Tag: cuffs

  • Jeremy grabs the leash firm at the collar. “Boy. It’s not polite to hump.”“…But you look so pretty Sir.”Jeremy tries not to smile but it’s very hard. “That’s not the right answer boy.”“My apologies Sir. I’ll try to keep my arousal under control. I don’t want to embarrass you.”“You keep it under control, or I’ll…

  • torontopup: www.recon.com/torontoslave “Such a heavy collar and chain. Locked up tight. Someone wanted a guard dog, it seems. But your diet is poor, and it is way too warm out here to leave you in leather pants. And look at this! Your water bowl has dried up in this heat. Poor puppy. You are too…

  • “Squirm all you want, your dick is still getting locked up. You knew the rules, and I warned you when you were towing the line, but you still disobeyed me. I don’t know why you look so surprised that I’m actually following through on my word. Did you really think this was some sort of…

  • puploki: Today’s pup-out at pride You have treats. I know you have treats. I saw you eating M&Ms a second ago. Where did you hide them? Why won’t you share them with me. I can smell chocolate. I swear. I’m a good boy. I deserve all the treats you could ever have. I’m not allergic…

  • pupkoby: Waiting for my beta @pupjesse to catch up 😛 Photo by slyhands Come on! Hurry up! Gosh, you’re slow for such a big pup. No, there’s nothing interesting over there, I already checked! Oh come on, I marked that spot like an hour ago! Come oooooo~on so there’s so much left to explore still…

  • mastera6: A young pet. “Aww, you look so frightened. My poor pet. The first few days are always so scary. Don’t you worry, I’m not going to torture you and lock you in a cage downstairs. That is, unless you want me to.” His eyes go wide. I try not to laugh at how easily…

  • gayboykink: Come on, pup, get in your cage! And remember: no barking. The guests are coming in a few minutes and I don’t want you to embarrass yourself by jumping them or humping their legs as they enter the room. Chopchop, off you go, and behave! Gooood boy! *clicks lock shut* Good boy indeed. “You…

  • “You found him?” I repeat.“Uh huh, just wandering around the streets, when I was out on my beer run,” Sully explains.“Poor thing, he’s in shock,” Marcus adds.“It’s pretty cold tonight.”“He’s cute, can we keep him?” Marcus asks.“Marcus, he’s not a puppy. Sully, did he say anything?”“He just said that his Master got mad at him…

  • “Good lord, he’s struggling to get out. He’s nearly frothing at the mouth.”“It’s kind of entertaining isn’t it? He’s stuck. All he’s doing is exhausting himself, which does us more of a favor.”“Indeed. Justice is pretty delicious. Are you sure it’s him?”“Absolutely. The tattoo on his shoulder doesn’t lie.” I point to it.“Oh, indeed. That’s…

  • the-kinky-bf: gayboykink and I wish you all the best for the upcoming holidays and may 2015 be just as inspiring, hot and kinky as 2014 🙂 Haa this is adorable! I bet you’d get a shock if you looked into the bag of presents they’re going to be delivering to all the kinky girls and…