
“Uh huh.”
“I’m telling you it’s so annoying! He always tries to sit with me in the cafeteria, he’s like always waits for me when our Bio lectures ends, he gives me compliments, tries to buy me coffee, it’s sooo annoying.”
Jack can’t take it anymore and starts chuckling under his breath.
“What?” Henry huffs. “It’s not funny. I think he’s stalking me!”
Jack throws the dish towel over his shoulder and puts the dry mugs into the cabinet. “Henry. Dear. He isn’t stalking you. He wants to fuck you.”
Henry stares. “What?”
“That’s why he’s giving you so much attention, and hovering around you. He likes you. Especially the way you says he stares at your legs and your ass and always smiles at you. The way he tries to give you things. He wants you to like him. Poor lad probably has no idea how to just ask you to bed. I mean if he’s a sophomore like you, he’s what? Barely 20?“
“…He doesn’t want to fuck me,” Henry scoffs.
“He does. I think probably a lot of men on campus want your attention and you are missing it. You’re cute, you got long legs, long eye lashes. You’re adorable. Sweet, even.”
Henry blushes. “Am not.”
Jack makes a gesture and a facial expression that says. You’re doing it right now.
Henry harumphs and folds his arms.
“Look, I know I’m letting you stay here with me as kind of your…old gay wise mentor-”

Henry giggles. “I thought you were going to say wizard.”
“Ha! Yes. I am a powerful old gay wizard and you are staying here as my pupil in a very odd retelling of the Black Cauldron.”
Henry giggles more.
“But- what I mean to say is – I promised myself I would not cross any boundaries with you when you came to stay here. Although I wanted you very much when I saw you.”
Henry’s jaw lowers. “You did?”
“Yes. Very much. Lusted after you for quite some time I did. But it was just lust. And it would have ruined a good friendship. You’re worth more than just your fuckability Henry. I found someone my own age to bother, and I’m glad I did. I enjoy having you around the house and listening to your naive adorable problems as you come of age.”

“I AM of age! I’m 20!”
“Ohh my apologies. Not 21 yet though. So no.”
Henry sticks his tongue out.
Jack throws the dishtowel at him.
“Hey!” Henry laughs as he catches it. “But seriously, you wanted to fuck me? Do you still?”
Jack considers Henry and shifts his weight on one foot. “It’s different now. You’re like a son or a little brother to me. It would be weird. You should be with guys your own age. Like this Brazos fellow. You should give him the time of day sometime. Or just your ass, if you want.”
“I thought you said I was worth more than your fuckabililty.”
“True. You are. But it’s up to you who gets that worth. And if you just want a rut, nothing wrong with that. Sometimes you just need good fucking. That’s why Grindr is a thing.”
Henry turns the dish towel over in his hands. “I suppose. I don’t know how I feel about Brazos though… I mean he is kind of hot, but I was so worried about him being a stalker I just never thought of him as more than that.”
“Well, give it some thought. And if he’s bothering you, tell him to leave you alone. Or ask him out. Or ask him to bed. Just…don’t lead him on. Or tease him. It’s cruel.”
Henry nods slowly. “Sage advise, gay wizard.”

Jack cracks up. “I’m going to have to grow a beard now and get some flowy robes.”
“I think you just found your new Halloween costume.”
“Ohhhh Henry that’s a great idea…”

Henry smiles. “Glad I could help.” He exhales. “Looks like I got some thinking to do between now and class tomorrow.”
“Let me know how it goes.”
“For sure. I’m gonna go start on my homework.”
”Alright. Good luck with that.”

Jack watches Henry pop off the counter and saunter away in his sweater without pants on, teacup cupped in his hands. God he has no idea what men think of him does he… I can’t wait for that day when he figures it out. Christ, I need to call David. I need to get off.

Captions are fictional.


