

Pool boi🏝

Brazos leaned back in his chair and peered through the blinds. From his office, he had a nice view of the pool in general. It also meant that right now he could see his heart-breakingly beautiful houseboy skimming the pool. Brazos could see from here that Jack’s face was furrowed and his lips pouting. Jack skimmed and sighed and paced around the pool. A flood of guilt coursed through Brazos.

He shouldn’t have yelled at Jack. He was ashamed because it was one of the worst things the Master of the house can do – lose control. Jack looked up to him. Loved him. Pretty much worshipped him. Brazos had no business yelling at Jack. Not only was it a highly inappropriate thing for a Master to do, but it just showed you couldn’t interact with your houseboy like a rational person and had to use anger to convey your thoughts. Brazos winced at the hurt and shock on Jack’s face when he’d snapped at him. Poor Jack hadn’t even done anything wrong.

Brazos had been working at the bar in the kitchen, desperately trying to solve the problem of a chapter in his novel that was falling apart. The characters had no depth or any real personality, the plot was getting drawn out without anything really interesting happening. Brazos had sold his publisher a great idea that ended up not holding water during the outline stage, and now he was behind schedule. Brazos been wrestling with the problematic chapter when the noise from Jack emptying the dishwasher made him bark out, “Can you just be quiet please? I’m trying to work here!”

Jack threw down his towel and stormed outside. Brazos retreated to his office and watched him skim sullenly. He loved Jack with intensity – his bubbly personality, his dedication to keeping house, his natural ability to sense what a man needed to be please, his absolutely unflagging sex drive… all perfection. No, this couldn’t last.

Brazos went to the kitchen. He found some frozen peaches in the freezer – from the Farmer’s Market, of course, that Jack had frozen himself. Brazos made a peach bellini and took it outside with a beer for himself.

Jack looked up then harumphed.
“Jack, love,” Brazos said softly.
“I’ll try not to make noise,” Jack shot back.
Brazos sighed. “Honey please. I was a brute. I was mean and short tempered and I took my anger from my novel out on you. I am so sorry. It’s killing me to know I hurt your feelings.”
Jack studied him warily. “You’ve never snapped at me before.”
Brazos cast his gaze to the ground. “I feel horrible about it. The pressure with every release is getting to me. I know I’m “hot” right now or whatever, but I need a break. I rushed into this novel because my publisher wanted to keep the hype going and it’s a mess.“
Jack raised an eyebrow. “I’m …rather impressed to hear you admit you messed up and take ownership of your actions.”
“You are?”
“Yes. You didn’t make excuses. And you looked like a kicked puppy.”
Brazos scuffed his foot. “I am so sorry. I made you a peach bellini. I was hoping we could sit and talk for a bit?”
Jack smiled. “You know I love those.”
“I do. Not as much as I love you though.”
Brazos could see him blushing even at night. God he was so pretty. Brazos sighed. “I don’t deserve you.”
“Now now, don’t go from apologizing to wallowing in self pity. Doesn’t fit you.”
“What does fit me?” Brazos asked.
“That sexy confidence you wear like a badge of honor.”

The author scoffed. “Haven’t seen it lately.”
Jack considered his partner. He put the pool skimmer away on the hook and came over to take the bellini. He tried it. “Oh mmm this came out really well.”
“I’m pleased.” Brazos sat down in a lawn chair under the glow of the patio light with his beer. Jack sat across in another chair. Jack didn’t like to wear clothes in the summer, and Brazos felt so lucky to have the view he did.
“I need to take a break from writing for us.”
Jack sipped his drink. “I …I would like that. I want to take a vacation.”
“Oh that sounds nice,” Brazos said. “No rushing. Just us.”
“Yes. And somewhere we can have loud sex without anyone caring…”
“My beloved Jack, you really get me.”
Jack giggled.

We sipped our drinks.
“How would you fix my novel?”
Jack blinked. Brazos hadn’t ever asked him his opinion before, even though he read all of the rough drafts. “Well…” Jack began.
“Be honest.”
Jack cleared his throat. “Honestly, your main character kind of sucks.”
Eyebrows went up.
“He’s a stereotypical military GI Joe type only with zero personality besides being married to the army. He’s always escaping, always solving impossible problems, always saving the day. Women love him for no reason. It’s annoying.”
“Damn. Harsh,” Brazos joked. He took a deep swig of beer
Jack looked down.
“No no, I mean, that’s good. That’s what I need to hear. I need to hear what you really think, cause the readers will say the same things.”
“…Is it ok to go on?”
“Yes,” Brazos insisted. “Absolutely.”

