
I slipped my belt into my jeans and fixed it in place. “Are you alright?”
Ryan lifted his head up. “What?”
“You don’t look very happy.”
Ryan pressed his knees together and shifted on the bed. “I apologize, it’s been a long evening. What’s matters is that you enjoyed yourself.”
I raised an eyebrow. He was clearly parroting that from somewhere, because it didn’t match the tone of his voice. I had been with young men that loved this lifestyle, and that joy is absent.
“That’s not what I asked, boy.” I strode up to the bed so he was forced to look up at me. “I asked you if you’re alright. Is someone making you do this?”
Ryan met my gaze for a moment, and then looked at the bed. “No one is making me do anything.”
“You aren’t enjoying it though.”
Ryan chewed on his lip. “It doesn’t matter if I am, I am here to serve…”
I scoffed. “Cut the shit. Speak plainly. Why are you doing this if you don’t want to be?”
There’s a moment of silence. “I just needed the money. It’s just a temporary thing.”
“You owe someone money?” I asked.
“No, just a lot of debt,” Ryan grumbled. “I took out loans and a credit card in college, but I couldn’t afford my junior year. So I was working in a bar, and it wasn’t really paying the bills…“ He shrugged. “I needed money.”

I fished my comb out of my back pocket and ran it through my hair. “How many days have you been doing this?”
“Three,” Ryan answered softly.
Three? I could tell you were green, but not that green, Jesus. I would have been a been a little more gentle. A tight ass gets me excited.”
“Well I’m glad you enjoyed yourself,” Ryan shot back. He sounded a tad wounded.

I put the comb back in my pocket. I stared down at him, and he cowered on the bed. “Can you cook?”
He blinked at me. “Wh-what?”
“Can you cook? Like an actual meal.”
“Uh. I like to cook… I don’t really have the money for good ingredients, or equipment. Or time. I have a bunch of recipes bookmarked. Why?”
“Just an idea.” I enjoyed the look of confusion on his face. “I have your number. Go home before someone hurts you. Or sells you. One of the other.”
“Sells me?” he squeaked.
“You gotta be strong in this industry, boy. Or people will prey on you. Go home where it’s safe.”
He doesn’t have a response for that.

I nod in his direction and put an extra bill on the night stand on the way out. I stop in the lobby to pay for his hotel room too. On the sidewalk, I shot off a couple text messages and I hoped I was right.

Next day I called Ryan.
“Hello, this is Con-…I mean, shit what number it this? This is Ryan.”
I can’t help but laugh. He’s so bad at this. “Conner huh.”
“Ryan. What may I do for you Sir? I wasn’t expecting to hear from you again.”
“I have a proposal for you.”
That made me laugh harder. “Christ, no. I ain’t settling. An offer. Of employment.”
“For you?” Ryan asked.
“No. My friend Mitch. He works at Mercy Hospital as a coordinator. Works insane hours, especially cause of Covid. He’s gained like fifty pounds from eating garbage food over the last few months. He complains a lot cause he’s lonely and has to spend his only time off doing laundry and paying bills. He wants you to start ASAP, cooking, cleaning, sex if you’re fine with it. He likes blonds.” I give him the offer rate and Conner chokes.
“Is that per month?”
“No, per week.”
Conner got quiet. “Are you selling me to him?”
I laughed so hard my eyes watered. It’s rude, but I can’t help it. “Conner, Jesus Christ. No, I’m not getting paid for this. There will be an offer of employment, you keep track of your hours. He wants to meet you tonight. You free? Unless you’re taking more clients.”
“No… I haven’t been.”
“Good boy.”
“I can meet him tonight too. Absolutely. That’s – that’s a very generous offer you gave me, I’m really grateful Sir. I’m kind of in shock.”
“Well process it. You should be grateful, it was a real decision cause I’d love to fuck you again and I’m probably giving that up.”
“Mnn. Maybe not.”
“Maybe?” I respond.
“I’m fine with a maybe. I’m sending you Mitch’s number. Don’t fuck this up.”
“No Sir. I mean Yes Sir. I mean, whatever the right answer is.”
I chuckle. “I can’t wait to see Mitch straighten you out.”
”Straighten me out? What does that mean.”
“Ohh nothing.” He’ll discover Mitch’s talent for discipline in due time. “Sending you his number. Don’t be late.”
“I won’t!”

A couple days later, Mitch sent me a message. “I can’t thank you enough for sending Conner my way. He’s been so helpful. He is pretty raw though like you said, he needs so much sculpting. It’s exciting. And you are right, his ass is damn tight! Can’t believe you gave that up for me.”
I smiled and wrote back. “Conner needed you more than I needed him. Keep me updated. I want to see him blossom.”
“Oh he will be… you won’t recognize him by Christmas.”
I wrote back. “In that case, I want his ass with a bow on it so I know which one is him!”

