

Dαяιυs Fεя∂үηαη∂ + Hεcтσя Dε Sιℓvα
Tнε Wεεкεη∂ Aωαү Pт. 3

Your boyfriend’s on a two week business trip and has put you into chastity for safekeeping so you don’t wear yourself out when he’s gone. A week later and you miss not just him, you miss male company. You crave intimacy. So you go out to a bar and bring home a pretty brunet who is curious about that hard bulge in your jeans. Your boyfriend expects this, and you’re allowed to do what you want as long as you’re horny for your man when he comes home.

As you crawl onto the lap of this new brunet, he wraps his arms around you and begins to kiss your torso.

His lips find their way to your nipple and he latches on to your pec. You moan softly as with every lick, bolts of lightning zap down to your aching, throbbing crotch. You stroke the back of his neck. His arm is firm and you enjoy squeezing the muscle there. His arm is wrapped around your waist, anchoring you. You feel safe, secure.
This is a good catch, and you are pleased with yourself. He’s not just going to nut and leave – he wants to take his time with you. Which is good, more time with a male body against yours is what you crave. But you’re also impatient.

You grind against his lap as a hint. His slides his hand down your ass and runs his fingers down the crease of your ass. You shudder and whine. All you’ve succeeded in doing is making yourself hornier and more impatient.
“I need you to fuck me,” you beg. You grind against him again. “It feels huge, I want it in me, like right fucking now.”
He chuffs air out of his nose and looks up at you momentarily. “You’ll wait. What choice do you have?”

You gasp softly. Fuck, why did being spoken to like that make you even hornier? How embarrassing. When he begins to suck on your other pec, you keen when his tongue flicks over your nipple and your jeans feel soaked. Relieving the pressure does nothing for your arousal.
The brunet pulls his lips off of you and blows on your wet skin. You shudder – full body. “Oh my god,” you croak. Every nerve feels like it’s been turned up to 11.
He moves his other hand to cup you between the legs, as if testing something. He unzips your jeans, sticks his hand in, and fishes your cock and balls out there. It’s a struggle to them out of the zipper; the rough cold metal of the zipper rubs against your balls and you can’t tell if you like or hate it. Everything is damp and sticky.
“Oh, it’s just pre. looks like you didn’t actually cum. Your balls are still pretty heavy.”
“I haven’t cum in a week!”
He doesn’t seem to have heard you. To your shock, he tucks everything back in and zips you back up. “We’ll get to this later after you suck me off.”
“Later? Don’t you know how bad I need to cum?” You protest. It’s only after the words leave your mouth do you realize what’s slipped out. He raises an eyebrow at you as if to say – what a silly boy.
You’re going to die of embarrassment. Lock up makes you dumb.
“I thought you wanted to be fucked. You know those aren’t exclusive right?” the brunet says.
“I want to be fucked,” you agree quickly. Cause you could possibly cum if he fucks you – it’s possible. Deep down you know that only a week into chastity, the likelihood of having an anal orgasm is almost 0. But not quite zero. And you cling to that. “I want to suck you off, I just- I just need your cock,” you plead. “In any way.”

“When I’m done with your torso, you’ll suck me off.” And that’s the end of the conversation. He returns to your nipples and teasing your hole, and you return to whimpering in his lap, helpless.

Captions are fictional.



I’ll do that for you!

Henry realized he hadn’t seen Zach in a while, so he had been casually swimming through the party goers looking for him. The holiday party was in full swing, and despite the chill outside, the backyard was also full of people drinking and chatting under the propane heaters he’d rented. Henry had texted Zach a few minutes ago out of gentle concern, and now his phone was vibrating. He was surprised to see it was Facetime request from Zach.