Jack tapped his nails on the glass. “Well, honestly, I think it would surprise the readers if something happened to Haygen. A severe injury. A coma. He gets cocky and gets killed. Something. And Martha, who has been trying so hard to get noticed, steps up to the plate and seizes the mission. She takes over, kicks ass, etc. She’s the type of woman to get herself kidnapped to speak to the bad guy’s leader. I want to see her seduce him, fall in love by accident, broker peace, and strengthen unity.”
“…You’ve been thinking about that a while haven’t you?”
Jack nodded sheepishly. “Your main characters are never female. And they’re always needing rescue.”
Brazos chuckled at the expression he made.
“Jack… you are a wonder. It would absolutely work. It gives a reason for Martha’s frustration and makes her useful. It gives Haygen a reality check. It humanizes the other side… shit. Jack you’re brilliant.”
Jack smiled.

Brazos’s brain was already racing. “I need to go write this.”
Jack tipped the bellini toward his partner. “Go write. I’m gonna sit out here and enjoy this for a bit.”
Brazos raised his beer in salute. “To you.” He jogged back inside and began. He saved a copy of the old rough draft for prosperity, then attacked the open version. Entire chapters, gone. Characters rewritten. New scenes! New personalities! Brazos hadn’t realized he’d fallen asleep at his computer until he woke up on the sofa with a blanket over him. He sat up, bleary eyed, nose tempted with the scent of waffles.

“Morning,” Brazos slurred, yawning and cracking his jaw.
“Good afternoon,” Jack corrected. “Sleep well?”
“Yeah…surprisingly. What time is it?”
“Almost one.”
“You’re making waffles that late?” Brazos asked.
“Brunch,” Jack insisted. “You hungry?”

Brazos couldn’t say no to blueberry waffles. He jogged upstairs to wash his face and scrub the stale beer taste from his mouth. When he walked into the kitchen, he was greeted with a fresh cup of coffee and the sight of Jake turning waffles wearing only an apron. Brazos’s mouth watered for special reasons. “Fuck just… come here…” He walked up behind his houseboy and pulled their bodies flush together. Brazos’s clothed cock nestled at home between the clefts of Jack’s bare ass. Jack sucked air in sharply and dripped waffle batter he was putting on the maker, but he still instinctively pushed back against Brazos. “Oh you woke up hungry and horny hm?”
Brazos stuck his hand under his apron and caressed his abs. “Where’s the lube?”
“No time,” Jack insisted. “Use the coconut oil I’m using for cooking!”

“Fine by me.” Brazos slicked up and pinned Jake against that counter with a firm push. He mewled, entire body shivering from pleasure. Brazos pulled boy’s hips back and took him in an unrelenting pace.
“Oh sweet Jesus, sweet mother of mercy,” Brazos groaned. Jack’s body was a balm to all his stress and worry. Just this perfect velvet heat…
Brazos reached for Jack’s stiff cock and pumped it as they fucked. They lasted long enough to cook the waffle on the maker. Brazos spurted first, then brought Jack to climax while still inside him. They fell across the counter, chests heaving, cum dripping on the floor.
“Oh honey, that was so hot! You haven’t come after me like that in a while.”
“I just…had to have you. Had to thank you too really. I wrote a ton of pages last night. I’m going to knock it out today.”.
“That’s my talented novelist whom I love so much.”
Brazos let his hands roam over Jack’s body again although he had already slid out of his ass. “I’m only talented because of you. You are the best thing to ever happen to me. My precious houseboy.”
Jack’s throat caught and he hiccuped. “Brazos you are so wonderful to me.”
“Well it’s only fair – …what’s burning?”
“Oh shit not the waffle!”

Brazos ate the burnt one anyway, carbonized parts and all. He loved Jack that much. Nothing Jack put effort into would ever go to waste.

Captions are fictional. Fixed some major issues with editing.




