
He’s caught me looking at his ass, but why should I be ashamed? Everyone in this club is looking at it. The curvature is perfect, the vinyl shorts he’s wearing push them out for display. His cock in the front is wrapped up like a little Christmas present, so tight I can tell his religion. Those nipples are just begging for clips. What a cute young man, and he’s already wearing the right cuffs to be secured to a cross. I gaze around the room. Everyone wants him but no one is making a move. They’re waiting to see what I do – the Bull of the Bar they call me. I’m not very hairy, but I have a lot of muscle mass and the biggest dick in the place.

I lean over the bar and spear a toothpick with a couple maraschino cherries and stick it in the corner of my mouth before hopping off the bar stool and sauntering in his direction. I place a wide palm on that flawless ass before sliding it up his back, “Come on boy, let’s go play.” His eyes blaze at the invitation. God, I love the waiters here.


“Oh that was a loud groan. That feel good, big stud? Your full balls are nice n tight. Well, I guess three days of edging has that effect. Ah, there we go… come for me…wow, you made such a big load with only just a couple strokes! And you said on the internet that faggots are gross, that men shouldn’t touch each-other sexually, and how wrong and disgusting it was… and here you ejaculating because of one! Funny how life works. Well, you’re going to get your wish though. Once that chastity device goes on, we’re only to take it off once a month for cleaning.”

The captor was right. By day three of arousal restriction, the young stud would dream of that strong hand milking his cock and giving him release. His own dick would in response swell up against the cage’s confines, leaving him frustrating and full of self-hatred.


A Master pauses in worship to give thanks to the slave delivered into his hands. His last boy retired from the scene and moved away for a job. Borrowing from the club’s stable isn’t the same; a dom without a slave is only just a man. He can feel the heat of the aroused slave’s genitals on his forehead and nuzzles the curve of his ass. “Mine,” he murmurs, running his hands over the man’s taunt thighs. He recites a quote from the scripture once drilled into his head at Sunday School:  “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” He then crossed himself up, stood up, and went to the supply cabinet . Let the honoring begin.