Posts I guess

When he picked me up for our date, I asked him if he decided where we were going. He’d been mulling on it for a couple days, since our last date at the museum.

“Well I had a few ideas,” he said, ‘But it’s such a nice autumn day, I was wondering if you might enjoy going for a walk in the woods. I know a nice easy trail, and I um, I packed some snacks and things.”
I had to agree it sounded wonderful to just walk outside and enjoy the pretty leaves on the trees. I went inside to change my shoes, and then jumped in his car.

Our gentle hike was such a refreshing change from the dinner, movie, or club circuit that it seems all gay boys take their dates on. It was amazing how much we bonded just from talking, and walking hand in hand. I was really hoping he’d let me kiss him at the end of our date, but I got super lucky. He let me kiss him before we even made it to our picnic. Just off the trail. I will always remember how the air felt chilly but his lips were warm. Felt like we were the only ones in the forest.

Captions are fictional.


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