Tag: adorable

  • wolfgangreborn: Falling into those brown eyes “Hi,” you say as you caress his shoulder.“Hi,” he smiles back.“Worn out?”He nods but looks happy. “I’m exhausted.”“Well your tour bus doesn’t leave until 9 pm tonight, so you can sleep all day if you want.”“But…I don’t wanna. I want to spend it with you.”“Aww, babe.” You lean over…

  • Your pup has a habit of being way too social with strangers, so you had to secure him to the lockers in the gym while you went to exercise. You know exactly where he is, and that he’s not getting into trouble. You’re also pretty sure he’s getting lots of pets, scritches, and butt slaps,…

  • alphamajor47: @AlphaMajor360 and rbr524 pupping out at @MIRubber The thief stared in shock. He realized quickly that he had made a mistake. He picked the wrong apartment to try and rob. The wrong patio to hop over. Cause seriously, what the hell – they were DUDES in dog outfits! Like bodyguard outfits! And one was…

  • Caleb mulled this over in his head for the millionth time. This was either going to be a new beginning for his partner Hank, or Caleb was going to end up in a studio apartment with a new dog. One or the other. Caleb gave the puppy a scritch. “Either way, I’ll take care of…

  • godswerepoetsonce: Here comes The Sun. Photo by @fluffypoppostcards “Hi there, welcome to Sun Coffee. The usual?” Donovan chirped.“Er. Er. Yes. You know my usual?”“Chai with cinnamon, coconut milk. Medium.”Evan flushed. “Yes. That’s it.”Donovan rang him up. “$4.06.”Evan passed over his card. “Here you go.” There was a moment of quiet as the card processed. “That…

  • “What’s wrong?”“After that terrorist attack, I’m still scared of cars. Please help me cross the street?”“Aww. I can help you. If you help me not chase the cars. The yellow ones are so shiny….”“Then we can help each other. Here, take my hand. Hold tight. I see a truck coming.”“Ugh and it’s yellow too….Arf arf…

  • flashdoggy: “There’s a vintage that comes with age and experience.” Jon Bon Jovi “Hm.”“What? is it the lighting?”Courtney looks up from her camera and makes a face. “No. The photos look like catalogue shoots. These are your engagement shots! You want to feel the love. All I’m feeling right now is a jeans commercial.”Brandon looks…

  • puphandl3r: Mmm firmly grasp the neck 🙂 Dorian stepped in the door, which was hard, since his pup was pressed up against it trying to tackle him.“Woah hey there boy! Down boy!”Pup Razor chuffed at him and butted up against his legs. “Yes yes hello.” He gave the boy a scritch behind the neck. “I…

  • Julian awoke in the pre-dawn hours to the sound of tears. It took him a moment to remember there was someone in his bed. Matt had slept over the night before. He didn’t want to be alone. Somehow they both fit on his full-size mattress. “Matty?” he whispered. “Are you ok? Are you in pain?”“I’m…

  • John e-mailed his mother in early December: Look mom! We got portraits done for our holiday cards. Aren’t you proud of me? I still can’t believe it. i’m not hooked up with some gang-banger, but dating a sweater-wearing dentist!! I’m so happy. You did the right thing by sending me off to live with Uncle…