

Falling into those brown eyes

“Hi,” you say as you caress his shoulder.
“Hi,” he smiles back.
“Worn out?”
He nods but looks happy. “I’m exhausted.”
“Well your tour bus doesn’t leave until 9 pm tonight, so you can sleep all day if you want.”
“But…I don’t wanna. I want to spend it with you.”
“Aww, babe.” You lean over to kiss his forehead. “You’re very sweet, but you would also be useless. Get some rest. I’ll wake you up for lunch.”
“You promish?”
“Thatsh good.” He lowers himself back to the pillow, and in seconds he’s snoring.

I snort and shake my head. Dead to the world.

We had broken up before he went on tour. Not that we really wanted to break up, but that he was going on tour for six weeks and his band was getting a lot of attention. That’s a long time to be apart, especially with cute boys in every city waiting with a click of an app. We always prided ourselves on being a realistic, casual couple, but both of us were trying to out-stoic the other in being chill about the break up. Neither wanted of us wanted it, and we took our pain in silence. Time heals all wounds right?

I tried to ignore that halfway through said tour it came through Austin, and that they had the next day off in Austin, and I tried not to show any interest in the show. I wasn’t expecting him to show up at my door that evening of the show – when he was supposed to be at sound-check, that asshole – with red eyes, telling me he missed me, he was lonely, he was in love with me, and he also, did he say he missed me?
I mean, what guy doesn’t want to hear that? Swept me right off my feet. I may have cried when we made up in the hallway. He guest listed me for the show, and we left as soon as his set was finished. I was still bewildered at the fact I got laid last night and woke up with him in my bed. I watched him sleep. Yep, he was very much here… in my bed. Mr. I’m Slowly Getting Famous just wanted to sleep in my bed. Good Christ. I felt my chest getting tight.

The next three weeks of this tour were going to be painful for an entirely new reason. It was going to suck waiting for him to get home so we could pick up from where we left off.

But I still had at least half a day with him today. I decided to pack a lunch so we could take it to the park together. It would be a date. It would be romantic. It would be just us.

Captions are fictional.


Joe sat up in bed. “Wuuh!”
Tim startled and opened an eye. The sun was in his face.
“MNnnnngg…it’s so early.” He held up his hand. “Whas-wrong?”
Joe looked around the room, then over at Tim. “My god. I had the weirdest dream.” He clutched at the blanket.
“What-wazzit?” Tim asked with a yawn.
“I died for … some reason, and it was later explained to me that death arranged for me to die because he wanted my ass.”
Tim stared. “I’m sorry what?”
“Death was coveting my ass so he killed me for my butt. You know, normal dream stuff.” Joe made a sarcastic hand gesture.
Tim looked concerned. “I’m in trouble if I have to compete with the grim reaper for your ass.”
“I don’t want the grim reaper to covet my ass!” Joe looked over his shoulder and checked on his bare bottom. “It’s still there at least.”
“Even if he did, I wouldn’t let him-” Tim paused for another yawn. “Have ya. You’re mine. Now come here, I need another hour.”
Tim raised an arm. Joe dove down and snuggled under his embrace.
“Mmnnn much better,” Tim noted.

Joe sighed as comfort set in. “Ya know.”
“Mmnn?” Tim replied.
“For being only bones, Death had some freakin’ cold hands.”
“That’s concernin’.” Tim searched for Joe’s butt and gave it a pat. “Better?”
“Oh yeah. Much much better. I never thought I would miss skin.”
“Good. Gimme like an hour, and I’ll fuck you and make you nice n warm ok? Lotta skin.”
“That would make me feel better.”
Tim chuffed. “Good. That’s why I’mma here. If I can’t fuck ya until ya feel better, my dick’s broken.”
Joe snorted. “We’ll give it an inspection, to be sure..”
“How nice of you to care about me,” Tim said. He was barely awake when he started the sentence and fell asleep by the end.

Joe patted Tim on the sternum. He was awake for a lot longer than he’d thought, because once he started wondering if death had genitalia his brain wouldn’t stop thinking about it. Especially because boners didn’t have any bones in them! It didn’t leave Joe’s mind until Tim fucked it out of his head later.
Captions are fictional.



I like to sleep holding my stuffie. Sir likes to sleep holding my bum.