“Hey…you came.”
Courtney yawned. “Of course I did. I had to give you your blanket back.”
“You didn’t have to,” Alec said. “You could have kept it.”
“I want to. But my parents would know it’s yours. My mom asked you about it on the first day. She’d get suspicious about why I have it.”
Alec sighed. “But if you give it back, it means it’s over. I don’t want you to go.”
Courtney pressed his lips together to keep his chin from trembling. “I don’t want to either. Dad’s got this whole schedule for the trip…” he waved his hand and trailed off.
Alec swallowed hard.
Courtney sniffled. They leaned forward and shared a soft kiss, almost not daring to touch at all. Courtney held his denim jacket closed with his fingers to ward off the morning chill. Birds chirped as dawn broke over the desert.
They parted.
Alec watched Courtney fold the blanket and pass it over.
“Here. I’m sorry it’s not uh, clean, I think it still has some of our.. you know on it…” Courtney scuffed his foot in the dust.
Aelc took it and held it to his chest. “I don’t care. That night we spent under the stars was beautiful. Nothing about it is gross to me.”
Courtney smiled.
“I still wish you would keep it though. Cause then I had proof that you were here. Cause once you leave it’ll be like it never happened.” Alec paused. “Fuck.”
Courtney hugged him. Alec crushed him back.
“I’ll give you something else to remember me by before I leave. And I’ll write.”

Alec exhaled. He looked over his shoulder. “My shift is going to start soon.”
“Then I guess this is good bye?”
“Well… Good bye then,” Alec said.
Courtney scuffed his foot. He looked down and turned to walk away.
Alec couldn’t bare it after three steps. “Court?”
Courtney turned halfway. “Yeah?”
“I love you.”
Courtney’s mouth parted. The words stuck to his dry lips and it took a second to loosen them. “I love you too.”
Alec’s face lit up.
Courtney ran back to his family’s RV, laughing with giddiness.

Later that morning, when they left the camping park, Courtney sat in the back of the camper as it pulled out of the entrance to the RV park. His parents were up front, dad was driving. There were no separate lanes, just a wide dusty path for big turns. Courtney could see Alec was up ahead; he had come out of the welcome booth to watch them go. Courtney got on his knees and squeezed his arm through the slight gap in the window, as far as it would go, hand clutched around something. When the timing was right, Courtney jerked his elbow and a small rectangle went flying.

Alec dove for it. It bounced off his fingertips but he barely caught it before it hit the ground. When he parted his hands, his jaw dropped. It was Madonna’s new cassette tape. The one they’d listened to in the portable, that night, under the stars. They’d talked about it for an hour after. It had blown Alec’s mind. Alec rarely got new music; his family only went to the city with the music store like once or twice a year. Alec clutched his treasure to his chest and watched the RV go until it was just a cloud of dust.
There was a tiny corner sticking out of it. He pushed his tears away and opened it. Inside was a white scrap of paper. On it was Courtney’s address and three words. “I was here.”

Captions are fictional. I’m almost certain this is somewhere near Joshua Tree.



Yes. This is how it’s done. Playful, dominant, affectionate and the smiling is infectious. Those are the moments I treasure.

“You seem to know what you’re doing,” I say – not to be accusatory, but in some desperate attempt to hint that I need reassurance.
“Of course I do. I did a lot of research, talked to people, watched videos… when you told me you were going to be ready for this soon, my heart about exploded. I wanted it to be such a sweet experience for you.”
I smile. My cheeks hurt from smiling already. “So it won’t hurt?”
“It shouldn’t. Not if I take care of you properly. God I love you so much that you want me to do this.” Our lips meet and I momentarily drift off in our kiss.
“I love you so much,” he repeats. “I’m just so honored that you trust me, that you want me inside you, to take you…” The kisses trail down my clavicle. “I’ve been hungry to experience this for a long time now. Sex, love-making – what the fuck is the fuss all about?”
I chuckle. “I hear it feels pretty good. I mean our G-spots are up inside us…”
“Mmnn…” he purrs, rubbing his palms down my thighs. “I’m going to find yours, baby.”
I shudder. “Promise?”

He tosses my underwear to the side, and I’m now naked in his lap. My cock is dark red and hard between me, front and center. The thrill over-riding the shame excites me. He captures my mouth again. “Promise.”

Captions are fictional.



Fuck Yeah Dudes Kissing. A place to see men kiss on Tumblr. Submit a kiss.

