Tag: dat body

  • Sandstorm. emeritusblog: Sergei Polunin Stanislavsky BalletМосковский академический музыкальный театр балета им. К.С. Станиславского и Вл.И. Немировича-Данченко

  • Outrun the light. (This is dancer Fin Tuomo Railo. HIs Twitter is here.)

  • The Arch of Triumph emeritusblog: Luca Sbrizzi Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre

  • Liquid fire. (This is Brazilian Marcelo Gomes dancing as Oberon.)

  • I sighed and flicked through the images I shot on my camera. Generic after generic shot of a famous actor in his skivvies on a stool. Boring boring boring. He had a good body and the sheen of sweat from the heat of the lights was helping but… I looked around my studio for a…

  • nationalballet: Brendan Saye was born in Vancouver, British Columbia and trained at Canada’s National Ballet School. Mr. Saye joined The National Ballet of Canada as a RBC Apprentice in 2008, joined the Corps de Ballet in 2009 and was promoted to Second Soloist in 2013.   Forgot one thing on that impressive resume: looks very…

  • roscoe66: Mitchell Pearce of the Roosters gets dacked. Bare-ass cock fight.

  • One late night ballet reblog for you. Love the composure of this one, the grace, the musculature, the balance – a living, breathing sculpture.

  • There was someone in my bed again. I groaned. That meant I’d caved in and taken E at that club. Every time I take E, I end up taking some stranger home. Last month, I also took home syphilis. I cracked open an eye, wincing, to see what sort of creature had fucked my sore…

  • The white rumped warbler is an unusual species in where the male seduces other males for the attention of females. During mating season, the more submissive warbler will seduce a potential mate through dance by gyrating and by lifting his rear up and down. The blue bib on its back draws the eye from the…