I nibbled his ear and rubbed his hardening cock with my hand that had done the lubrication. “Move with me,” I purred.
I didn’t give Julian much of an option. We were close, skin to skin, and each thrust from my hips made him move with me. He groaned softly and we began to rock together. I wrapped an arm around Julian’s waist and counted how many times I pushed my cock inside of him – 1, 2,3…. at 8, his muscles tensed and he peaked. I pumped his cock with my tired hand until he fouted all over the counter and the cabinets, noises of bliss pouring out of his mouth. My original goal was to pull out and explode on his butt, but Julian had me locked in so good that I just filled his ass up with my cum. I felt him tremble as the heat flooded him. I breathed hard into his ear as I worked his slick member. “Shit,” I grunted. It was over almost as soon as it begun. “That was intense.”
“That was…that was…” Julian fumbled for words.
I pulled out and pressed myself against him again. I put both hands on his shoulders. “What you needed. You are much more relaxed now. I can feel it in your muscles.”
Julian leaned his head on me. “Mmmn… yes. What was I stressing over again? I think I might have a glass of wine.”
I smiled. “Why don’t you shower, get dressed in that nice blue sweater I bought you? The turkey has fifteen more minutes on it. Let me take it out of the oven.”
Julian turned a bit to look at me. “Ok. I’ll trust you with it. And check the bottom of the pies. If they’re cool, cut them ok?” 

I nodded and kissed him, then poured him a glass of wine and sent him to the shower. I spent the next fifteen minutes tidying and cleaning and cutting pies. I was setting the table when Julian came downstairs. When he walked into the room, I saw the look he was giving me and it stuck me to the floor. It was a look of pure adoration and love. He was glowing. He also looked fucking sexy in that sweater and slim cream pants. This was the Julian who had been struggling to come out for so long. I was so grateful our lives had intersected, and then merged. 

“Happy Thanksgiving, Julian,” I said.
Julian smiled at me. “Happy Thanksgiving. How did the turkey come out?”
He sighed in relief. “Thank god. Now I just had to go make gravy before-”
Ding dong!
“…The Martens get here. Early as always.”
I chuckled. “Don’t worry about it. Go make the gravy. I’ll distract them with wine.”
Julian glanced at his empty glass. “Yes, more wine is good.”

We laughed, and we kissed. I hoped we had many more holidays like this.

Text is fictional.