
“God, dammit,” Tanner curses. “This code looks like shit. I swear he’s farming his work out to college kids. I’m gonna have to bring this up if Mr. Reeves doesn’t, I swear. If I have to delay this launch because of this bullshit, I am going to hulk out.”
I suppose I need to announce my presence instead of just gazing adoringly at the way the mid-morning sun has cast dramatic shadows across the gorgeous musculature of his torso and ass. I knock on the doorframe. Tanner glances at me. 
“Oh, hi Nadir. Sorry, was I being loud?”
“Not unnecessary. Everything alright pup?”
He sighs. “Yeah, just – my coworkers are idiots and my boss has no spine. Just frustrated.”
I reveal what I’m holding enveloped in my hand. “Will a few minutes in the back yard make you feel better?”
Tanner fingers stop typing as he fixates on the green object. “You have my ball.”
“I do. Five minutes maybe?”
Tanner bites his lip in thought. He glances at the screen. “Yeah they can wait. They waste enough of my time.”
“Atta boy.”

Tanner follows me out to the backyard. The acreage is mostly wide, instead of deep, and I can lob that ball almost the length of it, sending him bolting. Or, sometimes, I’ll launch it into the atmosphere, and watch Tanner dance around trying to see where it’s going to come down. It’s often better entertainment than watching television. 

It’s late spring, and within a few minutes we’re panting and there’s a sheen to our foreheads. Tanner throws the ball back to me and puts his hands on his thighs so he can catch his breath.
“Worn out?”
“Getting warn out here.”
“It is.”
“Sun feels good though.” Tanner stretches as he walks toward me. “I think I need to get back to work though. A ‘brb’ only lasts so long.”
“I understand that. Do you feel better?”
“Yeah. I do. Feel more relaxed, thanks, Sir.”
“You’re welcome. Sometimes taking care of your pup is guess work. Glad to have guessed right.” I take off my shirt and wipe his forehead, so I can kiss it.
Tanner smiles. He takes my shirt from me and smells it. 
“Am I getting my shirt back?” I ask.
“No,” he replies. His eyes are creased in the corners and he has a sparkle there.
We walk back into the house together. “Well. When you are done with work for the day, I’ll ask for it back.”
“That’s fair.”

We get something to drink, and he goes back to work. I wait patiently until he is done for the day. When Tanner leaves the guest room where his “office” was, I am standing outside. 

“Oh hi Sir.”
“Shirt.” I hold out my hand.
Tanner hands it back with a teenage-level sigh. “Good boy.” I toss it over my shoulder, and immediately pin him to the wall next to the doorframe. I hold him there with a forceful kiss. Tanner makes a noise of surprise and presses his hands against my pecs. I push my pelvis against his and his body sticks to me like a magnet. Tanner rocks against me. I trail kisses down to his neck.
“You wanna move this to the bedroom?”
“No – don’t wanna stop.”
I shove my hand down Tanner’s underwear and run my fingers down his shaft, which is now firm and taut under the fabric.
Tanner whimpers and thrusts against my hand. As much as I hoped to fuck him, I begin to appreciate his choice. His cock feels wonderfully warm in my palm, pulsating and dripping. I can feel every muscular twitch of his body, and the thrum of his heart. Tanner is starting to sweat, and his smell drives me insane. I need to collar him, so next time we do this, I can grab onto it. No one makes me see red like Tanner. The urge to dominate him turns me into a beast. 

I yank Tanner’s underwear down so I can have more room to play with him. He begs for me to keep stroking. I do, slow and teasing, caressing my calloused fingerpads against his cockhead until he is baying.
“I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum!”
“Cum, pup. Shoot on the floor.” I switch my grip to a fist and pump him from base to tip.  
Tanner cries out and wetness spills over my fist as I bring him over the edge. He throws back his head. His grip bruises my arm. I could hear the splatters on the floor and nearly come myself. I’m not focused on my own pleasure though – that will come later. In this sliver of time, nothing matters more than milking Tanner’s cock dry.

Tanner breathes heavily and looks at me from under heavy lids. “Wow.”
“All out, let’s get it aaaalll out boy.” 
“Feels so good, Nadir. Sir.”
I press my fingers into the base of his cock, right above his balls. I’m rewarded with a few more drips.
"S-sir it’s sensitive!”
“And going soft.” I cup his balls for one more touch and drop my hand.
Tanner kisses me. “That was unexpected, but wow. Amazing. Thank you Sir.”
“It was my pleasure.” I toss the shirt on the floor to clean up the cum. 
“Nooo not the shirt.” He starts to bend down for it.
“Leave it. Leave it.” I pick the garment up with my toes. 
Tanner sighs. “Fine.” He pulls his underwear back up. 
“You can leave them off.”
Tanner shrugs and drops the underwear. He bends to pick them up, but I snatch them out of his hand. 
“Ha mine!” I shout.
“SIR! That was SO sneaky! Wait. Leave it!”
“Doesn’t work on me, pup!”
“Siiiiiiiiiiir!” Tanner chases me into the kitchen, then the living room, where he catches me; and we have a proper wrestle before our stomachs rumble and we run out of energy. I make him his favorite mac-n-cheese and hot dogs for dinner, despite it not being my preference; I must be addicted to my pup’s smile.