“Oh there you are, how are the girls?”
Johnnie smiles and puts the eggs in the basket by the sink. “Martha is still jealous that Henry’s picked Samantha, but Samantha’s molting, so perhaps the tides will still turn.” He washed his hands. “Georgia, however, didn’t want to get out of her nest and slept through me disturbing her.”
“My goodness. What a soap opera in the coop.”
“Oh indeed.”
I put a piece of toast on a plate. “Ow hot. Sit, your toast and tea are ready.”
Johnnie sits and yawns. “Thank you. Gosh, there’s so much to do today,” he says.
“Mm, there is, but I find it exciting.” I set the plate in front of him and turn back to the eggs on the counter. “Raw land. So much potential.”
“We’re gonna make a home out of it,” Johnnie replies. He sounds sleepy, but pleased with himself.
“We are. A nice home in the country, what more could a man want?”
Johnnie lifts the corner of his mouth. “Well, spread for one thing.”
I set an egg back down and look over my shoulder. “Did I forget the marmalade?”
“You did.”
“Oh silly me, sorry Johnnie.” I open the fridge and bring the pot forward. Always marmalade for Johnnie. Our neighbor a mile down the road makes a variety of jams and jellies for local sale, and Johnnie is hooked on the orange stuff.

I set the pot on the table. “There you go,” I say. “You know how to use it?”
Johnnie chuffs through his nose. “I think I do.”
“Well,” I reply, “We should be certain.” I crouch down next to him.
“What are you doing, silly?”
I wrap my hand around his own. “First, you pick up the knife – like this. And be careful, it’s sharp you know.”
Johnnie scoffs and rolls his eyes. “You are so silly.”
“And then we kind of just…dip it in, like that. Hold the jar now. Good. Then we put it on the bread and kind of…move it back and forth… “
The marmalade is not quite going on the bread though, because Johnnie is looking at me. First, it’s a look of absurdity with one eyebrow cocked. But then his eyes sort of lose focus and his expression softens. My thighs are starting to burn from crouching, but his pouty lower lip is a fine distraction, and I find myself getting kisses for breakfast.
“MMnnn…mmnn….” My attention slips and my hand falls right on the toast. Our sweet kiss breaks apart when the plate clatters from the uneven distribution of weight, the knife falling to the table. “Oh! Oh, I got some on my finger.”
Johnnie giggles. “You don’t know how to spread marmalade on toast either, you imposter.”
That makes me giggle back. “
Now see here. I am quite capable, thank you. You tricked me by kissing me, and that was not very nice.”
“I kissed you? You kissed me,” Johnny insists. “I am innocent. I just want to eat my toast, drink my tea, and start my day but you had to go make a mess…” He takes hold of my hand and bring it to his slightly swollen lips. I watch, eyes wide, as he licks my finger with that little cat tongue. My cock hardens between my legs as he wraps his lips around my digit. “Oh god, Johnnie!” I gasp. I can’t bear the weight and fall down on my ass.
Johnnie gives me this sexy, coy smirk. “Well look at you, you’re just a mess. You’re on the floor now. We still haven’t finished spreading the toast.”
I swat him on the thigh, then use his muscular leg to help myself up. “Goddammit, you have approximately thirty seconds to finish your toast, because that’s how long it’s going to take me to get the lube.”
Johnnie’s eyebrows go up. “Right now?”
I point to the hallway where our bedroom is. “Right now.” I throw my shirt on the table. “Be right back.” I run to the secondary bathroom to grab the lube. Our master bath is still under renovation.

In the early morning sun, I undress my husband and spread him out on our bed. I settle between his legs and place a hand on his sternum. I pause before penetration to gift his mouth with bruising kisses, and Johnnie tangles his fists in my hair. Our coupling becomes a simple, intimate act, nothing fancy, nothing freaky. Just me arching over him, panting and sweating as I thrust in and out of the best, tight warmth. I slept with three other boys before I met Johnnie, and that night I knew that was the one I wanted for the rest of my life. The one I wanted to be inside forever.

The orgasm washes over us after sometime, and when we’re done hollering, we both go limp, entangled in limbs.
“Wow,” Johnnie says.
“Wow,” I agree, gasping.

Neither one of us mean to fall asleep. We wake up, overheating from being bathed in the sun. Johnnie groans and stretches, naked and sticky. “What time is it?”
I yawn and lift my head to see the nightstand clock. ”10:31.”
“Aw hell,” Johnnie sighs, rubbing his face with both hands. “We still have so much to do today.”
“Yeah, seriously. But I mean, we’re gonna get nothing done today.”
Johnnie turns to look at me. “Why not?”
“Did you see how long it took us just to put marmalade on toast?”

