

Dillon Buck and Junior Stellano | MENatPLAY’s Office Junior

“I’m going to the bathroom,” Stelios grunted. He stormed out of the office. His face was red to his collar bone. “Oh lord,” Greg muttered. He pointed at Lee. “You stay there.” He left the office and chased after Stelios.

Stelios was just pacing in the empty hallway clenching his fists.
“Stel,” Greg said as he jogged up to him. “Don’t – don’t punch anything. You know how your hand is.”
Stelios huffed loudly and threw his jacket half off his back. “Just – fuck! We’re right back at the start aren’t we? I actually thought we were making progress. After all that therapy, all that time we spent, that it was actually getting through to him.”
“It was working, and it was helping,” Greg reminded him.
“Well, clearly it wasn’t!” Stelios shouted. “And it’s fine now, he’s 16. But this is how it starts, Greg. Lee’s going to get some form of suspension, I just know it. He’s going to be disconnected from his studies. Maybe he’ll catch up. But we’re not going to be there when he’s 18, 19, 20. Off at college. He gets into another fight, he goes to jail. If we can’t control this now we …christ, Greg, we’ve failed him.” Stel’s voice hitched. He covered his mouth and turned to the wall.
Greg parted his lips but only a sigh came out. He walked over to Stel and pulled him back around and into a hug. The man’s body was hot against his. “We haven’t failed him. Lee has been doing amazing. He’s happy, he’s got friends, he’s making good grades. We made it through puberty without him putting us in the hospital. Or biting us. He even likes his therapist.”
“Yeah. I guess.”
“You need to give us credit for what we’ve accomplished,” Greg said in a soothing voice in Stelios’s ear.
“But what if it’s for nothing?” Stelios whispered.
“It’s not for nothing. Are you telling me we adopted him for nothing, that we didn’t change the course of his life for the better at all?”
A pause. “Well…no.”
“And remember how the principal told us that this wasn’t unprovoked. He was defending a girl being bullied.”
“That doesn’t excuse it though. We don’t want to tell him some fighting is acceptable.”
“No, but we can discipline him without it signaling a collapse of his therapies. Actually, I think it’s a sign his therapies are working.”
Stelios scoffed.

He stepped back from the hug, but he was standing only a foot apart from Greg.
“Because Lee tried to get them to stop with words. He told someone to get a teacher. He took steps to try and resolve the bully picking on that girl. But the bully shoved him, and so he swung. An over reaction? Maybe. But he didn’t just hit that kid unprovoked. It’s progress.”

Stelios exhaled. “Maybe, but it’s still fighting. I dreaded this call would come. If that bully…what’s his name? Ryan? If his nose is really broken, it could be expensive.”
“We have good health care and insurance. We could make Lee pay back the co-pay installments, to help teach him the impact of this.”
Stelios looked at his husband. “Why are you so good at this parenting thing?”
Greg snorted. “Cause I have a good partner I can trust to do it with me.”
Stelios lowered his gaze to the floor. “I don’t feel like a good partner right now. I just feel mostly angry.”

Greg folded his arms. “Like you could fight someone?”
“Like Paul Costanza?”
Stelios got a deer in headlight look and then the color came back, not up his neck, but just on his cheeks. “Nope. Nothing. Nada. No recollection.”
Greg chuckled. “You don’t remember how you thought he was assaulting me in that bar? Cause he was fucking me pressed me against the fence in that alley, and I was wailing like I was in distress?”
“I plea the 5th.”
“You never met me, yet you tried to protect my honor. It was cute, although your intentions were a tad misplaced.”
“Greg,” Stelios said helplessly.
Greg chuckled to himself. “Can’t believe that’s how we met.”

Stelios nodded. “Me neither. I remember next time I saw you at that bar, I apologized and asked how I could make it up to you. And you told me I needed to finish off where I got interrupted.”
Greg tilted his head. “Ok I forgot how slutty I was back then.”
A smile appeared on Stelios’s face. “The right amount. Also you still sound like you’re in distress sometimes.”
Greg coughed. “Hush.”
“The only time you’re quiet is when I kiss you. Remember that, us standing on the patio of that bar?” Stelios put his hand on Greg’s shoulder and caressed him down over his pecs. “You ran your fingers up my neck when we kissed, and you drove me nuts.”
Greg pressed his hand to the back of Stelio’s neck and moved his fingertips into his hairline. “Like this?”