“Good morning, baby.”
“Morning, love.”
“Are you actually awake?”
“Mmn, sorta. I know your hands are awake,” Julian answered.
Royce gave his butt a squeeze. “You know it baby. I had some hot dreams of you last night.”
“Mmmnn, that you turned into a demon and begged me for sex.”
Julian snorted. “Not sure if that’s a dream or a hallucination.”
Royce squeezed again. “Maybe a fantasy…you had these rams horns, which was kinda hot. I was holding them as you were riding me.”
Julian looked at Royce. “That is kind of sexy… be hard to sleep with those though.”
Royce turned on his side. “Yeah, I guess. But man, I’m still really horny, baby. I didn’t get to cum in my dream. And being greeted with the beautiful sight of you naked in the sunlight makes me feel like I’ve been hard for hours…”
Julian smirked at him from his view from the pillow. “You want my ass baby?”
“Want it so bad Julian. Want it tight and hot around me, bouncing against my hips, my face buried in your neck. You smell so good in the morning baby.”
“I do?”
“You do. And it makes me want to stroke you all over and ravish and tease you and – holy shit!”
Julian blinked. “What? What?”
“Look!” Royce turned upwards and pointed at the ceiling.
“Holy shit that’s a giant spider.”
“It’s huge!”
“What is it?” Julian asked.
“I think some kind of orb weaver…”
“Dude, fuck Florida and its spiders, seriously.”
“…What do we do? AH it moved!” Royce spazzed.
“I don’t know, it’s too high up for us to reach!”
“Fuck man, I am getting cock blocked by an arachnid right now.”
Julian laughed. “Well we could you know, go fuck in the kitchen or bathroom or something. And maybe it’ll come down later and we can evict it.”
“Let’s go into the bathroom. Fuck you in the shower and wash you in it sound good?”
“Fuck yeah it does. Love it when you wash my ass.” Julian paused. “You think the spider just wants to watch us fuck?”
“Regardless of speculation, Julian, I can’t perform is a pervert spider is watching us.”
Julian laughed. “God that’s a sentence I bet no one has ever said before.”
“Ha. Maybe. Shiiit it’s moving again. Bathroom?”
They threw off the covers and ran for it, half hard cocks bouncing.
Royce looked up. “Shit hurry I think it’s following us!”

Captions are fictional.



Today, September 21, is World Gratitude Day. What are YOU grateful for?

Him. I’m grateful for him. Waking up every morning in his bed, in this giant bed with the high-count Egyptian sheets. Warm coastal waters tinted with the scent of sage roll in from the window. Sure, the bed is comfy, the room is huge, and the view is incredible, but I would sleep in a motel bedroom by an overpass in a crime-infested area as long as we were together. This is love. He loves me. Every time I think about this, my heart feels warm like someone is filling it with water from the kettle. It radiates out until my hands and feet tingle. He really loves me.

I thought after we broke up in college, that was going to the end of my chance to be happy. I knew he was the only one I’d ever be happy with. He was lost however, and drowning in the responsibilities of university. “I am not worthy of you, and I can’t be a good partner for you right now,” he told me, sobbing.  “I’m dropping out, going home, and figuring things out.”

I dreaded what that meant. But lo and behold, he got into programming, took local courses, and began to freelance. By the time I walked across the stage for my degree and into an entry-level job, he had made his first million releasing apps.

I watched, fascinated and a bit envious, as my soulmate rose high above me. Forgetting me, surely. But one day, he called me. My number was still the same after all, but his had changed. He called me and said, “I’m deeply apologetic for not calling you sooner. I thought about you every day. I just wanted to be a good partner for you, and worthy of you. Wou- ahem, would you like to come visit me in California?”

He stilled sounded exactly the same – cautious and hopeful. I said yes and got on that plane. The second I saw him at LAX, a smile burst onto my face and tears floated in my eyes. “James,” I choked out, and then he saw me. He ran to me and crushed me in a hug. People aww’ed. When he kissed me, I didn’t stop him, I just cupped his chin and kissed him right back.

From then on, we just picked up where we left off. We never discussed it, because there was no need. I was his, and he was mine, and now our lives could begin.

Captions are fictional.


