
“Daddy I’m having a crisis,” Dillon emoted to his phone.
”What’s a matter sweetheart?”
”I cannot figure out what to wear to the Pride parade. It’s going to be warm, so I’m just not sure what’s going to be a good fit and be comfortable to sweat in. Cause you know we’re dancing afterwards.”
“Hell yeah we are. Is there one piece at all you’re thinking about?”
“Um I got the underwear that’s it?”
“Show me?”
Dillon walked over to the mirror and held up the phone so he was Facetiming his reflection to Trevor.
“Oh fuck,” he sighed. “You’re wearing the pink ones I got you.”
Dillon smiled demurely. “Thought you’d like that. Felt festive.”
Trevor studied the screen. “Fuck it. That’s all you’re wearing.”
“Yeah, that’s all I picked out,” Dillon said.
“No, I mean, that’s all I’m allowing you to wear. You’re going just like that. You looking perfect.”
There was a pause as that sank in. “In my UNDERWEAR?”
“Yep. No different than being at the beach or the pool and that’s in public right?” Trevor said.
Dillon tried to stammer out a reply.
“We’ll keep some clothes in the car if you want to cover up. I’ll slather you in sunscreen, you’ll get a nice tan. We can put some glitter on your pecs.”
Dillon could see Trevor was enjoying this. “I mean, if you think so…”
Trevor suddenly laughed. “Oh my god.”
“My niece went as a fairy for Halloween last year. I’m going to ask my sister if she still has the wings. So you-” he was having trouble talking he was laughing so hard. “So you can be Twinkerbell.”
Dillon cackled. “Twinkerbell? Oh my god.
Trevor wiped tears out of his eyes. “Yes. With pretty pink wings and a glitter and a wand.”
“Fucking hell. That’s both evil and brilliant. I’m kind of hating how much I’m loving this idea though…Twinkerbell. How do you come up with these things?”
“I have no idea. But we are covering you in glitter.”
“I love glitter.”
“I know that, because I find it everywhere.”

Dillon sat on the bed. “It’s like little bits of my love stick to you all over.”
“Awww. God I love you so much.”
“I love you too.”
“Not more than me. I’m gonna go call my sister, but I’m serious. You are not putting on any more clothes. Except shoes and socks. Do you have pink socks?”
Dillon scoffed. “Of course I do.”
“Good. Wear those.”
“Yes Daddy.”

Captions are fictional.


Zane heard the “house heels” coming down the hallway, which was really a pair of his mom’s old pumps. His attention was drawn from the stove to Michael filling the kitchen doorway in a six foot flourish of satin and faux fur. The light pink robe swished over his black corset and lace shorts as Michael raised his arm and grabbed the doorframe. He struck a pose.
It. Is. Priiiide! Today is pride!
“Everyone’s going outside.
we’re going out, we’re being seen,
they need to know that I’m a queen.
We’re gonna get drunk,
and look at dicks,
All the kinds, just take your pick.
It’s a celebration of the gay,
so everyone move out of the way,
Michael made a flourish with his hand to punctuate that.

Zane blinked. “You’re feeling yourself this morning. One egg or two?”
“Is that french bread I see?”
“One egg daaaahhling.” Michael tossed his hair. “Am I beautiful?”
“Exceptionally. Beautiful as your singing.”
“Dahling, I love you. I’m going to go finish getting dressed. I feel like I’m forgetting something.”
Zane cracked an egg against the side of the pan. “Did you put your cock ring on?”
“Oh, kittens!” Michael tsked at himself. “Thank you dahling.” His vanished from the doorway and his heels echoed down the hallway.

Zane was checking on the bacon in the oven when he heard a hysterical cry from the bedroom.
“AUGH it’s COLD!”
Zane couldn’t help but laugh. “Did you forget to warm the cock ring?” he called back.
“Well at least you’re awake!”