Stelios leaned forward as Greg kissed him. The white hot anger dissolved away, and soon his muscles relaxed. When they parted for air, Greg pushed forward, seeking Stelios’s lips and the taste of him. Stelios couldn’t remember the last time they really just made out like this, like they used to. Sex seemed to be so brief these days. God, it had been so good back then, when they were young and naive and horny. They’d fuck and then splay on the bed, talking and dreaming of starting a family. And now here was the future, and they did have a family. A happy, functioning one. Greg was right. This fight really wasn’t that big of a deal. Lee would be fine, and they would be fine. This was just a hiccup of raising a teenager with a rough start in life.

They parted again. Greg moved in, but Stelios put his hand on his chest. “We’re um, making out in the hallway of our son’s high school.”
It was Greg’s turn to blush. “Oh. Right. The principal is probably wondering where we went.”
“We should get back,” Stelios agreed. “But um, we should pick up where we left off when we get home.”
“Can I undress you out of your suit?”
“Only if I can undress you.”
“Deal.” Greg smiled and straightened Stelio’s jacket. “Feel better?”
“Yeah. I’m glad I didn’t punch a wall.”
“Me too.” Greg snuck a little kiss in. They walked back to the principal’s office, holding hands, to go sort out their son and bring him home.

When they walked back into the office, Lee was sitting in a chair outside the principal’s office. He looked up at his parents. “Are you going to unadopt me?”
Greg shouldn’t have laughed, but it was just so unexpected.
Stelios palmed Lee’s shaved head. “Not on your life, kid. Sorry, we love you, you’re stuck with us.”
“Even though I screwed up?”
“Even though you screwed up.“
“Screwing up is how we met actually,” Greg added.
“Really?“ Lee responded.
“Yep. Come on, let’s go find out what your punishment is, and then we’re going home ok?”
“Ok,” Lee nodded. He looked exhausted. Defeated. His stomach grumbled.
“You wanna get McDonalds on the way home?”
“Yes,” Lee squeaked. His eyes were all wet.
“Ah, kid. Come here.”
Lee stood up and Greg hugged him. Stelios patted him on the back, then went go to talk to the principal. It was just a hiccup, he reminded himself. Life would go on, and he had a good evening ahead to look forwarded to – French fries and French kissing.

Captions are fictional.



@petardarkholme & @bobbygotback
Fotografia: Tom Kneller

“All good on the homefront?”
“Well, the baby went down for a nap, the dishwasher is loaded, laundry is folded and put away, dinner is marinating in the fridge.” Ty furrowed his brow.
“That all sounds like good things, but you don’t look too happy. What’s wrong?” Billy pushed back his chair from his computer and followed Ty out of the office.  “Something is wrong,” Tyler said. He stopped in the hallway and lowered his voice as to not wake up the infant. “We have a newborn, there isn’t any reason we should be caught up on the housework. I must need to do something, I just can’t think of what it is though.”
“It’s probably sleep.”
“Oh. I don’t feel tired.”
“I do. You’ve probably hit a wall where you’re so tired so often you stop realizing it,” Billy said.
“Well if I don’t feel tired, surely I should use this energy to get something else done…”
Billy pointed down the hall. “To bed.”
“This feels silly.”
Ty sighed. “Fine.” He peeked into the nursery before walking into their bedroom. He stripped off his shirt and climbed into bed. “I’m not tired.” He yawned.
“Uh huh. Ah curse you.” Billy yawned in response.
Ty grinned. “Contagious.” He stretched out. “Man it is nice to just not do anything. Maybe a nap is a good idea.”
“Well, hold on, there’s something I forgot to do.”
Ty glanced at Billy. “What?”
Billy moved to get up onto the bed.
“Are you gonna take a nap with me?”
“Absolutely. But first…need to do the thing I forgot to do.” Billy practically climbed on top of Ty, held himself up with one strong arm, and bent to kiss his husband deep. Ty made a low purring noise of appreciation and snaked his arm around Billy’s back. “Oh yeah sex…forgot about the whole sex thing…”
Billy kissed his jawline and down his neck. ‘Yeah the kissing is pretty nice… “ He slid his hand down Ty’s stomach.”
“Oh lord,” Ty gasped as the hand slid down past his waistband. He hurried to unbutton it. It was a confusing mood to be in – suddenly very horny and hardening quickly, but at the same time, the limbs were getting heavy and it  was feeling more and more attractive to fall asleep.

