

Nick Bosa

“Can I help you, boy?” Toby asked. The young man had been standing in front of him, nervous and fidgeting.
“Um. Sorry, sir, just wondering like, if I could…like, you know.”
“No I don’t know, tell me what you want, boy.”
Nick wrung his hands together. “Just wondering if I could um.” He dropped the tone of his voice to barely audible. “Suck your um. You know, Sir.”
Toby smirked. “Is what you want?”
Nick nodded. His face was tomato red.
“Well lookie what we have here,” Toby said to the locker room. “We gotta cocksucker in our midst, don’t we guys?”
Nick’s eyes went wide. He looked panicked. The other guys in the locker room snickered.
Another man interjected, “Oh come on, boy, don’t waist your spit on him, I got like three extra inches than he does!”
Toby shot him a look. “He couldn’t deep throat a pickle, never mind your cock, give it a rest. Save your load for that twink that always comes in at 8.”
“I – I should- I should go-” Nick stammered and glanced at the door.
Nick froze. “You want to suck my cock, you ask for it properly. Acknowledging male superiority and wanting to submit to it is nothing to feel ashamed about. That’s the first step on the road to getting the real good kind of sex.”
“Better than fucking pocket pussy, I know you got one of those!” Another man said, making some of the other guys laugh. Even Toby snickered.
Nick was mortified. “Oh my god,” he groaned.
Toby made a repeated downward motion with his head. “Alright, let’s go easy on him guys, he’s gonna pass out. What’s your name, boy?”
“Nick,” he whispered.
“Focus on me.” Toby pointed to himself.
Nick nodded.
“Ask me politely what you want.”
“May I um, suck you off Sir?” he whispered.
“Louder.” Toby rubbed the inside of his crotch. “Be confident you want this.”
Nick swallowed. “May I suck you off Sir.”
“Say cock. I haven’t heard you say it yet.”
Nick wiped his forehead with his sleeve. “May I… May I please suck your cock off?” He paused. “Sir.”
Toby smiled. “Better. Much better. Yes, yes you may. You are going to start with my balls first, and I don’t want you to try to put all my shaft all down your throat. I do not like teeth. You understand?”
Nick nodded. “Yeah, I understand.”
“Yes Sir. Not Yeah.
“Yes Sir,” Nick repeated in a hurry.
“Good. Alright, come here,” Toby pointed to the spot on the floor between his knees. He pushed his waistband down and out with his hand so he could put his other hand in and pull his cock out. You could see his hair sticking out.
“Oh my god,” Nick breathed. He felt to his knees easily, and it sort of felt like he half fainted. He put his hand on Toby’s massive thigh and his own cock throbbed with terrible need.
Right in front of Nick’s eyes Toby extracted himself, shaft, balls, all of it. On view. For him. Suddenly they were the only two in the locker room…just Nick, Toby, and Toby’s incredible cock. He was not going to squander this. It took Nick a minute to remember what he was supposed to be doing, he was distracted by the sound of his heart pounding. Oh yeah, balls. Balls first. God, they were huge! Seemed his tongue was also going to get a work out at this gym.

Captions are fictional.


“All of it?”
“Yep. All of it. I’m washing all your clothes because ALL of them smell like mildew. Your washer had a drainage issue I fixed, and you had too much lint in the dryer. You haven’t had clean clothes for a while now. So everything you’re wearing comes off.”
“Wait. You came over here to help organize my house. What do you mean you ‘fixed the washing machine?’“
“Listen, a houseboy does not do job half assed. I can’t organize your closet if your clothing smells like mildew, and I can’t donate stuff that isn’t clean either. I start from the 2nd floor down. I already organized your linen closet and bathroom, and now that you’re home we can finish the master bedroom.”

Jeremy stared at Anthony. He worked for Jeremy’s friend Steve…he’d heard what a bossy little thing he could be, but Jeremy was seeing why Steve adored him so much. Anthony was good at his job.
“You know what, I ain’t gonna argue.” Jeremy walked to the laundry room and took off clothes.
“I appreciate that.” Anthony leaned against the door and watched. “Damn those legs…”
Jeremy looked at him. “You’re enjoying this aren’t you?”
“I always wanted to see you naked.”
“What? Me?”
“Yeah. Started at Steve’s pool party. You’re real hot. Hot in a different way Steve is.”
Jeremy blushed. “Thank you.”
“Mmhmm. You wanna fuck me later, let me know.”
“Damn, aren’t you brazen!”
“I know what I want,” Anthony said with a grin.
Jeremy stood before him bare ass naked while Anthony ogled him. “Well this is gonna go both ways. You need to be naked too.”
Anthony thought. “I suppose that is fair. I’ve never organized a house naked before. This should be fun.” Anthony stripped out of his clothing too.

Anthony put the washer on and they both went upstairs to see what Anthony had been busy doing up there. They got a little distracted in the bedroom when Jeremy took Anthony up on his offer early.

Captions are fictional.



