Tag: meta-post

  • lordgolden: the tumblr experience is literally taking a break and then coming back to two new gay men all settled into the dash like it’s their home. like hey what happened to the other guys did you evict them This, is why I can’t quit Tumblr lol

  • My last post got like instantly hidden. Maybe this helps go around it.

  • walblue: Readers, your assignment is write your own version of the “Roses are Red” poem based on this picture. You can comment or submit via PM. You have until February 16th at 11:59 PM PST. Winner gets a copy of Amy Lane’s Sidecar, in Kindle or Paperback. 

  • felixdeon: Two fathers share a Christmas story with their deaf child in “The Family I Dreamed Of”, a painting of family love! You can find it as a print in my Etsy store! Click here! If you’re not following this artist, you really should.

  • For some reason, my entire feed is shirtless men. I tried to find a photo of a guy in nice-ish clothes today, and I could not. I mean…that’s a very Tumblr specific problem.

  • I just moved apartments, things should be more stable soon. Happy New Year, let’s hope this new year sucks less.

  • Hope all you guys are doing well. Trying to pick up writing more regularly as I will now be moving at the end of the year. In one week at the end of October, I got into a car accident (I’m fine!), and then my roommate bailed on me without paying rent so it was…

  • We broke 9,000 followers. Muchos gracias.

  • Woot.

    We broke 3,000 posts recently, and we are close to breaking 9,000 followers. Thank you all so much for sticking around. Hope you all are well during quarantine.

  • cumdump4daddy: jadednerd99: Intimacy Love Who is the artist?