There’s some important quiz thing you’re supposed to be taking, but you hate chemistry and you’re much more interested in physical reactions than chemical ones. Mainly, physical reactions named after elements like Peter, the strong jawed rugby captain of your high school team. Hot studs like Peter were always straight and resigned to fantasies of bulges in jock straps and fooling around in the shower.

You always showered in gym after most guys in your gym class left because you couldn’t bear the sight of all that hot, young cock strolling around the locker room. Teenagers are often far too casual with their nudity – boys especially – and you couldn’t take it.
But day after school you were showering, late as always, and Peter had stayed behind to run some laps after classes. Of course, he walked in on you jerking off in the shower, holding a jockstrap some kid forgot about. Humiliating.

Except – Peter then asked, in a nervous voice, if he could join you. You didn’t know what he meant by that, but it soon came about that he wanted to help you. you nearly fainted from nervous apprehension, but if Peter was curious about other guy’s penises then you were of course going to let him explore yours. Of course. Duh.

Peter though, was a wild boy. You fell totally under his spell. You both gave eachother an outlet for sexual energy, and Peter was spilling over with it. So when he texted you to duck out of class in the middle of a test so you could make out in the boy’s bathroom? Of course. Duh. It’s only a quiz. You could make that quiz up later when your thoughts weren’t full of Peter’s hardness in his slacks searing hot and throbbing against your hand.

You had a bit of an issue explaining to your parents why your chemistry grade dropped from an A to a B though.

Captions are fictional.



Fuck Yeah Dudes Kissing. A place to see men kiss on Tumblr. Submit a kiss.

“We shouldn’t be doing this here,” Justin stammered.
“Why?” Reed asked, sounding a bit hurt.
“Cause,” Justin said weakly, “Anyone could walk in…”
“We would hear the door open. Besides, no one is going to be coming into the locker room. The basketball game is in its fourth quarter. They’re all glued to the court.” Reed pushed his lips against Justin’s again and felt a warm knot tightened in between his hips when the tension in Justin’s shoulders melted, and he returned it.
Justin kissed him back – once, twice. “I like kissing you,” he stated.
“I do too. Have you kissed others?” Reed asked.
Justin blushed a little. “One other. But I like kissing you better.”
This seemed to please Reed. “Any girls?”
Justin shrugged. “I’m not too interested.”
“MM…me neither.” Reed grabbed Justin’s shirt lapels and devoured his mouth, pushing him against the lockers and leaving him breathless.

After a long moment of passion, Reed wiped the back of his hand against his mouth. “I hate how hard it is to see you.”
“I wish we went to the same school too,” Justin agreed.
Reed ran his hands over Justin’s chest. He glanced at his watch. “Ever do anything else?”
“Else?” Justin repeated.
Reed smirked at him, then slid down to his knees. Justin’s eyes went wide. “Oh my god, here -? You are not!”
Reed pouted. “I’ve been wanting to try this on someone. I bet you taste good. Please? Let me try? We got ten minutes..”
Justin gulped. “Yeah. Yeah go ahead.” His voice was shaking.
Reed petted him through his jeans. “You’re really hard,” he marveled.
“Goddamnit,” Justin said, “How could I NOT be when you kiss me like that?”
Reed snickered. “Good. I was starting to think I was forcing myself on you.”

“Never,” Just said quickly.
Reed slowly unzipped his pants. “Good. Cause I get greedy real fast. wow, boxer briefs. Just what I thought. Oh it’s wet here…” Reed leaned forward and pressed his lips over the outline of the firm shaft hidden under the fabric.
Justin gasped. “Jesus!” And he slammed his hand against the lockers, steadying himself. “Oh my god Reed!”
Justin whimpered.
Reed continued to mouth him, licking and teasing. Very, very slowly did he tug down the waistline and free Justin’s cock. He sighed softly and considered his prize. “Perfect. Just like you. I like uncut too.”
Justin was blushing hard, too flustered to answer – he had his cock in another guy’s hand! And Reed was going to put it in his mouth!
Reed would, but first he seemed content just to touch and stroke it. Justin was leaking from the tip, and when he Reed swiped his tongue over it, Justin felt his knees buckled.