Lucky for Ty, he was too pent up to last long. Ty laid there on the pillows helplessly, hips arched, moaning Billy’s name as Billy stroke him to completion. He clutched Billy’s arm with one hand, sheets in another.
“Billy, god, don’t stop!” Ty hissed as loud as he dared, praying he didn’t make some loud comical orgasm noise that would wake the baby. He kept his teeth clenched and the groans in his throat as he spilled all over Billy’s hand.
“That’s it, come Ty, come all over me. That’s it, that’s a good boy. You’re working so hard to keep the house clean and the baby happy so I can work. It’s important you’re taken care of. You’re so very very backed up…”
Ty kissed Billy and ran his fingers through his hair as the bliss faded away into a soft dreamy bubble. “I feel very taken care of. And very, very tired.” Ty yawned as to make a point. “And also sticky.”
Billy yawned back. “Ah damn your contagious yawns again. I’ll go get a towel.”
Ty made a lazy nod as Billy got off of him. When Billy got back, Ty was asleep. Billy removed his jeans, cleaned up the spilled seed, and tucked his cock back into his shorts. Billy liked to handle it soft or hard. Cock was awesome, and Try liked to share his, so Billy was always grateful.
He left the towel in the sink, washed his hands, and then shucked off his clothes to join Ty for a nap. His own cock would wait until later, as could any work he left undone. Sleep, precious sleep, was calling him, and thankfully his cock understood that this time it had to bow out. At any second that baby could cry. Why would you squander that time not sleeping, when Ty was always curled up in bed, warm and soft and waiting?
Billy spooned up to him and nuzzled his neck. He began to fantasize how he’d spill his seed later, but within moments, he too was out.

Captions are fictional.


