Tag: male ballet dancers

  • After six hours of practice, he still isn’t satisfied enough. The pursuit of perfection for a dancer is a brutal muse. He won’t stop for the day until he has one more round at the barre. One more developpe from fifth position that he’s done a million times since he was 8. One more stretch…

  • shotographysean: My latest dance editorial titled “That’s The Shot”, published in Dance Australia. NO Photoshop has been used, just Brodie’s raw talent and some chalk powder! @brodiechesher Someone needs to tell Brodie he has pythons for legs. I can’t even with this picture.

  • alexzanderpham: Rui Sun. Holy Crap. Well said.

  • How on earth does he make this look so effortless? “Yeah I just did that.”

  • You could bounce a quarter off that ass. Anyone know his identity?

  • “I like to feel worked on the stage. You should come off short of breath and feeling absolutely ruined, and you know you’ve really done something.” I dunno if it’s the Aussie accent or what, but suddenly I feel a bit hot ‘n’ bothered. Lord in heaven. Featuring: Adam Bull, Christopher Rodgers-Wilson, Cameron Hunter and…

  • This is one of the most ridiculous dance videos I have ever seen. Also the definition in this man’s ass is so visible through his tights that it’s enough to give a person the vapors. (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)

  • g-reg-o-ray: Oh hello.  4 am ballet reblog time! Today’s clip is brought to you by P for pirouette, and the number 2. Also…legs in spandex. Yum. They have Twitter and Instagram accounts too: @derekbdunn and @jimnowakowski (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)

  • vaganovaboy: loverussianballet: Tiit Helimets omg his feEEEEETTT Tiit Helimets is an Estonian; he now dances in San Francisco. Rock it, blondie.

  • fuckyeahmaledancers: Brian Simerson of MOMIX. When I saw this, I gasped. Oh, those legs! That ass! A fine conclusion to the ballet relogs, signing off now at 5 am. Good night.