ALEJO OSPINA via Instagram

Jorge set is sparkling water on the end table and dropped onto the sofa with his Switch. He’d done all his tasks today – he’d worked out, prepped meals for the next two days, cleaned the kitchen, and had a consultation with a new client over his fitness goals.
Sweet, guilt-less leisure time until his boyfriend came home.

About twenty minutes later, Jorge heard the door open. He perked up. “Donovan?”
“I’m home~”
“Welcome home, kitten. How was your day?”
“Tiring,” Donovan whined.
Jorge paused his game and looked up as Donovan came into the room.

“I heard you get up early this morning. Did it catch up to you?”
“Yeah it did. I couldn’t sleep after that weird dream I had, so I thought I’d go for a jog and start my day early. Caught up to me after lunch. I nearly fell asleep at my desk, so I’m going to work from home the rest of the day.”
“You want something to eat? Dinner’s in the crockpot for later, be ready about 7.”
Donovan yawned. “No… just a nap.” He eyed Jorge on the sofa. “Fuck you’re a sight for sore eyes. Hm. I know what I’m going to do.”
Donovan held up a finger. “One moment.” He went to the bedroom. Jorge could hear him opening drawers. A few minutes later Donovan came back in his pajama pants and a soft tee shirt. He was also holding the seat from the reading chair by their big sun window.
“What are you doing with that kitten?”
Donovan smiled. “Cat nap.” He put the cushion on the floor between Jorge’s legs and sat down on it. He leaned his head against Jorge’s thigh and nuzzled the tight cotton briefs straining to contain Jorge’s package.
“Oh hello there. Is that where your nap spot is gonna be?”
“Mmmhm. I’m very comfortable. Also you smell good.”
Jorge tousled Donovan’s auburn curls. “I showered after my work out.”
“Ish nice.” Jorge then added, “This is so much better than my desk.”
Donovan smiled. “Get some rest kitten. I’m going to wear your ass out after dinner.”
Jorge pulled his sagging head up. “Buh? What did you say?”
“Nothing, nothing. Kitten. Get some rest.”
“I hope I heard that right…”
Donovan chuckled and ran his fingers through his hair and massaged his scalp. “Rest.”
“Oh that feels sooo good,” Donovan purred.

Jorge messed around on his phone with one hand until he was sure Donovan was out, and then withdrew his hand from his boyfriend’s hair so he could use his Switch with both hands. Hard to focus though with such adorableness at his feet. Jorge glanced at the can on the end table. Good thing he thought to bring that. He was going to be stuck on the sofa for a while. Not like he had any complaints about it though…

Captions are fictional.



Let s go back to bed or we can do it on the stairs 🍆🖤✴💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦

Joseph paused on the stairs. “Sir?”
“Yes lad?”
“I hate this carpet. I’ve hated it for a long time. It clashes with the decor, it’s old, it’s flat, it sucks to vacuum, and it hides the beautiful wood of the stairs. If you want better grip, we can get a stair runner that I can put in the washing machine. But I hate this carpet. Especially now that we’re stuck inside looking at it. It has to go.” He paused. “Please.”
I raise an eyebrow. “The houseboy has spoken.”
“Heed my official declaration, Sir.”
“I heed, alright. Well if it’ll make you happy. But I will want a runner there. It gets cold in winter.”
“Yes sir! Hooray a task!” He ran into the garage to get his tools to rip up the carpet.
I watch him, sort of amused. “A happy houseboy means a happy home, I guess.”
“Oh Sir?” He asks, sticking his head back in the room.
“Yes lad?”
“Since we’re throwing it out… wanna have a good fuck on the stairs?”
“Mmmn. That is appealing. How about I unlock you, you hump the carpet, edging yourself closer until I tell you to stop, over and over again, and then I will mount you and breed you?
“UHhhhh. Do I get to cum?”
”My opinion is irrelevant in this isn’t it?”
”Yep! Fetch my keys, lad. We’re gonna have us some fun.”

Captions are fictional.



follow me .. again .. thanks!

“Yeaaah no you’re not ‘suddenly going on a run’. You’re coming over here and sucking me off. Nuh nuh nuh!- no arguing. Your arguments always suck and you ran out of the good ones weeks ago. Get over here. And suck. My cock. It’s bursting out over here. Oh yeah. Yeaah that’s it. Good lad. Right there on the floor between my knees. Good boy. Trust me you’ll feel much better once it’s over, because you know you’ve made the right decision.


Captions are fictional.


“Hey Russ?”
“Yeah babe?”
“Did you figure out what you wanna go as for the Halloween night at the club this year?”
Russ looks up from washing dishes. “Since it’s going to be warm this year, I was thinking going as a dude version of Lara Croft.”
Will furrows his brow as he thinks about this. Tight shorts. Bulge. Big ol ‘bulge. And Bare legs. Bare thighs. Stomper boots. Tight tank showing off the pecs… guns…gun harnesses….
“Uh …Will? You offline there buddy?”
Will shakes his head. “Bedroom. Now.”
Will grabs his shirt and turns off the water. “Bedroom now.”
“Wha – ok, ok yeah sure fine, I’m not gonna argue~” Russ quickly dries his hands on a towel and lets himself be dragged off with a bewildered expression on his face.

Captions are fictional.