“Sweetheat, don’t eat sand. Jemmy – Jemmy, don’t feed your brother sand. Don’t put sand in his pants! What? I suppose if you buried him in sand he’d get sand in there, so don’t bury him in sand. Please play nicely. Make some castles with moats.” Keagen exhales and we exchange a look.
I smile. “They keep trying to kill themselves.”
Keagen snorts. “They do. Hard to relax.”
“I’m watching them too, love. You do need to relax. Do what I’m doing.”
“And what is that?”
“Staring at something nice to look at it.”
Keagen realizes what I mean and smirks. “I’m still the hot stud at the beach?”
“Hot as hell, baby.”
“Well, that’s a relief. It’s hard to find time to eat and work out with these two. I’m worried about my body. Honestly I almost didn’t wear this Speedo out here. Maybe it’s not a ‘dad’ thing to do.”
I raise an eyebrow. “A ‘dad’ thing to do is to make sure their children have a safe day at the beach. Doesn’t matter what you wear. You still look great. That woman who walked past just oggled you.”
“Did she?” Keagen looked over his shoulder. “She’s got a nice butt, but yours is nicer.”
“Well that is nice of you to say.”
“It’s true. I stare at it when you pick up the kids. Makes your glutes bulge.” Keagen smirks and holds his hands up to make a ‘grabby’ gesture.
I put a hand over my chest in a gesture of faux-drama. “I was not aware I was being voyeur’ed upon.”
“Oh I voyeur plenty.” Keagen replies.
I flush and glance at the kids. “Jemmy don’t eat the algae! Take that shell out of your brother’s mouth please. If Beaudry’s hungry we have snacks up here.”
Keagen glances over at them. “Won’t eat their veggies, but eats algae. Such health conscience children.”
I chuckle. “We should be so grateful. “ Jemmy starts chatting at me again. “What do you want again, Jemmy? Sparkling water? What flavor? Ok, we have orange. You want one Keagen?”
“Sure, babe.”
I lean forward in the beach chair and open the cooler I’d been using as a footrest. I toss one to Keagen and open one for the kids, pouring them into tsippy cups. “Man, we are textbook urbans gays aren’t we, our kids are eating algae and drinking sparkling water.”
Keagen chuckles. “We’re a trope. Isn’t it also a trope that gay men are constantly horny?”
“It definitely is. One sec.” I get up and walk over to our kids to give them their drink, make sure no one is eating sand, and go back to our chair.
“You know Keagen.”
I lower my voice. “After we go home, our kids are going to go down for a nap. We’re gonna have to take our clothes off to shower…”
Keagen gets a smirk on his face. “Your ass is so mine.”
I bite my lip. “Promise you’ll dust the sand off first? I don’t want any abrasions.”
Keagen starts singing Taylor Swift’s “Shake it off”.
That makes me smile.
“Ok we’re basically every gay trope aren’t we?” Keagen realizes.
I sigh an exaggerated sigh. “I’m afraid so.”
“I don’t think we can fight it,” Keagen says.
“I”m afraid not.”
“I do think our children are eating things again.”
I’m already on my feet. “Honey, stop putting that in your mouth. You’re a mermaid? Mermaids don’t eat algae and sea shells. They eat fish. Whole. Skin and all. You want me to find you a fish?” I look at Keagen for help.
Keagen holds up his hands. “This one’s on you, Dad. Call me when you need your butt dusted. I’m gonna take a brief nap.”
“Good. Get that energy up for later.”
I leave Keagen to his nap and go hang out with the kids. I don’t mind. I’m glad I got Keagen to finally relax. He’s so over-tired he doesn’t even realize it anymore. This beach trip was for him to relax as much as it was for us as a family. And to my delight, it seems to have worked. Looks like I’m going to be rewarded later for my efforts too. I got this dad thing on lock-down.

Captions are fictional.




May all my enemies go to hell,
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel.

Hilaire Belloc


Jason thought he could forget about the letter. It sat on his dresser, across from the bed, so unfortunately it was the first thing he saw in the morning and the last thing he saw at night. So he put it  in the nightstand drawer, but that didn’t help because everytime he saw the nightstand he thought of the letter.

He couldn’t figure out why it bothered him so much. It was probably just a plain “Merry Christmas, love Dad” card that would do nothing but infuriate him. Or maybe it was just full of mean things like, “We never want to see you again”. But the card had a Christmas stamp on it, which seemed like something you wouldn’t do if you were putting hate in the mail. Also it was sent certified mail.

Eventually, Jason decided that if he was going to move on with his life – as he had so proclaimed to himself many times – that he was going to have to open it and get the elephant out of the room.

So a couple days after Christmas, Sam was off on a hockey playdate with a friend and Jason was alone in the house with Daryn and Adam. They had spent the morning knocking snow off the roof and gutters, and taking down the lights buried under said snow. They shoveled the walkway, filled the bird feeders, and also had a pinecone fight. This escalated into a snowball fight, and that’s when Jason discovered Adam used to play baseball in college.

They stumbled into the house laughing and freezing, with melting snow running down the backs of their necks. Daryn offered to make some hot soup and grilled cheese. That got a unanimous vote of ‘yes’.

Adam was leaning against the counter waiting for water to boil. Jason had gone downstairs to his basement bedroom to change into dry clothes, but he came upstairs with more than a different outfit. In his hand was the envelope. Adam blinked. “You haven’t opened it yet?”
Jason shook his head and tossed it on the table. “I don’t know if I want to, but my desire to make it go away is now bigger than my desire to not open it.”
Daryn poked the toast frying in the pan. “Do you want us to open it?”
Jason took a Diet Coke out of the fridge and sat at the table. “I don’t know. I feel like I should just not be a pussy and open the damn thing.”
“How about this?” Adam suggested. “We open it. If there’s a shitty message inside, you never see it, and we go outside and set it on fire.”
Daryn looked at him. “Honey, seriously.”
“But if there’s a nice message in there, we’ll give it back.”