My lover considered me over his coffee. He was suspicious, and drank it slowly. I smiled. “Don’t worry, I did not do anything to your coffee. I know that you don’t like to waste food.”
Toby gave me a heart-meltingly cute smile. “It does taste pretty good,” he agreed. “But I can see the anticipation on your face. I know you have been planning things.”
I grinned, unable to help myself. April 1st was the only day I could pull off shenanigans and not get spanked for it. And, he was right, I had been planning things. But he would not discover that until later, like when he would get a text message on his phone, it would make goat noises. Or that his phone was now in Korean. Or when he went to eat his dessert at lunch, and discovered that there were Skittles mixed in with the M&Ms. Also, I had called his boss at work -an ex college professor I had- and asked everybody in the office to call him Tom, and act really confused when he insisted his name was Toby. But he would find that all out in due time. I just giggled and squirmed as Toby stared at me.
“So mischievous,“ he clucked.
“You have nothing to fear,” I assured him. “Now it’s time for you to get up, or you will be late for work.”
Toby sipped his coffee, “Yes yes, boy.”
I smiled and helped him out of bed. I was looking forward to the expression on Toby’s face when he saw that I made green eggs and ham for breakfast, just like his favorite children’s book. It was a shame though, I wouldn’t be there to see his reaction to most of my pranks. Like for example, that I had exchanged all of the CDs in his car for disco albums. Sigh. Why was this so much fun? Perhaps that it was fun to be in control for just one day. Also, it was a way that I could show told me that I cared enough about him that I wanted him to have fun. And I think he appreciated that, because every year on this date, we ended up having really amazing sex when he came home from work. I was definitely looking forward to that. I was just hoping he didn’t use the menthol lube like he did last year to get me back!

Captions are fictional.



Relationship goals.

“Breakfast is served Sir!”
“Holy crap, look at that.”
“Waffles, poached eggs, blueberries and cream.”
“That looks delicious as it is unhealthy.”
Roland laughed. “That it is.” He sat the plates down, then put the cream down, and went to refill his boyfriend’s glass.
Tyge smiled  “I never used to look forward to breakfast until I started dating you. Especially after hot nights…”
Roland beamed. “Thank you. I love to please. I also like those hot nights”
Tyge took a big bite and groaned. “Mmnmm. Damn good.” He took a drink. “Speaking of your need to please…”
“I like having you around,” Tyge began. “I’d…like you to stay around more. Like, in my house.”
Roland was paying attention now. 
“It feels stupid that you don’t live here. I’d like you to move in with me, and take care of me like you do now. I’d take care of you, if you continued to cook like this because damn I love your cooking. Also well…I have to admit, I’m falling in love with you and I want to see your smile every day.”
Roland blinked, his jaw slack. He put his fork down and bit his bottom lip hard. “Tyge Clay Daniels.” He held up a finger to get his emotions in check. “You continue to be the sweetest, most considerate boy I have ever had the joy of dating. And what’s the best about this is, is that you get me. You understand me. You don’t make fun of me that I like domestic stuff, you even encourage me, and you just make me feel so good about myself. I would love to move in with you. Oh god, I’m going to cry.”
Tyge chuckled. “There there, it’s ok.” He leaned over the table, cupped the back of Roland’s head and kissed him. “Don’t get tears on your waffles now.”
Roland laughed. “Yeah soggy waffles are gross.” He dabbed his eyes with the napkin. “Oh this is exciting! We can sleep together every night, and I can bring you tea in bed .. maybe not wearing anything..”
Tyge raised an eyebrow. “I would be very open to that idea.”
Roland smirked. “I bet you would. It’s going to be a long process to move in here but…I’m really happy Tyge. Thank you. Thank you so much.”
“No, Roland, the pleasure is mine.”
“More waffles?”
“Yes please!”

Text is fictional.


