
I wake up quite suddenly to screaming. I flail in my bed, gasping, suddenly awake and confused. My heart is jackhammering from the surprise. The screaming deteriorates to raw shouts, and the sheets are moving around me like turbulent waters. The shouting turns into words, “Neil! Neil! No don’t go! Neil! NEIL! Wait! Don’t go!” The fog clears from my head as I awaken, although my pulse will not calm. It’s my boyfriend. He’s waking from a nightmare.

“Grady! Grady! Grady, wake up!” I bark at him. I reach over and grab his flailing wrists, trying to calm him. “Grady, wake up!”
He’s still fighting me, begging for Neil. I give him a gentle smack across the face.“GRADY.”
His eyes shoot open. His chest is heaving; he’s covered in sweat. Grady stares at me, trying to process what was happening. “…Rowen…?” he says, sounding entirely baffled.
“Yes, it’s me. It’s Rowen. You were having a nightmare,” I said firmly.
“Rowen….” he says, his voice cracking. “I- I saw Neil. He – he spoke to me – and-” Grady’s throat closes and be begins to cry.
I bite my lip to prevent from getting emotional. Grady needs a rock. I pull him into my arms; he squeezes me tight and buries his face in my neck. I can feel his tears running down my shoulder. I lean backwards and we fall back onto the pillows. “Shhh…it’s ok…deep breaths. Deep breaths, in…out…in…out…very good,” I murmur trying to keep him from hyperventilating. He is soon hysterical, sobbing loudly in my arms. I rock Grady and let him vent.

“Grady you need to breathe. Come back to me, honey.”
He groans against me, then hiccups loudly. “Rowen, I saw him. I saw Neil! He smiled at me, he spoke to me.”
“What did he say sweetheart?”
“He said that I looked happy. He said…he said that he missed me, and he was sorry he left me.” Grady sniffled, “and he said, he was relieved I’d met someone.”
“He mentioned me?” I repeated, intrigued.
“Yes,” Grady sighed, “He liked you. He said it was going to be ok. He just wanted to check on me. Oh god, Rowen, he looked just like the last day I saw him before – before…”
I kiss the back of Grady’s head. “Today is the 8th anniversary of his death isn’t it?”
He nods and sniffs again. “I don’t want you to think I’m ungrateful, but …gawd, Neil, I miss him.” Grady goes still against me, exhausted.
“Oh honey, I’m not upset. You and Neil were married; his death left a big hole in your heart, love. No one is expecting you to "get over” that. Certainty not me. There is a place for Neil in our lives, but don’t forget I am here and I love you.“
My shoulder feels wet again. It’s a moment before Grady speaks again. "Neil was right. About you, I mean, Rowen. I am really lucky, to be loved by two fantastic men in my life. I need to…I need to let Neil go and move on. He was ready to go. I need to move on.”
I kissed him again. “Whatever you do, I’ll support you.”
He sighed. “I’m sleepy.”
“Go back to bed, love. I’ll hold you. I’ll be here when you wake up.

Grady lifts his head and kisses me on the lips. "I love you, Rowen.”
“I love you too.”

Text is fictional.




I have a beautiful 4MB version of this GIF… But I bought a harness today and decided to celebrate my playing the piano.

Ahhhhh! This is adorable!

I was sitting on my sofa, reading a romance novel and drinking my tea, when I noticed it. I watched him quite intently, although I was afraid he would sense my eyes boring holes into him and stop. Although the playing happens in the front, his long fingers sweeping over the keys with hypnotic grace, I prefer to watch him from the back. My eyes were first attracted to the bunching of his muscles moving under his skin and the new harness he wears all the time. Then, my gaze slid own to his stiff back, pausing to admire his excellent posture, before resting on his butt. He has a cute butt. It’s one of my favorite parts of him. Well, all of him really. There isn’t a part of him that isn’t adorable – even his toes are frankly, adorable.

But that’s not what I noticed. What caught my attention to the point that I lost focus on my book was his tail. It was moving in sync with the metronome on the piano. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. I smiled, privately. I feel privileged to see my boy wrapped up so entirely in the music that’s playing. It seems to be a part of him; the muscles moving and bunching under his skin show striking similarity to the way the the hammers and actions move in waves under the wooden lid.

