

#indoorsurvival. Franconia Notch State Park, New Hampshire P: @whitneyharperlee | #thecabinchronicles

(Fictional story contains NSFW content below:)

Ramses knocked the snow off his boots.

“Hey love,” Jamie cooed. “How’s the roads?”

“Oh you know, awful.”

“We’re going to be snowed in aren’t we?” Jamie took Ramses’s coat and snuck a kiss on his cold lips. “Mm frosty. We’re going to be stuck here probably through Christmas aren’t we?”

“I reckon. I stayed a bit late to get the mail. We got some things, so we’ll eat least have Christmas,” Jamie said.

“Well that’s good! Speaking of Christmas, I have something I want to show you. I came up with the solution to our Christmas tree problem.”

“Oh?” Ramses asked. “Did you?”

“Let’s get the packages in first, then I’ll show you.”

“Alright, love.”

Jamie shrugged on his coat and shoved his feet in his boots. In ten minutes, they had the groceries and supplies unloaded – including their mutt Moonie who spent the time eating snow. Ramses was then made to wait in the entryway for Jamie to run to the kitchen to put the perishables in the refrigerator. He soon came trotting back.

“Ok what did you want to show me?” Ramses asked.

Jamie took his hand and lead him from the entryway around the corner to the living room. “What do you think?”

Ramses looked at the pretty birch boughs draped with Christmas lights. It was definitely pretty, both rustic and cozy. He smiled. It checked off all the boxes. It was minimalist and clean looking. it didn’t take up space in the small living room. It didn’t kill a tree. Moonie wouldn’t pee under it. And it wasn’t an immediate fire hazard.

“It’s a deconstructed tree. How did you think of that?” Ramses asked.

Jamie folded his arms in a way where he cupped his elbows in his palms; he looked pleased with himself. “Moonie brought me a birch stick earlier. She gave me the idea. I found some boughs in the wood pile, but during my walk this morning I found many that fell from the ice storm in November. I sawed them to length, and voila! They’re not treated though so we’ll have to watch out for bugs…”

Ramses smiled. “I love it. You are so creative. You constantly amaze me.” He pulled Jamie closer for an intimate kiss.

“Thank y-MMn your lips are still freezing!”

“Warm em up?”


Ramses enjoyed Jamie’s mouth. Soon he could feel something hard pressed against his thigh. “I think I need to give your first Christmas present.”

“Dick?” Jamie teased. “Did you put a bow on it?”

“Would you like me too?” Ramses shot back with an eyebrow wiggle.

Jamie laughed “It’d be funny. But if it’s not dick then what is it?”

“Just wait a moment!” Ramses trotted upstairs to the loft. Finding two places in a wood cabin to hide presents from one another wasn’t easy – but they had it worked out. Ramses put his in the attic, Jamie in the cellar.

Jamie sat on the sofa and watched the fire until Ramses came back. He was surprised to see his partner carrying a handful of wrapped gifts.

“You want me to open all of those right now?”

“No no… just one.” Ramses knelt down and put them under the birch boughs. “Just want to put the presents out.”

Jamie smiled. “Now that we have somewhere to put them.”

“Right. There’s more upstairs…plus the mail…”

“Later, love. My boner isn’t going to wait. Just watching you squat is making me leak.”

Ramses shot Jamie a look. “God you know casual sexy talk drives me insane.”

Jamie spread his legs on the sofa and massaged himself through his jeans. “It does feel wet in here though…”

Ramses licked his lips. “Here, open this so we can go upstairs already. I want you.”

jamie grinned at him. “Impatient aren’t we.” He accepted a rectangular package. He carefully undid the paper until the contents revealed itself. Only then did he bark out a laugh. “Oh my god, it IS a dick! And it had a bow on it.”

It was Ramses turn to look pleased. “Well an artificial dick is still a dick. It has this vibrating pulse thing… so like, you don’t have to get those shoulder and arm cramps while you suck me and play with yourself at the same time.”