Reed smirked and massaged his own bulge in his pants. Teasing a prep school kid was entirely too much fun. Shame they could only meet when their ‘rival’ basketball teams had games.

Justin watched, fascinated, as his cock slid past Reed’s lips. The sensation made little stars explode in front of his eyes. He pushed his hips and whimpered. Reed grabbed onto the fabric of his jeans and began to suck. Justin moaned and let his eyelids droop. “Oh my god Reed,” he whimpered. “Oh my god.”

Then, strong fingers cupped and squeezed his balls and Justin jumped. He shot, without warning. Reed withdrew and Justin came on his face. Justin cried out, unable to stop a tremendous orgasm from crashing over him – especially since Reed was pumping his slippery shaft and finishing him off.

Suddenly, they heard the whistle.
“Game over,” Reed said. He gave Justin’s cock few licks and returned it to his jeans. “Thank you for that. I really had fun. Did you?”
Justin nodded hard, wordless.
“You’re really hot Justin. We gotta figure out a way to do that again. Soon.”
Just nodded harder. He couldn’t imagine how it would feel better, but he knew Reed had ideas and desperately wanted to know what they all were. All his masturbation fantasies involved Reed anyway. 

Captions are fictional.


I never show this photo to anyone. I quietly transfer it from computer to computer, phone to phone, but never show it to a soul. I think my face looks ridiculous but that is exactly how I felt that morning. I woke up and there was a cute, naked boy spread over my legs. It was that moment I remembered I was not a virgin anymore. I had slept with my boyfriend on prom night. I remember it being strange, and not what we expected it to be like, because we were so horny we couldn’t think straight. James seemed to know his way around his hole better than me, and he gave me great tips on how to stretch him. I think he was really really eager to be fucked by a real cock for the first time. I later found out James had quite a collection of dildos. 

But wow. Sex! I couldn’t believe I had done it. It was an amazing, visceral thing. And to top it off, I woke up with this adorable creature snuggling me like a koala. Even though I was 18 and my world was very small, I still think that was one of the best things to ever happen to me though. So hot, so torrid. Just how it’s supposed to be – a fumbling, sweaty fuck between lovey-dovey teenagers. 

I was awake before James was though and found myself pretty stuck. I didn’t want to get up. So, I did what I could do – take a photo. That was the first photo of me as a man. I was a boy no more. 

I wonder what James would think of this photo. Maybe I can find him on Facebook. He has a pretty distinct last name. Aaand there it is. Damn, he got even hotter in college. Oh hey, it says he’s single. Well that doesn’t have mean anything. I’ll just…send him a message here. He probably won’t – oh wow he responded right away. Hey James, how have you been?

Text is fictional.


Todd relaxes on the couch in his bedroom and gazes out the window. He came right home from practice and stripped down. He had settled in for his post-school wank before his parents got home, but his mind would not settle on a female fantasy. There were lots, and they usually did the trick alright…but it wasn’t working today. Todd’s mind kept drifting to the way Coach Mack had patted him on the butt after practice, gave him just the tiniest of squeezes, and said, “Good work out there today, kid.”

The words had made pride flourish in his chest. Todd’s father was a perfectionist and not one to dispense praise merely for effort, only for taking top prize. It made him feel good to know Coach recognized him… but that grab, that squeeze. It had sent a zing right to his balls. He’d never felt anything like that before! He began to stroke himself as he imagined Coach squeezing his ass. With a sigh of surrender, Todd relented and let his mind wander to a forbidden place. A taboo place. He had denied to himself that he wanted to look at it, but he was 99.999% sure Coach Mack did not wear underwear and it was noticeable. Behind his eyelids, Todd could easily picture Coach’s goods moving around in his athletic shorts like he’d seen a hundred times, his balls shifting with every step. God, why was that making his dick so hard? Todd didn’t get it. He was straight.

