Tag: young love

  • I remember walking down to the old docks, hand in hand. I remember talking about the dumb things dogs do, and I remember the chill in the wind that hinted summer was over. I can fondly recall us sitting on the edge of an old abandoned dock house, watching ducks on the bank of the…

  • “I can’t do this Kevin. I can’t be your boyfriend. I’m going back into the closet. They wrote "faggot” on my locker in gym class and someone told me I was going to hell.“"Brazos.”“What?” he pouts, shifting his weight from foot to foot.I grasp his jaw in my hand and walk towards him until our…

  • spacerobotfive: A midday nap in his arms. The room had originally been half sun-room, half parlor, a small walled off addition in his aunt’s Victorian-era apartment for visiting guests to drink tea and gossip. In these recent times, it housed storage, a collection of light hungry plants, and a small bed for over-night guests. It…

  • “Well I got that splinter out of your hand…” he examines my palm.“You sure did, didn’t even hurt really. When MacKenzie does first aid on me it always ends up being a giant bruise the next day…”Ross snickers as he sets the tweezers on the counter.  Our eyes lock. In this tiny bathroom there’s no…

  • I kiss his head and rest my hand on his skull protectively. “Good night, babe.” He’s already asleep after such a long day. It was nearly 1 am when he called me in tears because his mom got evicted (again) and they’re homeless (again). There wasn’t enough room in the car for her and their…

  • Willard squeezes my hand with such force, my knuckles crack. He was trembling in anticipation as we leaned in closer…and closer until our lips were just a centimeter apart. We hadn’t even declared we were boyfriends at this point, just two young men that had grown close over a summer holiday in the Hamptons. His…

  • It’s just past dawn, almost 6 am. He looks over at me to see if I’m awake. I am barely, but enough to see him attempt a trace of tired smile. To say we’re both exhausted is an understatement. It’s been three months since we ran away from home together. Both of us wanted to…

  • I watch from behind as he takes mincing steps over the harmless flat rocks and sand. Silly city boy, probably thinks there’s piranhas in there. This is the only way to the swimming hole, so he’s just gonna have to get used to it. I linger behind him, observing how the sun dapples his skin.…

  • The chilly water laps at our ankles as we stand close with our foreheads touching. His skin is warm and brown from spending it broiling under the big yellow ball in the sky; he smells lightly of sunscreen, of bug spray, and the lake. I only know his name and he’s from Roxford, about 50…