Jamie inspected it. “That’s such a thoughtful way to say you want me to play with your balls more during oral.”

Ramses burst out laughing. “God you are so fun. I swear it’s for you.”

Jamie smirked. “Why don’t you show me how it works? Loosen me up real good and then give me the real thing?”

“…I’ll go get the batteries right now.”

Two hours later, they late spent and depleted on stained flannel sheets. Jamie paused drawing circles in Ramses’s chest hair. “Oh I never said thank you.”

“For what?” Ramses mumbled. He wasn’t quite in the present. His mind was rewinding and rewatching the scenes of Jamie arched and pleading under him, the scenes of Jamie’s body quivering from the impact of every hard fuck. Ramses’s muscles weren’t quite back online yet from all that and he was too tired to lift his head.

“I meant thank you for the dildo. Seriously I can’t believe I had three orgasms between you and it.”

“You’re welcome. You are beautiful when you cum, did you know that?”

Jamie blushed. “No. I always thought of my o face would be kind of a comical one.”

“No, it’s beautiful. You’re in throes of ecstasy. That’s what makes me cum.”

Jamie snuggled up to him. “I like knowing i make you cum that way.”

Ramses pulled him close. “It’s true. I really hope we have enough batteries to last this snow storm…”

“Oh come on, we have to eat sometime.”

Ramses chuffed. “And open presents. And make Christmas dinner.”

“You can fuck me while I make Christmas dinner.”

“I accept your invitation.” Ramses sighed. “God I love Christmas.”

“Me too.” Jamie. “I think I love you more though.”

“You think?”

“I was talking to the dildo.” Jamie giggled.

Ramses laughed. “God, you are fun. I love you so much.”

“I love you too, Ramses.” They shared a kiss, and watched the snow fall outside the windows as darkness set in.


Captions are fictional.


Brad shuffled to the door. The knocking came again. “Coming, coming, Jesus.” He opened the door. “Scoville.”
“Oh uh. You are home. Um, hi.”
Brad leaned against the door frame and crossed his arms. “Why are you here? To give me blue balls again?”
Jet Scoville shuffled his foot. “No. I’m sorry about that. I didn’t mean to run out when we started having sex…”
Jet winced. “Yeah…”
“So why are you here?”
“Because I’ve been thinking. And of course, I wanted to apologize. But I realized that we’ve been seeing each other quite often, and we’ve stopped seeing other people, but like, I want to sleep you -”
Brad snorted. “Do you now.”
“Yes,” Jet squeaked. “But like, I realized that although I like you, I’m not ready to be in a relationship. I’m just not ready to be monogamous, and I feel like by having sex with you gives you the wrong idea. And I can’t do that to you. I’m sorry if telling you that hurts you. I don’t want to hurt you.”
Brad digested this. “Well, that explains some things, but that was a lot of assumptions you just made.”
Jet blinked. “What?”
“You may have stopped seeing other people, but I haven’t.”
What?” Jet said.
“Cause I never saw this as a monogamous relationship. Sure we’re friends, but I never saw us hanging out as dates. I mean, we even had other people there. I was even more confused because I was getting vibes you clearly wanted the friends-with-benefits benefits but when I made a move you freaked out. Twice.”

Jet stared.
“I’m not ready for a relationship either, Scoville,” Brad continued. “Too many hot guys out there I want to sample before I settle. Like you.”
“Like me,” Jet repeats.
“Oh.” Jet was red in the face. He had gotten himself all worked up over an imagined situation. And he could have gotten what he wanted the whole time!
Brad sighed. “Well. If you still want to fuck, I’m down for that. But like, if you’re going to take things so seriously maybe you should look somewhere else. Or like, actually talk to me.”
“It’s ok, just sex?”
Brad groaned. “Yes, goddamn it Scoville.” Brad grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him towards him. “Get in here. You owe me that ass.”
“Uh ok!” jet said. Everything was crystal clear now. As Brad dragged him to the bedroom, Jet realized it he really should just listen to his dick more. His brain thought too much.