Captions are fictional.



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Archy knocked.
“Enter,” Victor said.
Archy let himself in. “Hello, Sir~”
“Oh hello. Wow you are better looking in person than in the photos.”
Archy smiled. “I always like to hear that. Thank you for selecting me.”
“You were my first choice, I’m glad you were available.”
“Oh stop,” Archy giggled with a hand wave. “You’re gonna make me blush, and I get so embarrassed when I blush.”
“I bet you look even cuter.”
Archy giggled some more and set down his things. The more the guy spoke, the more he could detect an uneven tone to his voice, but it didn’t bother him. Dude was sex on a stick. “I can already tell we are going to have fun, but how can I satisfy you this evening?”
“Well,” Victor paused to stretch. “I had a stroke last year.”
Archy gasped. “You had a stroke? But you’re so young!”
“It is uncommon. I fly a lot for work. I got DVT, and a clot led to a stroke. Apparently I had a defective narrow artery. Bad combo.”
“Oh honey!” Archy covered his mouth. “You lucky thing to survive that.”
“Thank you, you’re sweet. I was. I had a great care team. Thing is, though, I haven’t had the confidence to have sex since the stroke. I’ve been working on my body, my mind, and well-” Victor gestured. “I thought I’d reward myself by summoning professional service.”
Archy put his hand over his chest. “Oh honey, I am honored. Um, may I ask a question though?”
“Sure thing, babe.”
“Have you uh – you know, jerked off since the stroke? Like, it’s not like all still in there in your balls right?”
Victor laughed. “Of all the questions I’ve been asked. Yes, I’ve had a lot of release since then. I do love masturbating. But I’m tired of my hand, sitting in the bed alone in the dark. I want to feel the heat and connection of someone else.”
Archy walked over to him and put a hand on his thigh. “I am going to do everything I know in my book to rock your world tonight. I promise.”
Victor smiled. “You have a book?”
“Oh yes, the Twink’s Guide to Dick and Taking Dick. On the Barnes n Nobles best seller list, I assure you.”
That made Victor laugh. “You’re hilarious. I would honestly read that. Do you drink? I’d love to pour you some champagne.”
“Anytime a hot man wants to pour me champagne, I ain’t gonna say no. But I will tell you, I can drink a little, but I can’t do my job intoxicated.”
Victor got up and walked over to the mini bar. “Psht. I have a feeling you could do your job even in space.”
“….I think I love you.”

Victor laughed again and grabbed the bottle opener. “Here, let’s have a toast to a night of good sex.” They popped the cork (Archy squealed), and Victor poured into two glasses.
“Cheers?” Victor asked.
“Cheers to sex,” Archy corrected.
“Cheers to sex.” Clink.

Captions are fictional.



Wincent Weiss by Ascanio Vardan

Jesse takes a break between clients. The cigarettes help suppresses his appetite. Not enough time to eat before the next guy comes over. He takes another drag and runs numbers in his head. He’s satisfied. Soon he’ll have enough to buy his brother a new laptop for when he starts high school in the fall. The old thing they have at home is on its last legs, but Jesse refused to pawn it when mom left with her drug buddies. Still, Jesse wouldn’t have gotten much for it anyhow.
Let’s see…they should have enough for groceries until the end of the month until the food stamps come in on the first. If his brother’s shoes last, then Jesse figured should be able to get he laptop in time for his brother’s birthday. Nice. Combined with the income from his brother’s summer job, they should be ok for a while when school started. Then Jesse could scale back taking clients and focus on getting his life back on track. Get his GED. Maybe actually find a boyfriend, although he couldn’t imagine anyone would want to date him after all this. Oh well, it was worth it to see his brother succeed. He tried to imagine his brother’s reaction when he’d open the laptop. It was gonna be great. 

Jesse took a sip from his mug and stubbed out his cigarette. He watched his next client park down the street. Time to get busy. At least this guy was super hot.

Captions are fictional.

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Tumblr hid my last post. The Tumblr URL for the image is here. The off-site hosted image is HERE.

Caption below:

A solid fist rapped at the door.
Donovan raised his head. “It’s open.”
AJ let himself in. He paused in the door frame. “Good lord.” He closed the door.
gave him a moment to clarify what he meant, but when the man did not,
he said his speech: “There’s condoms in the bowl, waters in the
mini-fridge. Leave the money on the dish on the fridge.”
“Right to
business. I normally like that but…” AJ paused with his hand on his belt
buckle, his half hard cock straining against his jeans.
Donovan raised his head. “What’s wrong?”
AJ glanced around. “You’ve been busy tonight.”
“My ass isn’t particularly much to look at, but there’s a reason men come back often.”
grunted and dropped the money in the dish. “Not what I meant. I mean
look at this place…” He adjusted the pillows on the small sofa. Picked
up the wadded up blanket and folded it. He set it on a chair, and put
the bedroom pillows on top of it in a balanced stack. AJ took a hoodie
and shirt off the back of the chair and hung them in the closet. Donovan
watched him, too astonished for words. A dry towel hung on a coat rack
was relegated to the bathroom. He even filled a coffee mug with water
from the sink and watered the plant.