Henry answered it, “Hey, where are you?”
Zach was holding the phone so it framed his face. “Upstairs.”
“What are you doing up there?”
Zach held the phone up so it showed his near-naked reflection in the mirror of Henry’s bedroom. He was bouncing his buttcheek in a teasing and tempting way. “Waiting for you.”
“Ohhh fuck.” Henry quickly hung up. He glanced around to make sure no one else saw that and went upstairs. In his room, Henry found the little minx, waiting patiently on the bed on his stomach. “Oh there you are. What the heck are you doing in my room? Are you jerking off up here?”
“No, I told you, I was waiting for you. I’m stupid horny for some reason, and I’m tired of pretending that I don’t want you. I know you just got out of a relationship, but like I’m not asking to be your rebound boy you know? Just want a harmless fuck.”
Henry closed the door behind him. “Man, bottoms have no brain cells,” he chuckled.
Zach looked annoyed. “Ok first of all, rude. Secondly, what do you mean by that?”
“Cause Conner and I broke up because of my friendship with you.”
“What?” Zach gasped.
“He was certain I was cheating on him with you, or I would cheat. Conner didn’t like you in my life – you made him feel threatened. Looks like he was right.”
Zach digested this. “My slut energy caused you guys to break up?”
“Subtlety is not one of your strengths.”
“Um. Oops? Sorry?”
Henry took off his shirt. “You better be an incredible fuck.”
Zach’s eyes went wide. “You’re still going to sleep with me?”
“The entire universe wants me to fuck you, so I will.” Henry unzipped his nice pressed slacks.
The young man watched with unblinking eyes as Henry extracted the jockstrap pouch containing his cock and balls and held it in his hand.
“You can take a cock this size right?”
“Hell yeah I can,” Zach said, although he wasn’t quite he could. He definitely wanted to make it fit even if it stretched him wide. It would fit, one way or another, because there was no way he was saying no to such a nicely wrapped holiday present. “Come over here and let me take off your jock with my teeth.”
That made Henry raise an eyebrow. “Starting to think I should have just skipped dating Conner all together…”

Captions are fictional.


David left the other group to come over and nudge Armani. “Look at that.” He gestured with his wine glass.
Armani turned around. “Look at that indeed. So rare for Peter to take an interest in anyone but me, but it seems he’s made an exception for your boy.”
“I’m honored, my Alexander is beautiful.”
“He is. Alexander seems a bit hesitant, though,” Armani said.
“He’s probably not used to another boy coming after him. Usually it’s the men without manners I have to watch out for.”  Alexander glanced at David. David nodded and made a casual sweeping gesture with his hand to indicate they should continue. He turned his attention back to Armani. “We shouldn’t stare, and let them have their fun.”
“Hard not to, I am enjoying watching this.”
David sipped from his glass. “They are beautiful. I’ve always been wanting to ask though, why haven’t you locked Peter yet?”

Armani said and sat down in a lounge chair. “I tried once. I like the look of it more, but, it just doesn’t work with Peter. It makes him sullen and unhappy. Plus he’s very…what’s the word – touch-oriented?”
“Oh like love languages? Touch is one of the love languages.”
“Yes, that. Peter likes touch, and I do enjoy having access to all of him. He’s trained well enough so we haven’t had any problems.”
“It’s so funny. It’s the opposite with Alexander. His love language is acts of service.” David chuckled. “Well, let’s be honest. His real love language is ‘receiving gifts’. He does love his sparkly things.”
Armani laughed. “I was wondering where his jewelry was.”
“I make him take it off on days we might be swimming.”
“Aah.” Armani sipped his wine. “Look at them. So passionate.”
“I dare say I’m getting a bit aroused watching Alexander play with Peter’s cock.”
“I would think something is wrong with you if you weren’t. Come, sit down David and watch this with me.”
David grabbed the half empty bottle of wine from the chiller and sat down in the parallel chair. “Refill?”
“Yes please.”

Captions are fictional.