I also realize that I’ve never seen him play piano without some sort of gear on. After we have a session, like tonight, we cuddle, we shower, and then he gravitates toward the bench after supping. I wonder what he’s feeling. I wonder if this is just a way for him to unwind, or if he’s pouring love and passion into the music which is why it sounds so beautiful.

I feel lucky that he’s mine. I set my book aside and clutch my tea cup in my hands, sipping it patiently as I watch his tail bob back and forth. It never falls out of sync.

Text is fictional. This is slaveboy13.



Love is you holding me close when I don’t feel good, watching me sleep while I’m sick, and being their smiling when I wake up. Love is you and me.

“Hey lover boy.”
“How are you feeling?” Daniel asks.
“Like shit.”
“You still look cute.”
Jesse smiles. “Thank you. I still feel like shit.”
“Do you need a wastebasket to vomit in?”
“Ugh don’t say that word. No…I think it’s all out.”
“I’m sorry you got food poisoning on your birthday.”
“Me too. I want to open my presents but I don’t wanna get up.”
Daniel squeezes his hand. “Alright, I’ll go get you one to open. You can do the rest later.”
“You’re fantastic,” Jesse murmurs. He still pouted as Daniel pulls away from him.

A few moments later Daniel returns with a glass of cool water and a thin package. He doesn’t give it to his boyfriend until Jesse’s drank some of the water. Jesse settles back into bed with the flat, rectangular package. “I think this is a DVD.”
Daniel smiles and doesn’t say anything as Jesse destroys the paper.
“Ohh it is. Which one which one which one….ahhh it’s Velvet Goldmine! I haven’t seen this for years, it was my favorite movie in high school-”
“And then you lost the VHS tape you recorded off the TV in that house fire right?”
Jesse nodded, a fond look on his face. “You remembered.”
“Of course.” Daniel kissed his forehead. “Want to watch it now?”
“Hell yeah I do! I feel better already.”
“Good. You better, cause if you think food poisoning is going to get you out of birthday spankings you are sorely mistaken.”
Jesse laughed and swatted at him until Daniel escaped to put the DVD in the player.

They settled on the bed together, spooning. Daniel nuzzled under Jesse’s chin and felt his heart beating through his back. Even sick, he couldn’t stay away from this boy. This was nice. It was good to be in love.

Text is fictional.


“Ken? Ken? Did you leave?”
Ken sticks his red head out of the bedroom. “No I’m right here. What’s up?”
“Oh it was quiet, I thought you left….”
“Nope, I wouldn’t leave without telling you. How do you feel?”
“Sore. Like shit. The icepack is helping though.”
Ken perks up. “Good! I’ll be in a minute with lunch. I found some cookie cutters in your kitchen so your sandwich is gonna be fun dino shapes! Yay!” he said with embellished enthusiasm to make his friend laugh, and he got the response he wanted.
“I’m 34, too old for dinos, Ken.”
“No you’re not. You’re also not too old for mac and cheese and apple bunnies.”
“…What’s an apple bunny?”
“You’ll see,” he said with a little smile. Ken moved to duck out of the room, but Jack felt a bolt of panic when he did.

“Ken wait wait.”
“…Do you um, think I’m less of a man because I only got one ball now?”
It was a funny question, but Ken didn’t laugh. His face furrowed in question because Jack looked so distraught. “When you told me you had a lump, and it might be cancer, all the color went out of the room. You’ve been my best friend since you saved me from that bully in 7th grade. I don’t know how to live without you.”
“Aww shit, Ken, thanks, really.”
“You still have your cock. Plus, God put our balls outside our body in a soft squishy sac… he was smart enough to give us an extra for insurance. Once you get the implant, no one will be able to tell.”
Relief washed over Jack’s face. He relaxed. “Yeah. Yeah you’re right.” He slid his hand down between the sheets. “Yep the cock is still there.”

Ken chuckled. “You have a few minutes to appreciate it before I bring in lunch.” He ducked out of the room.

“Wait wait Ken.”
“Whaaaat you big baby?”
“Will you still take care of me when the chemo hits me hard and my hair falls out and I’m gross?”
“…Don’t be an idiot, I’m not going anywhere.” Ken tsked his bed-ridden friend.
“You’re my best friend, but I swear, it’s like we’re married soemtimes.”
Ken blushed, furiously red across his pale face. “Yeah…it is like we’re married aren’t we…haha…ha.”
He quickly escaped out of the room, but not before he heard Jack mutter, “I think that’d be nice actually…”

Ken was too macho to turn back and open up that can of worms with Jack, because mostly he felt like he would agree with him. It would be nice. As he put together the rest of the lunch on a tray, Ken realized he wouldn’t feel awkward kissing Jack and wondered what it all meant.

