Those wonderful Sunday mornings where you fall asleep sandwhiched together after wonderful sex and doze into the afternoon before rustling up some brunch…
(Post is fictional.)
Those wonderful Sunday mornings where you fall asleep sandwhiched together after wonderful sex and doze into the afternoon before rustling up some brunch…
(Post is fictional.)
I know you’re not supposed to see your other half before the ceremony, but he’s my boy and I was getting antsy after not having seen him all morning. I shooed away the people in his room and locked the door so it was just us in there. I wrapped my arms around his waist and had a quiet moment with him; his skin was warm from standing near the window.
He murmured into my ear, “You look really sexy in that suit…”
“You want to undress me out of it later?
"Oh yes,” he purred, nuzzling my chin.
“Then you shall, but don’t get excited now… unless you want a boner in every photo taken out there. That jockstrap is leather, it doesn’t hide much.”
He chuckles.
“Also it’s because…. your mother. She came..”
“My – my mother? She’s came? She’s here??” he gasped, “How…she said she never wanted to see me again…”
I traced his jawline with my fingers. “Mothers are a particular breed. She thought I was stealing you away for life of sin and debauchery-”
“Well that’s not entirely untrue…”
“Ha, right? -but I just reframed it a little differently for her. I reminded her of her sweet, shy little boy that she always had to come rescue. I told her I wanted to be the one to keep you safe from now on. To watch over you. You know, put the band-aids on.”
“…Jesus. I told myself I wasn’t going to cry…”
I gave him another close hug. “Sorry love. I just thought you should know.”
“Thank you, Aiden,” he sniffled, slipping out of our roles for just a moment, “I know this lifestyle of ours is usually so private but…with her support, this day really feels complete."
I smile and kiss him on the forehead. "I feel it too. Are you ready to wear my collar?”
“I am. I’m ready,” his voice was on the verge of cracking.
“Alright, then let’s finish getting you dressed. We have an hour. I can’t wait to see how that harness and all that silver jewelry is going to look on you.”
Post is fictional
Kissing on the bus
Besos en el colectivo
Hey, it’s the boys from my boyfriend/cat caption being adorable on public transit.
Love is sharing myself with you.
(Photographed by
He didn’t know I was awake yet. I hadn’t moved, still curled up with mt sheets and my pillow. From my vantage point, I had an excellent view of my boy dressed in his minimal uniform. He was so lovely all back-lit from the morning light, clutching the muslin curtains as he murmured his daily affirmation under his breath: “I am a good boy. I will serve today with respect and dignity. I will uphold Sir’s rules and orders and maintain his household. He has chosen me for this position and he loves me. I will not disappoint him.” He punctuated his little speech with a slow exhale.
I was smiling like an idiot into my pillow. He really makes me so happy, how seriously he takes this. I couldn’t wait to kiss him good morning.
Fun fact – this photo is from 2010, but it is the same couple from the boyfriend/cat photo that a lot of you loved. They’re still together 🙂
Working in the welfare office in Louisville, I met a family in dire straights. The Father and two children were American citizens, but the rest were ineligible. I approved them for the full amount. If I roasted in hell, it wouldn’t be for this. After I transferred to another department, the Richards kept up with me. The Father told me, “We will never forget your kindness.” Since then, they had opened a successful up-scale Southern Restaurant. I was never presented a check when I went.
The family had great hopes for Eric, who at 19 was the oldest of 6. He showed great promise as a cellist. I had heard him play; he had natural talent and the drive to perfect it.
Mrs. Richards phoned me just before Christmas. The family was going to Canada, but Eric had obligations. “Can he stay with you? It’s OK if he drinks, but I don’t want him around hoodlums or loose women.” I promised I’d look after him. She seemed relieved.”Thanks, Mr. Dosch.”
