

I know you like to tease me. And I need you to tease me. I need you to remind me how lucky I am every single day.The greatest honor I have you as my boy.

Benji looks over his shoulder at his Dom. “What Sir?”
“What? What do you mean what?” Mike said defensively.
“You’re looking at me in that funny way.”
“I am not. It’s nothing. Nothing at all.”
Benji tilted his head. “Really nothing Sir? You’re smiling.”
“I’m allowed to smile. You go have fun playing basketballs with the boys ok?”
“Yes sir.” Benji gave his Dom a look of inquiry. Mike set a straight face and folded his arms. “Oohkay,” Benji said.

Benji tucked the strap of his jockstrap into his waistband, which had been peeking out. He grabbed his duffel and waved to his keeper before jogging out the door – but not before pausing for a quick kiss.
“Bye Sir!”
“Bye boy.”

Mike groaned after the door clicked shutt. “God once he finds out his ass is that cute and weaponizes it against me I am so screwed.”

Captions are fictional.




cooking up some hot sausage 😉


“Yes dear?”
“Do you want me to leave the sausage long and curved, or should I cut it up so it will fit in your mouth easier?”
There was a distinct sound of water being spit out. “Jesus boy!”
Mad giggling came from the kitchen. “I think long and curved is better. It fits in a bun sooo much better. Holds the spicy flavor in much better too. Nice and -” There was a sizzling sound as the meat hit the pan. “Hot.
“Dammit boy. I’m trying to watch the game here.”
“Watching men play with one big ball? I mean, I’m in here and I have two.”
“That’s it. You get in here so I can spank you.”
“I’m cooking! I can’t leave the food or it’ll burn. Come in here and spank me.”

The boy heard the television being muted and footsteps as his man came into the kitchen. “Now I told you about bothering…”
The boy looked over his shoulder. “Hm?”
“You’re cooking in my favorite jockstrap. And that T-shirt that fits you really well.”
“Am I? Just too hot to wear pants in here.”
“Your ass looks so hot. Mmn…I think we need to warm up the buns before dinner.”
“Oh! Honey you’re hands are cold! Oh! Oh my – Oh my god, you are not going to fuck me standing up against the counter? Oh my god you are.”
“Either that or a spanking?”
“Well duh of course I want you to fuck me.”
“Be careful not to burn the sausage though. Or I will spank you.” His man picked up the yet unused spatula sitting on the counter and smacked the boy on the ass with it, making him jump and squeak. “Like that. Now watch the food while I enjoy my appetizer.”

Captions are fictional. Cute butt on that boy :3




Cute pup!

Sooo pouncable! *wrufff*

I was reading an article on Cyprus when my boyfriend said, “I don’t think your pup likes me.”
I glance over at Mohammed – or Mo to me – who was trying to figure out one of those “impossible” finger puzzles while half-watching a 90s disaster film on TV. Mo looks back at me..
“What?” I reply. 
“I think he wants to bite me.”
I look at Doby, sprawled over the foot of my king’s sized bed. I had been dating Mo for three months now, and had decided to slowly introduce him to my pup. They were still learning to get along with each-other. “No,” I say, “He’s going to pounce you.”
Mo snorts. “No, habibi, that is clearly a look that he hates me and wants to bite me. Dogs that pounce have their butts in the air.”
I give Mo a sideways smile and turned back to my magazine. “You’re wrong. He’s deciding if he likes you, and when he does, he’s gonna pounce you.”
“I seriously think he’s already decided he doesn’t like me,” Mo insisted.
I place my thumb in the magazine and fold it closed. “And why would you think that? He was wagging when you met.”
“Cause some dogs are possessive of their Masters. In your home, in your bed, and he share your love and ownership with me now.”
“Hm,” I reply, “Well I see your point there, but Doby has never been possessive. We talked about this. As long as he doesn’t feel pushed out, we won’t see any bad behavior.”
Mo considers Doby, then went back to fiddling with the puzzle. “So you say. I still think he wants to bite me. Why is he staring at me like that?”
I look at Doby. “Hm? …Oh, you know, maybe…”
“What?” Mo asks.
I wiggle my hand behind his pillow.
“Hey what are you doing back there?”
I pull out a ball. “Here. He probably wants this.” 
Mo takes it suspiciously. “This…?” 