Ken thought that he really should be spending this weekend at a girl’s place, not here taking care of Jack… well first Ken would have to find a girlfriend. It’d been a while. It’d have to be someone with a good sense of humor, someone who wouldn’t mind going hiking on the weekends. Maybe someone who appreciated a night in, watching a movie too. Someone ambitious. Someone cute. Well, really, someone like…. oh god.

Text is fictional.


“Hey baby, how’s Nashville?”
Humid. And I miss you.”
“I miss you too. How’s your mom?”
“She’s…stable right now. But it’s not good, the doctor’s are saying things like ‘you need to prepare yourself that she might not leave the hospital’.”
I click my tongue. “Oh bearbear, I’m so sorry you’re going through this.”
“Me too. When she’s lucid she’s so happy I’m here, so it’s worth it. Miss you so bad though.”
“How so?” I wonder if he can hear me smiling over the phone.
“I miss cuddling with you in bed. I miss chiding you for eating your toast standing up, dropping crumbs on the floor. I miss you falling asleep on me when we watch late night movies. I miss the way you get so hilariously excited when your favorite porn actor announces a new video…”
“Oh come on, you love watching my porn too.”
“Ok ok, a little, but it’s more about the sex than the actual dick owners. But seriously, baby, you know what I miss most?”
“mmm What bearbear?”

“Those morning when you get up before me and go on your jogs. I’m just waking up when you get out of the shower, and if I roll onto your side of the bed I can see your bare ass in the bathroom as you preen in the mirror… I was just layin’ in bed this morning and wishin’ it were true.”
“Aww, really? I find it so sexy that you like to watch me,” I say, my throat a bit tight. “You’re breaking my heart over here. Shit, I wish I could take more time off of work and come visit you in Nashville!”
“Don’t make your boss angry. It’s not your fault you got sick in March and had to use all your days off.”
“I know, I know,” I sigh. “Hey, why don’t I make you some videos so you’re less homesick?”
“Like what?”
“It’s a secret. You’ll find out when you open them.”
“…Any that are not safe for work?”
I snicker. “There miiiight be a couple.”
He groans. “You have no idea how wonderful that would be. Please, just please, make them. …Oh what Tanesha? She is? … Hey love, mom is waking up. I gotta go. Talk to you soon.”
“Ok, I’ll call later. Love you.”
“Love you more. Bye.”
“Bye bearbear.”

The ideas for the videos burbled up instantly, one after the other. There was one I had to make first though. The next morning, I got up early and went on my jog. I took a shower, then made sure I spent plenty of time grooming in front of the mirror naked. I uploaded the video to a privately listed Youtube account and sent it to my lover. When I checked the stats later, I saw it had been viewed 41 times in 24 hours. I made sure to send him more – lots more – of my ass, of my body, of me lifting weights, of me masturbating.

Shortly after I began the project, I suddenly didn’t hear from him for two days until he called. He told me in a tired voice that his mother had passed. They were preparing for the funeral now. He begged me to not stop with the videos, as they were the only thing holding him together and keeping him distracted from deep grief and pain.

I told my boss I had a family emergency, took the Friday off, and flew to Nashville with my GoPro and a black suit packed in my luggage.

Text is fictional. Not sure of source…probably from Vine.


“Mmnh! …Ehn? Oh – mnn…hey – hey babe, when did you get home?” John slurs, groggy.
“About a minute ago. Did you not want me to wake you? See, I thought you were Sleeping Beauty and had to be kissed awake by a Prince…”
“Ha – is that so? Mnn I don’t mind being kissed awake by you, but you’re not a Prince…”
“Yeah I am, I got a Prince Albert to prove it.”
John can’t help but chuckle. “Touche. Ok, Prince Brian, well you are gonna be disappointed but I am not Sleeping Beauty. I look like hell today and I’m pretty sure Sleeping Beauty has a pussy.”
“You are always handsome to me and you have a pussy too, in your own way…right between your legs too. All I thought about all day.”
John groaned. “Will you stop being so sexy and irresistible? I can’t nap with an erec- tion!” John’s voice hitched as he felt his boyfriend’s prominent bulge rub against his own.
“You’re all soft. It’s not a true happy-ever-after if some things are still asleep.” Brian said, still kissing him, one hand roving over John’s flat stomach.
“Well you’re doing a good job with waking it up…”
Brian’s act began to slip. “Please let me take you,” he begged, “All I thought all day was you beautiful and naked…horny and dripping… begging under me as I fill you over and over. I had to masturbate in the bathroom today just to get through my classes.” He dipped his head and latched onto one of John’s nipples.
John cried out in surprise as the sharp sensations went right to his groin. Well, there was no salvaging the nap now.