After they stripped down to their boxers, Brad paused.
“What?” Jet asked.
Brad eyed him. He waited a moment. “You stayed. Good.”
Jet was surprised to Brad smiled.

Captions are fictional.


I walk into the living room with my coffee. “Oh! There you are. Your
bedroom was empty. Is that the stray lad you brought in last night?”
James nods. I can tell he’s smiling behind his hands.
“You’ve taken quite a fancy to him have you?”
James nods.
“Did you have a bit of a frolic this morning?”
James nods again.
done. You got in quite late last night too.” You eyes rove over the two
of them. Where are their clothes? And is that a sheet? “James,
honey…are you both twisted up in the sheet?”
He nods.
“Are you stuck because he’s asleep?”
He begins to giggle.
“Oh James, you poor dear. Stuck on top of a naked hunk.”
“I have to pee,” he whispers.
My turn to laugh. “Alright, let’s get you off of him without waking him.” I could tell by the pleased look on his face that he didn’t really want to get up.

Captions are fictional.




Jeff & Nate Approved! 🇺🇸👍🏻

Bite me!!,

“So I’ll pick up the cake for the party, and then you can pick up the wine mom loves and – …Jesus, Marty, what is that?”
“What’s what?” He asks, brow furrowed.
“This.” She points to his back. “Looks like an infectious disease. Is your tattoo infec… wait. Are those – bite marks??”
“Dude, those are some serious marks.”
Marty rubs the back of his neck and turns red. “Um, my boyfriend is a little possessive?”
“Are you sure he’s not a werewolf?”
“Oh shut up sis. He’s not even hairy.”
“Ha! Well. Be careful, if he tries to eat you you may want to break up with him.”
“With how good he is in bed? I think not.”
“…I love you Marty, but I don’t want to picture you getting laid. Congrats on the sex though.”
“Thanks, Jen. I’m proud of myself too.”
“Just uh, don’t wear a tank top to mom and dad’s anniversary party ok?”
“Duly noted.”

[The day of the party]

Marty looks in the mirror and adjusts his shirt. He pauses, then gasps. “Oh fuck he gave me a hicky last night! Fuck!” He runs to his roommate’s room. “Harvey, honey, you need to cover this up.”
Harvey looks up from his issue of Cosmo. “Oh now you want to play with my make up. Everyone snobs a drag queen until they need one. MMhmm.”
“Pleaaaaaase? I’ll buy you dinner at that bougie Italian place you like.”
Harvey sighs in a dramatic way. “Fuck, you know I have a weakness for ravioli. Alright, alright. I’m only doing this cause it’s your parents. jock gays and your problems…”

Captions are fictional.


“Where’s my shirt?”
“Here, babe.” You hand him his shirt. “Damn, that was good. I’m gonna go grab something to drink, you want a La Croix?”
“Sounds great,” He says with a smile. You nod and smack his ass and slide out of bed. You go to the kitchen, get a drink, and kick the door to the fridge shut with your foot. When you come back in the bedroom, you pause in the doorframe to appreciate the view. He’s standing there, pantsless, in front of the window. The outline of your hand is clear as day on his peach ass. You grin.
After a moment, he senses your presence and looks over at you with that adorable brown doe eyed gaze. “What?”
“Nothing,” You say. “I just love looking at you a lot.”
“Awww,” he coos. “Thanks babe.”
“I mean seriously.” You hand him the La Croix. “I think you just should stop wearing pants in the house. I’ve never seen your legs and ass look great in any clothing as they do completely bare.”
You’re delighted to see him blush so hard that he forgets how to speak. He just looks at the floor and smiles. You put an arm around his shoulders and kiss his temple. Bare, fucked, marked, and yours. How it should be.