There’s a blur of flesh and leather as the pup pounces on Mo. 
Mo yelps in surprise. I laugh. “Told you he likes you. You were just getting between him and the ball.”
“Oof! Oh god, pffft he’s licking me and standing on my diaphram what do I do!”
“Throw it, duh!” I respond, laughing.
Mo hurls it. The ball bounces on the floor and out into the hallway. Doby goes after it like lightning, skittering and barking as he chased it.
I can’t stop laughing at how rumpled and frazzled Mo looks. 
“What. Just. Happened.”
I open my magazine again. “He pounced, just like I said. By the way, you better prepare, cause here he comes. And he’s gonna want you to throw it again.”

Text is fictional.


Birdie glanced outside the slat window. “Oh look, the chickadees are back at the bird feeder. That must mean…yep, the doves are under it, picking up the mess. It looks like the squirrels are keeping their distance. The proofing thing we rigged worked. Aw, they’re so cute and fat. Probably starving in all this cold. Hm, I wonder what those birds are? Warblers maybe? Purple martins? Probably just a type of finch. Wonder if we’ll see the cardinal pair from last year this winter. Gosh, they’re just so fun to watch. Nom nom nom! What do you think Sir?” 
When there wasn’t a reply, BIrdie glanced over his shoulder at his strong, swarthy Sir who was giving him the most unreadable, distant expression.
“Sir?” Birdie asked again. “Is everything alright?”
“I love you.”
BIrdie gasped softly. ‘Sir?” he squeaked.
Morgan’s cheeks turned ruddy under the close-cropped dark scruff of his beard. “I’m sorry, that just slipped out.”
“Did…did you mean it Sir?”
Morgan covered his face with his hand. “I … Yes. I do, Birdie. I was just sitting here, staring at beautiful sight of the back of you and I realized the reason I stopped chasing boyfriends so long ago is that I’m in love with you. I made these excuses to myself – that I was distracted, that I was busy with work, that our sex was holding me over, but I just….I just realized it. That butt is mine, and what it’s attached to, I want it to be mine forever.”

Birdie’s eyes went wide. His delicate hand was hovering over his mouth. “Morgan – I mean, Sir I – I – …I’m speechless.”
“Shit. I’m sorry. I have breached our relationship. You are my houseboy. I have been inappropriate with you.” Sir began to get up. “I’m going out.”
“No no!” Birdie cried, walking over to his Sir and taking his hand in his. “I’m really happy you told me. Oh gosh, can’t you feel that I’m shaking? I’m the luckiest houseboy in the world.  A great job, a great life, and my deepest fantasy realized! It’s like Christmas has come early.”
Morgan blinked and choked. “Really..? You feel the same?”
“If not more. You’re my favorite man in the world,” Birdie admitted. “Oh gosh, I’m going to get emotional.”
Morgan chuckled to hide how flattered he was, and kissed his boy on the forehead. “Then get emotional. Get emotional for us if you want.”
“For both of us? …but Sir, your eyes are tearing up.”
“Oh come on Birdie, let an old man keep some of his dignity.”
Birdie giggled and nuzzled Morgan. “I love you too.”

They shared a kiss on the lips. Morgan glanced over Birdie’s shoulder. “Hey, the cardinal couple is back.”
“What? Really?”
Morgan pulled Birdie to the window, and they held hands as they watched the little creatures feast.

Text is fictional.