“Oh man!” he gasped, trying to find his voice again, “Well- …well, Prince Brian, you missed one important detail about that particular fairytale. It all started when Sleeping Beauty touched a prick with her fingertips.”
Brian grinned, impressed by the pun. “Now, that’s a clever boy. You want me to pet you hm?” He dropped a hand to rub circles over John’s groin, “And then you’ll open up for me?”
“You gotta say the magic words,” John insisted.
“Wish granted,” he smiled.

Brian attacked John’s mouth with eager, happy kisses, then slid his hand down into John’s basketball shorts.

Text is fictional. I think this is Cocky boys? The guy with the flower on his neck is Jake Bass.


Since I moved in with Adam, I’ve never been late for anything. Won’t my friends be surprised to learn that I’ve stopped using my alarm clock. No blaring noises, no snooze button. Adam’s sex drive wakes him up right after dawn like clockwork, so all I have to do is sleep naked and I’ll be gently roused by cuddles and sweet kisses to my ear and neck. Of course, if I don’t get up, his hands start to slide down under the sheets to find my half hard cock and stroke until I’m moaning too hard to go back to bed. When his fingers rub the tip of my penis, I become wide awake and desperate as hell for my morning fucking. I’ve been addicted to it, like Pavlov’s dog, needing it the way people need their morning coffee.

It’s a wonderful way to awaken – Adam’s pheromones filling my nose and his panting in my ear and his rigid cock rubbing between the clefts of my ass. Once he reaches peak frustration, I make him wait -and wait a little more – before telling him “yes” and he buries his slick cock in me to the hilt and cries out in pleasure as my velvet passage squeezes his swollen member. We toss the sheets off because it’s suddenly way too hot and the rush of sex has gripped us hard.

He puts his weight on my back, puts his hands over mine, and claims my body. It’s a daily devotional for him, almost in a religious way. Well, I think so, considering how many “oh gods” I hear. We probably spend more time doing foreplay than actual sex, because he’s horny goddammit and not built to last. Soon I’m arching up against his thrusts and he’s pounding me and replenishing the bruises on my hips. I’m thirsty and hungry but don’t dare move as he pumps the last drops of cum into my tense ass.

Coming down from actually coming is my favorite part. We’re braided together, slick as fish, and we both need a shower, but it’s in these moments I feel so bonded with him. It sets the precedent for my day, knowing I got a man at home who cares about me and marks me first thing in the morning. Someone cares about me, adores me. He always tells me just in case I’ve forgotten: “I love you to pieces, tiny, tiny little pieces.”

Text is fictional. Source unknown.


You can’t say “no”, and there won’t be any “no"s, not when he’s looking at you like that. There won’t be a yes either, you’ll just sigh in acceptance and unzip your pants because you never had a choice anyway. You look around though, before the clothes come all the way off.

The bedroom isn’t clean. The laundry is still on the line. He hasn’t done his chores, or made dinner, or made the bed. You don’t even think he stripped the bed before he did laundry. He’s slacking off for sure, and you swore you’d spank him more to keep him in line; but you’re standing there, looking at him, and realizing that somehow he’s hoarded all of the control. As long as he presents that round butterball ass to you, ripe and clean for a fresh fucking, it doesn’t matter that he’s breaking rules because you can’t say no. Even if you do, your sex drive sure won’t. It’s hard to be a firm disciplinarian when your cock and your heavy balls are betraying you every step of the way.

You swear, as you grab the lube, that tomorrow won’t be like this. Tomorrow you’re gonna start getting serious with him. Really. Just, not now. Tomorrow.

Text is fictional. Source unknown.



But it’s such a nice day!