Captions are fictional.


“Shit I’m sorry. I told myself to not flirt with you. When I get a little drunk, I do dumb shit. Sorry man. So sorry. Barry’s gonna kill me again for flirting with his roommate….”
“Woah woah dude, don’t be apologizing.”
“…What what?”
Paul opens his jacket and grins. “Seems you been getting my signals.”
Both of my eyebrows went up. “Holy shit we got a real Clark Kent on our hands! YOU’RE gay?”
“Gold star.”
My jaw dropped. “…Wow.”
“I had no idea.”
“I see that.”
I considered this information. “So uh do you wanna like…?” I pointed a thumb over my shoulder.
“Fuck, yeah bro. Balls are blue over here.”
“Yeah shit man, I’ll race you to the bedroom.”
“You’re on!”

Ten minutes later, Barry comes home from his errand to the liquor store. Barry pauses. Barry hears things. Barry mutters a “finally” and leaves to go get coffee.

Captions are fictional.



We’d been getting more into role playing lately. In particular, Ace had repeatedly asked to do a forced sex/stranger scene – where I’d “break into” our condo, masked and in black, tackle him, “bind him” with duct tape, and fuck him on the staircase he had tried to retreat up as I chased him.

And though it was a little too much Drew Barrymore-in-the-opening-of-Scream scene for me, I didn’t tell him that. Because knowing it would turn Ace on like nothing else was worth it.

But when I finally went through with it, and entered the jock ass of my squirming, “reluctant” boyfriend on the stairs, the rush of adrenaline I felt was better than poppers. It was the best.

Until two minutes later when there was a thud and a shout at the front door – someone had called the local police about a burglary and they were about to break the door down.

They probably didn’t imagine they’d find two flush, sweaty naked gay men in the front foyer. And while Ace was a bit mortified at being caught for a few days after, I got over it more quickly – mostly because I knew we’d win for the best “caught having sex” story the next time the question came up.

Officer Gregory Hines sighed as he got back into the cop car. “That was a fantastic waste of resources.”
“Well, I’m just glad it turned out to be nothing. That means fewer paperwork,” Officer John Vargas noted, closing the passenger side door.
“You’re not wrong about that.”
John looked at Officer Hines. “Don’t they kind of remind you of us in our early days?”
Gregory snorted. “We never got arrested having sex.”
“Yeah but we sure did some weird kinky shit in the middle of the afternoon that resulted in us fucking on the floor.”
Gregory smirked. “You were a very horny, needy young man. I’m kind of glad you slowed down with age because there’s no way my knees can keep up with you now.”
Officer Vargas laughed. “Those two guys were hot though. I wasn’t sure if I should have given them a lecture or invited them to an orgy…”
“God, John, you haven’t lost your perverted streak at all.”
John snorted. “Not a bit.”
“You know,” Gregory said as he started the car. “There’s a Silver Celebration night at the Come and Go bar next week. I wasn’t sure if you were uh, up to it, but I feel like now I have to invite you.”
“All silver foxes?” John asked.
“Yeah. Lots of bear dick, and lots of cubs who want Daddys.”
“Fuck yeah. How dare you not invite me. I’m in.”
Gregory grinned. “Excellent. Come in uniform.”
John snorted. “I’m sure the City would love that.”

Unit 4 – are you available for a car accident on Motor Ave and Kingston?

Officer Hines picked up the receiver. “Unit 4 responding. Ok, John, behave yourself now, we have work to do.”
“I wish I could work with a buttplug in,” John sighed.
Officer Hines nearly ran a stop sign.

Captions are fictional.



When you’ve waited all week to be with him.

Let me tell you something – that Metallica cover song was right. I’ve fucked here, I fucked there, I’ve fucked every fucking where. Cars, planes, trains, hallways, parkways, driveways, in alleys, under bleachers, in closets… got caught more than once, but when I was in my prime, I let absolutely nothing get between me and my craving for dick no matter the risk. Sometimes I’d get lucky and get actually fucked, but I think most of those times were just furious frottage or forbidden blowjobs. I mean, why jerk off when you can play with ANOTHER dick at the same time? I mean why on Earth would you ever.

