

Nailed it.

“…Does that mean I still have to get out of bed? Things are pretty ace right now.”
“Mn. Eventually. But it doesn’t matter where we are, I will still love you. Close by, or from a distance, across the table, or cuddled up to you in bed – I will still be loving you. And you take that love, and wear it like armor, ok? And no matter how shitty your day is, it’s just D4 damage. It’ll roll right off.”
I chuckle. “Nerdy and completely sweet. So like you, Atherton. You make my heart just hurt with how much I love you. “
“I’m sorry. If I kiss you more, will it make it stop hurting?’”
“Nmmn no, I like this feeling. But you can keep kissing me anyway…”
“Well, if I must…”

Captions are fictional. What series is this from? D4 damage is a reference to Dungeons and Dragons, referring to damage done from a small object.


I swear to god, he loves this cat more than me. I mean, look at this! First thing in the morning, I’m there, spooned up next to him, leeching his body warmth and cuddling the hell outta him. All the cat is doing is sitting on him, on top of the blankets – not even under like I am! and yet every morning who does he greet first? The cat. Who gets attention first? The cat. Sure she’s fluffy and adorable, especially when he’s purring, but he once told me I was adorable too right? And I get to be under the covers! Shouldn’t I get a morning kiss before the cat does? Not fair.

The cat knows it’s war. She KNOWS that we are fighting over the attention of the same boy. Sure, I don’t have little toebeans and a bottlebrush tail, but I have a tool in my bag that she can’t use though. I return all my boy’s kisses, then start touching him and humping him…aaand suddenly he becomes interested very quickly in what I can do to make him feel good and how I can tend to his morning needs. You should see the deathglare the cat gives me when my boy sets her on the floor so he can have sex. I know, it’s childish and pedantic to feel like you’ve won over the cat but, I often feel that I’m very close to losing my hierarchy in this household. At least I’m still the top in this relationship.

“What is it honey? You want to get another cat? Noooooo!”

Text is fictional.


Julian was in charge of  “pup camp” at the bdsm convention which was a room where Masters could leave their over-excited pups so they could have some peace and quiet. Their pups loved the chance to play and socialize with other pups, to truly thrive in their headspace. The last night of the convention, the pups could all sleep over in Julian’s hotel suite if they liked. About a dozen volunteered.

Just after midnight that evening, there was a big, nasty Midwest thunderstorm with vibrant lighting and booming thunder…and Julian woke up at 1 am in a very crowded bed to lots of whimpers. Some of the pups were just nervous and needed comfort, but oh the boys from California just could not handle their weather!

Text is fictional.


“Hey – you should blink, or your eyes are gonna fall out of your head.”
At first, I don’t even realize it’s coming from his mouth. I can’t see it moving, tucked demurely behind his shoulder. I look up at bright blue eyes watching me back.
“Uh,” I cough. I blink a couple times and try to be less obvious that I’m just gawking. “Um… who are you?”
I can see his face muscles pull into a smile. “You don’t remember? My friend abandoned me at a bar for a hot piece of ass, I was a bit drunk, you were drunker, and suggested I crash here.”
“I see.”
“Your sofa is awfully comfy, mister, it was mighty kind of you.”
My eyes drift lower and rest on his ass bursting out of that tiny pair of underwear. I furrow my brain. What a minute… “Where did you get those briefs?”
“Oh they were on the table. It was so warm in here with the sun coming through that I took off my clothes, I can’t sleep nude because anything rubbing against my dick makes me soo horny.”
I swallow, hard. I wanted to see him horny. “Those…those pairs on the table were samples VulnerableMale sent me, all in their smallest size…”
“Yeah I barely fit,” he chuckles, “My big ol’ balls are just busting out.” He moves onto his stomach more so he can lift his ass and show me. I bite my lower lip and suppress a noise of desire.

I cough and clear my throat. “Are you not bothered by the fact you’re sleeping on the sofabed of a complete stranger?”
“You’re not a stranger,” he replies, stretching. “You told me alll about you on the cab ride over here. You told me about how much you love boys, about your really annoying boss, this cute little Italian place near where you live with the hot waiters, about Jake-:
"I told you about Jake?” I wince, wishing the Aleve I took from my headache would hurry up and work since it was getting worse.
Those big blue eyes blinked owlishly at me. “Yeah, you did. Sucks it didn’t work out, but I think you’re ready to move on.”
“Oh yeah, I really think you just need to pick up a hot guy at the bar, get him to show his ass to you…and soon you’re gonna forget all about Jake once you remember that one night stands and hot meaningless sex are the best things ever.”
I nod, hypnotized by his honey sweet voice. “Yeah I used to fuck all sorts of random guys before Jake…nights of just hot fun. But – it’s not night anymore.”
He chuckles, “Well, let’s invent the one morning stand hm? You got a big chub in those pajamas. God, just get over here big stud and fuck me!”
I nearly drool. I can’t wait to get my hands on that tight underwear and cup him. Drunk me has excellent taste. “Let me get a condom, then I’m going to bang you like a screen door in a hurricane.”
“You fucking better. Been waiting since last night for it! I want to feel every bump on that train back to Leeds!”