It’s jock strap Thursday 😁

Brent picked up his phone and read the text message from Donovan: “Hey are you still home?
He wrote back: “Yeah why?”
There was a knock at the door. Brent jumped.
“Hi lol.” Came another text.
Brent walked to the front door and opened it. “Donovan, what are you doing here?”
Donovan grabbed Brent’s shirt. “I need you to fuck me please. I am begging you.”
Brent scoffed. “Woah calm down there. Did you take a viagra or something?”
“No I got a new vibrator and I’ve been playing myself all morning, but it’s not taking the edge off. I need you to fuck me like how you do. You know. Hard. Right into the bed. I need to cum like that.” Donovan whimpered.
Brent decided it was a good idea to let Donovan into the house.
“I’m already lubed and stretched, just for the love of god please.” Donovan cupped Brent’s bulge. “Please?”
“Donovan it’s barely 1 in the afternoon.”
“Your point?”
Brent chuckled. “Guess you woke up on the horny side of the bed. Well I most certainty want to pound your ass into oblivion, but-”
“Nooo not ‘but!”
But my friend Raj is coming over to work on some music. And he has six thick inches buried in dark curls. If you can be a patient boy, you can get wrecked by two cocks, how do you feel about that?”
Donovan whimpered again. “I – I would like that,” he whispered.
“Good.” Brent clapped him on the back. “I think I’ll tie you to the bed while wait.”
Donovan went along willingly and once in the bedroom, began to take off his shorts as he went. Brent glanced at him. “Oh you wore the jockstrap. Leave that on – that’ll make Raj completely crazy.”

Brent lay on the bed, watching Donovan take ropes out of the closet while talking to Raj on the phone. When he hung up, Brent smirked at Donovan.
“He is excited to meet you. And he wants you tied to the bed with a vibrator up your ass. So let’s get to work.”
Goosebumps broke out over Donovan’s body. He had a feeling he was going to like this stranger a lot.
Captions are fictional.


Adam was putting the roast into smaller containers to freeze it when Jeremy came back in the house.
“How’s it going out there?”
Jeremy stomped his boots on the mat on the inside of the glass sliding door. “Fabulous. The 15 year old has taken control of the lighter fluid and I think all of them are sticky.”
Adam laughed. The kids had cabin fever, so he brushed the snow off the firepit and told them to cook their own hotdogs and s’mores for dinner. “The porch isn’t on fire isn’t it?”
“Not yet, but give it an hour.”
“Such faith in our children. Are you escaping the insanity for a second?”
“I have to pee,” Jeremy replied. He put his beanie and scarf over the kitchen chair, struggled out of his boots, and walked to the bathroom.
“Have fun,” Adam called out after him. He was putting things in the freezer when Jeremy called out to him from the bathroom.
“Hey gorgeous.”
Adam turned his head. He made a noise and covered his mouth. Jeremy had propped himself up against the wall next to the bathroom with his hand; he was wearing only his long-johns from the waist down and had a rather smoldering look on his face.
“Oh my god Jeremy,” Adam squeaked. “That’s…that’s a hell of a silhouette.”
Jeremy’s cocky smile split into a grin. “The kids are occupied outside. Wanna sneak off for a quickie?”
Adam flushed a pretty shade of pink. He could not tear his gaze away from that large shadow in Jeremy’s pants, and god it had been a while. Too long of a while. Adam cleared his throat and forced himself to look up. Jeremy had that same mischievous sparkle to his eyes he had as a college student, and Adam’s heart began to race. He walked briskly up to Jeremy, grabbed a fist of his sweater, and dragged him down the hall. “We gotta be quick before one of the five notices we’re gone.”
“Or they burn down the porch.”
“The porch can burn, I’m not getting interrupted from this.”
Jeremy gasped softly under his breath. “Woah, that was spicy. I didn’t know you had spicy in you.”
Adam smirked at him and shut the bedroom door behind him.

Captions are fictional.