I kind of missed the vanilla stage, and you know, it’s weird because the older I got the more I found myself circling back to it. Hell, it was weird enough realizing I kept circling back to the same guy. And then I did something super weird and moved out of my drafty artsy loft for his suburban house. I expected myself to eventually go crazy, snap out of it, then run to Europe clutching my chest in relief as I took E and sweated in a crazy warehouse party. After a year, the fear of this went away. Just because we moved into a house didn’t automatically mean I couldn’t go to the clubs anymore. Why on Earth did I think that? We still went, and regularly at that, and oh yeah we took E. And poppers. And whatever else.

Being taken is weird. If you can’t have sex, you have to wait. And you know how much I do not like jerking off – so sometimes the wait can be agonizing – but goddammit when you have been waiting all week and you finally get time for the real good sex? Oh my god. Knowing you and a naked guy have nothing to do until 8 am the next morning is such an exciting thing.

And you know what a learned? Fucking in a bed is actually the best place to do it. My partner laughed when I told him this. I think I’m gonna have to do him a favor and screw him in a few alleys and against a few trees or something until he sees things on my level. He needs to appreciate that fucking in this bed is awesome.

Captions are fictional.


“Why are you looking at me that way?” Will asked.
“What way?”  Dylan answered.
“Like you’re in love or something.”
“Maybe I am. It’s just so wonderful to be in the company of a top who can really take care of my needs.”
“What?” Will grunted. “It’s just sex.”
for you. For a bottom, there’s a real difference between getting your
hole pounded by some grunting jock bro until it’s numb, or having some
top take you on a really nice ride. One that’s cleansing, and fun, and
relaxing. One that gives you a real deep afterglow.”

“…I have no idea what you’re talking about. Bottoms are so weird.”
“We’re not weird. We’re emotive,” Dylan insisted. “Can I kiss you? I want to kiss you.”
“Oh uh sure.”

Eventually, Dylan became frustrated with his boyfriend’s inability to be intimate or share his enthusiasm for cuddles. They drifted apart. Will began dating this cold accountant named Caine and they seemed perfect for each-other. Dylan kept looking. He met fun boys who sadly didn’t share Dylan’s enthusiasm for anal, and men who loved to fuck a tight ass but had terrible personalities or habits.

Two years passed before a man, who came into the bathroom to fix his hair, ended up saving Dylan from being raped by a drunkard who had followed Dylan off the dancefloor. Dylan was not expecting to be wooed by a man who broke another man’s nose, but he was instantly smitten when the drunkard dropped like a sack of potatoes. Dylan only feel deeper for John when he invited Dylan over so he wouldn’t be alone that night.

“Do you want to fuck me?” Dylan eventually asked as they cuddled in the dark. He had to ask. This guy was too perfect to not be flawed, and Dylan felt he owed John for the rescue. He could still feel that drunkard’s hands on his waist. John kissed his head. “I’m growing fond of your butt pressed against me, sure. But if you want that to happen, it’ll happen another time. You’ve had a long night. I’m not going to take advantage of your vulnerability now.”

Dylan was too shocked to say anything. He knew right there and then that he was going to marry John. And two years later, he did.

Captions are fictional.

Continuation of this.