You just mean it’s sunny.  Remember when there was that thunderstorm and you stayed in bed with us all day?  That was a nice day.

Exactly!  So I’ll save you for a rainy day!

All of us?  But we are so many!  Anyway, why get hot and tired and sweaty?  Stay in!  We’ll look after you.

But I want to go places.

We can take you places.  Middle Earth, Earthsea, Anarres, Flatland, Wonderland, Utopia.

Real places!

You mean like Alaska or Shanghai or Glastonbury or Constantinople or the Sea of Tranquility?  Because you won’t actually go to those places if you go outside, if you’re being honest with us.

I suppose not.

But we can give it all to you.  Just trust us.  Don’t leave us.

OK.  I guess.  I’ll stay in and read today.

You know it’s what you want.

I suppose.  Maybe I’ll go out tomorrow.  Did you — did you say Constantinople?

We did: come, let us tell you of illustrious Belisarius, the last true Roman.

I realized I’d been illustrating for nearly three hours and decided to take a break before my back cramped. I leaned back in my chair and stretched. I cleaned my paintbrush and tucked away my beloved watercolors. My client would be happy with this piece. I tilted my head and I listened for the sounds of Clark around the house. Silence. I wondered where he was.

I push away from my desk and stood up, seeking Clark. I check the kitchen, pausing for a glass of sweet tea, before inspecting the living room. I check our bedroom and found him there. He was so immersed in his books, he didn’t even hear me enter.
“Clark,” I say softly.
He glances over his shoulder, “Oh hi,” he said, with a smile, “You done with work?”
“Taking a break. You been reading?”
“Yep,” he says, matter of factly.
“Are any of em good?”
“Two in particular, I’ll leave them on your night stand later.”

I nod and lean against the door frame, watching him in passive wonder. There have to be at least a dozen books floating in mid air, all suspended in an open position. After a moment, all the pages turn at the same time. When you date a telekenetic, you have to adjust to fantastical sights and behavior because your boyfriend needs to have a place he feels normal and safe, where he doesn’t look like a freak. Clark’s brain requires insane amounts of stimulation. When bored for long periods of time, he can feel physically ill.

The library system in our town gave Clark a limitless library card so he can check out massive amount of books at the same time. He goes through about a hundred books a week. Two is a particularly low return rate for this bunch. He gives his favorites to me, so I can make a list of the authors and to read them for myself. 

“Is it still raining Clark?”
He pauses reading to lift the blinds and peer out. “A little. Wanna go for a rain walk when it’s over?” Clark loves the scent and sight of our rural neighborhood after it rains.

“I’d love to, babe,” I say, and set my glass on a coaster on the nightstand. Clark nods and turns his attention back to his task.
I walk over to him and sit down behind him with my legs crossed, and wrap my arms around his warm torso. He sighs in contentment as I rest my head against the back of his neck. For a moment, I’m content to listen to his heart beat and feel the heat radiating under his skin. Then, my hands start to wander over his abs and his thighs.
Clark mutters a half-hearted protest, “Benjamin,” as if scolding a misbehaving child. I ignore it and continue on, pushing up his shirt with one hand. My fingers find a nipple and thumb it; Clark gasps and one of the books falls to the floor with a bang.
I snicker and rub the crease between his thigh and his crotch with my fingertips, enjoying feeling him shudder and squirm under me..
Ben,” he protests again, a bit more breathy this time. Another book slowly descends and rests on the floor.
“mm what?”
“You’re very distracting.”
“I love the way you smell,” I say instead. “You smell like warm mint tea. And a hint of sandalwood, and your own scent. It makes me horny.” I oh-so-gently cup his unrestrained bulge in his shorts.
Ben!” he gasps.
I chuckle and begin to kiss his neck and nibble on his ear. “How about you save your books for bedtime and we kill some time before the rain ends hm?”
“Goddamn,” Clark whispers, closing his eyes as he enjoys me fondling him between the legs. After a moment, he says, “Ben?”
“I don’t know if i ever told you this, but you know when you touch me – like how you are now – I can’t multitask anymore. It’s like you shut that part of me off. It’s so strange and liberating. Hey, maybe that’s your super power.”
I scoff. It’s be a long-running inside joke that I had an undiscovered superpower too, we just hadn’t found it yet. “I don’t think so, Clark. I think it’s just being a good boyfriend.”
“Mmnnf it feels good,” he admits.
I watch as the other books begin to sink toward the floor. I press my fingers on either side of his cock still tucked in his shorts and stroke until a wet strain starts to flourish. Clark leans back in my arms and I slide my hand into the leghole of his shorts and cup his balls.