Zane noticed a text message on his phone.
“Are you guys running on time?” their friend Tony asked.
Zane did a voice text back. “Uh about twenty minutes behind. About to put breakfast on the table.”
“Twenty minutes huh? Sooo how much of a handful is Michael this morning?”
“He’s both hands full,” Zane sent back. “He’s broken into song already.”
Tony texted him a bunch of laughing emojis. “I guess we’re no better. We fucked and now we’re listening to Madonna.”
“Is this the new boy from Modesto? He stayed the night?”
“He diiiiiid. He’s very excited for his first big Pride in Los Angeles. He’s very cute.” Tony texted back.
“Did you warn him about Michael?”
“He’s been briefed that Michael is a lot of person.”
“Good.” Zane snickered to himself as he plated breakfast. God, he loved his man, but being Michael’s man meant being a shield between Michael and the rest of the world. He exuded enough personality for two people – but it also meant he loved and cared for people twice as hard. So Michael had also had to be protected so feelings didn’t get hurt. But Zane loved that role. He often thought of himself as the bemused, human attendee to an immortal faerie from some other fantastical realm who is trying really hard to fit in with the humans. It was really the only explanation for why Michal was the way he was.

“Do I need to wear a thong or is it ok that you can see my dick through these lace shorts?” Michael asked from down the hall.
Zane pinched his nose. “You need to cover your cock in public, sweetheart, even though it’s Pride”
“Ah, kittens. I’ll put the thong back on.”
“Breakfast is ready by the way!”
“Coming! One sec.

The sound of the heels returned a moment later and Michael bloomed into the room. "I am decent!”
“My god, you are. The leather top piece with the corset was a hot choice. Fuck. I need to cover you in oil.”
“Whatever for?” Michael asked.
“So the boys glide right off of you instead of stick to you all night long.”
“Oh kitten, you are so sweet. You are fucking me in this later so you’re aware.”
“Oh, I’m aware.”
“Good. Cause this corset is too much work to take off by myself.” Michael picked up a piece of warm, soft buttered bread and moaned as he bit into it. “Oh my god why is eating carbs so wrong!”
“It’s not wrong. Besides it’s Pride, and you’ll need your energy, so eat up. There’s more bac-”
Michael flung his arms out. “It. Is. Priiiiide. Everyone’s going outside-
Zane swatted him on the ass. “Eat your breakfast, you little minx.”
Michael dissolved into giggles and sat down with a sweep of the robe. “Yes dahling, of course. Oh you made darjeeling, dahling you know me so well!”
Zane kissed the top of his head. “Yes, yes I do.”

Captions are fictional.


“So I met someone at Pride yesterday.”
“You MET someone? Good for you baby! Is this the end to your seven month dry spell?”
“I think so mom, I really do. He’s a good kisser, and there were sparks. Can I bring him over for dinner sometime?”
“Oh you better! Bring him over tomorrow, so I have time to make lasagna. I need to look this boy up and down and make sure he’s a good fit for you, not like that last moron you dated.”
“Yeah Derek was not the best choice…but he was smoking hot.”
“All those years or parenting, and I still can’t seem to teach you to not think with your dick.”
She laughed over the phone. “Just bring him for dinner at 6:30 sharp.”
“Yes mother.”
“And what’s his name?”
“Mmn. Morgan and Clark Fairchild. I like it.”
“MOTHER! Seriously, we just started dating 48 hours ago.”
“And I used to doodle your father’s name and mine in our notebooks when we were in 7th grade. Never too early.”
“Mother, please be nice to Clark. I don’t want to scare him off.”
“I’ll be nice, I’ll be nice. Bring dessert, ok Morgan?”
“Yes mom. Love you.”
“You too, sweetheart. Bye.”

“So…she’s cool with us?” Clark was still getting used to the idea of PFLAG parents.
“Lasagna at her house tomorrow, 6:30,” Morgan replies, leaning against the counter.
“I’m meeting your mother already…?”
“Not like you think. My last boyfriend was a jackass and liked to hit people, so now my mom wants to "approve” all my boyfriends through cunning use of dinner invites.“
He chuckles. "Well I would love home-cooked lasagna, and I’ll do my best to impress your mom.”
“Thank you for understanding, Clark. Oh, and we have to bring dessert.”
“Dessert?” His face lit up. “You know what that means.”
“Iiiiit’s baking time. Go get your apron on.”
“But I don’t have an apron, Clark.”
“Guess you’re gonna have to bake in your underwear then.”
Before I can protest, he’s already digging in my cupboards and making lists. Baking in our underwear with a cute boy? Ok, I think I’m totally over Derek now.

Text is fictional, source unknown.