Jason set the Diet Coke down and turned the envelope over in his hands. It had come in one of those white flat-rate size envelopes. “No, I’ll open it. But thanks for giving me the option in case I pussy out.”
“My pleasure – oo, water’s boiling.” Adam turned off the kettle and poured water into two mugs.
Jason watched Daryn cooking and Adam making tea. “I’ll open it after lunch.”
“Ok,” Daryn said with a smile. “No rush. Can you set the table?”
“Don’t forget the Sriracha!” Adam piped up.


Adam set the plates in the sink. “God I am so full.”
“I really shouldn’t have eaten three grilled cheese sandwiches,” Jason noted.
“But it was worth the pain wasn’t it?” Adam asked.
“Every bite.”
Daryn leaned back and put a hand over his stomach. “I’ll take those as compliments.”
Adam patted him on the shoulder and sat back down. Jason picked up the envelope, which was resting on Sam’s chair, and set it on the table.
“Ready?” Daryn inquired.
Jason shrugged. He fingered the white pull tab embedded in the paper envelope. “It’s like ripping off a bandaid.” He pulled the tab and it made a ripping noise as it separated from the paper. Jason shook the envelope and a light green greeting card envelope fell on the table.
Daryn raised an eyebrow. “Looks like there’s something in there besides a card.”
Jason frowned at it. It just said “Jason” on the back. He opened it with this thumb under the envelope flap, careful not to give himself a paper cut. He peered into it.
Adam and Daryn were looking at him intensively.
“Uh, well, it’s a greeting card.” Jason said. He pulled it out from its spine. When it came loose from the envelope, cash spilled on the table.
“Woah!” Adam and Daryn said at the same time.
“Holy cow!” Jason added. “Dude  – dude these are hundreds!”
Adam set his mug down and leaned forward. “All of them?”
Jason shook the card. “There’s…one two… five. Five hundred! Holy shit that’s a lot of money.”

“Yeah. Yeah it is. I hope there’s no strings attached to it,” Adam noted.
Jason tidied the money into a stack. “Well, I guess we’ll find out.”

The card was a vintage Christmas scene of a tree and toys. Black and white. Jason opened it and raised an eyebrow. He turned it outward to show it to Adam and Jason. The entire inside was covered in writing. In the middle, there was a small key taped to the card. The writing continued on the back, and there was another piece of notepaper taped to it where the letter continued.
“What does it say?” Adam said gently, the same moment as Daryn asked. “What’s the key for?”
Jason looked at the couple who were looking at eachother.
“That only works if we say the same thing, Adam.”
“Daw, I think you’re right.”
“Finish your tea love.” Daryn patted him on the knee.

Jason took a deep breath and began to read outloud:

“Dear Jason,

This is your dad. Well, I guess you knew that. I just
Oh he crossed some of it out here…
Listen, I just wanted to say I’m sorry. I never meant for things to turn out this way. When we got in the fight in January, I thought you just went to a friends house. When you didn’t come home that night, I called your friends but no one had seen you. The next day I called the police, who found you at the shelter. I called the lady at the front desk of that shelter who threatened to have me prosecuted for leaving you out in the cold. I just hung up.”

Adam laughed at this. “Oh my god, that must be Laurie. I owe her cookies.” Daryn just shook his head.

“At that time, in January I mean, I told you to “get out”. I don’t know what I meant then, but I didn’t want you like to like leave forever. I don’t know how this turned into such a mess. It was a very knee-jerk reaction, when I yelled at you. And my parents, your mom’s parents, the church, told us we did the right thing by not going to find you. But it just didn’t feel like the right thing. It’s been eating me alive. I’ve been talking to someone, a doctor, on my break at work…your mother doesn’t know. But he’s also a dad, and he’s kind of helping me understand why I feel this way.”

Jason muttered. “Oh gee, you can’t understand why your kid left after you told him to get out and called him a fag, someone call a shrink. Gimme a break.” Adam snorted. Jason paused for a minute then kept going.