The house is quiet, and you’re worried you’re not going to be able to stay awake much longer. It’s way past your bed time in your time zone. You snap to full attention at a small sound. You hadn’t heard a door open or close, but the hinges in the house didn’t squeak. That said, Earl had a good record of escaping undetected. You strain to hear. The sound of socked feet growing closer is unmistakable. Your door opens.  Your heart rate quickens. You glance over and Earl’s body fills the door frame.

“Hi,” you whisper. “Wonderin’ where you were.”
“Sshh,” Earl replies. He drops his boxers on the floor. You throw back the sheets. He chuffs air through his nose, and you imply that he’s a bit surprised to see you’re already naked. You figured it wasn’t worth putting on pajamas this time when you had to waste time takin’ em off anyway.

You fetch the lube under your pillow and pass it into his hands. The sounds of him preparing himself excites you a lot. He tells you to turn over on your stomach, and tuck your legs under, with his voice barely above a whisper. Earl doesn’t give you any prep and you hiss as he fills you with one motion. You pull away at the sting of being stretched, but Earl has his hand where your pelvis meets your thigh to keep you against him and you don’t get far. Earl understands though, and gives you a moment to adjust.

The second your muscles relax he begins to move with purpose. You bite your lip to keep from crying out in pleasure – the discomfort mixed with the force he’s handling you with has made you almost uncomfortably erect. You sense Earl’s frustration by his suppressed grunts and staccato thrusts. He is trying to pour a year’s worth of lost time into your ass.

Earl’s hips collide against your backside with bruising force as he puts his load up you. A strained noise escapes his throat. You can hear him panting through nostrils that must be flared. Heat and wetness flood you like a fire hose. You can’t help but moan. Earl clasps at hand over your mouth, and gives you a few more thrusts while he deposits the rest of his seed. You moan in full against his palm, knowing it’ll be silenced.

The hand melts away. His cock slips out, leaving a ghost behind. Earl reaches for a tissue off the night stand; he wipes himself and tosses it on the bed next to you. Without a word, he gets up, puts on his boxers, and exits like a ninja into the dark.

You can hear his more audible steps now going down to the kitchen. That’s always been his cover story – that’s he’s up getting a drink of water. It’s worked so far. Your sister bought it the last time, when she woke up to find him gone.

You prop yourself up on one hand and finish yourself off because it feels like you’re going to combust. The sex is still just as good as when you were seniors in high school. You can’t wait for tomorrow night. Really puts the “cum” in “coming home for Christmas”.

Captions are fictional.


“Hi Noah, welcome home.”
”Uhhhh hi.” Noah puts his keys in the bowl on the small table next to the door. “Did I interrupt something?”
“No. I was waiting for you to come home,” Trevor answers.
“Were you?”
“You were waiting for me to come home….for sex?” Noah hesitantly asks. He can’t take his eyes off of Trevor’s ass.
“Yes. I keep thinking of that sex we had on Friday night. It was so hot, I’ve been so turned on all day thinking about it. I debating jacking off, but, I thought maybe I should wait and surprise you instead.”
“You were turned on because of me?“ Noah eyes Trevor with skepticism.
“Yeah. You were so hot on Friday night. I don’t think I ever came that hard before.”
Noah’s face turns red.
“My goodness,” he mutters. He sets down his shoulder bag; he proceeds this by taking off his jacket and hanging it on the rack. The two men look at each other. Noah is reading Trevor’s face and it dawns upon him that holy shit, this isn’t a dream. Trevor is anticipating getting laid. A boy. A cute boy. Has been waiting. All day. For him. Noah’s suddenly doesn’t know what to do.
A flash of uncertainty crosses Trevor’s face. “If you don’t want to, it’s fine, I don’t want to pressure-”
“No no, I do, I just um. My brain has derailed.” Noah runs his hand through his short hair.
Trevor smiles. “It has?” That coy smile makes Noah’s heart beat harder. How is it possible for Trevor to be so cute? It was like his kryptonite.
“Yeah. Totally derailed. I’ll, uh, go get the lube, I guess?”
“I already got it.”
“Oh. So what should I- uh- um” Noah isn’t even sure what to do with his arms.
Trevor looks amused. “Taking your pants off would be a start.”
Noah turns red again. “Oh. Yeah you’re right. Pants.” He feels like an idiot, and blames it on being distracted by Trevor’s ass. Noah undoes his belt so he can remove his slacks, and it’s at that point he realizes he hasn’t taken off his shoes.