I heard growling and came into the room. My pup was possessively defending his bowls from our cat, Prissy. I was surprised. Prissy didn’t care about anything besides when she was fed and the five minutes when she wanted to be petted a day. Yet, two days after I got a pup, it seems she had taken interest in the new addition to the family. Or in her mind, a new interloper in her territory. She clearly was not pleased that my pup was getting more food than her, and a nice big piece of chicken at that. 

I folded my arms and leaned against the wall, watching it unfold. Prissy came closer. Boxer growled. His tail wagged as a warning. Prissy looked at Boxer, then knocked over the water bottle I’d set there. Boxer looked astonished. I smothered a laugh behind my hand. He popped up, barking incessantly, and Prissy bolted. Despite the tail plug, Boxer went after her in a hurry. I found them in the next room, Boxer barking in front of the sofa, where Prissy was hiding underneath. 

I was wheezing from laughing so hard and had to pull Boxer away by his jockstrap. “Leave it! Leave it baby! Let her stay there.” He growled at her some more, then tossed his head high with a “hmph” and let me guide him back to his bowl. I mopped up the mess with a towel and Boxer ate the rest of his food in peace.

It wasn’t over though. Later that night, Boxer dumped his dinner water bottle on Prissy’s head. I only punished him a little. I admired his ability to not be outranked in this household by one stuck up cat.

Text is fictional. (This was a submission! Love it.)


At Gayday at the local ski resort, a rather opportunistic boy roams the dining hall hoping to find a sugar daddy to pay for his lift pass for the winter.

He’s heard of cash fags before and decided to make things benefit him the other way around.

It normally works. Rich, lonely men can’t resist having a hot body to warm their beds after a long day on the slopes. All the boy has to do is walk in wearing nearly nothing and carrying cocoa and suddenly they don’t mind paying for that lift pass. It’s really not a bad way to spend the winter, being a snow bunny. Now all he has to do is find someone to bless his season to enjoy his presence. Shame his last meal ticket moved to Milan.

Text is fictional.



It’s his pussyboy masturbatory aid. I can’t even blame him for carrying one around as you never know when you might be gripped by an acute need to be full and once you accept that penetration is your truest pleasure one quickly finds fingers … insufficient.

“What the fuck is this?
Cody blushed and stammered. Oh shit! he thought. “Oh um. It’s my uh – well, it was just – I use it for-”
“I know what it’s used for,” Cody’s hot coworker snapped back. “Seriously though? You’re sticking such shitty cheap toys up your hole?”
“This is low quality porous plastic. I can smell it from here. How can you be sure this even gets cleaned well? No no no, you will not treat your pussy this way.”
Cody was too astonished to even say “uh” this time. His pussyboi side wanted to bend over and offer himself to Mick though, cause that bossy tone of voice was turning him on.
“You are going to go home tonight and buy some high quality toys tonight at Sinland, you got that boi?” Mick instructed.
“Yes Sir.”
“And proper lube which won’t degrade them.”
“Yes Sir.”
“Invest in yourself.” Mick threw the dildo in the trash with disgust. “Tomorrow morning you will come here and bring them with you. I now can’t trust now that you are using them right either.”
Cody’s eyes went wide. He had no idea Mick was such a dominant alpha. “I know how to use them,” he protested.
“I’ll be the judge of that. Can you trigger body quaking orgasms that will make your pussy happy for hours after?”
Cody gulped and shook his head sheepishly, hand on the back of his neck. “No…I just leak and leak…”
“A good pussyboi won’t even need to stroke himself to cum. You know that right?”
He did now. Cody nodded.
Mick scoffed. “You’re hard. What a surprise. You can thank me for correcting you by getting on your knees and sucking my dick now by the way.”
“Here?” Cody squeaked. “Someone could walk in.”
“So? What’s wrong with people seeing you in your natural state?” 

Cody did not have a rebuttal for that. Plus, he really did want to suck a cock right then. It was an easy decision to drop to his knees and worship Mick’s superiority from the locker room floor. His hungry pussy would have to wait to tomorrow.
Text is fictional.