“Jason, I want you to understand that we’ve been Catholic for a long time. My parents have, their parents, Janie’s parents. When you’re little, and your parents and church teach you things, you just think that’s the way things are. You don’t question it too much. One of those things is homosexuality, and having a gay son turn gay-”
“Turn gay?” Daryn interjected. “Excuse me.”
“Shh, let him finish.”
Jason coughed. “-is one of those things that means you failed as a parent: the mom loves too much, the dad not enough. Or someone molested your kid. Either way it means your child won’t have a relationship with god and will go to hell. It’s very very scary to hear that. Also, a lot of times they teach us that gay people are pedophiles, and with our other kids in the house, that also scared us. Your mother is still rather scared. The doctor tells me kids are just born gay, and they don’t “turn”. And they’re not pedos.”
“Of course we’re fucking not!” Daryn shouted.
Adam shushed him this time.
“-But it’s amazing how hard it is to change your instincts, your thinking, when you’re almost 50 years old. It’s like I’m fighting against myself. I’m trying. I don’t know if I’ll succeed. Continued in note…”

Jason removed the notepaper taped to the back.

“I can’t believe it’s almost been a year. I know you came back sometime in the spring and got some of your things while we were at work. I know you’ve been at the shelter for a while. I made a donation anonymously, but I don’t know how you’ve been managing though, and it keeps me up at night.
I’m giving you some cash to help get you things you need. I can’t take more out or your mother would get suspicious. I’ve put your SSN card and your birth cert into a lock box at the Wumpscutt branch of the Portland Bank, along with stocks, bonds, and your savings account. That’s what the key is for. You can use the savings account when you turn 18. Just don’t lose that key.”
Jason didn’t look up. “Holy shit, that’s awesome, I can get a job now!”
Daryn looked placated, “Well that’s nice at least.”

“Anyway. I miss you a lot. I wished we could have gone fishing this summer like we used to. I hope one day we can talk again, although I’lll understand if you never forgive me. Also, I thought I should let you know that I check your Instagram once in a while. You have it on public. I understand if you put it on private. But I like knowing you’re ok. All the best, Dad.”

Jason set down the letter. Quiet fell over the kitchen.

Adam spoke first. “Jason did you post any photos of us or Sam on your Instagram?”
Jason’s eyes went wide. He checked his phone. “Just one of Sam opening gifts. You can’t really see his face though, it’s from the side.”
”You should delete it,” Adam said in the most gentle way possible. “Unless you want your dad to know who you’re with.”
Jason shook his head. “I’ll delete it. And the one of the house I posted this morning.”
”Shit,” Daryn muttered.
“Good thing we only put the house number on the mailbox,” Adam noted.

Jason set his phone down on the table. He picked up the card, and after a moment of consideration, dropped with a sneer of digust. “I can’t believe the audacity of my old man. Look at me, I’m an old conservative asshole who is shocked -shocked I say! that the world isn’t what I was brainwashed to believe. So here’s some money and your identification papers, so go be an adult – you’re almost 18! same thing! while I work this shit out – by myself, cause I’m too much of a pussy to tell my wife maaaaaybe you should wait until your teenage son TELLS you to open his door after you knock.” Jason folded his arms. His chin quivered. “Just, fuck this!” he shoved the card and envelope onto the floor.
Adam and Daryn waited and held hands under the table.
”It’s not fair,” Jason whispered. “No one asked me if I wanted to be on my own yet.” Tears spilled from his eyes. Adam tsked and got up before the first one hit the table. It’s ok.” He knelt down and pulled Adam into a hug. “It’s ok. You have every right to be mad.”
Jason embraced him back. “Fuck, I need a stiff drink.”
That made Adam bark out a laugh.