“Uh,” Donovan said.
“Get up.”
“Get up.” AJ gestured with a flick of his hand.
Donovan glanced at his crotch, then up at his face. “Ok… up where?”
“Where’s your clean sheets?”
“Uh…bathroom, linen closet behind the door?”
found it easily. Not too many spaces things could be in a studio
apartment. He pulled out a fitted sheet and sniffed it. It’d do. “Ok.
I’m going to change the bed. Go take a shower.”
“Dude what the fuck man. If this isn’t clean enough for you, you can go get your dick wet at a hotel or something.”
paid for you, and I want you, and I’m going to have you. But your
thirst and impatience for cock is making you ignore the first rule of
business – first impression are everything, boy. Now go shower. And

Donovan rolled his eyes and closed the door. Ten
minutes later, he came out smelling like lotion. He paused for a moment
in the doorway of the bathroom, caught off guard a tad by how nice it
looked. Everything was tidied, floor cleared. Bed straightened. Dishes
in the sink. There was a change in sound in the room, and a breeze. It
took Donovan a minute to process why.
“Dude people are going to hear us with the window open.”
smirked and pulled off his belt. “I better fucking hope so, or I’m
taking some of those bills back.” He folded the belt in half and tapped
Donovan on the butt. “On the bed with you.”

Donovan flashed a grin. “Alright, that’s what I’m talking about.” He tossed AJ the lube.
ripped a condom opened with his teeth. He sighed when his cock was
freed. It dripped a strain of pre on the floor. “Wait’s almost over…
don’t you worry.”
AJ didn’t anticipate Donovan needing to be
stretched, and he was right. Boy was warm and ready to go. The young man
tensed a little around the final inch, sending frisson up AJ’s spine.
“Good lord, yeah… I get it now. Fits like a glove.” He gave that ass a
complimentary squeeze from both size.
Donovan moaned under him.
whore… man, I love whores. God bless whores.” AJ held Donovan down with
a palm on the back of his skull and pounded that ass, working out all
his frustrations and stress from the road. He was quite surprised to
last as long as he did. The few final thrusts left the bed as crooked as
when AJ arrived. He rested his weight on Donovan’s back, drifting in
and out of a daze, until his strength came back to pull out.

sat back on the edge of the bed, caught his breath, and watched his cock
soften against his leg. He tied off the condom and held it up to look
at it. “Shit, look at this. It’s like the size of my left nut.”
Donovan twisted to see. “Judging by what was hittin’ the back of me, your nuts were a lot bigger than that.”
AJ smirked. “Well not anymore. Not after your fine ass milked all that jizz out. Things should fit better in my underwear now.”
“Another satisfied customer~”
AJ jiggled Donovan’s buttocks. “Golden arches: A million served?”
Donovan barked out a laugh. “A million served. Christ, no. My hole couldn’t take that.”
“You take care of your ass, it’ll handle dick until you die, boy.” AJ threw the condom in the trash on top of a pile of tissues.
“Man, wouldn’t that be a way to go… fucked to death.”

A knock came at the door. Donovan glanced at the clock over the door. “Oh there’s another. I’ll let him know-”
AJ held up a hand. “It’s fine. There’s someone in here, but you can come in.”
A Hispanic man walked in. “Fuck, is there a two for one special in here?”
AJ laughed and hefted his balls. “I’m all empty. You mind if I watch though?”
The man raised an eyebrow and licked his lip. “God look at your pecker…fine by me, if it’ll get you hard.”
Donovan interrupted. “Excuse me.”
“What?” Both men said at the same time.
Donovan gestured to the plate above the fridge.
AJ picked his pants up off the floor. “Fine, fine.”

The man added his share to the pile. “This looks like a buy in for poker,” he joked. “Hope I get a royal flush.”
AJ sauntered over to add new bills to the pile. “Well it won’t be a straight flush, I’ll tell ya that right now.”
Hispanic man clutched his belly as he laughed. “This is gonna be a fun
night! I can already tell.” He began to unbutton his shirt. “You know
how I know?”
Donovan shook his head. “
”Cause it looks real nice in here. I like that. Dirty space, dirty putas you know? It’s like a restaurant. If the bathroom is dirty, dios mio, don’t look at the kitchen.”

shot a look at AJ. AJ gave that ass another squeeze. “Told you,” he
mouthed to Donovan. AJ stood up and acquiesced the bed to the next
guest, then grabbed a water and settled on the sofa to watch.

Captions are fictional. Can’t stop the signal, Mal.