Two of the books crash to ground, one bouncing off the bed. Clark’s eyes fly open at the noise. He curses. “Shit, Ben. Hold on.” He closes the literature and organizes the books in a neat pile on the floor. When the last book is in place, I feel the tension in his body melt away and that barely audible hum stops as well. I liken it to the sound of leaving the cable box on when the TV is off, only the off button for Clark is between his legs.

Clark lifts his legs and shimmies out of his shorts; his half hard cock bounces upward and I catch it in my hand. He groans and reclines against me, allowing me free reign to explore. I unfurl my legs and scoot up so he’s pressed flushed against my front so it’s less strain on my back and arms. His skin is so hot, especially his testicles, and despite that it almost feels uncomfortable to be in contact with such high temperatures, I can’t resist the heft of them. I roll them between my fingers between gentle tugs while holding the base of his cock in my other hand. I press kisses up the side of his jaw.

Soon, Clark is begging me to stroke him. A bead of sweat forms on his temple, and there’s a soon a sheen to his hairline. I begin to work his cock slowly, waiting for it to full harden and push out the ridges of veins hiding under silky skin. He whines in impatience until I start to piston my hand. He arches up into my fist, begging for me not to stop. I swipe my thumb over the slit to wipe away the seed leaking and he moans loudly.

My own erection is pushing into his back but I don’t stop. I continue to seduce him and draw out his pleasure until he’s panting ragged breaths and his cock begins to twitch.
“This – this was a good idea,” he hisses.
“You’re going to cum soon,” I reply.
“Yeah I am.” He chuffs through his nose. “Don’t stop, Ben, please. I wanna cum.”
I don’t answer and instead nibble on his earlobe. I rub his glans between my fingers while stroking his shaft with my cramped fist fixed around it, faster and faster until Clark’s body vibrates and he erupts. I watch in fascination of the cords of muscle twitch and tense; his balls rise high and taut in their sac and his cock jumps in my hand. Milky fluid shoots out of him and splatters onto the wooden floor.
“Ben!” he exclaims through gritted teeth as the orgasm courses through him. “Don’t stop!”
And I don’t, even as he begins to descend. I push up from the base of his cock to wring the last drops out of the tip. He gasps and mewls as it becomes more sensitive, but I don’t stop touching him until Clark puts his hands on top of mine and begs me to abate. I let my hands retreat to his thighs and he rests against me, trying to catch his breath.
“Good?” I ask.
“Feel wonderful,” he replies. “You’re still hard.”
Clark reaches behind himself until he finds my cock still in my pants. He gives it a few squeezes; I hear that hum again. The pressure feels fantastic, and I gasp as cum floods my underwear.
“Oh wow, Clark! Oh!” I feel a bead of sweat drip down my back. We both sit there a moment, recovering. The hum stops again.

“I think the rain’s stopped,” Clark says after a moment. I watch the blinds raise themselves and the scene outside confirms he’s right.
“Why don’t we go clean up and go for that walk you wanted?”
“Sounds wonderful,” he replies, nuzzling me. “I love you Ben.”

I freeze, not exactly sure I heard him right. “You…you do?” It’s the first time he’s ever said it to me. It’s hard for Clark to trust people and I’ve had to learn to be patient being in a relationship with him.
“Yes, I do. You make me feel human.”
“You are human,” I remind him. “My human. I love you too Ben.”
“Not as much as I love you.”
I wrap my arms around him and give him a hug.

After a moment he says: “….Will you be weirded out if I telekinetically move the cum off the floor into the trash?”
“Yes!” I laugh, “Don’t be gross. Go get the shower ready, I’ll be in there a minute after I clean up.”
Clark laughs too, relieved that I understand his sense of humor. He twists around and kisses me, and I can see the love in his eyes.

Text is fictional. Source NA.