He’d seen other guys naked in the locker room before, and he’d seen their dicks, but it hadn’t excited him like this. Todd sped up his pace as he masturbated. He created a new fantasy that he’d seen Coach Mack’s balls fall out and Coach had let him stuff them back up. Soon his mind was reeling, exploring scenarios about touching in the shower, kissing, cupping-

and then the world went white. Sounds of flesh pumping flesh were muted by blood pounding his ears. “Fuck fuck fuck FUCK!” Todd gasped like a fish out of water as a huge orgasm ripped through him. His toes curled, his legs cramped. Jizz splashed everywhere, up his torso, his collarbone, hell there were flecks on his cheek! His vision went a bit spotty for a moment too. He felt sore, like he’d been tossed by a wave.

He crested downward on a slide glide, still playing with himself. Wow! he thought, panting. What the hell was that?? 

Text is fictional.


Getting your first kiss at the Spring Church Picnic will always be memorable… you sure hope nobody comes to check on why it’s taking you two so long to put away the sports equipment. You wonder how on Earth he can be the lacrosse team captain, a Prom King nominee, a top art student, and be such an excellent kisser on top of this. His lips are softer and yet firmer than you ever imagined them to be. He smells like grass and sweat mixed with his own, making your cock stir and your pulse quicken. Your cheeks feel warm, and you get goosebumps as slides his palms over your shoulders. You never want to stop pressing your lips to his, and with each kiss you get hungrier…and hungrier.

When he pulls away, he’s panting too, staring at you with glazed eyes. You can see the panic under them.
“…Sorry, was that…I mean… I don’t know where that came from,” he offers, wiping his lower lip.
“No no, it was nice,” you stammer, messing with your shirt hem. “You uh…want to do it again?”
He smiles a sweet, mischievous smile and looks around. “Yeah I do.”
“How about now?”
“…Now is good.”
And he leans in again.

You don’t even dare ask what he’s going to do about his girlfriend, but you have a feeling he doesn’t kiss her like that.

Text is fictional.


My sister stuck her head in my room. “He’s here!” she hissed, a huge smile on her face. “Hurry!”
“He’s here?” I repeated, jumping up.
“Yes! Hurry!”
I grabbed my sunglasses off the nightstand and picking up my leather bag from behind my bed. “Has mum seem him yet?”
“No, I don’t think so,” she said, looking around. “Here.” She thrusted a basket in my hands. “Going away present – your own picnic basket set. I packed you two a lunch so you don’t have to stop for a while.”
“Oh Samantha, you’re a darling,” I cooed, kissing her on the cheek.
“How often do I get to be a part in a dashing escapade like this? It’s soo romantic.”
I can’t help but laugh a little. “But life is not a fairy tale.”
“It can be if you try! Come on, stop dawdling. He’s waiting”

I followed her to the upstairs landing; she stopped there and watched me go down the grand stairs to the lobby. Then, we heard our mum.
“What the heavens was that ….is that the Culver boy? I’d recognize that hideous orange automobile anywhere. Americans! No taste! Walter, call security, I told this man he is not allowed on my property and no where near my son! The things they did at boarding school! Soiling my precious boy’s reputation. He’s a heathen!….Aldred, honey, where are you going?”
“Out, mother,” I say briskly, my heart caught in my throat. I just had to keep moving, I reminded myself, one foot in front of the other. Down the stairs. Out the door.
Out?” she cried. “With that boy? I won’t allow it! I forbid you from seeing him again!”
I forced myself to pause. “Mother. I’m 18. You can’t forbid me to do a thing.” I enjoyed the stunned look on her face. I delicately picked up her hand and kissed the back of it. “Good day, mother.”