“Good morning~” 
“Oh come on, a kiss is supposed to wake sleeping beauty up from her slumber.”
“Sleeping beauty did not stay up too late fucking her cute boyfriend last night.”
“Point taken,” Julian concedes.
“Why are you so perky?” Albin grumbles, not opening his eyes or moving.
“Cause I got laid last night.”
“Ok, Grumpy. I think I know what would fix this.” Julian flops own next to Albin, facing him. He snakes his hand through the sheets, exploring, searching, until his fingertrips brush Albin’s abs. Albin makes a soft noise through his nose as the fingers trail south…further south..then they grab. Albin’s eyelids pop open.
Julian smirks at him but doesn’t say anything as he begins to pet Albin’s cock under the sheets.
“Shit, that feels good,” Albin mutters, rolling onto his back.
“Of course it does. You’re a healthy male after all.”
“God it turns me in such a weird way when you use clinical terms with me.”
Julian leans forward and nips Albin’s ear with his teeth. “And then we stimulate the young Swedish-American male until his penis becomes erect from its flaccid state and the testicles start to display high in their sac…”
Albin groans. “Fuck you Julian, you are evil incarnate.”
Julian giggles, still stroking, still petting, enjoying feeling the flesh growing taut in his hand. “Your foreskin is pulled back now,” he purrs. Albin swallows hard and Julian’s fingers felt wet. 
“Shit I’m not going to last long.”
“Then don’t.”
Julian pumps his lover faster and faster, smothering the sensitive skin with relentless touch and a tight grip. All the while, he nibbles on Albin’s ear lobe and flickers his tongue up the curve of the shell. 
“Fuck…fuck!” Albin cries, arching his back and grabbing onto the pillow. Under the sheets, Julian could feel his boyfriend’s cock jerking and ejaculating in his hand. The fabric became saturated and clung while Julian tries to hold on to the increasingly slippery organ. “That’s it…come for me big boy. Show me what you built up overnight…yes, all of it. Give it to me, stud.”
“FUCK Julian!” Albin hisses. His back is arched high like a bow, and then he collapses, gasping. 
Julian knew this was the point to stop touching and to simply lower his hand and cup Albin’s balls for a while. He loved that, but only after he came for some reason. 
Julian lets Albin recover while he kisses his cheek. “Are you awake now?”
“Y- ..yeah.” Albin licks his lips and swallows. “I am very much awake, thank you.”
“Good,” Julian chirps. “Now you can make me waffles.”
Albin snorts and looks at his boyfriend, his face full of love. “Seriously? Waffles? Don’t you want me to return the favor?”
“Mm. I’d rather you owe me a favor. Redeemable anytime..anywhere…no matter what.”
Albin raises an eyebrow. “Is it just me, or are you getting kinkier?”
“I buy one thing made of leather and suddenly I’m a kinkster!” Julian cries, pretending to be offended.
“Cause seriously I’m seriously hoping so. I’d love to spank you over my lap sometime,” Albin confesses, stretching. “My leather gloved hand on your ass, the paddle striking your cute butt, leaving these red marks while you squirm and leak pre-cum into my lap… it’d be hot.” He glances at Julian to gauge his reaction on if that was too weird or not. To his surprise, Julian is blushing.
“Ok, fuck, well now I’m getting hard,” Julian sighs.
Albin smirks. “Nope. You wanted waffles.”
“Be a good boy or I’ll spank you.”
“…I kind of want to be spanked now,” Julian admits.
“Ok, be a good boy or I won’t spank you.”
“Fine fine, let’s go eat waffles.”
“Naked?” Albin asks.

Text is fictional.


“Barnaby what are you doing?”
”…Reading the paper. What does it look like I’m doing?”
No no, baby, it’s 6 in the morning. It’s time to sleep.“
“Did you get out of bed for this?”
“Yeah but-”
“No no this won’t do.” I take the paper out of his hands and toss it down.
“Greg!” he insists.
“Barnaby, it’s sleep time. Tiiime for sleep. The sun is barely up. Come on. Come on now. Down to the pillow. Come on. Nice huh? It’s cuddle time.”
“Greg,” Barnaby protests.
“You know what comes after cuddle time?”
“Sleep time?” He asks.
“Sex time,” I explain, matter-of-factly.
Oh,” Barnaby says. “I guess it is cuddle time then.”
“Mmhm. God you’re so warm Barnaby, come ‘ere.“

Text is fictional.


I strolled into the kitchen, bright-eyed and busy-tailed, whistling the latest pop-tune. I always slept well at Cyrus’s house. His guest room mattress was really comfy. He had called me last night and begged me to sleep over. because he’d just had another break up another other hot guy. I didn’t need a second excuse. It was that, or stay and listen to my roommate have sex with her boyfriend. She was a screamer.