Killian shoved Tobias to the bed and undressed him impatiently, throwing clothes over his shoulders. He pounced on top of the man, straddling him and pressing his weight on top of Tobias’s smaller, wiggling form.
“Woah honey you are aggressive,” Tobias managed to say between Killian assaulting his mouth with kisses.
“I just want you,” Killian explained, “and you need this.”
“I do not need-”
Then Tobias felt Killian’s hand around his cock. He gasped and arched up his hips. “Ok maybe that feels pretty good.”
Killian snorted and gathered them both in his hand. He settled between Tobias’s legs and frotted against him hungrily, enjoying the feeling of his partner hardening in his grip. He continued kissing his lover and marking him with love bites as the space between them grew warmer and wetter.
“I’m going to cum,” Tobias mewled, already perspiring at the temples.
“Not yet, baby,” Killian purred in his ear. “Grab me the lube out of the drawer.”
“Yeah ok,” Tobias said quickly. “Just don’t stop touching my cock.”
Killian smirked and swiped his thumb across the weeping slit.
Tobias hissed. “Ah!”
“Grab it babe.”
Tobias reached over his head, pulling the nightstand drawer open and rummaging around. He tossed the bottle to Killian, and Killian noticed the lube on the lid was dry. Was when the last time he’d fucked Tobias? God, had it been three weeks? They would never make it through parenting a newborn at this rate. Killian made quick work of lubricating himself and Tobias, noting out loud how tight Tobias had become.
“You like me tight?” Tobias asked.
“Oh I still remember what it was like fucking your virgin ass – so tight, so sweet, you pulled me in so deep,” Killian said as slid his digits in and out of Tobias.
Tobias whimpered. “I loved that night. It hurt, but you were always the best fuck I ever had.”
Killian momentarily stopped what he was doing. “I loved it too. But the best? Seriously? You think so?”
Tobias blinked at his partner, eyes glazed. “Yeah. The best. Cause it was you.”
Killian swallowed the lump in his throat. “I’m glad you called me up again after college.”
“You can thank tequila for that,” Tobias said, matter of factly.

Killian laughed and prepared to breach his partner. He parted Tobias’ legs and got between them, pushing himself in in one go. Tobias cried out, and Killian gave him more. Killian dug in his toes and slammed into Killian as hard as he could, driving his hips at an unrelenting pace, aiming to his prostate from step 1. Tobias moaned and spread his toes, the muscles in his thighs tight and taut. “Yes! Yes! Don’t stop, don’t stop Killy, don’t stop don’t you stop!”

“I won’t! I won’t!” In the back of his head, Killian knew he should be concerned about waking up Abigail, but she hadn’t made a peep on the baby monitor and decided to test his luck. A bead of sweat dripped onto Tobias’s chest.
“Cum for me baby!” he demanded, stroking Tobias’s leaking cock.
“Yes – yes!”

Tobias made a perfect ‘o’ with his mouth. He made not a sound but a barely audible little squeak, and white fluid pooled on his belly. They came at exactly the same time, then their bodies went limp against each-other.
“Holy shit,” Tobias breathed.
Killian wrapped his arms around his partner. “Mmmnn you feel so good clenching around me…I feel like I came a swimming pool.”
“Damn sure felt like it too.” Tobias sighed. “Fuck that felt so good. Oh, damn, Abigail – we should really check on her.”
Killian slid out of Tobias and stroked himself lazily. “I’ll do it.”
“No I want to.”
Killian smirked. “Honey you won’t be able to stand up. “
“Well I never,” Tobias huffed, pretending to be more indignant than he was.

Killian pulled on his boxers, ignoring his wet dick between his legs. He made a fast circle then came back to the room.
Tobias was drinking a glass of water from the bathroom. “She ok?”
“Sleeping on her stomach like an angel.”
Tobias smiled. “Good. I wonder what upset her so much. Maybe I upset her…”
“Who knows. She’s a baby. She’ll tell us if something continues to bother her.” Killian eyed a naked Tobias.
Tobias glanced at him over the cup of water. “Wanna go again?”
“Again,” Killian asked.
“Again. You were right. I did need a fucking. And that wasn’t enough. They say you should nap when your baby does, but my boy ass needs another round. You up for it?”
Killian pushed his boxers down immediately. “Get over here and get back on the bed.”

Captions are fictional.

Part three.