Johnnie throws his head back and rolls on the bed with laughter. Soon, I’m laughing too. Not just at my joke, but out of happiness, because I realize this is the first morning we made love in our new home. There will be hundreds if not thousands more like this, as we live the rest of our lives together.

Captions are fictional.




I stand there in the entry way to our living room, hand paused while scratching the back of my neck. My mouth is frozen in mid-yawn. My house boy is perched on the mantel of our fireplace with feline grace, all curves and sunkissed bare limbs, gazing out onto the skyline. I work my dry mouth and swallow. He looks like he is part of the room, like I had a naked male version of the Little Mermaid statue from Copenhagen installed in my condo.

I pat my pocket, seeking my phone. I frame the shot and snap it. Perfect.

At the sound, my houseboy looks over his shoulder. “Oh, you’re up. Good afternoon, Sir. How was your nap?”
“Wonderful,” I reply. “I can’t wait until this client partnership is over and I can sleep like a normal person again.”
My houseboy gives me a wistful look. “It will be soon. Shall I get you some refreshments?”
“Mmnn. No, don’t get down. You can get it in a minute.” I walk over to him. “What are you looking at?”

My boy shrugs. “I just realized I never took the time to really look at the view you know? Been working so hard to keep your life and home in order since we moved here, but I spend most of it looking down. It’s beautiful.”
I run my palm over his thigh. I suddenly want him naked and spead open under me in an embarrassingly vulgar way.  
“What do you see?” I manage to say.
“Mmmn. There’s a bird of prey circling to the right there.”
“Oh? So there is.”
“There’s a red flag on that building over there. Someone is having a smoke break on that roof there. There’s a balloon caught on that line there…”
“You see a lot.”
My houseboy looks pleased that I’m interested. “I wonder what I could see if I had that bird’s vision.”
“Probably ants on the sidewalk,” I guess.
“Mmmn. Possibly.” My houseboy looks at me. I position his chin with my pointer finger and kiss him. He leans in, and I give him my tongue. A soft groan escapes from lips. “God, I love it when you kiss me for no reason.”
“Oh there is always a reason,” I insist. “And I could use that refreshment now. Get two.”

My houseboy blinks, trying to snap back into focus. “Ye – yes Sir.” He slides off the mantel with noted grace. I watch that fine body as he sashays into the kitchen.

I sit on the sofa when he returns with two glasses. We sit and discuss dinner as we drink our iced tea. When I finish mine, I set it down on the tray.
“Another Sir?” My boy prompts.
“No,” I say, leaning in and caressing his jaw. “I want you.”
I take the glass out of his hand and put it on the table. I lean forward and guide him backwards until his back is on the sofa, over the afghan. I crawl up onto the cushions and settle between his legs.

He is always naked. I chose not to lock him and instead make him come to me to ask for relief, which is just the right amount of control and humiliation to set me off. He has been so good so far in learning that his cock is mine to touch and handle first. I enjoy a palm full of the hardening thing as I push down my boxers and extract mine out.

We always hide lube and condoms under the sofa seat cushions, and I’m pleased my houseboy remembered to put them there after we moved.

He takes me like a pro – hot and tight, without needing to be stretched. Every inch pushed in makes him mewl and wiggle like a kitten. “Good boy,” I grunt, beginning my thrusts almost immediately. He responds by wrapping his legs around my back.

I reposition and push inside him deep, and I know I hit his spot because pre-cum spurts all over my hand. I rub his cockhead with my thumb and he shivers tremendously.
“Yes. Yes, like that boy,” I murmur. He whimpers my name.

I finish taking him with a breathless pace. I’m feeling particularly amorous and grant him an orgasm with mine – but after mine, of course. I mark him with hickeys and licks, and enjoy feeling him soften and relax under me. I nuzzle his swan like neck. “I could use another refreshment now.”
“Wh – when my legs work again, Sir, I will obey that order.”
I smirk at him and chuff under my breath. “So it shall be.” I caress his sensitive little cock until he’s sweating under me and protesting dearly, but I relent once he’s shot again – a little clear fluid under his belly button. I lick him until he’s giggling cause he’s ticklish, and then my lust is sated.

The next day, I go out and buy him a pair of binoculars and leave them on the mantel. I also give him a journal to write down his finds.

He clearly loved his presents, because my boy drew hearts on my pancakes with chocolate syrup for a week after. When he stopped, I told him not to cause I loved it so much. I love him so much.