Captions are fictional.


I stand back, observing him observing the painting. He’s standing at-rest in first position, and I hadn’t even told him to stand like that. I desperately want to point it out because it gives me a thrill, but I bite my tongue. I don’t want to stop see him wearing my training instead of his clothes. My eyes roam down his shapely legs, up to the curve of his ass and the slope of his back. It feels nice to see his familiar form in my vision again.
Even three days away on a business trip to Atlanta is too long to be away from my other half.

“It’s really quite fascinating how I feel I can walk into the painting. Like it’s drawing me in, and down the hallway. But I can’t actually tell if it’s a hallway or a mirror. This is really a fascinating painting. And it’s going to look perfect in that empty spot on the wall that’s driving me nuts.” Matt turns towards me and smiles. “Thank you so much, I love it.”
“You’re very welcome. I’m delighted, and relieved, that the effort was worth it.”
“How did you ever get it on the plane?”
“With great difficulty,” I chuckle. “I had to ship it as cargo. They had a parcel service you can use if your package is under 100 pounds. Very relieved the glass didn’t break.”
“As am I. You went through all that hassle to get that home. I really appreciate that. You always bring me the best gifts from your travels, but this – this I wasn’t expecting.”
“I wasn’t expecting it either,” I admit. “I walked by this gallery with some of the guys from the office when we were on our way to a lunch reservation, and it caught my eye. Came back the next day after my meeting. Second I saw it, I knew you’d like it. It has a similar style to the print in the foyer.”
Matt beams. “The fact you even pay attention to stuff like that that floors me. You’re so considerate Sir.” Matt steps over the bubblewrap and walks over to me for a hug. I embrace him, wanting his body heat against me. I kiss him. 

“Are you going to hang it up now?” I ask.
“I’m going to hang up tomorrow.”
“Oh? Why tomorrow?” 
Matt scoffs. “Why? You’ve been out of town for like three days, I’m horny as hell and I’m hoping you’ll fuck me so hard I won’t be able to get out of bed until it’s time to make dinner.”
“God,” I say through my teeth. “You are feisty and I missed it. By the way, do you remember that time we couldn’t wait and I fucked you over the hood of my car last month?”
“Yes, yes I do. Very much. The Lexus logo left an impression on my thigh.”
“I jerked off to that on my business trip.”
He giggles. “Really?”
“Really. To say you make me horny is an understatement. “
Matt press his hand between my legs. “It’s quite silly that only one of us is still wearing clothes. Come up stairs, so I can undress you. You need to be thanked for the painting.”
“How are you going to thank me with sex?”
Matt gives me a devilish look. “While you were gone, I learned some new tricks with my tongue.”
I swallow so hard it’s audible. “Uh. Yeah upstairs – upstairs and undressing is good.” I put my phone on mute and toss it on the couch.

Captions are fictional.


“Hey sweetheart, good morning. Brought you a latte. Gonna be a fun little day trip today huh? Man, I wish I could start this day trip off by fucking you in the back seat too, but there isn’t room in this rental. So, we’re gonna have to wait until we’re outside city limits and pull over. Aw, don’t pout, it hurts my heart. My balls aren’t too happy either. Ya know, I can tell you’re not wearing underwear for me though, and I love that. I can play with your dick the whole way out of town ok? Yeah, thought you’d like that. Go on and get in sweetheart. We got some kilometers to put ahead of us.”

Captions are fictional.