Text is fictional. Brand of underwear is Cover Male; this is one of their ads shot by Patrick Mark. This is the Waisted Up Bikini in turquoise.


The first time we had sex, it was after 13 long, slow months of dating. Julian wanted to go further, but was petrified stiff. No pun intended. He wanted to set a date to lose his virginity. At his request, I loosened him up with craft beer and Jack Daniels, and also at his request, put a little GHB in his drink. Just a little. He also took poppers. To say Julian relaxed instantly was an understatement – he was on me, crazy horny, and dragging me to bed.

We got naked and he wanted me to take him – was begging me to take him, to fuck him hard – but I couldn’t. I just couldn’t. He wasn’t sober, and even though he’d consented, I wanted our first time together be real. He wasn’t going to remember this. He was never going to know how much of it was the drugs and alcohol and how much was love and passion. I was never going to know either.

So, I edged him and capped it off with an intense handjob. Julian exploded all over my chest, then promptly passed out.

The next morning, he was gone before I woke up. I couldn’t get a hold of him until 9 pm that night. I had texted him stating if he didn’t respond to me right goddamn now I was filing a missing persons report. Julian replied and asked to meet me at a coffee shop.

He picked an isolated table in the back. Before I could get a word out, he  begins to blather about how gross and disgusting he felt. He was headachey; he couldn’t remember most of the previous night and was regretting having ruined his first time. I kept trying to interrupt him but he just kept talking, so eventually I just put my hand over his mouth and said firmly. “If you just shut up a moment, I’d inform you that we didn’t have sex.”
“….What?” Julian’s face furrows. “I don’t understand – I remember being naked, cumming…”
“You were on aphrodisiacs, horned out of your mind. I gave you a handjob because you said you’d only not like them if you were dead. I had to get you off the edge. You passed out like, right after.”
He blushes. “But we didn’t…fuck? You didn’t penetrate me with your cock?”
“No. For the exact reasons you described above. Handjobs were always something you were fine with, but penetrative sex was another matter. Just because you consented before the booze and GHB doesn’t mean you still do after you’ve taken them. I felt like such a creep. I felt like I was going to rape you, the way you just were grinding on me like crazy. You wanted my dick, but I didn’t know if you really did, you know? I just couldn’t do it. I didn’t want to "do the deed”, I wanted to make love with you. You were fucking hot, but it was not what I wanted.“
Julian sits in silence, blinking like an owl at me. "But… how can I be sure?”
“No open condom wrappers. No sore ass. You’ve never taken my cock before, I would have stretched you first. You would have remembered that.”

“No condom wrappers…” He fights the indignancy he’d been building all day, then releases it all in an audible sigh. He collapses back into his chair, exhausted. “oh my god. I am so relieved. Just…Jesus fucking Christ, I was coming here to break up with you!”
“I know,” I say softly.
“God you are amazing. You’re the best boyfriend ever. I am so grateful for your thoughtfulness.”
I give him a warm smile. “It’s because of you. You’re the one I really want to keep and cherish. I’m… I’m really hoping we can try this again? I want to be your first, if you still want me…”

He sits up. “Yes! Yes I do. When it’s right.”
“When it’s right.” I put my hand on the table and Julian put his hand over mind. I told him I love him and he blushed again, before telling me he loves me too.

A week later, he was over for dinner-and-a-movie when a heavy storm knocked out the power. We had dessert and coffee in bed, surrounded by candles, and one thing lead to another… The next morning, the Earth was verdant from being washed clean and Julian woke up a man.

We’re still together. To this day, I still wrap an arm around him in bed. I’m not letting him run off on me again while I’m sleeping. I love when he spoons up against me and wiggles his butt into my crotch, accepting that he’s stuck and might as well get comfy before I wake up horny and come after his hot self.
Text is fictional. Source unknown.


Greg had been listening to his boyfriend’s heartbeat for the last forty minutes. It was so soothing to be so comfortable, so warm and snug on a chilly spring night. Yet, he couldn’t fall asleep. Normally he was out like a light – wasn’t there something he’d forgotten to do? It nagged at him. Jesse was asleep too half under him, and Greg had been listening to the soft sounds of him breathing the entire time. He liked having quiet moments like this to appreciate his lover and to just snuggle – his previous boyfriend didn’t like to snuggle – but Greg wanted to join Jesse in sleep now. What was the deal?

He ran through his night routine – turn off the light in Jesse’s beloved aquarium downstairs, lock the doors, turn off the porch lights, put the meat from the freezer on a plate to defrost in the fridge… he’d done all that. Go upstairs, check. Brush his teeth, check. Floss, check. Give his boyfriend his good night kiss, ch… wait a second. Greg furrowed his brow. No, he hadn’t. They’d been talking about Greg’s pregnant sister when they turned off the lights, and Jesse had dozed off. That’s what it was. Greg felt warm when he realized it. He couldn’t sleep without his goodnight kiss. Jesse meant that much to him.

Greg tilted his head up and pressed his lips to Jesse’s soft, open ones, their stubble brushing together. He couldn’t wait to tell Jesse in the morning… and that was his last thought before he fell off into deep sleep.

Text is fictional. The actors are Tom Cullen and Chris New, and this gif is from the heartbreakingly beautiful gay film Weekend.