Captions are fictional. I didn’t realize this was a selfie by OP. Beautiful work.
The skyline is of Brooklyn apparently.

Also I didn’t know the OP had put a Little Mermaid reference into his tags until after I wrote this, lol.



Preparations for a Dapper day 👍🏻 @sinabrochar

#MensFashion #MensWear #MensStyle #MensLook #MensClothing #MensSuitStyle #SuitAndTie #Dapper #Outfit #Fashion #Style #Hot #Look #Cool #Inspiration #Life #Repost #Photo #DapperGentsClub

“What are you staring at?” Robin asks, folding his flannel scarf.
“I’m watching you dress,” I reply, leaning against the wall with my foot pressed against it for support. “I just realized that I’d never seen you dress before.” Robin gives me a look and an eyebrow raise to convey that he’s never heard such an odious lie and is offended he thinks I’d swallow it. “You have seen me dress before. Plenty. All those times after we had sex, or after the shower – you know, before we moved in?”
I fuss with the band of my underwear, the only thing I’m wearing. “Well yeah, but you were always wearing jeans or something. I’ve never seen you dress for work.” 
“Not true. I’ve slept over at your place and gone to work the next morning, and more than once I might add.”
I can’t tamp down a small smile. “Nope. All those times you came out of the bathroom fully dressed in your work clothes, or I came out of the bathroom and you were already dressed.” 
“What’s so captivating about watching me dress for work?” Robin asks. 
I blush a little and switch feet. “I’ve never gotten to bathe you, and help moisturize you, and then taken the trimmer and touched up your beard. Then, I’ve never gotten to watch you put on your slacks, slide the delicate shirt fabric over your beautiful torso and watch it take shape over your muscles, then watch work those tiny buttons with the same fingers that stroke my cock so strong and tenderly…”  
Robin is fixated on me, and now he is blushing too.
“And you look so serious when picking your tie and suspenders, you’d think you were the President going on television or something. And then damn – there you are. Fashionable, stylish Robin. Looking utterly gorgeous and ready to take on the world.” 
 Robin just stares at me. He fumbles with the scarf in his hands. “I – I’m uh, wow,” he chuckles. “No one has ever said something like that to me before. It’s really flattering.” 
My smile widens. “It’s true. Just another perk of loving you and sharing a home with you.”  
Robin’s expression softens. “You are so beautiful with your words, you know that? Especially when they come out of those soft lips of yours….” 
It’s my turn to feel my ears burning. “Well, a poet has to have his muse.”

Robin glances aside and adjusts himself. “Turn around and put your hands against the wall.”

I raise both eyebrows. “Are you arresting me?”

“You wish. Which reminds me, I need to buy some handcuffs now that we have a headboard.” 
“Do as I say.”
I turn around and position myself like he asks, trying not to move too much. I love it when Robin gets bossy but it does not happen very often. I hear a drawer open and close. A moment later, I hear him get off the bed, which is followed by socked feet padding on the wood floor. Hands find my waist, which makes me jump. Robin kisses my shoulder and without asking permission, pushes down my underwear.

I gasp. This was a new type of play. I was eager to see where it went. When I turn my head towards him, I am given strict instructions to keep my gaze forward, to get real acquainted with that shade of Duck Eggshell White paint we used. A pair of smooth hands caress my hips and then my ass. I arch my spine and the hands squeezed me. I keen out into my arm, quickly becoming excited.

I hear the tear of paper, and the flick of a lid. I’m incredulous. He’s going to fuck me, just like this! Without even asking! I think it’s kind of thrilling to be wanted and lusted over and used like property. 
God, if he treats me like how he treats his clothing then I hope I’m his property.  I wait for Robin to stretch me but he does not. He just suites up and pushes in. The pain feels like a spark of electricity, but luckily I’m still a bit loose from all that dildo play last night. I feel virginal and Robin feels huge. I’m sure I’m drooling on the wall.
He rocks against me, sliding in and out. I try to meet his pace but it causes conflict with his pattern. Robin presses his fingers into my iliac grooves and pulls my hips up and back. Instantly, and impossibly, he slides in even deeper. I cry out, a ragged noise and strangled gasp. 
Robin groans. “I knew you could fit another inch.”  