I heard Samantha whoop upstairs as I stepped out of the house and onto the cement walk to the driveway. My leather soled shoes made little noise. For the first time in my life, I felt like an adult. “There you are,” Mathias said, his face lighting up. “Oh gods I missed you.” He looked so stylish  in that his navy slacks and combed back hair, posing against his beloved car. I sighed, smitten. He was marvelous. Dashing, even.
“What are you staring at …?” he says with a smile.
“You. Just…missed you so much since my mum pulled me out of Essex School.” I stepped up to him and nuzzled his cheek. “Thought I’d never see you again.”
He put a hand on the back of my head and kissed me. My knees felt like gelatin. Mathias whispered in my ear. “Wait until you see what I’m going to do to you tonight. Then you’ll known how much I missed you back.”
I had to resist just pouncing him right there. God, did I love American boys and their Yankee accents.
“WALTER! CALL SECURITY!” My mother’s screeching voice snapped us out of our cuddle.
Mathias rolled his eyes. “Get in the car before the calvary arrives. What’s in the basket?”
“Lunch! Samantha packed it for us.” I threw my bag into the backseat and slipped into the front seat with the basket. Mathias joined me on the driver’s side and made the engine roar to life.
“Oh your sister? I’ll have to meet her sometime. Seems like a nice lady. I should introduce her to my cousin. Perhaps she could come for Christmas?”
“I think that’d be delightful, Mathias.”

We sped off down the street, bound for the main road to the highway. We had planned to head up the New England coast where we would eventually take a ship to London, where my aunt was waiting for us there. The window was open. I couldn’t help but whoop myself as the wind cut through my hair. My mother was likely furious, but I felt not a drop of guilt. She was going to be even angrier when she found out I turned down acceptance at Yale to go to the School of Oriental and African Studies in the UK. But her life was no longer my life now. I was free – finally, finally free, with a boy I truly loved.

Text is fictional. Source: Drykorn Fall/Winter 2013



he gets so horny knowing his big bro is sleeping above him

Zeke sighed and turned over his pillow, trying to get comfortable. It’s difficult to fall asleep with your foster brother masturbating underneath you. Only two more weeks until you move out for college, he reminded himself. Poor Norman. His foster brother had such a crush on him. Norman was so shy around Zeke, always plucking at his pants and then awkwardly making excuses to leave.

Late at night when he thought Zeke was asleep, Norman would lie awake and masturbate furiously – the only time he could get some alone time in their packed foster family’s house. He imagined that Zeke wasn’t sleeping above him, but on him, stroking his aching cock and telling him how huge it was, how sexy he looked. He imagined Zeke’s hips meeting his, about how their slick organs would rub together until they both spurted hard. After he came into a tissue, Norman would pet himself and ponder if he preferred to be a top or a bottom, what it would feel like to take a cock, or put one in another guy. Mostly, he thought about these scenarios with Zeke in them.

Norman didn’t know this, but Zeke had an inkling of what went on in that boy’s fertile imagination. He sighed again. The boy had an incredible refractory period and wasn’t stopping. He was going to be late for work tomorrow from oversleeping at this rate. Zeke thought, and decided to give Norman a little going away present.

Norman froze mid-stroke as he saw Zeke’s arm drop over the side of the bed. He barely dared to breathe, thinking he’d been caught. Being caught was a nightmare scenario. He squinted in the dark and realized that Zeke was holding something in his hands. It couldn’t be…?

Norman reached out and took it. Once his fingers touched the warm cotton, he knew exactly what it was. Emotions swirled – apparently he hadn’t been so secretive as he thought but this… Norman’s balls began to swell full of fresh seed.

Zeke muttered from above him: “I know. Say anything about this, I’ll fuckin’ kill you. Just hurry up and finish, I got work in the morning.”

Norman blushed crimson. Shit. Well, it was a gift from god and he wasn’t going to question it horned out of his mind. He pushed the warm crotch to his face and sniffed. His cock nearly burst, full of fresh blood. He began a third round of masturbation, suppressing his gasps and moans into the fabric. The bed was shaking, jerking, and Zeke was honestly trying not to laugh. It was kind of hilarious.

He heard Norman grunting and gasping along with the sounds of flesh smacking and his body disturbing the sheets – and Zeke coulda sworn he heard the splash of cum on his torso. Then, it stopped. Norman exhaled a loud sigh of contentment, plus a single “goddamn”, and after the rustling of tissues fell away, it was quiet. Pure quiet.

Zeke smirked in the dark, pleased with himself, then rolled over to fall asleep. The next two weeks were going to be awkward but it was going to be worth it just for a good night’s rest.

He never did get his underwear back.

Text is fictional. I think the source is here.