
Yousef spends a good hour in the tub twice a week practicing his ass jiggles in the mirror, the same way a ballet dancer might watch herself stretch in front of one. As the club’s #1 go go dancer and boy-for-hire, Yousef’s entire life revolved around his status as the best power bottom in the club. He took mesmerizing men with his amazing ass very seriously.

If one of them wanted to take him home after, he had to be be able to live up the standards. He had to be able to go from power bottom mode to pussyboi mode in seconds; they expected Youself would make their eyes roll back in their heads from way he was massaging his cock with just his butt and draw every drop of seed out of their balls. It wasn’t unusual for Yousef to make rent in one night, but that ability didn’t come from raw talent – it was lots of practice, lots and lots of practice.

Post is fictional. Guy is Billy Santoro. This short Vine clip is the source.)