I can feel the course fabric of his pants push up against me with every thrust. We don’t make it to ten. Robin stands up on his toes and pins me to the wall, wanting to be as close to me as possible when releasing his load. I hear him take in a huge lungful of air, hold it, and then release it after the orgasm peaks. His heat flows inside of me, and I wish he isn’t wearing a condom. I feel oddly happy and dizzy, and I realize I came when he did – all over the wall. “Shit,” I mutter. 
“Mmmn,” Robin replies, reaching around to play with my balls. We enjoy a moment together. A bird chirps outside.

“Now,” Robin purrs in my ear, pausing to teeth my ear lobe. “I have to go to work and earn bread for our household. You be good for me, do your chores, attend your grad classes, and when I get home, I want you to greet me wearing hardly anything ok?”
I press my forehead against the wall. Everything was still spinning. How could I feel so empty and yet still totally slutty after what Robin just said?
I nod.
“Fuck yeah. How about instead, totally naked?”
“…You’d do that for me?” Robin asks. 
“Anything for the man of my dreams. And don’t forget to take your lunch with you ok? I made it with love.”
“You made me lunch?” Robin replies, genuinely surprised. 
 “Just some left overs I packed last night,” I admit.
Robin slaps me on the butt once, making me yelp.
“Fuck, I wish I could stay home and just make love to you in every room of our new condo.”
I chuckle. “One day you should.” 
Robin nuzzles my shoulder and his beard scratches me. “One day I will. But today I must go in to work because someone made me a nice lunch and I do not want to waste it.”

Robin kisses the back of my neck, swats me on the butt again, and then drifts away. He throws the condom in the trash, cleans himself up. I watch him over my shoulder with doe eyes as he maneuvers his half tamed cock back into his jockstrap. Yeah, the man doesn’t even own normal underwear.  
We kiss good-bye, and he leaves, reluctantly. I pass out on the bed and listen for him closing the door. I cover my face with my hands and sigh in bliss. I never knew how wonderful mornings could be. An early jog, breakfast together, showers, sex…. I notice something and lift my head. Oh my god, I could see my drool spot and cum on the wall from the bed. I laugh. How embarrassing! I get up and go find the cleaner. We’re running low. I make a note to buy it in bulk next time. If this is how life is going to be living together, we’re going to need it.

Text is fictional. Picture is from and of Instagram user and fashion blogger. @sinabrochar.


A typical Friday night of foosball and football on the TV becomes that special night when you finally get that boy. When a playful kiss ends up more than just an impulse, and suddenly you’re allowed to undress him and his penis is jutting out in front of his body expecting your attention. Something about seeing his cock and balls hanging and protruding on display turns any doubts about this off, and your brain puts all other functions on ‘hibernate’ so it can devote all its energy to sex.

You get your arms around him, cradling his torso, one hand sliding down to his thigh. You want his cock, and he wants you to have it. He’s acting like a woman, parting his legs, trying to encourage you to give attention to his pussy. It turns you on in dizzying, incredible ways to know that a man is expecting you to take him, that he’s silently accepted you as the dominant one.

The high lasts for nearly an hour, a two man orgy of touching, caressing, kissing, and sucking. Not an inch left unexplored, no erogenous zone neglected. The sex lasts maybe ten minutes but you know the penetration is just the finale. By the time you reach the breeding, the pulling his hips flush with yours so you can get deeper in him part, you are just an animal recreating what your ancestors have been doing for millennia.

He’s very hot, and very malleable in your hands. His penis feels like a silk flower in your fingers, his balls soft permissions heavy on the branch. Wetness is everywhere.

The next morning you both convince yourselves it was a dream and never reconnect on Fridays again. You don’t see each other for nearly 15 years, until one day he finds you online, and messages you out of the blue: “Do you still wonder if it was real or not?”
Your heart leaps at his message and you reply: “Every day.”
“Do you ever wish it were real?”
“Every day.”

Text is fictional. Need the source please.


Being a bartender is a stressful job in a loud environment, but it does have some unexpected upside. This guy came in with two other friends, and they were obviously tourists judging by the maps and cameras they had slung over their shoulders. They ordered their drinks, and wasted no time gossiping in Dutch about “fat Americans” and “greasy food” and our ‘horrible biking infrastructure". One of the bitchier girls noticed that her other male friend wasn’t really participating – he was watching me tend bar. I of course, pretended not to notice even though he was pretty cute, but it was hard to ignore when – to my shock – he began to talk wistfully about how he wanted to fuck me.

