


Mikhail had purchased Boris off the black market as a personal attendant – someone to keep his room, warm his bed, and act as the entertainment for him and his guests. Boris took orders well, and he seemed to adjust appropriately to his new position. But as winter warmed into summer, Boris began to wilt. Mikhail was concerned. It wasn’t a lack of things to do or thinks to stimulate his mind.

Boris enjoyed liked parties, he enjoyed lovemaking, he was good at the work he did, he spent his free time reading in the garden – but something was wrong. Boris refused to say anything was wrong. His family had been torn by debt and crime; the money Boris brought on the black market had helped his mother get an apartment. He didn’t want to seem ungrateful.

But Mikhail persisted. He waited until Boris was softened by particularly long session of sex to try to pry him open. Boris finally admitted he missed his brother – and to Mikhail’s shock, Boris began to cry. His father had sold both boys to pay off the debts to loansharks, something not unheard of for a poor family in a poor post-Soviet country. The boys had been separated. Boris assumed they would stay in contact somehow, but it was too hard. Boris was just so worried about his brother, Alexei.

It took Mikhail two months to track down where Alexei went. He was working in factory processing and packing drugs. The men were just indentured labor there. Basically meat. Meat had a price. Mikhail negotiated, closed the deal in a day, and sent his driver to go pick Alexei up. Alexei was bewildered when he stumbled out into the daylight to see a Mercedes waiting for him.

Of course, this was a surprise, and Boris’s reaction to Alexei’s arrival made everyone cry.

Boris bloomed overnight. Mikhail was almost bewildered by the change. Boris was full of energy, all smiles, lots of jokes and laughter. He was so eager to please and do whatever Mikhail asked, and then some. Instead of languishing around the home, or garden for hours, Boris went on long walks and swims in the river. Mikhail’s well-heeled friends were bemused by Mikhail’s attention over his boy and how delighted he was to make him happy. Why are you treating your boy like your boyfriend? they would say with a chuckle. After all, they’re only meat.

One day, Mikhail was the last one awake on a late summer evening. Boris was asleep, attached to his side; Alexei was splayed out in bed next to his wife. They had made love all evening. He watched the curtains blow in the wind. A boy for him, a boy for his wife. It had worked out so well. Mikhail felt a bit sorry for his friends. No doubt they were not utilizing the full potential of their “meat”. What fools. Bringing Boris and Alexei home was the best investment he’d ever made.

Captions are fictional.



Nick Bosa

“Can I help you, boy?” Toby asked. The young man had been standing in front of him, nervous and fidgeting.
“Um. Sorry, sir, just wondering like, if I could…like, you know.”
“No I don’t know, tell me what you want, boy.”
Nick wrung his hands together. “Just wondering if I could um.” He dropped the tone of his voice to barely audible. “Suck your um. You know, Sir.”
Toby smirked. “Is what you want?”
Nick nodded. His face was tomato red.
“Well lookie what we have here,” Toby said to the locker room. “We gotta cocksucker in our midst, don’t we guys?”
Nick’s eyes went wide. He looked panicked. The other guys in the locker room snickered.
Another man interjected, “Oh come on, boy, don’t waist your spit on him, I got like three extra inches than he does!”
Toby shot him a look. “He couldn’t deep throat a pickle, never mind your cock, give it a rest. Save your load for that twink that always comes in at 8.”
“I – I should- I should go-” Nick stammered and glanced at the door.
Nick froze. “You want to suck my cock, you ask for it properly. Acknowledging male superiority and wanting to submit to it is nothing to feel ashamed about. That’s the first step on the road to getting the real good kind of sex.”
“Better than fucking pocket pussy, I know you got one of those!” Another man said, making some of the other guys laugh. Even Toby snickered.
Nick was mortified. “Oh my god,” he groaned.
Toby made a repeated downward motion with his head. “Alright, let’s go easy on him guys, he’s gonna pass out. What’s your name, boy?”
“Nick,” he whispered.
“Focus on me.” Toby pointed to himself.
Nick nodded.
“Ask me politely what you want.”
“May I um, suck you off Sir?” he whispered.
“Louder.” Toby rubbed the inside of his crotch. “Be confident you want this.”
Nick swallowed. “May I suck you off Sir.”
“Say cock. I haven’t heard you say it yet.”
Nick wiped his forehead with his sleeve. “May I… May I please suck your cock off?” He paused. “Sir.”
Toby smiled. “Better. Much better. Yes, yes you may. You are going to start with my balls first, and I don’t want you to try to put all my shaft all down your throat. I do not like teeth. You understand?”
Nick nodded. “Yeah, I understand.”
“Yes Sir. Not Yeah.
“Yes Sir,” Nick repeated in a hurry.
“Good. Alright, come here,” Toby pointed to the spot on the floor between his knees. He pushed his waistband down and out with his hand so he could put his other hand in and pull his cock out. You could see his hair sticking out.
“Oh my god,” Nick breathed. He felt to his knees easily, and it sort of felt like he half fainted. He put his hand on Toby’s massive thigh and his own cock throbbed with terrible need.
Right in front of Nick’s eyes Toby extracted himself, shaft, balls, all of it. On view. For him. Suddenly they were the only two in the locker room…just Nick, Toby, and Toby’s incredible cock. He was not going to squander this. It took Nick a minute to remember what he was supposed to be doing, he was distracted by the sound of his heart pounding. Oh yeah, balls. Balls first. God, they were huge! Seemed his tongue was also going to get a work out at this gym.