There is praise I can never give you, for there are not words, or emotions, or smiles to convey how much I am grateful for you. You somehow, always, telepathically know when I’m at my worst. It’s usually after therapy, but sometimes just for no reason. Those are the days when the medication isn’t working, and I just can’t get out of bed. I don’t know why you want to be with a guy suffering from clinical depression. I mean, I love you, but it’s hard for me to show it. I don’t feel like I deserve to love you, or if I’m even loving you right at all, because I don’t feel many emotions. I mostly feel just negative ones. I always feel unworthy of you.

Yes, I know that release of endorphins and hormones from sex is healing and therapeutic. You know that making me have release can help wash my brain of the crap inside so that the drugs can move in and start working. I just struggle to initiate it. I mean, I struggle to lift my spoon. And yet you somehow, magically, see every time when I need it the most. You swap out my underwear for jockstraps while I’m showering and so of course, I put them on. I feel sexier that way, which enforces a positive body image. Still, I just can’t make myself go after you but you always, always come to me.

You climb into bed with me and pry me off of the pillow. You scoop me into your arms and kiss me, like I’m Sleeping Beauty. You make me feel treasured, and curiously flattered when your hand squeezes my ass. You rub against me and make me forget everything – how depressed I am, how deep in debt I am, how bleak my future is. You remind me that my future has you in it too, and just maybe, I can climb out of this hole.

Your embrace becomes this warm envelope of hope and humanity. You turn my sorrow into silk. For that, and all the ways you’ve supported me, I will always love you. And because of that, I have stopped thinking about suicide; because if the afterlife is absent of you, I do not want to go.

Text is fictional. “You turn my sorrow into silk” is a lyric from giselle’s Silk. The Favored Nation’s remix is pretty good too. By the way, if any of you have suicidal thoughts, please call 1-800-273-8255 or your nation’s helpline.


Todd relaxes on the couch in his bedroom and gazes out the window. He came right home from practice and stripped down. He had settled in for his post-school wank before his parents got home, but his mind would not settle on a female fantasy. There were lots, and they usually did the trick alright…but it wasn’t working today. Todd’s mind kept drifting to the way Coach Mack had patted him on the butt after practice, gave him just the tiniest of squeezes, and said, “Good work out there today, kid.”

The words had made pride flourish in his chest. Todd’s father was a perfectionist and not one to dispense praise merely for effort, only for taking top prize. It made him feel good to know Coach recognized him… but that grab, that squeeze. It had sent a zing right to his balls. He’d never felt anything like that before! He began to stroke himself as he imagined Coach squeezing his ass. With a sigh of surrender, Todd relented and let his mind wander to a forbidden place. A taboo place. He had denied to himself that he wanted to look at it, but he was 99.999% sure Coach Mack did not wear underwear and it was noticeable. Behind his eyelids, Todd could easily picture Coach’s goods moving around in his athletic shorts like he’d seen a hundred times, his balls shifting with every step. God, why was that making his dick so hard? Todd didn’t get it. He was straight.

He’d seen other guys naked in the locker room before, and he’d seen their dicks, but it hadn’t excited him like this. Todd sped up his pace as he masturbated. He created a new fantasy that he’d seen Coach Mack’s balls fall out and Coach had let him stuff them back up. Soon his mind was reeling, exploring scenarios about touching in the shower, kissing, cupping-

and then the world went white. Sounds of flesh pumping flesh were muted by blood pounding his ears. “Fuck fuck fuck FUCK!” Todd gasped like a fish out of water as a huge orgasm ripped through him. His toes curled, his legs cramped. Jizz splashed everywhere, up his torso, his collarbone, hell there were flecks on his cheek! His vision went a bit spotty for a moment too. He felt sore, like he’d been tossed by a wave.

He crested downward on a slide glide, still playing with himself. Wow! he thought, panting. What the hell was that?? 

Text is fictional.