I played dumb but nearly dropped the glass I was holding. He carried on about how I’m probably not even gay, just another dumb straight American frat bro who doesn’t know a thing about wine or good sex. He said there’s no way, even if I were gay, that I’d ever fuck a Dutch guy …but I had a great ass and strong hands, and it was a shame anyway. His friend tried to make him feel better, but their conversation soon turned into playful but vulgar banter. They were guessing my cock size, if I were cut or not, how big my balls were, if I were a top or bottom – things like that, until they were all tipsy and laughing.

I waited patiently, my cheeks growing redder by the minute, until they finally asked for their tab. To my delight, my favorite young man with the shorn hair paid. When I gave him back his card and receipt, I waited until he reached for it, then trapped his hand by covering it with my own. In fluent Dutch, I replied, “For your record, I’m reversible, I’m just over 4 inches soft and about 6 and a half inches hard; my balls are pretty decent sized, and I indeed have a great ass. No, I don’t really like spanking, but I do like sex frequent and often. If you want to fuck me, my number is on the back.” Then I winked and walked off to go wash glasses, leaving them stunned and agape. The young man turned bright red.

They gathered their property and made a hasty exit. My co-worker was laughing so hard she had to sit down once I had explained what had just happened.

I honestly didn’t expect the little darling to call me, and he didn’t – but he showed up at my bar the next night alone. Diederik told me that he couldn’t figure out how to make a phone call in America, with a sheepish grin plastered on his face. He apologized for his behavior the other night, and I supplied him with free drinks. Diederik eventually admitted he had broken up with his long-term boyfriend before the trip and was lonely. His boyfriend had been cheating on him and lying to him, and Diederik wanted to clear his head by coming to a new place. It had worked, and by god, was he horny.

He stuck around. When my shift ended, I asked, “Still want to fuck me?” We made a hasty retreat back to my place, and we barely made it inside. We were kissing and groping in the elevator. Once in my apartment, we made a bee line to the bed. I threw my belongings onto the comforter and our clothes were cast to the floor. He pushed me onto my back and sought my mouth, pressing his weight over me.

Diederik was chatty, murmuring how gorgeous I was, how nice I smelled, how my cock was perfect, how I was making him crazy with arousal. I told him where the lube and condoms were and that’s all the instruction he needed. Poor Diederik, he was so backed up. He fucked me so hard that I began to fear the bed was going to break, but then once the fever was out of his system he slowed to a steady rhythm. I would be plenty sore tomorrow, but now? I was loving every second of him thrusting in and out of my body.

Maybe there’s a Dutch secret to fucking I hadn’t been taught, but his technique! Oh god, his technique! I’d had my prostate nudged before, but Diederik’s cock pushed this button deep in me that sent pre-cum gushing from my body. The way he used his hips, his back, his tongue – I wrapped my legs around him, never wanting him to stop using me as his fucktoy. 

I squeezed my eyes shut as I came, digging fingers into his back while curling my toes. The orgasm Diederik blessed me with was the first one that made me momentarily lose consciousness. I didn’t even realize it until I felt his hand patting my cheek and I heard someone talking to me in concerned Dutch.

“Hey…Hey are you alright?”
“Wha?” My head felt like it was full of oatmeal. The sexual tension had dissipated, but I felt a void. “What happened? I came, didn’t I?”
“Yes,” he said.
“Are you still in me?” I asked.
“Mmm put it back in me.”
He chuckled, “It’s too sensitive and too soft…and I already took off the condom. But as soon as I’m horny again, I will.” He bent over me again, setting his damp cock next to mine, and then he laid on top of me and nuzzled me under my chin. “I feel so cleansed.”
“Mmm if only you know how I feel,” I laughed. “I just got the best fucking of my life from some Dutch guy who talked shit about me in my bar.”
“Hey! Most Americans can’t speak Dutch, alright? How do you know Dutch anyway?”
I smirked. “My mother. That’ll teach you not to assume.”
“It also teaches me that I want to fuck more Americans.”
“…Can’t you just fuck me a lot instead?”

Diederik pretended to consider this in depth. “Hmmm…I guess so.”
I swatted him on the shoulder and chuckled. “You are gonna spend the rest of your vacation in my bed if you aren’t careful.”
Diederik kissed my jawline. “Mmm. I’d like that.”

Text is fictional. Could not locate a source.