Captions are fictional.


Tanner sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “You knocked over ALL the cups? Seriously – just. Crate. Now, Corbin. Go into my dressing room and lie down on your blanket. Go.”
Ryan watched Tanner’s boy slink out of the room. “Why did you bring your pup on this shoot anyway?”
“He has separation anxiety. Master Bruce said I should bring him to more stuff with me, but I’m starting to think it’s more than separation anxiety. I’m starting to think my boy’s just a basket case with a lot of energy he’s not burning off. Master Bruce said he’s ‘unmanageable’ and I’m starting to see why.”
“Judging by the fact I heard the make up artist make comments about the bags under your eyes, it’s not for the lack of trying to wear him out in bed?”
Tanner snorted. “No. No lack of trying there. It just makes him want more of it. I think Corbin needs a treadmill. Get him running.”

Ryan nodded. “That could work.”
There’s a howl from the dressing room. Tanner exhaled again as the photography crew giggled. “Sorry guys. Let’s take ten.”
Ryan chuckled. “You want me to take him for a walk?”
Tanner pointed. “Yes. Please. I’m not going to give up on him. Just gotta find out what works with this sub….and I hope it’s running, cause Jesus.”
“Swimming maybe?”
“Why Ryan, I think you have some great ideas. His leash is in my bag in the dressing room. Go wear him out, however you see fit. And I do mean, however you can make it happen. We need to get through this shoot.”
Ryan rubbed his hands together. “That’s what I want to hear! Finally get to have some fun with that handsome lad of yours.” He sauntered toward the dressing room, calling Tanner’s pup’s name. “Cooorbin!” Corbin howled in response. “Corbiiiiin!” There was another howl.
“No don’t encourage the howling!” Tanner shouted back. Corbin answered with a howl. Tanner put his head into his hands.

Captions are fictional.



Eric slows down from jogging speed when he spots his pup that had bolted earlier to chase a bird. He sighs. His pup is rolling around in the lake shoreline, getting wet and dirty. When he sees his Master, the pup rolls onto his belly and looks up at Eric sheepishly.
“And here I was, thinking it’d be too cold for you to make a mess today.”
“Bark,” his pup says, in apology.
Eric nudges the boy’s gorgeous ass with the tip of his boot. “So dirty! I’m gonna have to wash you in the kiddy pool in the driveway again!”
The pup wiggles around and tried to gnaw on the shoe.
“Ack!” Eric exclaims. “No, those are my good boots!”
Just then, a crab skitters across the stones. The pup whips around and barks at it before it vanishes, then begins to dig maniacally in the sand to find it.
Eric chuckles. “Well at least you’re having fun and getting your energy out.” When his boy begins to whimper at losing the crab, Eric distracts him with a big stick to fetch and retrieve.

This will definitely fix the problems Eric’s been having with the boy’s irritability and chewing on things. And he’s correct. The pup sleeps the whole way home. He needs the energy to hump things and beg for cuddles later of course.

Captions are fictional.