Captions are fictional.


Kane was distracted by his friend’s antics in the water, until he realized his boy wasn’t swimming around him. He spun around and was alarmed to spot Nate scaling the cliffs – in sandals!  “BOY! Down! Now.”
Nate’s shoulders tensed as he heard Kane’s voice barking at him. He was busted. “Sorry Sir, coming down right now.”
Kane waded over to the waterfall as close as he could to the rocks. It would be hard to catch Nate if he slipped, but at least he had a chance. “Be careful, pup.”
Nate tried to go down but when his foot didn’t find traction on moss, he hesitated. He took off his sandals. “Can I throw them down to you Sir?”
“Yes lad.” Kane held out his hands and caught each of the sandals . He watched Nate pick his way down the rocks until he was standing in a shallow, ankle deep spot between the waterfall and the pool. Kane looked up at him. “Why did you do that pup?” He handed Nate his sandals back.
“I saw a bird go over there.”
Kane gestured. “Do you think that was safe?”
Nate looked over his shoulder. “No Sir,” he muttered. He slipped into the waist-deep pool and put his sandals on a branch.
Kane put an arm around Nate and kissed his temple. “Thank you for coming down, I don’t want you to get hurt.”
Nate giggled. “Your beard tickles It’s so long now.”

Rob waded over. “Man, how do you get Nate to listen to you like that? Comes to you better than my own dog.”
“Well he is a good pup.” Kane ruffled his hair.
“But the truth, Rob, is that I’m a very lucky man. Because I have been entrusted with the love and care of a beautiful boy that loves to submit to men and be rewarded for obeying. His body responds to me before his mind even makes the decision to. Never had a boy take to training so well.”
“Siiirr,” Nate hissed, face turning red.
“It’s true,” Kane insisted. 
“I guess he comes when called, but he’s still a bit of a risk taker huh,” Rob said.

Kane chuckled. “He is. But that’s what makes playing with him fun. Except you know, when I take him on outside adventures, he gets a little excited and needs to be reigned in sometimes.” 
“You thought of putting him on a leash?” Rob teased.
“Oh when we go to Folsom and other BDSM events, he’s on a leash. Not just to keep him from getting distracted by shiny things, but also to send a clear signal he’s mine first. Don’t want burly men grabbing his pert little ass. Unless well, we want them to…”
“Oh Sir, stop please you’re turning me on!” Nate begged.
Rob and Kane shared a laugh. 
“I have to agree with you Kane,” Rob said, “He sure sounds like a good pup.”
“I think I’m gonna go climb the waterfall again,” Nate said. His ears were now red too.
Kane hooked his fingers in Nate’s shorts. “Nooope. No you don’t!”

Captions are fictional.


Tanner sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “You knocked over ALL the cups? Seriously – just. Crate. Now, Corbin. Go into my dressing room and lie down on your blanket. Go.”
Ryan watched Tanner’s boy slink out of the room. “Why did you bring your pup on this shoot anyway?”
“He has separation anxiety. Master Bruce said I should bring him to more stuff with me, but I’m starting to think it’s more than separation anxiety. I’m starting to think my boy’s just a basket case with a lot of energy he’s not burning off. Master Bruce said he’s ‘unmanageable’ and I’m starting to see why.”
“Judging by the fact I heard the make up artist make comments about the bags under your eyes, it’s not for the lack of trying to wear him out in bed?”
Tanner snorted. “No. No lack of trying there. It just makes him want more of it. I think Corbin needs a treadmill. Get him running.”

Ryan nodded. “That could work.”
There’s a howl from the dressing room. Tanner exhaled again as the photography crew giggled. “Sorry guys. Let’s take ten.”
Ryan chuckled. “You want me to take him for a walk?”
Tanner pointed. “Yes. Please. I’m not going to give up on him. Just gotta find out what works with this sub….and I hope it’s running, cause Jesus.”
“Swimming maybe?”
“Why Ryan, I think you have some great ideas. His leash is in my bag in the dressing room. Go wear him out, however you see fit. And I do mean, however you can make it happen. We need to get through this shoot.”
Ryan rubbed his hands together. “That’s what I want to hear! Finally get to have some fun with that handsome lad of yours.” He sauntered toward the dressing room, calling Tanner’s pup’s name. “Cooorbin!” Corbin howled in response. “Corbiiiiin!” There was another howl.
“No don’t encourage the howling!” Tanner shouted back. Corbin answered with a howl. Tanner put his head into his hands.

Captions are fictional.