Eric practiced his cello, went to his Christmas concerts. He was so handsome I looked at anything else to keep from staring. On the morning of Christmas Eve, he asked if we could have some special punch. “What do you need? I have plenty of liquor but can go pick the rest up from Kroger’s—they’re open until 7.” I fixed hors’doevres: brie and sharp cheddar, smoked oysters and sausage balls, along with some sweets I’d bought at a gourmet shop. We nibbled and drank the punch he’d made.
It was delicious but deadly. It tasted like fruit juice, but had brandy and rum in it, and you couldn’t taste the alcohol. We were flying after a couple of small cups. “You’re a good friend, Karl—the kind I can trust completely.” He was standing very close and put his hand on the top button of my shirt, then undid it. He quickly started undoing the rest of them.
He was irresistible. I have a fetish for dark hair and eyes. I pulled his sweater up and he raised his arms; I pulled it off. As he finished unbuttoning my shirt, I was unbuckling his belt and unzipping his fly. I knelt and took his shoes and socks off while he undid my cuffs. I stood up and he started kissing my chest and neck. I leaned down and put my mouth on his, my tongue slipping in while my pants dropped to the floor. Eric sighed: “Beautiful and blond—you’re perfect.” The expression in his eyes was unmistakably. Being 10 years older, I had to know he wanted me.
We lay naked on the rug and kissed. He touched hot spots on my body. He stroked and licked my armpits, pinched my nipples, and ran his hands down my stomach and up my thighs. His nice sized uncut cock was hard from touching me. I was hard from his attentions, even though he hadn’t laid a finger on my dick. I could feel calluses on his fingers from playing. He raised my cock to his mouth, sucking heartily. He said, “Mmmm,” when I started to leak. I had him on his back, straddling his head with my knees. We both started sucking, making muffled sounds of uncontrolled sensation. I pressed my tongue to his ass and licked. I poked with my finger. I tapped on his hole, rubbed it with my thumb. He sucked harder.
When I stopped, he stayed on his back, spreading his legs. He raised them in the air into a wide “V.” I got a condom and some lube and knelt between his legs, I rubbed his ass and my sheathed cock with the lube, sliding into his tight hole gently. I took his ankles in my hands. I entered the rest of the way slowly, until my pubic hair was brushing his hole. I stopped, moaned,”Relax.”
I started fucking gently, picking up speed as his reactions showed it was feeling good. Eric gasped,”Fuck me however you want.” I began to use my ass and thigh muscles to penetrate him quickly, then slowly, drawing all the way out, plunging in fast. He scratched my back with his nails, stroked my ass. I was sweating, and after several minutes, I looked into my eyes. He was about to blow. It went all over his stomach and chest. I put my mouth to his torso and licked up every drop before I started fucking again. Eric begged,”Let me taste you.”
Holding on by a frayed thread, I kept at it as long as I could. I pulled out and ripped off the condom, straddling his chest. He gulped down my cum while he stroked and pulled on my balls. I kissed him to taste our mingled semen. We fell asleep holding each other.
Eric ended up at Julliard. When he was in town, we made up for lost time.
Four years later, we were lying in bed. He looked at me happily and said, his voice low, “You’re the only one I’ve ever loved.”
I was elated.”I loved you even before that Christmas.”
In a confidential tone, he said,”I think Mother set us up that Christmas. My parents have known I was gay since I was six. I could have stayed with aunt Sophie.” I was shocked. “She never forgot what you did for us. I heard her telling Father that you’d be a good man for me.” She was right. 15 years later, we flew to California and got married.
Lovely and sexy.
Too sweet! I wonder if he makes his husband wear the uniform in bed…
Edit: More pics at the source! The link is in printer mode so you don’t have to click a million times through a gallery.
If I stand here and look studly while appearing to analyze the surf, no one should notice I’m checking out Koshi’s ass…man, he looks so good in that wetsuit. I have never seen a Japanese boy with an ass like that. Ooo wipe out in the barrel. Well he’s not a fantastic surfer but he tries. A for effort. I better, ya know, give him some tips or something. Man, I’d love to give him the tip of my cock… ok, walk slowly. Be casual. Don’t swagger. I hope I don’t come off as a big, dumb jock. Christ, now all I can think about is breaking him in half on a beach towel. Yum. Yeah John, that’s real bright; walk over there with your dick sticking up, that’s how Americans say hello. Calm down. Be cool. Don’t swagger. Smile.