“Mornin, Benji.”
“Mooor~ning,” I replied. My eyes lingered on the outline of his cock in his tighty whities. I always thought it was adorable that he still wore them at his age. He needed to get on my level – jock strap undies. My gaze roved up his bare chest to…“Are you eating ice cream for breakfast?”
“Yes. No. Maybe.’
“Cyrus,” I clucked. “You can’t eat ice cream for breakfast.”
“Why not?”
“Because it’s unhealthy. It has no nutritional value. It’ll make you pudgy.” I pried it out of his hands. He pouted, and hung up his head while twiddling his fingers in his lap.
“Aww baby,” I cooed.
”"Why did Mark break up with me? I really liked him.“
I put the ice cream back in the fridge. "He wasn’t good for you. I’m sorry he left you sweetheart, but you and I know he would have driven you crazy with his obsessive cleanliness.”
Cyrus thought. “I’m going back to bed and having a pity wank.”
“No you’re not. I’m making you breakfast, then we’re going on a hike.”
He blinked. “Why?”
“Because sulking and masturbation are short-term fixes. You need to get out, get some fresh air. Move on. You won’t feel any better wrapped in soiled-sheets with dairy curdling in your stomach.”
Cyrus screwed up his face and shrugged.

I dug around in his fridge. I pulled out some ham, his last eggs, and some spinach. I found half a box of waffles shoved in the back of the freezer. Cyrus sat there watching me make breakfast. Once in a while I’d hear an occasional sigh. I poured him a glass of iced tea from the fridge, and he sipped it mournfully. table.

When I was all done, I plated his meal and handed it to him with both hand. “Here you go. Scrambled eggs with spinach and ham, plus waffles and syrup. I put Sriracha on your eggs just like how you like it.”

Cyrus stared at the offering. He took it and smelled it. “Wow,  it looks delicious, thanks.” He suddenly sat up straight. “…Jesus.”
“What?” I asked, plating my own food and taking it to the table.
“I just realized something, Benji. I’ve been totally oblivious. Through-out all my break-ups, you’ve been the only constant thing in my life. You’ve been my best friend since day one of college, and even then you’ve always taken
care of me, just like you’re doing now. Mark said I was ‘distracted’,
and I didn’t know what that meant, but now I get it. I was distracted
because of you. Even when I’m dating other guys, I’m thinking of you. I
want you to come with me, to go out with me… At clubs or bars, I look for you,
hoping you’ll show up. I did it last night too!”
“Cyrus, don’t tease me.” My heart began to flutter. 

“You know, out
of all my boyfriends, not a single one of them made me breakfast like
this. Jake made me eggs once, but they were terrible, and they didn’t
have Sriracha. I’m sitting here whining and pouting, while you made me a big beautiful breakfast
with your butt half-hanging out of your underwear, like you’re god’s
gift to twinks, and Jesus, I never told you what a cute butt you have.”
I bit my lip. I could feel it quivering. "Cyrus, what are you saying?.”

“What I’m saying is…” Cyrus hopped off the counter, then set his plate and glass down on the table. He then walked over and put his hands on my shoulders.
“I’ve had this good thing this entire time, I was just too dumb to realize it. We should have been a couple a long time ago, Benji. Would you go out with me?”
I gave him my most radiant smile through wet eyes. “Absolutely yes. I never thought you
would ask me, and I would have to settle for unrequited love forever.”
so sorry Benji,” Cyrus said, pulling me into his arms. “I’ve been ignoring
you, taking advantage of you. I’ve been such a jerk. And a dense one at
I wrapped my arms around his chest and buried my face in the crook of his neck. “No, it’s alright, Cyrus. Just because we’re both gay, doesn’t mean
that you should automatically fall for me, just because I did for you. I
just hoped some man would make you happy one day. It was killing me though,
watching them break your heart.”
“Christ, I’m sorry, Benji.”

We held each-other for a while, rocking back and forth. I was crying a little. Eventually, Cyrus dried my eyes with his thumb, then he lifted his head and kissed me. My knees went weak, just as I always hoped they would.
Cyrus tasted me again and then said, “Why don’t we go eat our food before it gets cold? And um, when we go on our hike together, you think we could call it a first date?”
“I’d like that, Cryus.”
“Me too.”

He squeezed my hand. I squeezed back. We sat down at the kitchen table together and began our future together. It was long over-due.

Text is fictional. I wrote this entire story and then I accidentally lost it, so I had to rewrite in a hurry. Sucks. Lemme know if you find typos.