Jared nudged Gideon’s knee and gave him his warmest smile. “Thanks for getting me a beer.”
“Not a problem. I had to get up anyway.” Gideon glanced at him from the corner of his eye as he poked the fire with a stick. The light from the fire danced off Jared’s biceps, throwing shadows in the most mesmerizing way.
“When are you are gonna kiss me?”
Gideon dropped the stick. “Pardon?”
“I’ve been waiting…hoping you would,” Jared admitted, his voice barely audible over the crackle of the fire, Scott singing folk songs off-key across the circle, and people laughing.
Gideon hesitated. All his closest friends from school were here and he wasn’t out to all of them. Heck, he thought Jared was straight up until a minute ago. His heart was throbbing at the idea of kissing Jared; there weren’t many gay boys in his school and hardly any as cute. Maybe it was the cheap beer coursing through his underage veins, or the warm summer night full of the sounds like the trees rustling in the wind and the crickets orchestrating in the underbrush, but Gideon felt like the world could be his.

He leaned to the side, propping his wrist on Jared’s bare thigh. Their eyes met for one moment to convey silent consent, then Gideon tilted his head to kiss his boy, meeting him halfway. Jared’s lips were soft and plump and Gideon melted into him. They broke for air, then Jared put a hand on the back of Gideon’s head to make sure he got another round. Their lips pressed together in sweet little kisses at first, before quickly intensifying into crushing pressure against the other as their hunger and hormones bloomed. Jared wanted Gideon, Gideon wanted to devour Jared, and both were increasingly frustrated as making out only intensified their desire to touch and explore.

It was then that both boys realized the guitar music had stopped, as had most of the laughter. Instead, there was murmuring. The boys broke their kiss, Jared pulling away first, his face tomato red. He took a huge swig of beer, and nearly spilled it because his lips were so kiss-swollen that he couldn’t really feel them.
Gideon wiped a bit of drool off his own mouth and coughed, running his fingers through his hair.  “Um,” he began, desperately wanting to continue making out with Jared and distracted by the idea of seeing him shirtless.
Corinne spoke first. “Gideon made the first move. You owe me $20, Laura.”
“Nuh uh, Jared totally moved first. It was nearly at the same time. No deal.”
“What? Were you even paying attention?”
“Girls! Girls. They moved at the same time. I’m sitting directly across from them,” Scott interrupted, tightening a string. “The bet’s a draw.”
“Arg no!” Corinne whined. “I was invested in this!”

“Um,” Gideon began again, a bit louder this time. “What are you talking about?”
Laura gave him a devilish smile. “We were betting on who was going to make the first move.”
Gideon sputtered, flabbergasted, “What? You knew Jared had a crush on me?”
“Well duh,” Corinne said, rolling her eyes. “Have you paid any attention at all to the way he looks at you?”
“I don’t look at him differently!” Jared insisted.
“Oh you do too. It’s sooo adorable. He’s been pining after you this whole semester, Gideon, drawing your initials in his notebook. Since he’s the new kid, we absolutely had to invite him to our end-of-school bonfire since we’d knew you’d be here. Laura and I figured something would happen once we got a little drunk. It was the perfect plan.” Corinne and Laura giggled like proper teenage girls.
Jared ducked his head. “I can’t believe it was that obvious. I tried to be so casual, I never thought anyone would notice…god I’m so embarrassed.”
The girls made “aww” sounds.
“Well, we’re just happy it happened,” Laura piped up, “Nothing like a new romance to start the summer off.”

Gideon squeaked. “We haven’t even talked about going steady!”
Jared bumped his knee again. “I’d like to talk about it.”
More squealing came from across the fire circle. Scott pretended to be fascinated by the stoners passed out on a nearby boulder.
It was Gideon’s turn to blush. “You want to be my boyfriend Jared?”
Jared reached for Gideon’s hand. “I’ve never dated a guy before, but I feel like I’d really like to try that with you.”
Gideon squeezed his hand back and moved in for another wonderful kiss. Halfway, he paused and put a finger up to signal for the girls’ attention: “Oh, and to clarify from earlier, Jared made the first move.”
Laura whooped. “That $20 is all mine!”
“Oh, you traitor!” Corinne yelled at Gideon, huffing as she dug out her wallet.

Neither boy was paying attention by the time the cash exchanged hands though; Gideon and Jared were busy kissing and falling deep into first love.

Text is fictional. Boys are gay Youtube sensation MarkE Miller and Ethan Hethcote. Yeah, this was supposed to be July 17th’s post…I didn’t get home until 3 am. Sorry guys!