Tag: military fetish

  • It didn’t feel like Christmas for Elliot. Or rather, Elliot didn’t feel like celebrating Christmas. Elliot’s boyfriend was still deployed. It was cold and sleeting, and it didn’t snow either. Elliot sat off to the side and sulked. Despite being surrounded by family, and one large dog, Elliot felt more alone than ever. The separation…

  • Bert wrapped his hand around the thick, swollen meat of Roger’s cock. It was throbbing in his hand and it made him excited. It was a really gorgeous cock, not too long, but thick, taut and cut. It begged to be sucked. For Bert, it was a relief to just let his thoughts about the…

  • “You see that bed there? That’s where I’m gonna put what’s in my balls up your ass, and lemme tell you – my balls are very very full from being cooped up on this ship for weeks with paper thin walls. But now we’ve docked and there’s no one here to hear us. Now get…