Daryn stood up and walked into the dinning room. He came back with a bottle of bourbon, and poured some into a shot glass. Adam had given Jason a tissue box and he was blowing his nose. Daryn set the shotglass in front of Jason. “Here. You’ve been through enough shit. You earned a shot. Just don’t like it too much or get used to the idea.”
Adam gave Daryn a wary look. “Is this a good idea?”
”Is taking in a teenager who is still a minor and hiding him from his unstable parents a good idea? No. But we did it anyway, because it’s the right thing to do. And sometimes the right decisions aren’t always the best ones. All the adults in Jason’s life are making him grow up on their time. Not his. And if the world wants him to be an adult so damn much, then Jason can have a goddamn shot.”
Adam’s face softened. “I can’t argue with that.” He sat down next to Jason. “But as my husband said, don’t get used to it.”

Jason couldn’t believe this. He’d never been treated…well, not like a kid. He looked at the amber liquid in the glass. It wasn’t entirely full, but the pour was generous. He puffed up his chest and poured the bourbon down his throat. It tasted like someone poured rubbing alcohol through a barn door, and it burned like satan’s asshole. He coughed and sputtered, and whacked himself on his chest. “Jesus!” he wheezed.
Adam laughed. “Tasty huh?”
“How do you drink that stuff?!”
“Hey that shit’s sixty bucks a bottle. That’s the good stuff.” Daryn corrected. He had an amused grin on his face.
Jason looked concerned. “Good christ.” He blew his nose again. Daryn took the shotglass to the sink. Jason leaned back in his chair. A warm calm began to spread through him. He exhaled. It was nice. The anger faded. He felt a bit tired from working in the snow and eating so much food. Jason’s gaze drifted to the money on the table. He pushed it towards the parents’ end of the table. “Here.”

“Jason…” Adam said. “We can’t take this. It’s yours.”
”No. I want you guys to have it. You’ve been taking care of me. Feeding me. You let me stay here and furnished a whole room for me. You should have this.”
Adam and Daryn communicated telepathically. “Well,” Daryn said, “Adam and I will talk about it more later. But either way, we’ll hold on to it until we decide what to do. Either way, it’ll go towards you. Not us.”
Adam nodded. “Yeah. Hand me that white packing envelope.”
Jason did. Adam put the money inside. “Thank you Jason. You’re really a good kid.”

Jason smiled. He crumpled his Diet Coke can. “I’m going to go watch TV downstairs for a bit and practice guitar.”
”You go ahead. I gotta do laundry, so you may see me down there,” Daryn said.
Jason nodded. He got up, ignoring the card on the floor, and walked toward the living room. Jason tossed the can into the recycling bin, and then turned to face Adam and Daryn. “Hey uh…how did your parents take you coming out?”

Adam looked surprised. “Well. I told my parents and they were like, ‘oh we know.’ And I was like, ‘how??’ and they said when I was little I used to talk about how I was going to marry the Princes in the Disney movies.”
Daryn cracked up. “I’ve never heard this!”
“It’s true.”
Even Jason had to giggle. “That’s pretty funny.”
Daryn said, “I can even see your mom just like, carrying on making pasta or something without looking up.”
“Pretty much how it went. And I know how it went for you Daryn, but i’ll let you tell it.”
“Gee, thanks. As for me,” Daryn began, “My dad was teaching me how to fix a transmission in a piece of shit Galant or something; and I was distracted thinking about telling my dad and I couldn’t figure out what the fuck I was doing. He was waiting for me to do something, and I just blurted out that I was gay. My dad stared at me without blinking so long I thought he was like, broken, or something. Then he said – ‘is that your got-damn excuse for not being able to fix this transmission?’”
Adam grinned. “I love the way you mimic your dad.”
“It’s hilarious,” Jason agreed.
“Despite his goofy Boston accent, my dad’s a tough ol’ ex-Marine. He gave zero shits about where you stuck your pecker as long as you got the job done. And all he was really concerned about was grand kids, so he was way more chill when I told him I still wanted to be a father. He loves Sam to pieces.”
“I could sense that at Christmas. What about  your mom?” Jason asked.
Daryn licked his lower lip. “She passed when I was 10.”
“Shit. Sorry to hear that.”
Daryn shrugged. “Just how it goes.” A moment passed.

Jason hitched his jeans. “Thank you both for letting me stay here. I feel very lucky to have met you guys.” Jason quickly slipped away, leaving Adam and Daryn speechless.

