Tag: huge cock

  • You feigned recognition that your new stepson was completely after your dick since day 1, but that one weekend your wife and his mom went out of town to visit her sister…. you couldn’t deny the obvious anymore and gave it to him hard and fast right over the sofa. You assumed that was that,…

  • “Quintus,” I sigh. My slave is hopeless. We’re having a heat wave here in Rome and he’s trying to cool down by dumping an amphora full of water over his body. The thin muslin clings to every curve and becomes fully transparent. He looks down at himself and seems to just realize this. He looks…

  • “Well, I can’t get my cock back in my pants. Looks like you’re just going to have to pleasure it until it’s soft…and I have a lot of cum in these balls, I hope you brought kneepads.”“It’s an honor, Sir.”