Ppfftt peh peh! I am gonna be eating sand for a week after this. Ugh please don’t tell me John saw that wipe-out. Aw crap, he totally did and now he’s watching me drag my soggy ass out of the water. God, he must think I’m such a shitty surfer. I’m never gonna be able to impress him. Don’t look at him! Look cool. Look pensive….wait what does pensive look like? Do something! Check your board! Don’t look at John and whatever you do don’t look at his package. Oh lord he’s coming over here. Please don’t come over here, I don’t know what to do with you big Americans in your tiny shorts and all that dark hair. Please god, tell me boners don’t show in wetsuits. Kore wa dame da yo! Aw jeez, that smile is gonna kill me.
Model is Nick Ayler. This post is fictional.
Marcel paused to catch his breath, clinging to the windowsill for support. I still remember the striking ferocity of the desire that welled up in me, demanding I capture his moment of his rest on film. I snatched my camera off my nightstand and shot the picture before he was even aware it was happening. I used my Holga 120S with the broken flash hotshoe, so without that glorious light pouring into through the window, the picture would have been trash. A lucky accident. Marcel gave me a little smile as I advanced the film, then I pushed his wheelchair out of the way and helped him to the bed.
I became his physical therapist almost two years ago after his old one went on maternity leave and didn’t come back. I was obsessed with his presence and in love with his Grecian face and stoic, quiet resolve steeped in pain. I used to fret a great deal over how the public would see us together, me pushing him down the sidewalk or helping him get things off the shelves at the grocery store as his motor functions began to slide. I was terrified Marcel would one day accuse me of fetishizing him, of me making him my pet project to validate my own narcissism and worth as a human being.
Marcel never complained, not even after I started taking him home with me after therapy and our professional relationship dissolved. He was happy to be with me, away from his childhood home and mollycoddling parents. They never were able to see Marcel anything else than a helpless child. Charcot Marie-Tooth Disease is not a life ruining thing, but Marcel was schooled at home K through 12 and was not allowed to move out or even hold a job. Truth be told, I should have considered if he was using me to escape from their cage but hell I would have been ok with it if he was because then maybe we’d both be guilty of something.
After I took this photo, Marcel drank some water and then we made love. He liked when I was inside of him, came inside him. Marcel wasn’t a fan of labels. I wasn’t gay, he wasn’t gay, it was just sex. We could lie spooning for hours, sometimes talking softly, sometimes listening to music or NPR. Once in a while I’d read to him. After our fornication, we decided to just ordered in Chinese food together. We ate, made love again, and drifted off nude and sated.
I awoke on a gorgeous Sunday morning to discover Marcel dead in my arms. He had an intracerebral brain hemorrhage brain in his sleep. I later spoke to the doctor that performed the autopsy and she said it was an extremely rare event. She asked if Marcel complained of headaches on our last night together. I told her in a soft, shaking voice how he was always in pain. His daily medications would have dulled the warning symptoms. She put her hand on my shoulder and she was sorry. I was sorry too. We were all sorry. It was not fair.
I printed out this photo and displayed it during his funeral. Marcel’s mother screamed at me for perverting and killing her son. I yelled at her for smothering and infantilizing him. Marcel’s father stepped in and separated us. He considered the picture for a long, deep moment then said, “This is the son I always imagined I had. He looked like me when I was his age. Tell me… was he happy? with you?”
“Yes,” I said.
“Then that’s good.” He nodded.
After the services, I caught him taking the photo and putting it in his car. I never said a word. I had the negative at home and a print propped up on my nightstand. When I got home, the negative went in a box with the stained sheets wrapped in plastic and I never opened it again.
The model is Kevin Baker; the photographer is Gregory Vaughan.
This is a work of fiction.