Adam shook his head and picked up the card and notepaper from the floor. He stuck it in the envelope. “Heavy stuff,” he said.
Daryn wrapped his arms around Adam from behind. “It is. But despite the speed bumps, I’m glad you found him.”
“Oh you feel it too?”
“Feel what?”
“That our family is complete now.”
Daryn gave Adam a squeeze. “Yeah, I feel it too.”

Captions are fictional.


“No, Liam, they’re not cool yet. You’ll burn your fingers if you touch the pan and the cookies,” Matthew said.

“They LOOK cool though.”

“Maybe, but the insides of the cookies will still be hot even if the outsides are not.”


“Because they’re not exposed to cooler air. Do you want a glass of chocolate milk, or do you want to burn your fingers?”

“Milk!” Liam exclaimed.

“I want one too!” his sister piped up from the living room.

“I think we can do that.”

“I want to lick the spoon!” Rose cried.

“Nuh uh! I want to lick it!”

“We can have two spoons,” Matthew said.

The backdoor opened and Matthew looked up. “There you are. Where you been?”

William shook his head. “Squirrels again. The damn dog pulled the leash right out of my hand.”

Matthew bent down to give the oversized lab a scratch. “Oh you silly boy. Me thinks he still needs more training.”

“Yeah he does. If one of the kids walked him and it happened, they could get hurt.”

“That’s true…”

“Daddy Will we’re making chocolate milk!”

“Oh are we? Well I get the spoon then!”

“Nuh huh!”

“Uh huh!”

“Daddy Matt said there’s two spoons!”

There was so much noise with the TV and the kids and the dog barking at a squirrel outside that they almost didn’t hear Will’s phone ringing.

“You make the milk, love, I’ll get this. …Oh it’s our social worker.”

Matt stared at him. “What does she want?”

Will put his finger in his ear. “Hi Sarah. How are you? …Well that’s good. They’re fine. We’re making cookies for Liam’s school party. Yeah they’re doing great. ….What? When?” There was a long pause. “…Oh dear. Oh heavens. Ok. Um. Ok. Wow.” Will could feel Matt’s gaze burning a hole in his back. “Let me talk to Matt and I’ll call you right back ok? Thank you.”

“What?” Matt hissed. Will put a finger over his mouth. “Get the kids in front of the TV, then we’ll talk.”

Matt gave his husband a look, but finished up getting the kids sorted and plopped them down in front of the TV with their milk and a snack. Will was sitting on the window seat when Matt came back into the kitchen. The dog was sitting by his side getting his ears scratched.

“Well, what is it?” Matt insisted.

“The parents of our kids had another baby.”


“And by baby, she’s two now. And Sarah said Steve and May were doing fine so Children’s Protective Services let them keep her.”

“Her,” Matt repeated.

“Yes. But now the baby is in the hospital because one of them methed out and pushed the baby down the stairs.”

Matt gasped and covered his mouth. “Oh my god.”

“She’s got a broken collar bone and a broken arm but they think she’ll be ok. They need an emergency foster carer as they investigate and because we adopted Liam and Rose…”

“They called us.”

The two men looked at eachother.

“Yes?” They each said at the same time.

Matt chuffed through his nose and ran his fingers through his hair. “I guess that settles that.”

“Are we ready for another toddler?” Will whispered.

“We may need to pull things out of storage…”

“And baby-proof the house.”

Matt looked out the window. “It’s good to know there may be a third. If you get that promotion in January, and we move to Raleigh, we’ll have to budget for a bigger house.”

“Oh yeah. That’s true,” Will said. “Three kids though. Woah.”

“Yeah. Crazy to think about.”

“Well, this could all be temporary…”

Matt looked at the two watching TV. “So were they.”

Will squeezed Matt’s hand. “Men plan, god laughs.”

Matt snorted. “Oh please stop quoting my grandmother’s tea towels.”

They dissolved into giggles.

“Alright, well, let’s talk to the kids about it then we can call Sarah back ok?” Will said.

Matt nodded. “But first I am stealing a cookie.”

“Oh good plan.”

Two hours later, they were at the hospital visiting their new daughter.


Captions are fictional.