I don’t fucking believe it. No way. He actually caught a fish with his bare hands. Is the pup instinct so strong in boys in that headspace that they can do stuff like that?? How is that even possible? Looks like he’s going to come over here now. Oh lord, he put it in his mouth. Kissing him later is going to be weird. But he seriously just caught dinner out of this lake. I’m so proud and impressed right now, but in a really weird way. It’s like one of those odd boners you get in totally unexpected situation.
“Did you really catch that boy? Bring it over here, don’t let it get away! Come! Good boy!”

Captions are fictional.


“Where is iiiiiitttt~” Rocket whined and pawed. Kip watched in awe as Rocket pulled out Kip’s missing sandal. Then his other one. Then a third shoe. And a fourth. And a pair of his orange work out pants Kip assumed he’d left at the gym a week ago. “Well I’ll be damned.”
Rocket froze. He looked over his shoulder, a wide eyed look of guilt on his face.
“This is where you’ve hiding stuff you’re pilfered. You bad puppy.”
Rocket lowered himself to the floor and whimpered.
“Couldn’t find your ball huh?” Rocket shook his head.
“Cause it came out the other side of the bed. I can see it in the corner from here.”
Rocket groaned.
“Busted for no reason huh?” Kip picked up his pants. They smelled of sweat and… “Have you been humping my pants?”
Rocket tried to slink under the bed.
“Nooo you come back out. Heel. Heel. Good boy. Well, good bad boy. You are getting some crate time while I figure out what else is hidden under here. Come.”
Rocket sighed and begrudgingly followed Kip to the kitchen where he was instructed inside his crate. Kip gave him his ball at least, and shut the door. “Bad pup. Hour time out.” Rocket whimpered.

Kip went to dig out under the bed and discovered a bevy of socks and underwear, the remote to the old TV that was chewed up, a bottle of lube that Rocket did not like, a couple of stuffed animals he did like, a dirty pillowcase with jizz stains on it, and an old pair of Kip’s jeans that he thought went off for donation – also with jizz stains.
Kip sighed. How long had his pup been doing this? Sneaky boy! It was definitely time to put him in chastity or something… although if he did, Kip would probably have to deal with Rocket sneaking off to leak on stuff he’d hump. Maybe it would be better to forbid masturbation and just milk him more often. Or maybe lock him up but milk him often.

Kip scratched the back of his head. Regardless of that dilemma, first order of business was washing all this stuff. He had an entire wash and dry cycle to figure out how to punish his boy – but it would for sure result in Rocket having a ruined orgasm and a sore ass, that was for sure.

Captions are fictional.




This is my piggy
He oinks


Justin didn’t really “get” pupping yet. He liked the idea of it. He liked playing and wrestling with other pups. He wanted to feel this thing called “pupping out” that everyone else spoke about on the messageboards. But Justin’s handler Hector pushed on, training and encouraging.

One afternoon, they got back from a meet-up. Justin had fun. He played with other pups, didn’t pee anywhere, and came obediently when Hector told him it was time to head home. Also, more importantly – didn’t puke in the car on the way home. Normally, Justin liked to undress after events, but this afternoon he didn’t take off the pup mask. He just wanted to curl up on the sunlit sofa and take a nap. He was settling in after circling the cushion three times, when Hector came in the room.
“Hey there boy.”
Justin lifted his head. “Arf?”
“I have something for you.”
Hector pointed to the floor. “Sit here boy.”
Justin jumped off the sofa and sat, butt down. “Arf.”
“Good boy.” Hector smiled and put something on his nose.
“Arf?” Justin asked. He dipped his head and it felt. It was a toy. A child’s squeak toy. Justin pushed on it. It squeaked. He pushed on it again. Squeak squeak squeak. For some reason, this seemed so silly. Squeak squeak squeak. Justin picked it up in his mouth. HIS toy. A feeling of joy welled up inside of him. It was just a small thing Hector had given him, but it was so nice to be given a gift. How could male validation feel so wonderful? Justin jumped back on the sofa and curled up with it. His toy. His. Cause he’s a good boy.

Squeak. Squeak. Squeak squeak squeak.

Back in the kitchen, Hector began to think he made a mistake with that one.

Captions are fictional.


Your pup has a habit of being way too social with strangers, so you had to secure him to the lockers in the gym while you went to exercise. You know exactly where he is, and that he’s not getting into trouble. You’re also pretty sure he’s getting lots of pets, scritches, and butt slaps, all of which he loves, so your boy enjoys your gym time and isn’t bored. Having a high-energy pup has been a challenge, but over-coming it together as a duo has improved your relationship.

Plus, your boy loves the reward of smelling your clothes when you’re off in the shower. Win/win.

Captions are fictional.


“What’s wrong?”
“After that terrorist attack, I’m still scared of cars. Please help me cross the street?”
“Aww. I can help you. If you help me not chase the cars. The yellow ones are so shiny….”
“Then we can help each other. Here, take my hand. Hold tight. I see a truck coming.”
“Ugh and it’s yellow too….Arf arf arf!”
“I think you scared it off.”
“I do too.”
“Safe to cross now?”

Captions are fictional.